His Playboy Ways

By Bookworm_Tina

2.4M 42.8K 14.3K

"Please don't leave." he pleaded. His once arrogant, obnoxious, confident gaze looked so vulnerable, helpless... More

A New Beginning
Hello California
A Sweet Gesture
Changing Rooms and an Old Friend
Mason Behaving Badly
Getting Even
An End of a Growing Friendship?
A Charitable Event
My Childhood Bestie
Deals and Bets
Carly in the Club
From Makeover to Boyfriend
Disaster Date
Down Memory Lane
** Authors Note**
Operation Breakup Part 1
Operation Breakup Part 2
Coming Clean
Back To His Playboy Ways
Daddy Mason and Mommy Carly
Too Many Doses of Drama
You're Not Alone
Pokerfaced Playboy
Something Like Déjà vu
Secrets out of the Turkey
Why So Distant Mr Playboy?
Hangovers, Shopping and A Surprise
The Playboy's Game
Standing As Strangers
The Breaking Point
The Sleeping Angel
A Fresh Start
Goodbyes Are Always Hard
Making it Memorable
An Unexpected Twist
Stuck In The Past
All Grown Up
The Doctor and The Playboy
Revelations, An Old Friend and Planning with the Playboy
A Little Like Old Times
Too Late For Confessions
A Twist Of Fate
This Was Meant To Be
Finding Something New - His Playboy Ways Extra
His Playboy Ways spin off
Author note

Mr Cocky Jerk

65.4K 1.1K 219
By Bookworm_Tina

"Liam!" Mr I'm-sexy-and-I-know-it greeted my brother.

I shut the door behind me and followed him into the living room where my brother was, but I stood in a corner where I won't be noticed. I wanted to see just who this jerk was, he seemed to know my brother, and well too.

I place an ear out and listened to what they were saying.

"Hey buddy, it's been long man." My brother greeted and they did a weird man half hug thing that guys normally did.

"You back early though; weren't you supposed to be back only next week?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, I decided to cut it short." The jerk replied and made himself comfy on the couch.

"You were in Monaco, how could you possibly cut your vacation short?" Liam asked shocked.

"I guess I missed home." Mr Jerk shrugged his shoulders.

Wow he was in Monaco on vacation! His parents must be pretty well to do.

Liam chuckled and shook his head taking a seat next to Mr Jerk. "Your folks back too?"

"No, they'll only be back next week or so." He replied casually switching through channels.

Whoever this idiot was, he knew our home pretty well, he looked at so much ease here. I had a feeling he was a close friend of Liam's; I hoped I wouldn't see a lot of him. Maybe he'll go to college and be gone all semester, hopefully.

"So I see you weren't kidding about you mom coming back." Mr Idiotic said.

"No I wasn't." Liam smiled.

"But how do you know they're back?"

"Um, well I saw your mom." Jerkface replied hesitantly, scratching the back of his head. What was wrong with him, why did he sound so nervous? In fact if I my eyes weren't deceiving I noticed his cheeks redden a bit.

"You did?" Liam asked furrowing his brows.


"Look dude; don't get me wrong or anything because this is a little weird and awkward for me too." He started nervous again.

What was his problem? Why was he so nervous talking about my mom? And this time I was one hundred per cent sure he was blushing.

"Well.... She um opened the door for me."

"And uh... I think she was...um... how can I put this?" he said scratching his neck, his cheeks getting more and more red.

"She was um... I think... checking me out." he said the last part super-fast, his cheeks scarlet.

My eyes widened in shock and my mouth dropped to the floor. What the hell? My cheeks were burning. I was so happy I wasn't visible right now, or I would've surely wanted the ground to swallow me.

What a stupid jerk! He thought I was Liam's mom?

Liam looked at him blankly for a second before he burst out laughing. Liam was laughing crazily holding his tummy as he sat back. I looked down even knowing I couldn't be seen, I was so embarrassed. Did I look that bad?

Mr Cocky looked at Liam like he was a mental case.

