"I Love You."

By astronautnotfound

184K 6.7K 6.7K

When Todoroki turns up on Midoriya's doorstep, crying and mentally in pain, what will Midoriya do to help his... More

Twilight Tears
Kiss the nightmares away
Bedtime Stories
Bedtime Reassurances
Midnight panic
Lover's advice
The cuts
Apologies and lunch dates
Family problems and bedroom mayhem
"It's okay, Kacchan."
Fire and ice
"Stay awake, Todoroki."
"Where did Kirishima and Bakugou go?"
Crimson Tears
Fights between friends
"I want to die."
"Sleep well, Shouto."
"I'm f-fine."
The Little Mermaid
"We need to talk."
"I-It's all just collapsing."
"Did you just fucking pass out?"
"Are you awake?"
"When will my suffering be over?"
"Don't speak to me."
"I promise."
"This isn't good."
"He needs me here, so I'm staying!"
"I'm trying to be happy."
"So you want us to adopt you."
Couch talk
"Why are you crying?"
"Todoroki, can you hear me?"
"Show me your arms, Izuku."
"I-I'm bleeding . . ."
"I-Is he alive?"
"He k-killed himself?"
"Don't you dare say that you are fine, Midoriya."
"It's not like we haven't slept in the same bed before."
"I-I don't want to feel at all!"
"I hurt myself."
"I love you."

"He's not okay."

3.7K 125 45
By astronautnotfound

Todoroki's POV

Once I was healed by Recovery Girl, I was strictly put on bed rest for the next two days.

After partially explaining what happened that night to Recovery Girl and the school incident therapist, I was prescribed sleeping pills, which should keep me asleep for 9 – 12 hours without the presence of my night terrors.

After getting a few hours of sleep, when I woke up again it was daylight, and nearing lunchtime.

I groggily sat up in my infirmary bed, yawned and looked around the room, sweating.

It was so hot.

I kicked off the covers and groaned, curling in on my side again.

"Hey, Shouto," a sweet voice murmured to me. "Welcome back to the land of the living." And damn, did Izuku sound weak.

I turned and saw him lying next to me on his own bed, a small smile on his chapped lips.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, looking really tired.

I groaned and arched my back. "E-Everything –," I let out a strangled yelp. "Everything is too hot."

Izuku's eyebrows frowned in concern, and he turned away from me, murmuring something to the familiar blonde sitting beside him.

Bakugou groaned, and stood from his seat, wincing when he began to walk. He was hunched over and limping, his face attempting to hide his obvious pain.

I opened my mouth to point this out, but Bakugou cut me off.

"Don't," he said firmly, pulling the covers over me and placing a cold towel on my forehead. "I fell onto your ice and ripped my knees. You, however, as well as Izuku, have a very high fever."

I nodded and closed my eyes, swallowing as I found pleasure in the coolness of the towel. "T-Thank you." I whispered, drifting off again.

I felt a hand ruffle my hair and heard a small laugh. "Yeah, yeah, Icy-Hot. Get some sleep."

Midoriya's POV

I smiled softly when Kacchan reached out and ruffled Shouto's hair, whispering down to the duel coloured boy.

After ensuring Shouto was asleep, Kacchan walked over to me and sat down on my bed. I offered him a small smile, which instantly fell when I saw the worry on his face.

"We need to do something about Todoroki," he stated, sighing and leaning back on the palms of his hands. "He's not . . . he's not okay. He barely eats anymore, and he's been having night terrors."

I sat quietly and let Kacchan gather his thoughts, knowing that there was more he needed to say about the matter.

"Before, when I carried him here . . . he was so light, like it was way too easy to hold him," he began to wring his hands in nervousness. "H-He was so bony, and he felt – well," he paused, deep in thought. "He felt dead."

I slowly nodded, understanding where he was coming from. "I've noticed, too. But whenever I tried to get him to talk about it he just," I swallowed, blinking tears away furiously. "He just shuts down."

Kacchan nodded and looked at his lap, half-curling into a ball.

"A-And Kacchan?" I said, gaining his attention. "Don't start thinking that I haven't noticed your irregular eating habits, either."

This caused him to look up at me and shook his head. "I-I . . . it's different for me," he stated, mumbling. "I have control. I know when to stop," he looked over at Todoroki again. "He doesn't."

I sighed and bit my bottom lip, closing my eyes.

"You know what?" I said, opening my eyes and gaining Kacchan's attention again. "I'm gonna find a way to cheer you both up."

Reaching for my phone, I opened my messages, pulling up the class 1-A group chat.

Deku: Hey guys, do you want to go to the ice skating ring over the weekend?

Uraraka : Oh, that sounds fun Deku-kun!

Bakugou: Fine

Kirishima: Oh heck yea! I'd love to spend time with my friends!

Iida: If it doesn't trouble any of you, then yes it would be my pleasure.

Sero: Sounds so sweet! Totally going!

Tsu: Oh yeah! Sounds like a plan to me! Ribbit.

Denki: Sure, if my friends are going then heck yea!

Momo: Oh, okay that sounds great!

Mina: Yesssssss

Jirou: Yea

Shouji: Okay sounds cool to me.

Deku: Okay, awesome we'll meet by the one in Tokyo at 7 pm on Friday.

After most of the class replied I put my phone down and sighed, laying back against the pillows.

I frowned when I felt a headache coming on, and I closed my eyes, swallowing.

"The headaches back." I mumbled, raising my hand to my forehead.

I felt a hand rest on my leg and knew it was Bakugou. "You should get some rest like Todoroki. It's been a very stressful day."

Nodding slowly at his words, I let myself drift into the never-ending world of sleep. 

Omg guys! were #21 in Tododeku again! Thanks so much :)

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