Chapter 21 One battle at a time

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Character List:

Lion Guard: Kion: Y/N, Ono, Bunga, Fuli, Beshte, Makini, Anga

Villains: Makucha, Chuluun, Ora, Mama Binturong, Xene, Shupavu, Scar, Scar's Lion Guard

Villain Groups: {Makucha and his Leopards} {Chuluun} {Ora and his Komodo Dragons} {Mama Binturong and her Porcupines}

The Night Pride: Rani, Surak, Nirmala, Baliyo, Ullu

Tree Of Life Animals: Queen Janna, Binga, Pingunio, Mountain Goats, Shrews, Polar Bear, Fox, Varya, {Tiger Cubs}

After the devasting attack by Scar and his Lion Guard, Rani and the Night Pride work hard to get their injured friends back to the Tree of Life. "Nirmala I'm putting you in charge of the healing" Rani mentioned walking beside her. Nirmala looked at Rani, "Of course, I'll take Kion inside to heal, the others injuries aren't as bad as Kion's, lead them somewhere nice to rest and I will tend to them after" Nirmala explained. "Please Nirmala let me help too" Makini begged joining in the conversation.

Nirmala looked at Makini, "Of course your help would be excellent, I will help Kion inside and you can treat the Lion Guard injuries" Nirmala informed. Makini smiled and walked away leading the Lion Guard to a nice spot. Nirmala looked as Surak was carrying Kion now, "Follow me Surak" Nirmala informed walking inside the Tree of Life. Rani watched as they entered and then followed Makini.


Rani sat down beside Fuli as Makini was putting some remedy on Ono's wing, "Let this rest Ono, Rafiki taught me this" Makini explained. Fuli looked around seeing the Lion Guard resting trying to recover and she looked at Rani and saw her looking back at the Tree of Life. Fuli tried to get up but she grunted and Makini heard that. Makini turned and saw Fuli, "Fuli don't, you still need to heal" Makini explained running over.

"I'm fine Makini, but we need to find Y/N and stop Scar" Fuli grunted limping, Makini caught Fuli as they slowly went to the ground. "Look Fuli, your in no shape to fight, none of us are" Makini explained. Fuli was quiet hearing what Makini had to say and before she could say anything they heard something familiar voice in the distance.

"Thanks again for getting Nirmala those herbs" Bailyo thanked, "It was no problem it was in my territory anyway" The animal replied as they walked down the hill. Fuli looked and her eyes widened, the animal stopped and saw Fuli and smirked. "Fuli!" The animal called running over, "Azaad!" Fuli called as the male cheetah ran over.

Azaad stopped and saw Fuli's leg, "I heard what happened are you okay?" Azaad asked concerned. "Yeah I'm fine, didn't think you would care" Fuli replied awkwardly, Azaad paused and looked at Fuli. "I always care for my friends" Azaad replied smiling, Fuli smiled back until Bailyo caught up.

"How do you know them Azaad?" Bailyo asked, "They stumbled upon my territory and by the end we became friends and I help get Fuli to Tuliza for their Lion friend" Azaad explained. "Hello Azaad" Rani greeted. "Hello your majesty, and I'm sorry to hear about Queen Janna" Azaad addressed. "Thank you Azaad" Rani replied, "Care to go for a walk?" Azaad asked turning looking at Fuli.

"Sorry my leg is...." Fuli was about to say, "I can help you walk if you want?" Azaad asked, Fuli froze from the request but quickly agreed. Azaad helped Fuli up and they walked, "Well that was interesting" Bailyo commented looking at Rani. "Yes, yes indeed" Rani replied as they watched them walk away.


Azaad helped Fuli as they walked and eventually sat overlooking the whole area, "It's a nice view up here" Azaad commented. Fuli turned her head and looked at Azaad, "Why are you really here?" Fuli asked. Azaad paused, "What do you mean Fuli?" Azaad replied, "You came to drop off some herbs but you're deciding to stay, why?" Fuli asked.  It's stressful isn't it?" Azaad asked looking at the view. Fuli was confused, "Fighting many battles, against Scar, against yourself, wanting to fight even though you are unable to" Azaad stated.

"Yeah it can be stressful" Fuli admitted as they saw the sun setting, "One battle at a time" Azaad commented. Fuli looked at Azaad, "What?" Fuli asked, "One battle at a time, we all face many fights, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, it can be a lot for someone including you but if we fight one battle at a time we learn to pace ourselves" Azaad explained turning to look at Fuli.

Fuli looked at Azaad as their eyes stared at each other, "And when we pace ourselves we discover what we want to fight for" Azaad finished. Fuli looked into Azaad eyes hearing everything he said, "What are you fighting for Azaad?" Fuli asked, Azaad smirked, "Not what....Who" Azaad answered. After Azaad answered there was silence as the sun was setting.

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