"Dude, that wasn't my, mo-m!" Liam said through fits of laughter.


After calming down from his fits of laughter Liam asked, "You're talking about the girl who opened the door for you right?"

He nodded.

"That's my little sister, Carly." Liam said grinning. He still couldn't stop smiling. What a great big brother I had, instead of breaking this fools nose for insulting his little sister he was laughing!

Mr Cocky looked a little embarrassed at first, and then taken back. Why would he be surprised to know I'm Liam's sister? He quickly changed his expression into a smirk.

He laughed and put his hands up in defence, "sorry man, I didn't know."

"It's cool man; just be happy she didn't hear you, she would've kicked your ass if she did. She gets a little wild when she's angry." Liam grinned.

The jerk was smirking even broader hearing that. What the hell was there to smirk about? God I hated him already and I just met him, well sort of.

"Well Liam I got to go, I just came by to say hi." He said standing up.

"Thanks man; see you around." Liam stood up and did another one of those guy-hug things.

Damn! They were coming this way, I panicked a little, I stood still in my tracks, I hated panicking; I always came to a freeze when I panicked. I heard their steps getting nearer I then quickly took a detour to the kitchen.

Phew! That was a close one; I could feel my heart racing. I closed my eyes and leaned against the wall before I heard my brother shout my name. "Carly!"

Oh great what did he want? I hoped he wasn't going to introduce me to his idiot of a friend. I played deaf until I heard him again, only this time much closer. Liam was in the kitchen standing next to me, with his phone away from his ear.

"Please see Mason out for me." he whispered.

I looked at him with a look that said why-me.

"Please." He mouthed.

I nodded and he smiled getting back to his call. So Mr Cocky's name was Mason. I lifted my glasses up with my index finger and reluctantly made my way to the front door.

There he was leaning against the lounge wall busy on his phone. I looked at him, God he was hot though; his hair was messy and covered a little of his forehead.

I shook away my inappropriate thoughts and made my way closer to him. I could feel my heart beating faster out of nervousness as I approached him. My cheeks were getting warmer and I didn't even say a word to him as yet.

I was now standing in front of him; I didn't have a voice to say anything. Crap what was wrong with me? He's just a guy. No, he's a super sexy hunk my sub-conscience shouted at me. I shut her up and only managed to clear my throat. Even that sounded so hesitant.

He looked up at me blankly, oh God his eyes were gorgeous! How can someone be this good looking? It had to be illegal. Get a hold of yourself Carly; he's the same guy who not do long ago thought you were Liam's mom.

I pulled myself together and looked at him with I would say disinterest; but I knew I failed because he was smirking at me. I hate him I thought to myself.

I gestured for him to follow me; I still hadn't managed to find my voice. He followed me. I opened the front door and he walked out onto our front porch. Before I could close the door, he turned around still smirking, gave me a wink and turned on his heels again making his way to his car.

I narrowed my eyes, he knew what effect he had on me, no wonder he looked so smug about it. Did I mention I hated him, if I didn't, I hate Mason.

I closed the door and exhaled, I didn't even know I was holding in my breath for that long.

"Is he gone?" Liam asked after about fifteen minutes since Mason left. I was now in the lounge eating pretzels and watching TV.

"Who?" I asked not tearing my eyes away from the screen.

"Mason." Liam said in a duh tone.

"Oh you mean your jerk of a friend?"

Liam chuckled, "yeah that one."

"No he's sitting on our roof eating skittles and counting how many cars pass through our street." I replied rolling my eyes.

"Funny!" Liam said throwing a loose pretzel at me.

"Hey!" I giggled throwing a few at his face.

After out little food fight, Liam asked, "So he's gone?"

"No, I told where he is."

"Of course he's gone, idiot!" I giggled.

"Who're you calling an idiot?" Liam asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know, but if the shoe fits wear it." I smiled smugly.

"You think you're smart ey?" Liam raised a brow.

"Nope, I know I am." I replied smugly.

