Chapter 48 The Meeting

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Character List:

Lion Guard: Kion: Y/N, Ono, Bunga, Fuli, Beshte, Makini, Anga

Villains: Makucha, Chuluun, Ora, Mama Binturong, Xene, Shupavu, Scar, Scar's Lion Guard

Villain Groups: {Makucha and his Leopards} {Chuluun} {Ora and his Komodo Dragons} {Mama Binturong and her Porcupines}

The Night Pride: Rani, Surak, Nirmala, Baliyo, Ullu

Tree Of Life Animals: Azaad, Binga, Pingunio, Mountain Goats, Shrews, Polar Bear, Fox, Varya, {Tiger Cubs}

Spirit World: Raider, 

The Hyenas saw this bright light near Y/N and when they tried to get close a barrier stopped them. "SOMEONE CALL ZIRA!!!" One of the Hyena's shouted as a couple of them tried to break the barrier.

"There is not much time Y/N," Y/N father stated,

"Dad, Mom there is nothing I can do, I'm weak, I'm-"

"We did not raise you to give up" Y/N mother cut in, Y/N looked up as she could feel her mother's paws on her face wiping her tears away.

"Y/N good always and will prevail over evil, Love will always beat hatred" Y/N mother told her,

"I understand that mom but there is nothing I can do, I'm stuck here, my friends are dying, Evil is going to prevail" Y/N was ready to give up.

"EVIL PREVAILS WHEN GOOD DOES NOTHING!!!" Y/N father shouted, Y/N jerked her head up hearing her father.

"My biggest regret in life was letting you down and leaving you, Zira ended us and we let evil prevail because we did nothing. Don't repeat our mistakes, our job as parents were to raise you so you don't repeat our mistakes. Zira took that from us but we will not let evil prevail, Y/N we cannot stop Zira or Scar.

"Your father is right honey, we failed as parents but don't fail. You will overcome this and become one day become a proud parent like us. Don't let evil Prevail Y/N. Evil feeds on the doubt good has on themselves. Evil is built to create fear, evil wants to make you feel hopeless, that's how they win. Good cannot give in, good is hard, but good is stronger" Y/N mother commented.


As Raider hid he could hear Kopa shouting, Raider peeked his head out and saw Kopa being chased by Zira.

"That's not good, Raider told himself, but before he left he was distracted by a huge ray of light that shot into the air from Zira's lair. Kopa looked and saw Zira stooped as the pure darkness around them looked like fog and was fading. Zira broke off from chasing Kopa and started running to her cave. Kopa was about to run after until he felt something land on his head,

"Kopa you need to do your job and get Kion to Askari's Domain. I will deal with Zira" Raider explained flying up.

"Wait! Raider! You can't defeat Zira alone" Kopa commented,

"Don't be a fool Kopa, I know that. I will execute my final duties as guardian and stall Zira even if it leads to my death. Askari and Powell have fallen to defend Kion. now I need to do the same. I have told Kion's friends and as we speak they are on the way to the Shrine of Resurrection. You need to do your part." Raider explained.

"Wait I thought only a guardian can open Askari's Domain?" Kopa asked,

"Give me your paw" Raider stated as Kopa took his paw out and Raider took out one of his feathers and placed it on Kopa's shoulder and Raider held Kopa's paw. Raider closed his eyes and started to glow and Kopa looked around seeing he was glowing and so was the feather.

"I know, that is why as the final guardian of this world I am passing down my guardian credentials over to you" Raider explained as his guardian symbol vanished and appeared on Kopa.

"You can do this Kopa. It was an honour to meet you and fight with you now go save your brother" Raider flew up and left and Kopa watched as Raider flew out of his sight. "Thank you, Guardian Raider" Kopa thanked as he ran over to find Kion.


Zira was running but then a feather pierced her shoulder and she slide and looked in the air seeing a blue jay. Raider landed down on the rock in front of Zira and they glared at each other.

"You fool, I killed Askari you think you can kill me?" Zira scoffed,

"I will do anything and everything in my power to stop you" Raider stated getting into an attacking position.

"Then it will be your greatest downfall" Zira hissed as she got into her fighting position,

Quickly Zira clashed and Raider shot two feathers and flew up and they attacked each other, as Raider looked at the light at the cave he recognized it.

"That's odd, Askari told me about a light pattern like that. But that can't be possible in this realm. That is the light pattern of a Guardian Angel but from what I know there aren't any here" Raider thought confused about the light.

"Askari also told me a Guardian Angel can only be appointed to a person by the leader of the Lion Guard, so the question is who is it- Wait is Y/N a Guardian Angel?" Raider was thinking as Zira tried to jump up and kill him.

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