Her Blood Lost

By Kaylawide

39.4K 1.6K 170

Threequel/Third Installment to "Her Wolf Alpha" Began 26Oct2018 Amelia's firstborn son struggles with his pla... More

Author's Note
Her Blood Lost
Chapter 1| It's Life
Chapter 2 | Breaking
Chapter 3 | Half
Chapter 4 | Hate
Chapter 5 | Goodbye & Good Riddance
Chapter 6 | Homeward Bound
Chapter 7 | Enemies
Chapter 8 | Chaos
Chapter 9 | Unbinding Loyalties
Chapter 10 | Bloodlust
Chapter 11| A Broken Foundation
Chapter 12| Pains
Chapter 13| Gotcha
Chapter 14| Jackass
Chapter 15| Mud is Thicker Than Blood
Chapter 16 | Cruor
Chapter 17| At Night the Sun Falls Dark
Chapter 18 | Too Bright
Random Concept Art of Julius
Chapter 19| Peace
21| Fall
Chapter 22| You're Next
Chapter 23| Dynamic Duo
24| Concert to Take to Heart
25| Shame
26| The Cold of the Night
Chapter 27| The Heat of the Mourning
Chapter 28| Manik's Maddening Mistake
Chapter 29| Mark
Chapter 30| You, Me, Us
Chapter 31| Awakening
Chapter 32| Fear Knows No Bounds
Chapter 33| You Know You Love Me
Chapter 34| Crazy Something Normal
Chapter 35| The Death of Ravenwolf
Chapter 36| No Help Here
Chapter 37| Which Way
Chapter 38| Panicked Pleading
Chapter 39| The Hero Must Fall
Chapter 40| So Says the Mighty One
Chapter 41| I'll Tell You Why my Heart is Dark
Chapter 42| You Still Doubt?
Chapter 43| Hell Is Here to Stay
Her Rising Glory: Sneak Peak

Chapter 20| How?

659 27 3
By Kaylawide

⚠️CAUTION⚠️ This chapter holds horrendous acts of violence and human sacrifice.


A/N: I'm sorry, I'm a monster. I cried writing this...

Julius's POV

I stared at the ceiling as Jezebel ran her fingers through my hair. My head was in her lap as I lay in bed whereas she lounged sitting against the headboard.

She stopped at I sat up and gave her a quick kiss to the cheek.

"Get some rest; it's late." I told her. She'd been up with me for hours while I laid there trying to piece together everything that had happened recently.

She frowned at me but the tiredness was evident in her eyes and she didn't object as she laid down and got settled in bed.

"I'll be right back." I told her and she nodded in reply as I went for the door.

I walked into the living room almost bumping into Ian as I entered. Why was he still up?

He rubbed the back of his neck. His face had healed from my brother's strike, yet now he had two scarred claw marks running over his right eye. He gave me an uncertain look and I raised an eyebrow.

The only reason he wasn't placed with the traitors in the dungeons was because he'd helped me.

"What is it pup?" I asked him and he glanced to the ground.

"Nothing... I'm sorry Julius, really. I tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen." He said and I couldn't help the prick of annoyance that ran through me.

"My brother wasn't in his right mind," I said laying a hand on the boy's shoulder, "don't blame yourself."

Ian looked downcast and gave a nod.

"It's not fair." Ian abruptly snapped and yanked his shoulder from my grasp. "He was my friend. I shouldn't have to choose between my pack and my friends!" He snarled and quickly covered his eyes with one of his arms.

"I'm sorry you had to make that choice..." I grumbled. Ian sniffled before throwing his arm down, his eyes reddened and glossy.

"He chose for me... like always. But still... he... ugh... I—I devote my life to you Alpha. And if you'd have me, please consider me for position of Beta." Ian said with a slight bow, fierce determination glowing in his eyes.

"You're too young." I deadpanned.

"It doesn't have to be now." He said exasperatedly standing upright.

"So I'm supposed to be without a beta for a few years?" I questioned him and he looked solemn as he fumbled for a answer. A smirk tugged at my lips but I quickly hid it. Damned kid.

"Fine. Beta Ian—Remember this role can and will be taken away, should you not preform your duties as should." I said and Ian's eyes lit up.

"Really?" He asked and I gave a nod.

"Thank you Alpha! I'll do my best." He said.

"Alright. Well I came in here to get a drink. Care to join me?" I asked and the pup nodded.