Liam threw a pillow at me. Oh so now it's a pillow fight. You are so on brother. I hit him in the face with two pillows.

We were hysterically laughing; having a pillow fight reminded me of the times when we were little. Oh I missed my brother so much.

After our fight Liam grabbed me in a big bear hug and said, "I missed you so much sis."

"I missed you too, bro." I said in his chest. God this family had a thing for hugging tightly. I couldn't breathe.

I was so tired from all the travelling and shopping that soon after dinner I headed upstairs and fell off into a deep sleep.

"Carly!" I heard a husky voice call me.

"Hmm.... One more minute mom." I mumbled pulling the covers over my face.

"Do I sound like a woman now?" I heard.

I ignored the voice and shut my eyes tightly, hoping that this annoying sleep-wrecker would go away. It suddenly went quiet and I smiled and put myself to sleep again.

My eyes shot wide open when I felt something cold and wet thrown on me. I sat up quickly; rubbing my now wet eyes I reached for my glasses on the side pedestal, put them on and saw my idiotic brother grinning like a cheese cake with a small bucket in his hand.

"Rise and shine, sister." He grinned.

"Liam!" I said through clenched teeth slowly.

"Liam you are finished! You better run!" I threatened as I threw my sheet to aside and ran after him.

I chased Liam down the stairs and up again a few time, I ran after him around the living room, dining room, until finally in the kitchen.

"Carly! Liam!" My mom scolded.

We both stood still in our tracks and looks at each other nervously then turned our gaze back to my mom.

"What are you two doing?" she scolded.

Before we could answer she exclaimed, "Carly honey you're drenched, go and change before you catch a cold."

"mom-" I started.

"I don't want to hear it, go and change!" she said pointing to the doorway.

I sent daggers at my brother with my eyes, he stuck his tongue out at me in mock as I left to go and freshen up.

I spent the entire morning throwing away things I didn't need in my room. It was already long after noon; my room was empty with cover sheets spread all over the floor and some furniture.

"Okay so where do we start?" Liam asked.

"The walls." I said in a duh tone.

Liam rolled his eyes at me and asked for the paint brush that I bought. He shook his head studying the brush, "no, if I use this brush head, it will take forever to finish your whole room."

"Wait, I'll go get a proper brush head."

Liam left my room and in about fifteen minutes he was back, I glanced up at him, "well?"

"You found the right brush?" I asked.

"Nope, we didn't have one in the garage and the hardware store was closed. But before you start whining a friend of mine has one and he'll bring it over in about... now." he said as I heard the doorbell ring.

Phew, I thought for a second that I emptied out my room for no reason. Before I knew it Liam was back.

"Thanks man, sorry but you know women aren't just put out to do these kind of things." Liam said to his friend whose face was blocked with my door.

"No worries." The friend replied.

"Besides I'm always up for a good DIY." He added.

I peeked to my side to see who this 'friend' was.

My voice was stuck in my throat, my palms getting sweaty and my heart beating frantically as I saw the friends face. His hair was messy again standing up in all angles, his eyes sparkling just as I remember and that stupid smirk still planted on his face.

I gulped at I stared at him. Out of all the people in the world, my brother had to call Mason.

Mason walked in handing my brother the brush, his eyes met mine and he looked at me from top to down. I tugged my tank top down further, I felt so self-conscience; I was only wearing a tight fitted tank top that revealed a little of my tummy and some short shorts that reached above mid-thigh. How would I know that Mr Jerk would be here, if I did I would've never worn what I had on.

Mason smirked at me obviously sensing my discomfort. Liam was now standing on a step-ladder already starting to paint the top corners of my wall.

Without tearing his gaze away from me and still smirking he asked, "You okay there? You don't look very comfortable?"

My heart started beating faster; who was that question for? Was it for me? I opened my mouth to reply, trying hard to catch my voice, but I was cut off by Mason, "Liam?" he asked smirking.

