Meet the Kid (TF2 and Child!R...

By PennNamedQuill

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The red mercenaries are a little more than surprised to find a stowaway in the back of their bread truck, Loo... More

Meet the Crew
The Hiding, the Seeking, the Child, and the Scout
The Little Nurse
How About Another Round of Hide and Seek
An Interesting Visit
Purple Dress
First Day
Play Nice
(A/N) Guess Who's Back!!!
A Simple Saturday
The Pacifist (Blue-napped part 2)
Knuckleheads Don't Win
Faded Illusion
Through the View of His Eye
(A/N) New Book! RVB fans where you at!
Spooky Sleepover
Sweets, Treats, and Heartbeats (SS part 2)
Touching Base (SS part 3)
A/n: Tf2...School Play
Found (SS part 5)
Welp....(SS part6)
A/N: Poll time!
In Death We Part (SS Finale)
(A/N) Plot direction...
Rewritten "Prolouge" Preview

Curiosity (SS part 4)

1.5K 35 23
By PennNamedQuill

You know what they say about curiosity


(Y/n) wandered down the hallway and came up to what she guessed would be the engineer's workshop. There was no one inside the workshop. Welp, all the better for snooping. Blu Engie's workshop was a lot less "Busy" but at the same time, it was still disorganized. She walked deeper into the workshop. There were blueprints all over the place. (Y/n) stood on a chair to look over the ones on the workbench. She unrolled one of them. On the top left corner of the paper, there was a sticker.

'RED' was spelled in bold red letters. Is this Engie's? It was a design for a turret. The diagram was beautiful and the hardware plans were innovative. You could tell that they were hand-drawn rather than printed.

(Y/n) then picked up a blueprint labeled 'BLU' in big blue letters. The diagram was a bit sloppy in comparison to Engie's and there were eraser marks and scribbled out words all over it. There were more blueprints crumbled up on the floor. She unfolded a paper and saw that it was another blueprint. All of the crumpled ones were labeled 'BLU'. All of them had eraser markers and crossed out words. The few words that weren't crossed out on some of them said things like 'stupid', 'he's already done it', or 'useless'. At the very back of the room was the one other blueprint that wasn't crumpled was one sitting on the workbench in the far back. This one was far older looking and was a design far more advanced than anything (Y/n) could ever think to make.

"A life extender?" (Y/n) stared at it in awe. This was amazing! But also confusing. What's australium? She's never heard of that element...or is it just a material. (Y/n) willed herself to put down the masterpiece. She hoped that she could make something like that someday. She noticed that there was an even older blueprint right under Blue Engineer's. It was another life extender, but this one wasn't as advanced. The original?

"Who's Radigan Conagher?"

"None. of. Your. Business."

(Y/n) gasps and turns around. There stood a very, very angry Blue Engineer. It was an ironic sight to see the Blue engineer so red-faced. It was moments like this that reminded (Y/n) that she was five years old. That she was no bigger than four feet tall. The room was quiet and tense. The atmosphere was getting more suffocating the longer she stood there. The longer he glared.

"U-uh. I-" (Y/n) was trying to apologize but she was beginning to choke on the tears she was trying to hold in. Why is he so scary?

Blue engineer gritted his teeth harder at her stuttering. She couldn't see his eyes through his goggles, but she wasn't sure if she wanted to look him in the eyes. He finally spoke, "Get. Out."

The little girl whimpered, she couldn't bring herself to move. The Engineer let out a frustrated growl and picked her up roughly by the arm. She yelped when she felt herself being hoisted into the air. She had to grit her teeth to keep from whining about the pain in her arm. His hand was crushing her small arm. He marched to the door of the workshop and tossed her into the hallway. As she hit the ground he slammed the door of his workshop.

(Y/n) laid there for a moment. She was breathing harshly but was slowly calming down. She sat up slowly and found herself propping herself against the wall. When the adrenaline finally waned, and the pounding in her ears ceased. She got up from the wall.

She decided to continue her tour...much further away from here.

She walked the halls of Blu base aimlessly. Now that the shock has worn out completely she started to recognize the pain in her arm. A headache was setting in too. She thought about what happened in the workshop. Why was he always so angry? Does it have anything to do with all the crumpled blueprints on the floor? Who was Radigan Conagher? Was that a touchy subject? I shouldn't have gone in there.

My head hurts. She whined and clutched the front of her head. She was alarmed by the sound of voices coming her way. She panicked because she didn't want to be seen right now. She quickly entered a room. She put her back on the door and listened for the voices. She let out a relieved sigh when she heard footsteps walking away.


///////////////////////////////////////( Blue Medic's point of view )////////////////////////////////////////

The small girl jumped and bumped her head against the door slightly when she heard me. She looked at me uncertainly.

She stood up straighter but didn't say anything. I ask her, "Did you need something?" She still said nothing and just looked down at the floor. I noticed that she look a little pale and she was shaking a bit.

I decided that this needed further analysis, "Can you come here for a moment?"

"I-" She started to object but gave up and walked over. She followed me over to an examination table where my red counterpart and I were working. The red medic left to get more supplies from storage and to drop off that 'Dessie' child with the rest of our red guests. I decided to pick (Y/n) up and put her on the examination table to sit. She winced and hissed when I picked her up. I was surprised and quickly sat her on the examination table. "You're injured?" She didn't seem hurt when I saw her at the meeting. She still said nothing.

I sighed and decided I had to use a bit more bedside manner. I kneeled on one knee in front of her to make myself not seem as intimidating. "Kleines mädchen, it is my duty as a doctor to assist when I see someone in pain," though I personally believe that hurting is more rewarding than healing, "Please, tell me what's wrong so that I may heal you."

