
By AntheiaW

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In these times it's not that easy to find you're soulmate, what happens when Alpha Christian finds his... wha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 13 part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 24 Part 2
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 29 part 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 30 part 2
Chapter 30 part 3.
Chapter 30 part 4
Chapter 31
Chapter 31 part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 part 2
Chapter 40
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 48 part 2.
Chapter 49.
Bonus chapter.
Epilogue, Chapter 50.

Chapter 39

33 4 0
By AntheiaW

(((I'm so sorry for the late update, I hope you still like and read the story. This year is almost over and my baby is turning 9 months this month. I'm so happy and excited for her first birthday.. that will be soon.

I'm gonna say this now because I don't think I'll post another chapter before the year end.


Merry Christmas and Happy new year to everyone.

One more thing, I was thinking on naming the chapters, what do you think? Should I? And if you didn't notice, I change the name of one of the twins, it's now Natali and Natasha.)))

**Now let's start chapter 39...

*Christian's pov*

*Yesterday we found out that this man isn't Andrés, we tried to interrogate him but he didn’t say anything, that only made me angrier, so.. we took him to one of the cells and we started to tortured him maybe this way, he would say something.. he could tell us what happened to Andres and where he is, but that wasn't the case.

*We went to the extreme with him, so much that there was a moment that he looked as he was about to die, so, we decided to left him be for the night, he could rest and heal till tomorrow.

*The next day, being today, when I was making my way to the dungeon I got the information about the kid, after I finish handling that situation, I make my way to the prisoner again.

*We apllied more and more painful torturing technics on him.. till he finally told us something about Andrés, but the information we got from him, was not the information we were hoping to got.

*He said that Andrés is death.

*Gasps were heard in the cell, when I heard that, my heart sunk and a lump formed in my throat, I backed up a few steps as I try to make sense of all of this, I look at Annette and then at Melody, Annette let out an excruciating scream as she falls to her knees, she then started to cry, it was clearly a cry of despair, Melody howled in pain and broke down too, she started to sob like a child.

*And he, he had an satisfactory smile on his face, he must feel really good for seeing us break down like this. Enzo then out of no where punch him.. making him fall with the chair and breaking it in the process, 2 men hold him as another one brings another chair and they sit him down on it. This time they didn't tie him to it.

*Enzo pass his hands in his hair, he grabs them and pull on them, then he say desperately.

Enzo: This can't be true, Andrés can't be death. There is no way, no way.

*I couldn’t believe what I have just heard, I was in shock for a bit, but after that I got so mad. At first my eyes were watery, I can't believe that my friend, no.. my right hand, hell scratch that, my brother is death. Because he is my brother, he's always been with me by my side, no questions asked. He has been with me since we were toddlers, he's been with me in good and especially in bad, e has saved my life countless of times, put himself in danger for all of us without even thinking about it, how can it be possible that he is now gone.

*I can not put into words how I feel right now. I didn't know if to cry and grieve or just kill this man and do justice by my brother. Revenge sounds better right now.

*I tried to compose myself and out of no where, he started to laugh, that's when my anger boiled, I grab him by the throat, and lift him up from the chair he was sitting up, I bring his face closer to mine and stopped when he was to my eye level, after this I asked him with gritted teeth and slowly where Andrés's body is, all this while my hands got tighter around his throat.

*For a moment I thought I couldn't attack him because he looks just like Andrés but after that mocking laugh I couldn't hold it in anymore. I had to inflict more pain to him, I had to do something to him, I have to revenge my fallen brother, but most importantly I have to find his body and give him proper burial.
So that everyone that loves him could say goodbye to him.

*The man was turning purple, he was losing his breath slowly and by the second you could see in his eyes the fear, also how the life was draining out of him, his eyes looked as if they’re gonna fall from his scull, but I can't kill him just yet and especially not this easy, I need to know where Andrés's body is and after that I will personally make sure that he doenst live another day. I will not be merciful with him, I'll make him beg me to kill him, I will do the worst of the worst to him, and just so when he is about to give up or can't deal with it anymore, just when he is about to give up, I'll leave him be, I'll let him heal and then I will start again. I will be his worst nightmare.

*Just in that moment Chandrely came in the cell with her daughter.  The reason for this is, is that she is here to help us undo whatever kind of magic this man was and still is using, because to have lie to us without no one noticing or sence anything before, magic was being used in the pack, someone was gone and no one noticed, we had an intruder under our noses. It must be one hell of a spell or powerful magic.

*The girl looks at him and says, that it is a glamour and illusion spell combined with some dark magic.
All this she got from just looking at him?

-Christian: All this you got from just looking at him?

*She nods and then say.

-Daisy: Glamour is a form of magic, an illusion based on a projection of one’s magical energy altering, the awareness of a physical form in order to trigger certain emotions.

-Christian: English please.

*Daisy roll her eyes and say.

-Daisy: In other words.. it makes objects and or living things appear different from what they really are. Illusion and glamour make someone interprete and perceived wrongly by the senses.

-Christian: That is why I didn’t notice that it wasn’t Andrés, because he smelled just like him and also looked like him.

*Daisy nods. The man looks alarmed towards Daisy.

-Daisy: He is also channeling his essence. With that.

*She says pointing at the bracelet.

-Christian: Now that I notice, he never took that off.

-Melody: Wait, what did you say? He is channeling his Essence? So does that mean that my brother is still alive?

*She nods and say.

-Daisy: I don't know if he is still alive but he is channeling him for sure, it's so how the spell and magic could work so good. I'll take it off of him.

*Melody and Annette looks at each other with troubled face, the man started to beg and said to please don't broke the charm.

-Man: If I don't take the charm off doing the right ritual that must be done to take it off, I could die.