I flushed, thanking the heavens above I didn't answer. I would've felt so stupid if I answered a question that wasn't meant for me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Liam replied.

Breaking his gaze away from mine, Mason took a brush and started painting the opposite corner of the wall. He stood on a step-ladder and boy he looked hot from where I stood. He was only wearing a white vest showing off his big biceps as he painted up and down, and some what looked like old ripped jeans.

"Carly? Are you just going to stand there and twiddle your thumbs or actually do something?" Liam asked.

I flushed as I bit my lower lip, "um, yeah what do I do?"

"Take that smaller brush and paint the bottom corners of the wall." Liam said.

I nodded and started doing what I was told. The earlier on tension in the room was short lived as each of us were too preoccupied; I had almost forgotten about the arrogant hot jerk in room as I blasted Coldplay on my i-pod.

I couldn't help but to shake my hips a little as I worked along, I was lip-singing along to the songs. I moved along twirling in a little dance movement before I bumped into something hard. I felt strong arms wrap around my waist protectively I pulled my ear phones out of my ears and looked at the hero who saved me from almost breaking my neck.

"Whoa!" he said.

I felt my heart race when I saw whose arms I was in. His blue eyes staring intensely at me, but they were tinted with humour. My breath was coming in slight pants now, his lips twitched on the sides forming a smirk. I looked at his full lips, boy they looked tempting, I wondered how it would feel to kiss them.

I flushed at the thought and abruptly pulled away, I pulled my top down, shifted my glasses up and mumbled a quick and very slow sorry. I ran out of my room to the kitchen and drank a glass of water before making my way up again to my room. I dreaded going there now; it was bound to be awkward.

I walked in and saw Liam and Mason engrossed in their work, I looked at Mason and for a quick second our eyes met but I looked away quickly, he looked at me normal, no awkwardness at all, it was like nothing happened. I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that our little collision had no effect on him; I guess he was used to things like that. I shrugged my shoulders and got back to work.

By the time we were done it was dark; Liam and Mason shifted my furniture back into my room. I hung up my new curtains and laid my new bed spreads. I had to admit my room looked great, it looked brand new. I smiled to myself seeing my re-vamped room.

The walls were a soft crème colour, with champagne coloured curtains to compliment it. My bed spreads were white and had the same champagne colour throw overs as my curtains.

All the posters were gone, and I had a crème and a brown shaggy rug laid out in the middle of my room. My desk was placed in the corner with my mac-book on it, my little book shelf on the opposite end and a little love-seat opposite my bed. It now looked like an eighteen year old lived here.

"Now I'm pooped out!" Liam said as he sat down on the lounge couch throwing a beer to Mason.

"Thanks for helping out today Mason, I really appreciated it."

"No sweat Liam." Mason grinned.

"Besides its only good manners to help a lady in need." Mason added smirking at me.

I rolled my eyes, I was not in need, and the last thing I wanted was help from Mason.

After finishing his beer Mason stood up, "well I should get going."

"No I'm not letting you go without dinner; Carly and I were going out for pizza."

"You should join us."

"No thanks but it's cool, I should get going."

"Ah come on Mas, you have to join us; I insist."

"Carly you tell him." Liam told me.

I looked at my brother wide eyed. My mind was shouting at Liam asking him if he was crazy; I so didn't want Mason to join us.

"Carly?" Liam broke me away from my thoughts.


"Um yeah, you should join us." I mumbled looking down twiddling my thumbs. I was surprised at how I actually found my voice.

"If you insist." I could almost see the smirk on his face. That's what he wanted all along, to get me to invite him. Jerk!

"Great, let's go. Carly grab your coat." Liam said.

"No Carly." I heard someone call after me as I turned on my heels. I stopped instantly, my heart was racing, I knew that voice, and it wasn't my brothers.

"Don't just grab your coat, I think you should change your outfit altogether." Mason said in what sounded like a demanding or ordering tone.

