The Z Virus: Outbreak

By Kezi_stories

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A Zombie virus has spread across the globe, A group of friends travel to Katelyn's rich parents mansion and... More

Chapter 1, The Beginning Of The End
Chapter 2, Crash & Fall
Chapter 3, Off To The Country
Chapter 4, Together at Last
Authors Note
Chapter 5, Don't be a Stranger
Chapter 6, 3 Hot Men
Chapter 7, Watch out
Chapter 8, We meet again
Chapter 9, The Four Seasons
Authors note
Chapter 10, Leap of Faith
Chapter 11, Marry Me
Chapter 12, Again and Again
Chapter 13, Choose
Chapter 14, It's Time
Chapter 15, Rest easy
Chapter 16, No time to waste
Chapter 17, This isn't real...
Chapter 18, They're coming
Chapter 19, Open Eye's
Chapter 20, Last Breath
Chapter 21, One Last Kiss
Chapter 22, Zombie Killer 13
Chapter 23, Her and I
Chapter 24, Lucy
Chapter 25, Deers Run, Snakes Bite
Chapter 26, Take it slow
Chapter 27, Dear Diary
Chapter 28, Danger Keep Out
Authors Note!
Chapter 29, Watch your back
Chapter 30, Stay with me
Chapter 32, A Christmas Special
Chapter 33, Forever
Chapter 34, Ready, Set, Run
Chapter 35, Flash to the Past
Chapter 36, Save the World I
Chapter 37. Save the World II
Chapter 38, I do
Chapter 39, Lights, Camera & Action
Chapter 40, The Big Bang

Chapter 31, Life Vs Death

53 7 2
By Kezi_stories

Mia's POV

Wow what a night. I can't believe it! I cheated on Ethan with Damon!!! he's sure as hell good at it though. I don't regret it. I'm lying down on his warm open chest. I had to find Jess at what 1-2am and told her about Damon, they told the rest that me and Damon were on Night patrol. Taylor covered me. I never want to move, Damon's given me something Ethan never has, I can't believe he didn't find out. I'm just happy and I don't want this to end.

"Hey your awake Princess." Damon says staring up at me. I smile and kiss him on the lips.

"Morning, I hope you enjoyed last night." I smile cheekily as I get closer to him.

"I hope we can do more, ugh but your stupid boyfriend is a freak and he's stuffing this upppp!" He whines.

He's still cute, but he's right.

"I'll dump him after all this mess is done. Then I can be with you, and only you." I say as I go on top of him and we start making out. Then Jess knocks on the door doing the secret knock. seriously!?

"It's Jess, Hello? Yeah, ok we're coming. See you soon." Then I hear her footsteps walking away. 

"She needs us, everyone's awake, we gotta go. "Ok babe. I'll get your bra." He chuckles as a joke.

We get changed and jog quietly across the halls. We do a secret knock on the door so they know it's us. They open it and we see everyone. They don't look surprised, that's good I guess. Ethan runs up to me and locks the door then hugs me.

"Thank gosh you're ok." He says holding me tight. For once it's not comforting, but it is quite weird, I don't like it.

"Why of all people would she go with you?" Ethan says looking up at Damon. "What's it to you shortie? She chose me not you deal with it." He says smiling.

"Ummm ladies, can we stop fighting now?" Dezi says sarcastically.

"Anyway we gotta move, it's already 6, and our next location is the Theme Park." Taylor announces catching everyone else's attention.

"Why are we going now? It's dangerous-it's dark." Ethan stutters.

"Bro I don't have a hand anymore and I still want to go out." Josh says throwing his hook hand in the air. Felicity leans on him. 

"Let's hit the road."

Felicity's POV

I have never been so tired in my whole life. We've been driving for 2 and a half hours. But as we are girls, we just continue the gossip.

"I still can't believe your pregnant after a week and a day." Mia says hugging her. "I know right, it's hell, good luck getting pregnant one day ladies. It's gonna be painful!" Dezi says laughing as she holds her stomach.

"Have you gotten a name for them?" Jessica asks turning around.

"Yep, the boy we're gonna call Alexander and for the girl we decided-" Dezi gets interrupted by the car. It gets knocked, Katelyn accidentally hit a tree. There are zombies chasing us, fuck! What's wrong with them?

"Dezi are you ok? Did it hit anything?" Taylor worriedly asks as she holds Dezi.

Mia and I roll down our windows and shoot the zombies in the face, I'm pretty sure Mia shot one in the dick.... I'm so sick of these zombies, I can't wait till the world changes back to the way it was.

"They're gone! For now." I say rolling up the windows.

"Just in time too we're here." Katelyn says cheerily as she takes her seatbelt off.

She gets out of the car and walks to the boot, she grabs all of our equipment. We all get out of the car slowly and quietly, we help Dezi get out nice and easy, to prevent hurting or disturbing the babies.

