Dragon Ball: Rebirth Of Radit...

By iChadProMax

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The official continuation of Dragon Ball Z: Rebirth of Raditz. This time, our heroes find themselves in a sti... More

Chapter 1: A Devastating Wish
Chapter 2: The Grand Tour Begins
Chapter 3: Trouble on Imecka
Chapter 4: Imecka's Most Wanted
Chapter 5: Goku and Ranch vs Ledgic
Chapter 6: Little Big Planet
Chapter 7: Ranch the Bride
Chapter 8: The Parapara Brothers
Chapter 9: Lord Luud's Curse
Chapter 10: The Whip Master and The Doll Collector
Chapter 11: God of Destruction Luud
Chapter 12: Stranded
Chapter 13: Giru's Origin
Chapter 14: The Sigma Force
Chapter 15: Ranch vs General Rildo
Chapter 16: The Baby Secret
Chapter 17: Doctor's Orders
Chapter 18: The Arrival of Baby
Chapter 19: Vegeta vs Baby
Chapter 20: Infection
Chapter 21: Baby's Victory
Chapter 22: New Planet Tuffle
Chapter 23: The Return of Uub and 17
Chapter 25: Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta vs Golden Great Ape Baby
Chapter 26: Baby Defeated
Chapter 27: Piccolo's Grand Sacrifice
Chapter 28: Preparations
Chapter 29: Investigations
Chapter 30: Revival
Chapter 31: Revenge
Chapter 32: A Tragic Death
Chapter 33: Battle Royale
Chapter 34: Super Saiyan 4 Broly
Chapter 35: Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks vs Super Saiyan 4 Broly
Chapter 36: Pan's Anger
Chapter 37: Majuub vs Cooler
Chapter 38: Baby Hatchiyack
Chapter 39: Super Android 17
Chapter 40: Shadow Dragons
Chapter 41: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 42: The Two-Star Dragon
Chapter 43: The Five-Star Dragon
Chapter 44: The Six-Star Dragon
Chapter 45: The Seven-Star Dragon
Chapter 46: The Four-Star Dragon
Chapter 47: Reaching for Super Saiyan 4
Chapter 48: The Three-Star Dragon
Chapter 49: The One-Star Dragon
Chapter 50: Super Saiyan 4 Army
Chapter 51: Super Saiyan 4 Fusion
Chapter 52: Hell's Angels
Chapter 53: Majuub Unleashed
Chapter 54: Universal Allies
Final Chapter: Until We Meet Again...

Chapter 24: Uub Strikes Back

166 5 11
By iChadProMax

*In Narrator's Voice*
Previously on Dragon Ball GT! After our heroes have arrived on the New Planet Tuffle, they were immediately caught red-handed by Baby who gave them the option of joining his side or die. Our heroes picked to die and that's what Baby was gonna do until, unexpectedly, Uub and Android 17 showed up to save the day. However, they both got their asses handed to them and everything seemed hopeless until Buu merged with Uub to become Buub. Now, Buub will challenge Baby to a fight and Goku and Gohan are about to have their tails restored today!

On the Supreme Land of the Kais, Kibitoshin, Elder Kai, Sugoro, and Gohan were busy pulling out Goku's tail while Vegeta was training. However, it's an extremely painful process for Goku as he screams in pain. But deep in his mind, Goku thinks about Buub and everyone else. Actually, speaking of Buub, back on the New Planet Tuffle, both Buub and Baby are ready for their second round after Uub lost the first. Baby is rather impressed by how strong Buub has gotten in such a short time as he asks him, "I'm not sure what your game is but you were holding back the entire time, weren't you? There's absolutely no way you could have increased your strength that dramatically in such a short amount of time boy." Buub replies, "Even I'm still trying to understand my new powers. Even so, I still have enough power to defeat you." Baby laughs and replies, "Ha! I like to see you try!" Buub then charges up his ki until his muscles begin to expand. Baby comments as he sees this, "Looks like I underestimated you Uub. I can't believe that this is your full strength. You must have been testing me out and see how I worked. No matter, I'll still defeat you!" Baby charges at Buub but he's blown away by his ki charge where his muscles increase ever so slightly. Buub then fires multiple ki blasts at Baby Raditz's location. However, he managed to avoid them but this is what Buub wanted as he proceeds to punch Baby Raditz in the stomach. Buub then stops as Baby holds his stomach in pain and looks up at Buub and tells him, "You're no ordinary kid. I'm starting to think that you weren't holding back that much power. You must have done something to increase your power this significantly large." Buub replies, "Well, you're actually right about that for once. Majin Buu snd I have become one and now I have the strength to defeat you!" Buub then kicks Baby Raditz across the face without any time to react. Baby Goten tries to attack but his arm is grabbed by Buub and he breaks it and throws him away where he lands on Baby Raditz. Buub then yells out, "I'm finishing this!" Buub then prepares a Double Sundae and fires it at the pair but they avoid it in time.