I flushed, taking in what I was wearing. I still had my shorts and tank top on. I narrowed my eyes and turned around to face him. Who did he think he was to tell me how to dress? Even though I did intend on changing my outfit, it still gave him no right to order me around.

"Just who do you think you are to tell me how to dress?" I asked narrowing my eyes. Surprisingly I sounded pretty confident. I mentally tapped myself on the shoulder.

Mason looked taken aback, he cocked up an eyebrow, "wow she actually speaks." He grasped.

"Okay, uh Carly, Mason is right, you should change I don't want you going out dressed like that." Liam quickly said obviously noticing the tension building up between me and Mason.

Mason smirked at me, "yeah be a good girl and listen to your big brother."

I glared moving forward towards him, "you know what-"

"Carly, go get ready." Liam said sternly. Poor Liam he was trying to get rid of all the animosity present. Giving Mason one more glare I ran upstairs to my room.

I quickly changed into a pair of skinny's and a loose t-shirt that said 'don't mess with me' on it. I was comfortable. I brushed through my hair and tied it into a pony-tail. I slipped on my converse, lifted my glasses up with my index finger and headed downstairs again.

"Mason is following us in his car behind." Liam said when we were in the car.

"I didn't ask." I replied smugly.

Liam chuckled, "you don't really like him do you?"

"I don't think its rocket science to figure that out Liam."

"You know he's not really my friend..." Liam started.

"Ugh can we please stop talking about the idiot." I snapped cutting Liam off.

"After all I have to deal with him through dinner." I mumbled to myself.

Liam chuckled again, "Carly he's not to bad once you get to know him."

"I thought we weren't going to talk about Mr Cocky Jerk."

"Okay, okay, sorry." Liam chuckled glancing at me.

"So how do you like your room?" Liam asked changing the subject.

I suddenly felt excited and happy, "I absolutely love it!" I said enthusiastically.

"So I can see." Liam smiled.


"Hi, my names Lisa and I'll be your waitress this evening." A young, in fact very young waitress introduced herself. She looked maybe around my age; she was attractive with shoulder length brunette hair and green eyes. She was pretty tall and curvy.

Liam and Mason were looking at her from head to toe, their eyes running up and down her curvy body. I rolled my eyes; could guys make it any more obvious. I cleared my throat causing Liam and Mason to sit up straight turning their gaze away. I couldn't help but grin.

"Are you ready to order?" Lisa asked sweetly batting her lashes at Mason.

"Why yes Lisa we are." Mason smiled flirtatiously. By breath got caught in my throat as I saw Masons beautiful smile, when he smiled a little dimple formed on his left cheek. Oh my; he had such a sexy smile.

"Yy-es w-what would you like to um order? Lisa asked hesitantly. She was obviously being affected by Mason's gorgeous looks. Welcome to the party Lisa.

"I don't know; are you on the menu?" Mason winked.

I rolled my eyes at his cheesiness, at the corner of my eye I could see my brother smirking and he had that look on his face that said you-go-brother. I shuddered with disgust. How could guys be such pervs.

I laughed sarcastically, "Oh Lisa you know guys and their jokes." I covered up.

"Um I think we'll have two large pepperoni pizzas and three root beers please." I smiled.

"Sure." Lisa wrote down the order and turned to go but stopped at Masons chair, bent over and said slowly in his ear, "I'll see what I can do about your special order, sir." She winked.

Oh how I wish she said that lower, I didn't need to hear that. Mason was smirking; I looked at him with disgust. Jerk!

"Good going dude!" Liam high fived Mason.

I regretted coming along, I would've preferred sitting with a bag of pretzels in front of the TV than being here right now.

Our food came and I ate in silence hearing Mason and Liam talk about cars, girls and sport. I didn't realize how famished I actually was. I ate a whole three slices of pizza.

"You know for a girl you have quite an appetite there." Mason smirked.

"You know for a guy you're pretty damn inquisitive."

"Mind your own damn business." I snapped.

Whoa where did all that cheekiness come from? I felt a little like the old I-take-no-crap Carly. I smiled wryly to myself; I might just start liking the old me again.

