Defending What You Love {kio...

By LionGuardFan13

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Welcome to the third installment of kionXreader story this is a sequel to love you to the Tree and back so if... More

Chapter 1 Poa the Destroyer
Chapter 2 Seeing What's True
Chapter 4 The Circle Of Life
Chapter 5 Goodbye Queen Janna
Chapter 6 Long Live The Queen
Chapter 7 Jealousy
Chapter 8 Visions
Chapter 9 The Villain Movement
Chapter 10 The Shrine
Chapter 11 Darkness
Chapter 12 Light the way
Chapter 13 Truth is out
Chapter 14 Activation
Chapter 15 Purpose
Chapter 16 The Shrine of Resurrection
Chapter 17 Battle of the Guards
Chapter 18 The Battle
Chapter 19 Defeated
Chapter 20 Anarchy
Chapter 21 One battle at a time
Chapter 22 The Healing Process
Chapter 23 Pain and Terror
Chapter 24 Assault
Chapter 25 Beginning of the End
Chapter 26 Seek and Destroy
Chapter 27 We are together
Chapter 28 It's Starts From Within
Chapter 29 Help?
Chapter 30 Lost
Chapter 31 The Spirit World
Chapter 32 Be Prepared
Chapter 33 To the Pride Lands
Chapter 34 Defend What You Have
Chapter 35 Cave of Reflection
Chapter 36 Attack In The Sprit World
Chapter 37 Blast From The Past
Chapter 38 Battles Across The Lands
Chapter 39 The 2nd Lesson
Chapter 40 Finding Hope
Chapter 41 The Final Lesson
Chapter 42 Scar's Gambit
Chapter 43 Defenders
Chapter 44 The Journey
Chapter 45 Battle from Within
Chapter 46 The Message
Chapter 47 Runaway
Chapter 48 The Meeting
Chapter 49 Executing the Plan
Chapter 50 Battling Fear
Chapter 51 Illusions of Fear
Chapter 52 Race to the Edge
Chapter 53 The Yin and Yang
Chapter 54 Shot in the Dark
Chapter 55 Our Love Story
Chapter 56 All Hands on Deck!
Chapter 57 Finding Yourself
Chapter 58 Voices That Tear Walls
Chapter 59 I Got Friends On The Other Side

Chapter 3 Mistakes

1.8K 31 36
By LionGuardFan13

Character List:

Lion Guard: Kion: Y/N, Ono, Bunga, Fuli, Beshte, Makini, Anga

Villains: Makucha, Chuluun, Ora, Mama Binturong

Villain Groups: {Makucha and his Leopards} {Chuluun} {Ora and his Komodo Dragons} {Mama Binturong and her Porcupines}

The Night Pride: Rani, Surak, Nirmala, Baliyo

Tree Of Life Animals: Queen Janna, Binga, Pingunio, Moutain Goats, Shrews, Polar Bear, Fox

Inside The Tree Of Life...

It was pretty boring lately, I still have to heal from the poison but Makini saids I'm doing well. The thing is it's getting lonely here, Queen Janna trains Makini, Ono and Anga fly around the Tree of Life so their not around, Bunga is apparently with another honey badger named Binga according to Beshte. Beshte walks around and sings with his new animal friends, and I haven't see Kion much, he's usually off with Nirmala healing and I get that I'm just not used to being this lonely. And Fuli is usually helping out the Night Pride who I barely see around too.

Makini walks in, "Oh, Hi Y/N!" Makini greeted grabbing the Bakora staff Queen Janna gave her. Y/N smiled seeing Makini, "Hi Makini could we talk?" Y/N asked eager for some company. Makini looked at Y/N, "Sorry Y/N, Queen Janna and I are doing more training" Makini cheered. Y/N frowned but then smiled, "If it makes you happy" Y/N commented. Makini smiled, "Thanks for understanding Y/N I'll see you later" Makini waved goodbye leaving to see Queen Janna. "Yeah see you later" Y/N sighed as she layed down her head preparing to sleep once again.