Baby then asks, "Is that all you got? Turning me into ice cream? Seriously, where do you get such ridiculous moves?" Buub replies, "I'm not done yet!" He fires multiple ki blasts at both Baby's but they avoid it with ease. One of them asks, "Did you even try to land that thing?" Buub replies with a smirk on his face, "That's the idea." The two Baby's turn around to see that Uub's blasts were redirected at them. It then heads for them but they quickly fly away from it until another blast comes from the opposite direction and meets with the other to form a swirl or a tornado of ki. Both Baby's are caught in this as the swirl gets smaller and tighter. Buub yells out, "Let's see you get out of this one!" The tornado gets tighter with both Baby's struggling to get out. Baby Raditz yells out, "There's no way that I'm going out like this! Not when I've come so far! I'm not about to let a mere Earthling get the better of me!" Baby Raditz struggles to get out of the tornado as every move he makes hurts him but he's determined to defeat Buub. While this was happening, Goku was tied to a rock while the others struggle to pull out his tail. Gohan takes a small break and asks, "Is the training this? Is pulling on his tail suppose to increase my strength and stamina?" Elder Kai replies, "I'm not sure about that but just keep pulling. We already have his tail out so all we have to do now is to pull it out entirely or otherwise this transformation won't work." Gohan asks, "Just what is this transformation?" Elder Kai replies, "It's better that you see it for yourself but I will tell you that the witch side of me knows of an old Saiyan legend that was once forgotten. It says how the tail is the key for Saiyans to reach their full power and I'm not talking about the Oozaru, I'm talking about something beyond that." Gohan asks, "Do you think it's enough to defeat Baby?" Elder Kai replies, "I'm not sure but I hope so. Anyway, there really is only one way to find out so keep pulling!" Everyone pulls until Goku yells out, "Wait! I got an idea that's a lot less painful." Elder Kai asks, "What is it?" Later, Elder Kai is tied up on the rock like Goku was. He yells out, "What is the meaning of this? I demand you untie me this instance!" Kibitoshin tells Goku, "Come on Goku, this is no time to be getting even." Gohan replies, "Yeah Dad, this isn't funny." Goku replies as he gives Elder Kai the plier, "This isn't a prank. It involves pulling out my tail." Elder Kai asks, "What are you planning to do, huh?" Goku replies, "Just hold tight!" Elder Kai grabs Goku's tail with the pliers and he flies very fast until the tail is pulled out.

Goku asks, "Well, did it work?" Gohan replies, "I think it did, Dad." Goku then notices his tail waggling and such." Elder Kai replies, "You did it! You're just one step closer to defeating Baby!" However, Vegeta isn't happy about this as he thinks to himself, Damn it! This should not be happening. Only I was supposed to know and possess the power of Super Saiyan 4. I need to go as soon as possible. Vegeta turns to Kibitoshin and asks, "You over there, take me to that planet." Kibitoshin asks, "Why?" Vegeta replies, "Don't question me! I'm finishing this once and for all." Kibitoshin replies, "But you know it's safer if Goku and Gohan are ready for this too." Vegeta replies, "Trust me, I won't need their help." Elder Kai replies, "Let him do as he pleases because, with Goku and Gohan here, I feel a lot more confident about defeating Baby." Kibitoshin replies, "Alright, if you say so." Kibitoshin places his hand on Vegeta's shoulder and teleports him to the New Planet Tuffle. Back on the New Planet Tuffle, Buub and Baby continue their battle. Baby Raditz is trapped inside the tornado that was created by Buub. After so much struggle, Baby Raditz managed to escape the tornado. He then tells Buub, "You may have trapped me in that vortex but this is where the tides turn my friend!" Baby Raditz prepares a blast and Buub prepares a Double Sundae and fires it at Baby Raditz's attack. Baby Raditz yells out, "I'm done playing around! No one else will stand in my way!" Baby Raditz charges up ki which helps expand his muscles and give more power to his attack. However, Buub gives it all he's got into his attack and it overwhelms Baby Raditz as he yells out, "Damn it! He's far too powerful than I expected! I won't be able to make it." Suddenly, Baby Goten comes to assist as he asks, "Need some assistance, Master?" Baby Raditz replies, "Just in time. We'll show this fool the true power of the mighty Tuffles!" Both Baby's put all their might into one single attack but it is still not enough as Buub puts more effort into his Double Sundae. Both Baby's can't stand any longer and, out of desperation, Baby Raditz yells out, "People of the New Planet Tuffle, lend us your energy so we can defeat this man who dares oppose us Tuffles!" Suddenly, Vegeta arrives with Kibitoshin just in time to witness Buub defeating both Babies. Kibitoshin tells Vegeta, "Alright, this is as far as I can take you." Vegeta replies, "That's no problem, I can handle things from here on and... What the?" Vegeta and Kibitoshin notice Uub fighting off Baby. Kibitoshin asks, "Who is that? His power is even higher than yours or Baby's, Vegeta." Vegeta just growls at this as he thinks to himself, Damn it! While I was gone, this no-name comes here and takes my victory?