"Woah, it's completely wrecked." Dezi gasps.

She was right, everything was damaged and broken. I don't know how we're gonna find an airplane here. It's completely deserted and so quiet. At least until we got here.

"Hey you made it before us! I thought we were in front." Elijah says confused.

"Well babe next time keep your eyes on the road." Katelyn says flirting as she lightly kisses him on the cheek.

"It's so dark, I can't see a thing. I only see shadows and you guys." Taylor states, standing near the car with Jess, holding her hand.

I look around and see if I can find anything. I hear josh shuffling around behind me, he should be fine I'll only be gone for a second.

"Feli where are you going?" Mia questions.

"I'm just trying to find some sort of power or switch that will turn the lights on so we can see." I say still walking around.

I turn around and behind a bunch of bushes I see a "DO NOT TOUCH" sign, obviously I'm gonna touch it. Yes! It's the power switch, they probably put that there so kids wouldn't see it. I'm about to pull the switch, but I hear Taylor yell no!

 But it's too late I pull the switch down and as fast as a bullet the Theme Park lights up. Realisation hits me and I remember that zombies are attracted to noise and bright lights, and the theme park is just that, but worse, SHIT!

Katelyns POV

We've all been wandering around in the dark for a while, I think Felicity has gone to look for a power switch of some sort. Hopefully she hurries the hell up! My vision is having a hard time adjusting to this hellhole. I'm looking for food, any kind of food will do, I'm starving! All of a sudden I hear Taylor yell no, I'm really confused, but realisation kicks in and I see the whole place light up, oh how I've missed this. Oh wait. Shit. Lights and sound attract zombies!

"Guys! We've gotta turn the power off!" I yell but nobody can hear me because of the loud damn music. I run back to the car and grab all of the guns. I see Taylor running towards the car as I make my way back into the park.

"Hey, I need guns, like now!" I just climbed up to the lookout tower and there are hundreds of zombies coming our way! We need to get the hell out of here!" Taylor yells with worry in her voice. 

Jesus Felicity. I give Taylor her guns and we run to find the others. We all find each other. But so have the zombies. They are flooding through the main entrance and over the walls. Everything else is blocked, the first thing I see is...

"Guys, the Ferris wheel!" I yell.

"Good idea! Everybody hurry, the zombies are moving in!" Jess adds. We all rush towards the massive Ferris wheel. Jess hits the big green button and that starts up the Ferris wheel. We all jump in a carriage and go high into the air. What I see takes my breath away, and not in a good way.

There are zombies everywhere! "Guys this isn't good!" I yell. We need the ride to stop, we are almost at the top! "Hey guys, who has really good aim?" I ask

"I do," Josh replies "Even though I have one hand I'm still really good at hitting a target," Josh says. I nod and hand him a can of baked beans.

"Try and hit the big green button, that should stop the ride, we can get better aim from this angle!" I say yelling over the loud music. Josh takes the can from my hand and aims it at the green button on the control panel. He releases the can and just as we reach the top the ride stops. The can hits the button and the ride has stops.

"Wow good job Josh!" Elijah says giving him a pat on the back.

"Yeah, good job Josh," Jess says adding in. 

"Hey guys, we have a big problem to deal with now!" Jess says yelling over the music. I look down at the zombies and see them crowding around the bottom of the Ferris wheel.

We all get our guns and we start putting up a fight. The zombies have began claiming the sides, there are about 200 of them, we can do this! I'm shooting my guns on either side of me, getting each bullet into a head of a zombie. We're all shooting now and the zombies are dropping like flies.

Ethan's POV

Thanks Felicity, I swear this is the most zombies I've seen in my entire life. I already know something bad is going to happen. We could fall off this thing, it's a Ferris wheel for god's sake!

"AHHH NO GET OFF ME!" Mia cries, my girls in trouble.

But when I turned around Damon has her in his arms. He flicks them off like they're bugs, he barely touches them! That's it I'm sick of this. He's still holding onto her and she's holding onto him so tight. I can't keep this in me anymore I'm so fucking sick of him.

"Get your hands off her!" I yell as I shoot a zombie off of my side.

"She was in trouble did you not want me to save her?" Damon says back. What shitty attitude he has.

"You didn't have to hold her like Edward from Twilight, your not some sort of knight in shining armour. You're a coward and a killer. I've had enough of you! Your trying to take my girl, you almost killed Dezi, you've been trouble since the moment you stepped through those doors. I want you gone." I threaten him. He deserves it.

I hold up my gun, he pushes Mia behind him, everyone else is still holding the zombies off. Mia begs me not to pull the trigger, but I blur out her voice. I hold the gun straight and aimed and I pulled the trigger.

But They both duck and it shoots Dezi. OMFG I SHOT A PREGNANT WOMAN! She falls to her knees. Henry turns around instantly and goes to Dezi.