At the Mountain pass, Ora went flying into Makucha, "Ora!" Makucha scoffed, Ora rolled off. "Sorry Makucha" Ora hissed. "ORA! MAKUCHA! HELP CHULUUN TAKE OUT THE NIGHT PRIDE!!!" Mama Binturong shouted from her tree. They looked and Chuluun was dodging Surak's and Baliyo's attacks and Makucha and Ora were on their way to help. "I DON'T THINK SO!" Rani called running off the cliff tackling Makucha. Ora looked and smirked, "Don't worry Makucha I'll...." Ora was about to say until Fuli ran off as well and headbutted Ora away into Chuluun.

Mama Binturong saw the Night Pride line up together with Fuli and it was 5 to 3, "RETREAT!!" Mama Binturong called. Makucha, Ora, and Chuluun heard and turned around running away, "Another time Night Pride" Ora hissed before retreating. Rani looked in the distant at the Tree and growled seeing Mama Binturong, "You win this one Night Pride but we'll be back" Mama Binturong greeted climbing down and following Makucha, Ora, and Chuluun.

Rani turned to look at the Night Pride and Fuli, "Well done Night Pride and thanks for the assist Fuli" Rani thanked. Fuli noded, "No problem" Fuli assured, Fuli looked at the Night Pride, "You guys okay?" Fuli asked. "Fine just a little tired" Baliyo answered yawning, Nirmala smiled, "well we should probably head back" Nirmala suggested. "Good idea" Rani agrees as she leads everyone back to the Tree of Life.

On the opposite side, Mama Binturong and the others were together, "I thought you said that Y/N's death would impact them" Chuluun commented. Ora looked at Chuluun, "I thought so...I don't know why?" Ora hissed. Makucha scoffed, "Maybe your scorpion idea didnt work? I mean look they still fight strong" Makucha suggested. "SILENCE!" Mama Binturong shouted to stop their arguing, "Makucha is right" Mama Binturong agreed. Makucha looked confused and so did the others, "What I'm trying to say what if that venom failed and they found a way to help Y/N" Mama Binturong suggested. "Impossible!" Ora hissed, everyone looked at Ora, "Trust me I know this scorpion Y/N should be dead" Ora hissed explaining.

"Well we need to find another plan to attack the Night Pride" Chuluun advised, Mama Binturong looked at them. "We been attacking too much I say we should lay low and strategize an attack plan and then we become more successful" Mama Binturong ordered. After that, she climbed up into a resting position and Makucha, Ora, and Chuluun picked their spots and prepared to rest for the meantime.


The Lion Guard were outside the Tree of Life about to head in, "So Fuli how was patrol with the Night Pride?" Kion asked. Fuli looked at Kion, "I prefer patrol in the day like in the Pride Lands not at night" Fuli explained. Beshte smiled, "Well that's why they're the Night Pride" Beshte commented. Fuli smiled, Bunga looked at Kion, "So Kion where are you headed to?" Bunga asked. "Well, I'm going to the Tree of Life so I can see...." Kion was about to say. "Kion!" Ullu called flying above them landing.

The Guard watched as Ullu landed on Beshte's back, "What's wrong Ullu?" Ono asked, Ullu looked at Ono. "Oh, no Problem...I just came to fetch Kion, Nirmala requires him near the forest for his healing" Ullu explained. Kion looked and saw the Tree of Life and sighed, "Alright I'm coming...I'll see you guys later" Kion stated following Ullu. Bunga looked at the others, "So what are you guys doing?" Bunga asked. "We're helping Ullu do patrols from above" Ono and Anga explained, "I'm going to visit the Penguins they want to show me their flips" Beshte explained, "I might go for a run I still got some energy in me" Fuli explained.