Meanwhile, Buub continues to overwhelm Baby Raditz and Baby Goten. Suddenly, a group of people come forth and raises their arms and tells Baby, "Lord Baby, we have heard your plea and we're here to aid in any way we can." Baby Raditz replies, "Good. Now, lend me your energy!" Suddenly, everyone raises their arms and gives their energy to both Babies as they embrace it and become more powerful. Suddenly, Baby Raditz and Baby Goten begin to push Buub's attack away. Buub keeps trying but it's no use until his attack is deflected onto him, turning into a sundae to the shock of Vegeta and Kibitoshin. Both, Baby Raditz and Baby Vegeta make their way to the ice cream. Baby Raditz comments, "He really was just as soft just as this sundae. Well, this is our reward for getting rid of anyone who opposes us." Baby Goten replies, "But there are still more on the loose as we speak." Baby Raditz replies, "I know that! I just don't want this sundae to melt so grab a spoon." Baby Goten and Baby Raditz grab their spoons and start eating the sundae that was once Uub. Vegeta then thinks to himself, I remember now. That was the reincarnation of Kid Buu. Kakarot and Raditz did train him good if he put up such a fight with Baby. But in the end, only the Prince of all Saiyans has the honors to take down this Tuffle trash. Vegeta tellls Kibitoshin, "You there, you can go back to the others and tell them that Vegeta has this one under the bag, okay?" Kibitoshin replies, "Alright if you insist." Kibitoshin leaves which leaves Vegeta alone with Baby. Vegeta then approaches the two and asks, "What's that you two are eating? Can I have some?" Baby Raditz and Goten immediately clean their mouths. Baby Raditz then asks, "Well, well, well, if it isn't Prince Vegeta. What brings you here? Finally realized that it's pointless to stand up to me?" Vegeta replies, "Not exactly. I've decided that I'm gonna take out the trash." Baby asks, "And how do you plan to do that? You don't appear to have gotten much stronger than the last time we fought." Vegeta replies, "I won't lie, I don't stand any chance against you two... At my current form that is. You see, while I was away, I have done some special preparations for this." Vegeta then shows them his newly grown tail. Baby Goten asks, "You're talking about your tail? What are you gonna do? Slap us with it?" Baby Raditz replies, "Don't let your guard down. He may not be strong now but if he were to go Oozaru then he might pose some trouble for us." Baby Goten replies, "Yeah, my bad." Vegeta replies, "I'm glad you ask but Oozaru is not what I'm referring. Instead, there's another secret that lies within a Saiyan's tail and I'm about to show it to you right now."

