The Other Lightwood. (Jace He...

By izzy1d2001

174K 2.8K 290

Rosalie Sage Lightwood. Older twin sister to Isabelle, and younger sister to Alexander. When she was... More

Rosalie Sage Lightwood
Important Please Read!
# 7
# 8
# 14
# 16
# 17
# 18
Please Read
So So Sorry!!!
Thank You!
Author's Note

# 15

2.9K 48 5
By izzy1d2001

   As they walked back into the Institute, she acted like she didn't just have a full on break down, and her guard was back.

Rosalie caught a glimpse of Hodge being taken away, making her stop short.

Alec put a hand on her shoulder.

"Are you--"

She cut him off, as she brushed off his hand.

"I'm fine."

Rosalie walked passed the rest of them and to her room.

She paced back-and-forth, trying to figure out a way to find Jace and bring him back.

After a bit of being in her room not doing anything, she came back downstairs and joined the others.

They were about to wake up Jocelyn. Rosalie didn't know why she was there, when she didn't really care, but something pulled her to stay.

"Do you really think this is going to work?" Clary asked Magnus, handing him the book.

"Let us hope."

He started the spell, calling out her name, and after saying a few things, the guard around her faded.

Luke caught her, slowly putting her down after hugging her.

She looked around, before looking at Clary.

The two exchanged hugs and said a few things.

Rosalie tuned everything out, until she felt arms around her.

"Thank you for keeping Clary safe. I know I didn't treat you like I should have, and I'm sorry for that. I'm glad you found your family, and that you're safe." Jocelyn told her after she pulled away.

Rosalie just smiled slightly, faking most of it because of what happened today.


  Rosalie sighed slightly, as she looked through the tablet she was holding. She was trying to look for more clues as to where Jace might be.

She was interrupted by Lydia, Izzy, Magnus, and Alec, as they came in and to the table.

"I'm worried. I can't sense Jace through our parabatai bond." Alec said.

"We'll find him, Alexander." Magnus said.

"When we arrested Hodge, he said Valentine was on a ship. They must still be over water. " Izzy said.

"Pull up the waterways around New York." Lydia said.

Izzy pulled them up.

"The ship couldn't have gone too far." Izzy said.

Rosalie watched as Magnus tried to track Jace, using a piece of clothing of his.

"Anything?" Alec asked.


"Theres got to be something!" He said.

"I don't see him."

"All right. Listen up! I want 24/7 monitoring of the Hudson and East Rivers.  If you see anything unusual,  you come to me first." Alec said.

Rosalie was happy someone took it as seriously as she did.

"I've got this, Alec." Lydia said.

"Really? If you have this, he'd be here. Which, as it looks, he's not. So tell me, how do you got this?" Rosalie spoke up.

This got Alec's attention as he looked back. Lydia was about to speak, but Rosalie stopped her.

"You know what? Don't answer that. I'll find him myself."

With that Rosalie left the room, going to the garden area.

She sat on the bench, head in her hands, thinking and trying to calm herself down.

She felt someone sit down beside her.

"Rosalie..." Izzy said.

Rosalie let a few tears fall.

"We have to find him... We need to find him..." Rose said before looking over to her, and saying again.

"He is the one person who lets me be myself. I've lost a lot already. I can't lose him too. I can't...."

You see through the short time that Rosalie has been there, a bond grew between her and Jace.

Jace was one of the only people that she felt, that she could let her guard down.

He was someone who understood her. She lost a lot when she went missing.

No. She didn't lose her family, but to her it felt like it. To her, she didn't belong.

Jace made her feel like she did belong, like she was right where she needed to be.

Now that he was missing... She didn't know what to do, she didn't know what to think.

She grabbed her stele and blade, and went out the door.

As she walked, she started thinking.


Izzy was with Lydia in the ops center, as they were called for an important announcement. 

As they were waiting Izzy texted Clary to tell her.

"We are at war." Maryse started.

"Valentine now has the Mortal Cup, with which he is no doubt, raising a new army, and one of our own has joined him." She continued.

"Looks like the queens taking back her kingdom." Izzy mumbled.

"As a result,  the Clave has declared a state of emergency at the institute. Their first priority is to replace the current leadership, who they have deemed wholly ineffectual. It is an honor to introduce the newly appointed head of the New York Institute, Clave representative, Victor Aldertree." Maryse said before stepping down.

"Did you know about this?" Alec asked Izzy, as he appeared behind the her.

"No. But maybe this is why Dad went back to Idris." Izzy told him.

"Maryse went behind my back." Lydia mumbled.