I walked into the kitchen and soon the both of us sat at the table him with a water, me with a shot of whiskey. I don't know why but I felt like taking him under my wing.

"Now listen Ian the title of Beta isn't just something to toy with. And since you're so young people will look down on you. But you won't have to worry about people challenging you for the position; only I can give or take away the title." I explained coolly.

Ian gave a nod and for some time we sat there in silence.

"Well I'm going to bed." Ian huffed standing, "Goodnight... and—" He started but stopped and I gave him a questioning look.

"Julius... stay on the lookout. I have a feeling this fight isn't over." Ian said before disappearing down the hall.

I scowled and finished off the whiskey before heading to bed as well.

The next morning Ian and I decided to take a patrol of the territory. We trotted along in our wolf forms, though a tense air hung over us.

But as my life has shown, it can always get worse. Cue the arrival of my brother.

My snout wrinkled in horror as Alex stepped out of the brush. His eyes gleamed and a wolfish grin plastered his chops.

"Hello brother." He growled and I looked to the side to see no one. Where the hell had Ian gone?

"But you're dead. I killed you." I gasped in shock and Alex frowned before laughing.

"Killed me? What the fuck are you on?" Alexander chuckled.

"I saw you. Dalton and Drew—"

"Let me stop you there. There's no way I'd go to the same place as those bitches. Looks like your imagination ran off with you Julius." Alex snapped and my blood chilled.

"Alex. Stop it." Ian said roughly appearing at my side and my brother gave him a dubious look that quickly turned into a murderous glare.

"What are you doing with him Ian?" Alex asked and I scowled.

"That's Beta Ian to you." I huffed.

"Ohh, beta now, is it? Seems like you're living it up." Alex said coyly.

"Don't test me Al." Ian snapped.

"Whatever." Alex snapped to Ian.

"It's about time we end this for good." My brother said looking back to me.

"Alex just stop it." Ian interjected.

"Stay out of this. Traitor." He snapped and Ian flinched.

"Traitor? Me? I'm no traitor! I know where my loyalties lie! Can you say the same? You just u—" Ian began.

"Silence!" Alex snarled and focused his attention on me once more.

"How was it though? Did you see me up in Heaven having a good time? Oh, did I have little wings?" Alex chuckled.

"No." I said.

"Ah too bad. I'd make one hell of an angel." Alex growled and lunged at me. I backed away and ducked as he went sailing above me.

"Julius! Alex, no!" Ian yelled.

I turned and bared my teeth not realizing he was so close and gasped as his fangs buried themselves in my neck and everything went dark.

A/N: Damn Julius you gotta be quicker than that. Boy caught you lacking.

I blinked my eyes open to see a dark room.

"Get up." A harsh voice said and I sat up.

Where was I?

Looking around it wasn't hard to realize I was in a cell. I looked at the man before me and huffed. I was scared...

I looked to my hands and saw small feminine ones. My hair was now long and blonde and unkempt and caught on one of my fingers. I quickly removed it and winced as I pulled some.

"It's time." He said stoically.

"I didn't do anything wrong." I said in the sternest voice I could muster. Sunchaser... The man just frowned and pulled me up so I was standing.

Outside the sky was bright and I shielded my eyes; too used to the darkness of the cell. Somewhere there was food and my stomach howled at the smell.

I was so hungry.

My eyes settled briefly on an older couple standing far in the distance and my heart clenched as I recognized them. My parents—Sunchaser's parents.

They turned their backs to me and with a heavy heart I accepted the pain once again.

After all I'd been caught freeing a wolf from a trap—a werewolf child had been caught in one of the hunter's snares.

I was now the enemy.

Many faces watched me as I was pulled along, soon other men joining to drag me about.

I knew where we were headed. The burn pile. I would meet the same fate as the vermin that had been so cruelly disposed of.

As we neared, a crowd began to form.

I gritted my teeth as they pulled me towards the stake.




Shouts ran together and my limbs trembled, but I would not cry.

I'd done nothing wrong.

Were we not told to treat every life as something precious? Was I wrong to save a child of a different species?


I did nothing wrong.

I grimaced as my hands were bound with thick ropes and tied around the stake. My bare feet felt icky against the ash and bone on the ground. The scent of death hung in the air.

I looked out onto the crowd—my own audience for my death. Would anyone mourn me? My parents—maybe just a little at least?

I wish they were here now, but they'd abandoned me. I wish I had just one sympathetic face in that sea of disgust.

But life is cruel.