*Without saying another word, Daisy puts a fist in the air standing right in front of him, she looks him in the eye, he tried closing them, but she kept his eyes open with magic and then she started to chant.

-Daisy: Illusion so tricky, it makes me sigh, illusion become easy to the naked eye!

-Christian: Wait, I wanna know where Andrés's body is, so I can bring him home.

-Melody: Would he even tell us?

-Man: If I die, you won't know for sure where he is.

*He says smiling. Melody growls at him.

-Daisy: I could locate him with magic.

-Annette: Is that possible?

*Annette says looking hopeful. The man glares at Daisy and say.

-Man: You don't have that kind of power.

-Daisy: Daisy smile and turn to look him in the eye, you don't know who I am or where I come from. So don't say or presume anything.

-Man: There has been only 4 witches that has that kind of power, 2 of them are already death, besides you are just a little girl.

-Annette: Why? Is it so dificult to find someone using MAGIC?

-Daisy: For some witches it is, not all witches are powerful, some have the kind of magic to move things, others to read minds, others more advanced to do both and a little more, like turning someone invisible or change appearances, freeze object or persons, Like this one.

Not all witches can do all kinds of spells, but the ones more advanced can do some powerful spells, but there are others, like my father that are gifted with unlimited power. And me being his daughter, luckily got gifted with the same powers.

*She looks at the man and smiles. The man looks at her thinking for a second and then he realizes something. He looks at her wide eyed.

-Man: It can't be, you are his daughter? But no one knows of your existence.

-Daisy: I know, father kept it a secret so that vultures like you won't come after me. And he has trained me very well, so it doesn't matter that I'm just a little girl, I am in full control of my powers.

*She now looks at Annette. The man tried to say something but she shut him up with magic. Making a gesture with her hands like a closing mouth.

-Daisy: A location spell isn't just anything, it's a spell that you use so you can find someone wherever he or she is in this world, imagine if anyone could do it, people would start to use this kind of magic to find everyone just like that.

*She says snapping her fingers.

-Daisy: And with so many crazy witches around, lots of people would be death if they could have just located them. But with witches like my daddy, no one messes with them because they are too afraid of them. Fairies do magic too, but no one messes with fairies. Everyone knows better than to do so.

There are even some spells so powerful that you require a fairy and a witch working together to do it. But that is just impossible, fairies are not known for liking others that aren't their own species.

Now Listen carefully..

A locator spell, need to be done with blood of the person, you have kids so.. I'll just need some blood from them or from his sister. And also it takes a lot of power and energie to do it. It doesn't work like in the movies as you think.

I'll have to drink his blood in a mixture of herbs and chant a spell, after that, my mind will go into a slumber while my spirit leave my body in an Astral way and I will be drawn to him. But it's tricky, because I won't know the exact location I'll find him but I won't know where he is, I would have to look around.. especially if he is death, because he won't be able to talk to me. And my spirit can not be out of my body for long.

There is also black magic to cast spirits.

-Chandrely: What have I told you missy? No black magic. I don't even want you doing that locating spell because it sounds kind of dangerous, I'll ask your father if he can do it. But not you.

*Chandrely says mad. Daisy shake her head and say.

-Daisy: Mom please, I've done it before with father, it has been part of my training.

-Chandrely: I'm gonna have a serious talk with your father. It's out of discussion, you will not do that kind of magic. Understood?

*She nods and turns her attention towards the man, she takes the bracelet from him and throw it in the air, then she broke it, all this she do it with magic, in it there is hair and in the crystal there was blood.

-Daisy: Make them see what cannot be, let them see who this intruder is so he may not flee.
Wood and wind, ember and mist, grant your blessed child’s wish, sacred mother, let your light make thruth clearer, wrap it in your gentle glow so that tis all it ever shows.
Make them see
Make them see
Make them see.

*At this the man started to scream in pain as his appearance changes.

-Melody: Will he die?

*She asks Daisy.

-Daisy: Maybe, because I broke the charm the essence stolen will return to it's rightful place. And his, well his is lost, because when he forcefully took Andrés's essence his left his body while he was welcoming Andrés's essence his got no where to go. Not even into Andrés because even if he is alive, Andrés's body didn't welcome his, for that you need to do a spell. And for what he has just said that he could die I guess he didn't do it. Stupid. No essence, no soul. There is a chance that he could make it tho.

*She says rolling her eyes.

-Daisy: You don't want him to die?

*She asks Melody and Annette.

-Melody: Yes.

-Annette: NO.

*Everyone looks at Annette with surprise.

-Annette: Dying will be to merciful for him, I want him to suffer. To feel how I feel. I want him to beg for mercy, I want him to curse the day he was born.

*She says all of this stalking closer to him.

-Christian: And he will, I'll make sure of it. He will suffer and live in an hell for the rest of his pitty life, a curse worst than death. So much that the devil himself will weap.

*I say holding her. She looks at me and I noticed that her eyes has lost the life in it, the cheerfulness she always has had. She is the one who always makes jokes around and mock us all. Right now I could not see any of that in her eyes. They were just plain orbs now.

-Annette: You promise?

-Christian: I give you my word, I cross my heart and hope to die. For whatever long he have alive he will suffer.

*I let her go as she apparently was pleased with my answer, I get closer to him and I was about to say something when we heard commotion just outside the cell, we couldn't see what was going on, because the cells have doors not bars. I made my way towards the door and just when I'm about to open it, it opens, and in comes someone that left us breathless and in shock.

(((I'M SORRY, I will try to upload pictures tomorrow, right now they don't wanna upload. And I can't wait any longer, it's late.. it's 2:30 am, I have to work in the morning and also I have school, so, good night. And hope you like this chapter. Happy holidays.)))

2588 words.

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