"My fellow Shadowhunters. It's an honor to be here with you all. We have to find Jace Wayland.  He's a Shadowhunter, and we don't leave our people behind. The answer to his very location may very well lie in this room. So I wanna speak with everyone who went on a mission where Jace disappeared. One last thing. Effective immediately, the Institute is on lockdown. But it's only temporary. Let's turn this institute around." Aldertree finished.

"Wait, if we're on lockdown, who's out there looking for Jace?" Clary asked.

"Rosalie is. She left a few minutes before the announcement, dont know when she will be back. Dont worry. Jace is tough. Valentine will never break him." Izzy told her.


As Rosalie was walking, she had this weird feeling of being watched.

At one point she could've sworn she heard someone behind her.

For most of the walk she was distracted. Thinking of the situation at  hand.

She went to pass by a dark alleyway. She wasn't really expecting what was going to happen next.

Someone grabbed her and pulled her into the alleyway.

She fought back, but apparently that wasn't enough as she soon found herself unconscious.

When she woke up she was tied up along the wall. She couldn't quite place where she was, but it smelt like fish. So maybe a boat or something? She thought.

She had a terrible headache and it hurt to move her head.

She heard footsteps, and as they came closer, she noticed it was Valentine and two of his men.

"Get her down, I want to move her to a different room." Valentine said.

The two men did as they were told, and Rosalie didn't risk trying to escape, as she knew it'd be bad.

The closer they got to the other section they were taking her, the louder she could hear the sounds of someone being beaten up.

When getting to that section, she saw Jace.

The men tied her up, and Valentine started to speak.

"You are a born fighter Jace. But you are weak. Maybe this will help with that. Boys."

The two men that tied Rosalie up, stepped up to her.

They started to throw punches at her. A few to her stomach, two to her face.

Jace tried to make Valentine stop them, and after those few punches, he did stop them.

"That's enough for today. Let them go."

The men let Jace and Rosalie out of the chains.

Rosalie fell to the ground, groaning in pain, and spitting out the blood from what just happened.

The men took her to a different room. It had an uncomfortable looking bed, and the rest was empty.


Back at the institute Izzy and Alec were waiting for Clary to be done with questioning.

"Where's Rosalie?" Alec asked her, as they were waiting.

"I don't know. She went for a walk a few hours ago. I haven't heard from her since then. Do you think something might've happened to her?" Izzy asked.

"I don't know. Try calling her."

She nodded, and dialed her number.

After a few minutes, she shook her head.


"Great. Exactly what we needed." Alec said.

As he said that the alarm went off.

Clary came into the room, seeing a wanted dead or alive poster for Jace.

After Aldertree talked to everyone, and he left, Alec said.

"Great. My sister is probably missing and now this? "

"Wait, Rosalie is missing?" Clary asked.

"I haven't heard from her in a few hours and when I try to call, I get nothing." Izzy explained.

It's been a few days since Rosalie was first kidnapped. A few days of being beat up, and Valentine making Jace watch.

She was given at least two meals a day, which was better than nothing.

Today, though, was different. When they brought in her first meal, they handed her Valentine's stele to heal herself from the wounds from the few days prior.

Along with that, was a change of clothes, a sketchpad and pencil, and a note.

The note read.
Get changed and heal up. You will meet with me later, when we get back. These will pass the time until then.

She did, which didn't help much, and then she waited.

After a bit, she heard rustling at the door.

The door opened to reveal Clary.

It was sorta dark at that time.

"Clary? What's going on? " Rosalie asked confused. 

"We need to go now. I'll explain once we get Jace and are off this boat."

She just followed Clary, soon seeing Dot.

She didn't question it. She just followed.

The three made it to the deck where Valentine, a few men, and Jace were at with a girl.

Rosalie stayed where she was, as Clary walked over to them.

She walked a bit closer to the group of them.

"Jace!" Clary started.

"Clarissa, how nice of you to join us. Perhaps the you can convince your brother to finish what he started."

"Jace, I need you to listen to me. Everything I said before, I was under a spell. Run!" She said, before looking back and catching Rosalie's eye.

Jace looked at Rose and then to Clary, before he followed Clary.

Valentine called after Jace, but Jace ignored him.

The two made it to where Rosalie was standing, before they stopped. Two of Valentine's men tried to cut them off.

Jace quickly killed the two, while Clary made it to where Dot was.

Rose stayed where she was, not exactly sure what the hell was going on, until Jace grabbed her hand and the two started to run.

Jace froze, and his nose started bleeding.

"Jace? Are you okay?" Rosalie asked before Clary came over saying that they had to go now.

Dot broke the ward on the ship so they could get off.

The three of them shared a look before they jumped.

All Rosalie remembers after that was darkness.



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