I flinched instinctively as kerosene was thrown over my body, coughing as some dripped into my mouth, soaking my clothes, burning my eyes. The smell was horrid.

"Any last words?" The priest asked and I scowled.

"I did nothing wrong." I said definitely and he huffed.

"This child, Samantha Dret, has been touched by the Devil! She is no longer a girl, but a demon! A witch; sent to create chaos among us! But hear me! We will not be tricked by this folly!" The man yowled and the people shouted in joyous uproar.

I could still hear the chanting for my death as the flame was lit and I with it.

Pain. So much pain... but I wouldn't allow myself to scream. I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of my yells. But it hurt so much. Tears flowed from my eyes as everything was engulfed in flames.

The fire burned my nostrils as I tried to breathe and coughs riddled my body and I squeezed my eyes shut; not wanting to see what the fire was doing to my body. Not wanting that to be my last sight.

I could hear the sizzling of my own skin. And finally I couldn't hold back my screams any longer.

"It's a pup! Help her! That's a child!" A voice roared and suddenly howls and snarls and screams rang through the air.

Then all was quiet.

I gasped as the ropes were cut loose and hands touched me and pulled me from the fire. Everything hurt.

"Oh poor baby. You poor poor pup. Goddess stop her suffering—Hey! Bring me some water!" A soothing voice yelled.

I laid there in agony and grunted as a hand cupped my face.

"I'm sorry I cannot do more." The voice said as something was pressed to my lips and I gulped down the water.

"It's okay." I managed to choke out, but it was painful to do so.

The pain was starting to go away finally.

"Goddess grant her passage, she may be human, but I claim this child a wolf. Take her to paradise..." The voice was fading and everything was growing dark and warm.

It was a short seven years... maybe my next life would be longer.

"Rest now..." The voice said and touched my head gently.

I wish you had been my mother...

I was so sleepy... everything was slowing down yet it was all so...


I opened my eyes groggily and scowled. I was loosing lives left and right, what the hell? I sat up and looked around me. Night had fallen. And I was alone.

Don't... I told myself but my chest was tightening all the same.

Tears built up in my eyes abruptly and I couldn't stop them.

That was horrible. She was only seven when she'd died and they'd—

Bile rose up in my throat and swallowed it down.

"Sunchaser—Samantha—you did not deserve that. You were just a child." I mumbled. Tears ran down my cheeks and anguish overtook me. Why would they kill a child? She was only a kid. My breathing became tattered and my stomach wrenched. She was just a kid!

"I told you not to take pity on us. We are already dead." A voice said and I looked up to see the young orange wolf sitting in front of me.

"How can't I? When I have to live through your death?" I retorted and the young pup only stood and pressed her snout to my chest.

"I am sorry. But what's done cannot be undone. My past is my past." She said as she curled up against me. "But do not fret, fore my life is good one now. I like you Julius; you have a big heart. So do not pity me, remember Darkheart has taken me in. I now have a father and mother plus a sister and a brother. I am not alone and my past no longer bothers me; so do not let it bother you." I sighed shakily and nestled myself close to her.

She gave my cheek a comforting lick and sighed, "Goodbye Julius. Maybe we will meet again." And just like that she was gone.

I let out a ragged sigh and wiped my eyes.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! I couldn't keep doing this. I could only imagine what I'd have to go through with my two other lives.

"Who was that?" Ian's shocked voice said and I looked to the side to see him limping over.

"One of my lives... it's nothing important. What happened to you?"

"I chased off Alex. Got into a bit of a scuffle. I'm fine." He said and staggered over before pressing his snout to my chest and I tensed up.

"Let's go home... Can you walk?" He asked and I gave a nod. Suddenly I was aware of the pain in my neck and I grunted hoarsely.

"Dammit." I growled.

"What's wrong—oh shit. Your neck is bleeding still. Why aren't you healing?" He sputtered and pressed into me more, offering support.

"You think I know? I just want to go home." I gritted out.

Ian gave a nod and helped me trudge toward home, my paws falling in missteps growing progressively worse as the world blurred in and out.

"How many extra lives do you have left?" Ian asked me worriedly.

"Two." I gasped.

"Well I'm pretty sure that's gonna be one soon." He grumbled in an anxious tone.

"Thanks for your optimism." I managed to get out.

"Sorry..." Ian whimpered and we fell into silence.

"Goddess dammit you're still bleeding... We're almost there Julius." Ian said and I sighed in relief as the house came into view.

This book will be updated soon!

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