Chapter 57 Finding Yourself

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Y/N sat in her spot as she covered her eyes and ears as the sound of constant claws scratching at each other reminded her of the things Scar did when he had control. She felt so pathetic before coming to the tree of life she could somewhat hold her own and fight with the Lion Guard. Now she's just a pathetic mess knowing Zira and Scar were right all along. "I-I-I-I-I-I- I c-c-cant..." She stuttered as he body whimpered as she hit the unactivated Gateway. She rubbed her head and looked up behind her seeing it was indeed unactivated with no colour just symbols. 

Y/N paused as she looked more around the ring seeing 8 different symbols, a rock, a fist in the air, an eye, a feather with air behind it, a book, the lion guard symbol, a blue jay symbol, and angel wings. Y/N looked behind the gate seeing a wall with moss with symbols. Y/N was always interested in ancient writing since her parents knew how to read them and would read them to her. When she was growing up she learned to cipher them. Kion peaked over seeing Y/N walk off and before he could call out a Hyena kicked him in the side and he rolled into Kopa as he was on top of him.

"Ack your heavy," Kopa commented,

"Thanks," He said sarcastically,

They both got back up and went back to back as they were surrounded, "Why is there so many?" Kion asked. Kopa looked around confused, "I know this place is dying but without Zira here how do they have ord-"

"What about me?" A cold voice commented emerging from the leaves as she limped with half her face bleeding. Kion and Kopa froze seeing she was still alive, "Thought throwing me off the cliff would work?" A Hyena looked a Zira, "Mistress there is only the Lioness she went that way we can-"

"SHE'S MINE!" She roared and the Hyena backed away nodding quickly, "The two lions are yours." She ordered as she limped to find Y/N, "STAY AWAY FROM HER!" Kion shouted but the Hyena's charged and they attacked. "Kion I know you love her but you need to focus on now! If we die here we all die." Kion shook his head knowing he was right but hated the thought he had to leave Y/N again. 

Y/N used her claw to slash the vines and moved the moss with her paw as she saw symbols and started to read what they said. "The Shrine of Resurrection lies in the Physical as the gate that lies present is the Shrine of the Spiritual Connection. When the 8 pillars recognize themselves they have light. Henceforth activating the gate."

"The 8 pillars but I don't understand...who are the-" She paused as she saw a symbol at the end it was the Lion Guard Symbol. "This is Askari domain so did he write this...but what does he mean...who are the are we suppose to find them when we don't have that kind of time...are they all in the spirit world or in the Physical...." She asked too many questions as she was starting to panic.

As she panicked she started to cry facing the wall and looked down, "I'm a mess." With her sobbing she couldn't hear the limping as Zira could hear crying. Zira limped and when she turned she licked her lips and smirked evilly as she saw Y/N on the ground crying and she raised her claw in the air to strike her from behind. Zira was ready to slash down on Y/N in 


Meanwhile at the Shrine of Resurrection 

Fuli and the fastest ran side by side trying to hit each other and Fuli jumped on the Lion's back and leaped. When she looked around she saw so many animals fighting each other, "Come on Kion...we need you," She thought as she landed and ran. Beshte and the Strongest headbutt each other trying to determine who was stronger as both went back and forth. Rani slid as she looked from the hill and she exhaled seeing the fighting that happened all over this area. Hyenas and Jackals fought together against some Leopards. Crocs and Vultures focused on Mama and her porcupines. The Tree of Life habitants focused on the Komodo Dragons. Rani and the Night Pride stood at the entrance of the Shrine as Scar was there. 

"The Lion Guard is holding off Scar's Guard so our job is to make sure Scar does not pass!" Rani called as they stood in his way. Scar looked at the obstacles in his way, "I've had enough of this. I will slice you down in her body so I can finally rid Kion!" Scar roared.

"YOU'LL HAVE TO KILL US FIRST!" Rani growled, 

The Night Pride all got into a battle stance as Scar got in his, "Don't tempt me." Scar lunged forward and quicly Rani went to attack up as Bailyo went to attack below. Scar with Y/N's small body was able to leap into the middle of both strikes and he back kicked Bailyo in the back. When Scar landed Surak jumped from above and Scar rolled to the side as their claws clashed. "Bailyo are you okay?" Rani asked running over, Bailyo sat up shaking his head, "Wow she's a tough one or he is or she I dont know!" 

"Bailyo focus," Rani helped him up as Surak slid back as the three lions were together as Scar was in front of them. Ora was knocked away from a mountain goat as Varya was the one that did it, "Thanks Varya." Varya nodded as she was doing what she could as she was challenging Ora, "Ah a tiger now this is a worthy prey!" Ora opened his jaw and leaped at Varya, Varya jumped back to dodge and smacked down on Ora making him slam down into the ground.

"My cubs put up a better fight then you," Ora hissed hearing her statement and leaped again but a vulture dived down and hit Ora and soon after an eagle was close behind, "ANGA LENGA!" Anga smacked Ora making him roll and hit the cliff. Varya looked up and smiled in thanks to the Vulture and Anga. Fuli jumped and so did the Fastest and before the lion could claw at her someone leaped off the cliff with great speed and jumped on the lions head. Fuli looked back hearing a noise and her eyes widened seeing Azaad. 

"No one attacks Azaad's friend!" He called as he landed on the lion. Fuli bolted over, "Azaad!" she called as she reached him seeing the lion was knocked out. Azaad smiled, "Is Fuli ok?" he asked concerned. 

"I am now-" She paused seeing Dark Clouds form in the sky, "EVERYONE TAKE-" before Fuli could even finish her sentence a large roar was heard as the ground shook and leaves and rocks flew. The Vultures struggled and were blown away as many animals in the blast were shoved by the Dark Roar even Scar's allies. Mama Binturong went flying and she screamed as all her forces flew like all the Lion Guard allies. Beshte planted his feet in the ground holding on as Ono and Bunga hid behind Beshte. Bailyo hit a rock and fell as Surak rolled and hit the ground. Rani was on the ground near Fuli as she got up slowly with a sprain. Fuli winced looked up seeing Scar was sill going and it continued to push everyone back hurling trees and rocks.

"FULI TREE!!!!" Bunga yelled, Fuli looked up and her eyes widened seeing a large tree fly right for her and-

This story is reaching the end there are only 3 story updates left!!

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