"E-Ethan how could YOU?!" Mia cries. "I was meant to shoot Damon!" I yell back.

"You should never of thought shooting him in the first place, Damon apologised so many times, he won't stop until this world ends. How could you pull such a massive grudge against him!" Mia yells at me. I've had enough so I go up to her and grab her by the neck.

"ETHAN LET ME GO!" She chokes out.

"I love you more than anything in this world, which is why it's better with him gone." I whisper.

"Drop her now!" Damon says as he super speeds and pushes me to the edge. My gun falls out of my pocket. Mia grabs it.

I punch Damon in the face he hits me back making my teeth bleed, son of a bitch. She holds the gun up to me, TO ME?! Damon turns me around and holds my wrists together. Mia gets tears in her eyes as she aims it at me.

"Mia, you wouldn't. You couldn't possibly do that to me, you love me." I argue.

"I love him, Ethan. He's given me something you never have! True love." She pulls the trigger. Twice.

Blood flows out, Damon lets go of me. I fall down and I roll down off the Ferris wheel. The one person I loved, gone. The people who gave me a home, gone. This is it. This is my tragic ending.

Jess's POV

The zombies have been going down, really quickly. Our group makes a great team. Ethan is slacking a bit, he hasn't done much, but whatever he's useless, I don't know why Mia is with him. Mia is trying to fend off the zombies and Ethan is getting really mad. It looks like he wants to kill him. I try to ignore them but I hear a lot of shouting.

The music is muffling the sound a bit but I can make out Ethan yelling at Damon for touching his girl. To be honest, Ethan is a terrible boyfriend anyways. He doesn't even know how to be in a relationship. I hear a thumb. Two gunshots. I slowly turn my head. 

I see blood on the floor, Dezi holding her stomach, and crying in pain, Henry is at her side with tears in his eyes, Ethan is in shock at what he had just done, everyone is. What is wrong with this fucking idiot. I will kill him!

I rush over to Dezi's side, I watch the thick red substance rushing out of her stomach. She is yelling in pain and breathing really hard. I need to get her out of here, now! I ignore Damon and Ethan and focus on Dezi. 

"MY BABIES, ARE THEY GONNA BE OKAY?!" Dezi yells with tears flowing down her cheeks. I need to help her and check on her babies.

I watch as a clear liquid goes through Dezi's pants. Everything goes silent.

 "Dezi we need to get these babies out now, I think one of them might be very badly injured by the bullet, they need to come out right now, we need to go and find the nearest hospital.

"Please, save the babies!" She cries. Henry holds her hands, tears flooding his cheeks. I look around frantically for an option of transport. There's nothing in sight. Wait. A helicopter!


"Josh try and aim for the green button again so we can get down, the rest of you shoot!" I yell. 

Everybody fires at the zombies while Josh takes another can and aims it at the green button. YES! He hits it again and the Ferris wheel resumes moving again. Everybody is shooting crazily at about 20 zombies that are left, we reach the bottom and all jump out.

I lead everybody toward the helicopter. We reach in and I jump into the pilots seat. I've flown a helicopter before so I know what I'm doing. I start it up and we are in the air. Everybody is really worried but I've got a good feeling about this.

Dezi's POV

We've reached the helicopter and taken off. The pain is excruciating but I'm managing. Henry is comforting me and holding my hands, which is somewhat helping. Tears are flooding down his face. I squeeze his hands trying to comfort him. We are trying to comfort each other.

We're almost at the hospital and I'm exhausted. My eyes are heavy. Henry is yelling at me not to shut my eyes but I can't, I'm so tired. I pass out.


I wake up and my stomach doesn't hurt as much. I feel lighter. "G- Guys?" I say weakly.

"Yes, we're here!" Henry says jumping up from the chair and coming to my side. My heart warms at the sight of him, but drops again instantly when I remember my babies.

"MY BABIES!?" I yell with tears in my eyes again.

"Oh Dezi, I'm so sorry, Alexander didn't make it. The bullet was too much for him." Jess says with sadness in her voice.

"No!" I yell with tears in my eyes. This can't be happening. "What about my baby girl! Is she ok?" I cry.

"She is alive, our little girl is alive and healthy." Henry tells me smiling.

"Would you like to meet her?" Jess asks me. I nod my head fiercely. Jess goes into the other room and rolls my baby girl out in a little maternity basket. I see her perfect face. The most angelic thing in this world. Jess gently places my baby girl in my arms.

"What are you gonna call her?" Felicity asks.

"This is, Ally, short for Alison."

Guyssss, omg this chapter! It's so sad and so much has happened! Our journey throughout Wattpad has been amazing. Dezi and I work hard and late to produce these chapters for you. But we enjoy doing it! Next chapter is a very exclusive chapter. It's a Christmas one! The next chapter will be based on Christmas entirely, and it will be a goodie!! Anyways can't wait! We love you!

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