Mason smirked at me. I looked at him through narrow eyes. I hate him.

Masons gaze suddenly shifted to something behind me. His eyes looked brighter with anticipation. I looked at him with furrowed brows and turned to see what he was looking at.

I saw our waitress, Lisa standing there, she tilted her head gesturing Mason to follow her. Why did I have a feeling I knew what they were up to? But here in the restaurant?

"Um excuse me for a minute." Mason excused himself.

Yup I was right. Ewe! I scrunched my nose in disgust as I saw them walk into the bathroom. I suddenly felt squeamish.

"You okay?" Liam asked after taking a huge sip of his root-beer.

I placed my pizza slice down on my plate; I had lost my appetite. "yeah." I nodded.

About fifteen minutes later Mason came back to the table, his eyes sparkling, and his hair even messier than it normally was; he sat down with a huge grin on his face.

Oh gosh, I was right he and Lisa were up to no good in the bathroom. Mason was not just a cocky jerk but a player too. Could this guy become any more negative in my eyes?

Liam's phone brought me back to reality away from my thoughts. "Hello." Liam answered.

"Okay but where are you?" he asked looking annoyed.

He sighed, "Just wait there I'll be there in a few. Don't go anywhere."

"See you." He half smiled half frowned.

"Carly I got to go."

"Something came up. I'm sorry." He said placing money on the table.

"Mason if you don't mind, please could you drop Carly home?"

"Yeah sure, everything okay?" Mason asked.

"Liam, I can come with you. Mason doesn't have to take the trouble for dropping me off. Really." I said hopefully.

"It's really not a problem Carly." Mason grinned.

"Carly please I'm in a rush, don't argue. I'll see you at home." he said.

"Thanks Mason." Liam added before he left.

I pouted and sulked as my brother left. What could be so important for Liam to leave suddenly? Now I was forced to go home with Mr Man-whore.

"You ready?" Mason asked.

I nodded and we made our way to his car. My mouth dropped when I saw his ride; he was driving the latest Mustang Shelby.

"Nice ride!" I said awe struck.

"Thanks. She's my baby." Mason smiled as we got in the car.

We sat in silence for a while before Mason broke it, "you don't like me much do you?"

"I wonder what would give you that impression" I replied sarcastically.

Mason chuckled and carried on driving. I was glad we were moving at a reasonably fast speed. By the surroundings I could tell we were almost home much to my satisfaction.

The car came to stop and before I could jump out I said, "um Mason..."

"yeah." He said attentively. Okay that was weird, what happened to cocky arrogant jerk Mason?

"Thank you." I smiled sweetly.

"For?" he furrowed his brows.

"For helping with my room today and dropping me home, I really appreciate it."

He smiled this time a genuine smile, "no worries."

I got moved to go out again but was stopped this time by Mason. "Carly."

"Yeah." I turned to face him.

He looked intensely at me, his gaze burning into mine. I flushed; his silence was agonizing for some reason. He seemed to be reading me.

I cleared my throat, "Mason?"

Still looking at me he automatically moved his hand as if to brush a strand of hair off my face.

"Stop!" I said quickly stopping him.

He looked a little shocked and looked blankly at me. "Don't touch me."

"God knows where those hands have been." I shuddered at the thought of him touching me.

"I saw you um going in the bathroom with Lisa." I flushed.

Mason looked blankly at me before he started laughing.

After he stopped laughing he said, "See you around Carly."

"Hopefully not." I mumbled under my breath and jumped out the car.

Before he took off he smirked at me and said, "I heard that."

I flushed but smugly replied, "Good!"

Mason winked and raced off. Watching his absolutely gorgeous car drive away I smiled. Maybe Mason wasn't such a bad guy.

A/N I will be updating quite regularly for this story considering it being so new! Please give it a chance... I really want to share this story with you. Some parts are based on real life incidents! So please bear with me and enjoy.

Mason ------------------>



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