"...My arm," She said weakly, holding her left arm, "and my head." He hated that she was being short with him but at least she was saying something now. She rolled up one of her sleeves and he checked her arm. A large bruise was starting to form. The doctor could tell that it was very recent.

The two heard the door to the lab open. "Fraulein? What are you doing here." Red Medic has walked in holding various items. He walked over and sat the items on the examination table. He then finally took notice of the scene. And I realized how it might have looked.

"What did you do?!" My red counterpart shouted at me. He pushed me out of the way to look at (Y/n). he tried to hold her arm gently to look at it, but the contact made her hiss and pull back. The Red doctor looked to me again, "How dare you-"

I quickly moved to catch the punch I knew was coming. When I stopped his fist I then held his arm so that I could keep on partially restrained while I talked, "Come talk to me outside."

I could tell he was about to argue- or maybe attack again so I quickly reasoned, "You're scaring her, come talk to me outside. I'll explain."

Red Medic paused and looked to his small friend. Her eyes were wide and she was shaking again. He yanked his arm out of my grip and we walked outside of the room. As soon as the door closed he growled, "What happened? Did you hu-"

"No. Don't let you rage blind you. If I was going to do anything of the sort, I wouldn't do this while you or any your team were here," I explain. "I have some questions of my own before I give my diagnosis." The red medic said nothing so I decided to begin, "Was she injured during your escape to our base?"

"No. She was fine."

"Is she normally shy or nervous? Any nervous tendencies?"


"Has she had any headaches recently? Anxiety?"


His last answer confirmed my suspicions, "I believe your small friend encountered some trouble. It was more than likely one of my teammates that caused her harm."


"If I knew then I would have told you already," Red Medic gave me a skeptical glare, " I don't hold any of these imbeciles in high regard and I would love to see a blood bath." By the look in his eyes, I could tell that my counterpart was ready to start one. "Look, I will personally help you find out who caused this, but right now I know she needs treatment. She has heavy bruising around her left arm and I can tell because of her mood and stature that she has a concussion."

Red medic nods and was about to go back in but I stopped him. I told him, "You need to calm down before you go in there. Above all else, she still in a bit of shock and she is a nervous wreck. The emotional and mental stress that she is experiencing right now is going to be the hardest part of her recovery. Seeing you worked up will not help that recovery."

Red medic took a deep breath and as he exhaled he visibly calmed down. Before he went in he said a quiet, "Thank you", before quickly going back into my lab. I walked away rather than go back inside.

I have some investigating to do.


Short I know. Next chapter will be out sooner though.

Why are my chapters getting more depressing and dark?

Is it just anything having to do with blu team development?

The answer to that is, yes. For some reason, the Blue team, in my mind, is much more dark and serious than the red team. You must keep in mind that they are all mercenaries, killers in the end. The Blue team simply takes it more seriously than the red team. Instead of engaging in comradery, like there red counterparts, the Blue team prefers to be cold and professional.

Does any one recognize the name drop? Radigan Conagher. That's right! We getting into the thick of things now. The lore is coming into play.

Any predictions on what's going to happen next?

Any questions?

Ready for the zombies to start zombing again?

I know I am.

Also, like I said I would, here is the OC thing. There will be a casting chapter, and the selecting of ocs will also go like casting.

We will have two major groups: the actors and the stage crew. Cause you need both for there to be a successful play. The reader and the story will interact with both groups. The selected ocs will be interacted with individually at one point of the story special.

I need title ideas for the School Play Special. I don't want to call it 'School Play Special' because it is not catchy and also my brain wants a creative title. I am open to ideas on that until I eventually force my self to call it something. The play itself will be titled after the Specials name.

Comment your ocs next to the job/role you want them to have:

⭐Back Stage Crew⭐

Stage Manager (The reader is already the Director and the playwright, so I decided that they needed someone else to be the stage manager.)

Choreographer ( This is subject to change if I decide to bail on the musical idea)

Costume Designer/Wardrobe Manager

Makeup people

Set Designer

⭐The Actors⭐

The character(s) marked with a ☂ will have an understudy role










I am FAR to lazy to write the blue in front of all of them so..

BLUE TEAM (Respective Characters)


Saxton Hale




Guess who else will be in the play! Guess who. Come on Guess... Don't you look past this sentence to cheat!

Team Fortress Classic (Respective Characters) (You cheated didn't you)

In order to submit your Original Character for casting, Comment in the format below. Please be sure to type this in one comment if possible to avoid having me search for it in a sea of chapter comments or possibly missing information. You can also private message me your OC if you don't feel comfortable posting it directly on this or future chapter comment sections. All Ocs used in the story will be cited so that credit will be given to their parents- I mean creators!:

+OC Name (Last name included if they have one):

+Gender (Guys, Gals, Non-binary pals, all are welcome!)

+Grade (K-5):

+On a scale of 1-5, how do they do when working with others (1 being not well and five being ' I think we gonna have a crummy juncture.'):

+Stage Crew or Actor

then IF Stage Crew, put what job or IF Actor put which role? (If Blue team put 'B' in front of respective character or if Team Classic put 'C')

+ Basic appearance (Hair, eyes, skin tone, and other features observable features). Nothing too advanced. If I have questions I will try and reply to your comment or private message you.

+ Were they apart of the original play? (If you don't know what I am talking about, read the summary in the previous A/n. This is a yes or no question.

+ Lastly, general personality traits. I need at least good one and a bad one to avoid one-dimensional characters. If you want to put more traits or elaborate on these traits, then be my guest 🕯. It helps me out in the end.

We will probably do this with any new characters I decide need roles


For my readers who are still here......Who wants to look at writer memes I think relate to me and my book?

See you next chapter!

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