Bunga noded as he watched everyone go their separate ways, "What should I do? Maybe I'll see Binga" Bunga thought. Near Bunga, Rani and Baliyo were on their way, "Hey Rani are you coming to rest?" Baliyo asked. "In a little bit, I'm going to see if I can find Kion or someone I need to ask them something you go on ahead" Rani explained. Baliyo was skeptical but he allowed it and ran away to sleep while Rani was heading to the Tree of Life.

As Rani went over the hill she saw Bunga, "Bunga!" Rani called, Bunga turned and saw Rani. "Oh, Hi Rani" Bunga greeted, "Have you seen Kion or anyone else around?" Rani asked. "I did but they all left" Bunga explained. Rani sighed, "Oh, I needed to ask something" Rani added, Bunga looked at Rani. "You can ask me" Bunga suggested, "Rani thought for a second and agreed.

Rani P.O.V

Ok, Rani, I need to find out the relationship with Kion and that Lioness resting before I do anything...Shoot...what was her did I forget.

"Uh, Rani?" Bunga questioned, Rani, snapped out and looked at Bunga, "Sorry just thinking" Rani commented. "So Bunga you know the Lioness in the Tree of Life right?" Rani asked, "Yup" Bunga answered. "Perfect, Don't tell anyone I asked but is how close is Kion and that Lioness," Rani asked nervously. Bunga looked confused, "Not long they practically just met recently" Bunga answered confidently. Rani nodded learning this, "Ok just wondering...I should sleep through so thanks Bunga" Rani thanked walking away.

Bunga turned walking to Binga's home, "That was weird, why would Rani ask if Kion and Queen Janna we're close?" Bunga questioned as he was on his way to see Binga.


Rani was on her way back and she heard rolling, she followed the sound and she looked down from the cliff and saw Kion and Nirmala. "Perfect Kion you're doing great" Nirmala encouraged as Kion rolled dodging falling fruit that some animals threw. "Nirmala how does this help heal my Scar?" Kion asked as he rolled. Nirmala looked at Kion as he dodged, "Well you see Kion reaction time is very important with a fast reaction time you can react to dangerous situations better" Nirmala explained. "Just in case I get angry or if something tries to make me angry" Kion put together. "Exactly it trains your ability to react and ability to adapt to the problem" Nirmala stated as Kion continued to dodge, Rani smiled from a distance, "It's nice to see he is healing" Rani commented yawning. Rani turned around and was on her way to the Night Pride's resting area to sleep.



"Wake Up!" Mama Binturong called to her group, they all woke up and looked at her. "Prepare yourselves, I saw an animal coming and she has cubs it is time we strike" Mama Binturong alerted them. They all smiled evilly as they were on the way to the mountain pass, but in the sky Ullu, Ono, and Anga we're flying. "Ullu! I see the Predators they're on the way to the pass" Anga reported. "Why would they do that?" Ono questioned, Ullu looked down and saw an animal with cubs heading to the mountain pass, "The Predators want to attack them" Ullu explained. Anga and Ono's eyes widened hearing that news. "Let's head back, I'll find the Night Pride and you find the Lion Guard" Ullu explained to Ono and Anga. Ono and Anga noded as they flew back to find the Lion Guard and Ullu flew the other way to find the Night Pride.

Mama Binturong was hidden in a tree and Ora, Makucha, and Chullun were behind rocks under her Tree. "I'll tell you when they are close and then we strike" Mama Binturong whispered to them below. Makucha and Chuluun smiled evilly as Ora had his tongue out licking his mouth showing he was hungry.

 Mama Binturong saw the animal and her cubs...

"Come on kids we're almost there" She reassured, the cubs smiled following their mother. "NOW!!!" Mama Binturong yelled and when she yelled Ora, Makucha, and Chuluun came out of hiding and the cubs ran quickly to hide behind their mother.

Mama Bintruong rubbed her hands evilly, "Well-well-well, what do we have here?" Mama Binturong asked sinisterly staring at the animal and her cubs.



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