Vegeta then looks up at the sky where he sees Earth. Suddenly, his eyes turn red and his chest starts beating rapidly. His muscles begin to expand and huge ki surrounds the area. Back in the Sacred Land of the Kais, Elder Kai, and Kibitoshin watch from their magic ball the events unfolding. Kibitoshin tells Elder Kai, "Lok Elder, Vegeta is currently undergoing a transformation." Both Kibitoshin and Elder Kai look at each other with glee and they both start gusing. Elder Kai exclaims, "It's beginning! It's finally beginning!" Gohan asks Goku, "I wonder what's gotten them so excited." Goku replies as he pulls Gohan's tail with the plier, "Hold still, I almost got yours out." Meanwhile, Vegeta grows bigger and bigger until he's completely covered in fur and has more of a ape-like appearance. Baby Goten asks, "Master, what's going on?" Baby Raditz replies, "He's transforming into an Oozaru." Baby Goten asks, "But how? I thought you needed a full moon for a Saiyan to turn into one of those things." Baby Raditz replies, "You don't need the moon specifically in order to transform but rather a substance called blutz waves but where can he getting some?" Baby Raditz turns around to see Earth and realizes how Vegeta is transforming. "That's it! Earth is providing Vegeta with all the blutz waves he needs. I should look away or else I'll turn into a savage like that." Baby Goten asks, "What are we gonna do?" Baby Raditz replies, "This is exactly how his father destroyed my people! I can't let history repeat itself! We must use our combined powers at all cost!" Vegeta then goes Super Saiyan in Oozaru. Baby Raditz tells Baby Goten, "We must fire one large Revenge Death Ball together!" Baby Goten nods his head and the two prepare a Revenge Death Ball. However, Oozaru Vegeta hits them before they get a chance to charge the attack. While this was happening, the others were making their way out of the capital until some of them stop. Confused, Chi-Chi asks, "Why did you stop? We're trying to get away aren't we?" Pan replies, "Yeah but I felt something." Ranch replies, "Yeah, I felt something too." Piccolo replies, "It's coming from the capital." Trunks replies, "It feels familiar. I don't know why but it feels like Dad." Bulma asks, "Vegeta? I thought he was dead!" Hercule replies, "Uh, you guys, you may want to see this." Hercule points to Vegeta in his Oozaru form. Pan asks, "What is that thing?" Trunks replies, "It looks like a big hairy golden monkey." Ranch replies, "Maybe it's a creature native to this planet and Baby and his men must have woke it up." Piccolo replies, "No. That's a Saiyan." Everyone asks, "A Saiyan?" Piccolo replies, "Yeah, they can transform into that if they see the full moon with their tail intact. However, only Raditz and Ranch but Raditz was taken over by Baby so perhaps Baby has transformed." Ranch thinks to herself, Papa, please be alright.

Meanwhile, Vegeta continues to disrupt Baby Raditz's attack as he yells outs, "This is hopeless! He keeps stopping my attack!" Baby Goten replies, "I got an idea, how about I distract him and you prepare the Revenge Death Ball?" Baby Raditz replies, "Yeah, good idea." Baby Goten proceeds to fly over Oozaru Vegeta and fires a blast at him which catches his attention and he follows him. This gives Baby the chance to power up the Revenge Death Ball. While this was happening, Pan and the others watch from a distance the damage Vegeta is causing. Ranch says, "I'm sorry but I'm going back there." Shocked, Pan asks, "Why?" Ranch replies, "I need to check on Papa." Trunks replies, "I'm coming too. I don't know why but I get the feeling that my father is there." Piccolo asks, "What are you two doing?" Ranch replies, "We're sorry but we need to know." They both take off as Piccolo yells out, "Come back!" However, they both ignore him which makes him sigh and tells everyone, "Wait for me, I'll be back with those two." Piccolo flies off and so does Pan who sneaks away from the group. Meanwhile, Baby Raditz is finished charging up the Revenge Death Ball as soon as Oozaru Vegeta grabs a hold of Baby Goten. Baby Raditz yells out, "I'm all done! Get ready to die, you Saiyan filth!" Baby Raditz is about to fire until he's punched by Ranch which causes him to cancel the attack. Baby Raditz comments, "So look who decided to come back." Ranch replies, "Well, we're here to stop you." Trunks asks, "But first, answer us this. What is that thing?" Baby Raditz replies, "I'm so glad you asked Trunks. That thing is none other than your dear old dad Vegeta!" Trunks asks, "What?" Baby Raditz replies, "Yes and he's currently squishing the life out of your long-time friend, Goten!" Ranch and Trunks sees Vegeta crushing Baby Goten with his bare hands. Baby Raditz then says, "I forgot to mention the countless people he has killed in this form." They then see a row of dead bodies lying around. Trunk exclaims, "No! Not my dad! He wouldn't do such a thing!" Baby Raditz replies, "I'm afraid so, son. It's just how these Saiyans are." Trunks replies, "Not all of them!" Trunks then flies over to his father as Ranch yells out, "Trunks, wait!"  However, Trunks flies over to his father and tells him, "Father, snap out of it! This isn't you! I know it's not!" Vegeta just turns around to Trunks and just stares at him with those dead cold eyes as he holds Baby Goten in his grasp who loses every breath of life he has left.

*In Narrator's Voice*
So what's gonna happen now? Will Trunks be able to talk some sense into his father? Or is he lost to the savage nature of the oozaru? And what about Baby? Does anyone stand a chance against him? Find out in the next episode of Dragon Ball GT!

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