Chapter 45 Battle from Within

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Character List:

Lion Guard: Kion: Y/N, Ono, Bunga, Fuli, Beshte, Makini, Anga

Villains: Makucha, Chuluun, Ora, Mama Binturong, Xene, Shupavu, Scar, Scar's Lion Guard

Villain Groups: {Makucha and his Leopards} {Chuluun} {Ora and his Komodo Dragons} {Mama Binturong and her Porcupines}

The Night Pride: Rani, Surak, Nirmala, Baliyo, Ullu

Tree Of Life Animals: Azaad, Binga, Pingunio, Mountain Goats, Shrews, Polar Bear, Fox, Varya, {Tiger Cubs}

Spirit World: Raider, 

Raider came out of the portal and landed onto Kopa,

"Sorry master Ko-" Raider the blue jay stopped seeing Kopa in shock seeing a beam of green shoot into the air and surrounding it was darkness and Scar's dark energy. Kopa looked at Raider, "That's why I couldnt talk to Kion, Scar is trying to corrupt Kion" Kopa explained as two dark sprits split off to attack.

Raider shot two feathers hitting the spirits and making them disappear into light and Kopa was surprised, "What was that?" Kopa asked.

"I'm one of the last guardians of light" Raider stated,

"That's cool and all but how do we beat Scar?" Kopa asked as he was in a attack position defending Raider as he was thinking.

"The yin and the yang" Raider stated,

Kopa looked at Raider, "You mean the balance?" Kopa asked.

"Yes, Askari told me to put an end to the darkness we must bring balance and I was never understood how Kion played the part in that and I understand it now" Raider explained as he shot feathers out.

"Tell me what we have to do" Kopa replied as they were evading the dark spirits.

"Kion and Y/N are the yin and the yang, like how the Spirit world and the physical world are the balance" Raider explained. 

Kopa eyes lighted up, "To beat Scar we must reconnect them" Kopa added, Raider nodded as they saw the beam was getting brighter. 

"What do we do then Raider?" Kopa asked,

Raider came closer, "You need to free Kion from Scar's grasp and bring him to Askaris domain where the portal is located" Raider ordered.

"What will you do?"

"I need to send a message somehow to Kion's friends, they need to get Kion's body and Scar to the shrine of resurrection. If You take Kion to Askari domain and Scar gets to the shrine Kion and Scar will fight withing both plains, the world between the Spirit world and the physical world." 

Kopa grabs Raider and rolls as they dodge the incoming attacks, "How does Kion win?"

"Only Kion can decide that,"

"Kion and Y/N both need to do this together in order to free Y/N from Scar's control and only together can they shut the shrine of ressurection and put an end to Scar and his evil Lion Guard" Raider explained.

Kopa nodded and Raider held Kopa's paw, "Remember Kopa, we are the only ones that can do this. We cannot fail, the fate of light depends on this."

"Yeah no pressure thanks" Kopa replied as both Raider and Kopa split ways.


Raider flew up into the sky and saw Kopa rolling and attacking the spirits, "Good luck Kopa, get Kion back" Raider talked to himself as he started to fly away to find a certain tree. 

"Okay Raider, you need to get a message to the Tree of Life and tell them how they can help Kion and Y/N win this fight. But all we can do is set them up but only Kion and Y/N can free themselves from their inner darkness and challenge Scar to return balance everywhere. If they fail this world along with the whole world will fall to internal darkness forever" Raider panicked a little but he knew Askari wanted him to carry out his duties and put an end to the darkness.

Meanwhile, Kion kept running as the darkness was catching up on him until it grabbed his leg trying to pull him closer. "You can't run forever Kion," Scar's voice called trying to grab Kion and end him. Kion kicked the claw away and continued to run, "I need to live, I need to get out of here, I need to get home" Kion cried as he kept trying to escape but no matter where he ran their was only darkness.


I opened my eyes feeling weak and I saw my paws and legs were wrapped by these green chains and I felt cold and lonely. Does Kion still love me? Will he come for me? Those were questions I've asked myself ever since Scar used me to do evil things. Ever since Scar forced me to do what he wants. It hurts, I'm forced to watch Scar hurt the ones I love and use my body for harm, If he killed Kion....I....don't....think I would want to live. I love him with all my heart and I just can't let Scar kill him.

"Oh so your awake now" An Evil voice called,

Y/N looked and frowned seeing Zira was standing their,

"Where is Scar?" Y/N asked,

"Busy, but don't worry Zira is here to keep you company" Zira stated as she was licking the bones of the birds she killed in the cave.

"You monster" Y/N hissed,

Zira laughed evilly looking at Y/N,

"Oh really I'm the monster, your the one who hurt Kion and trapped him here, your the reason the Lion Guard is hurt, your the reason the Night Pride is losing, your the reason everyone is going to die" Zira called approaching Y/N.

Y/N shook her head trying to deny every word Zira was saying even though deep down she knew Zira  was right.

Zira grabbed Y/N jaw and she flinched in fear and Zira licked her mouth and laughed evilly,

"Don't fear pretty one, when Scar is done with you. I'll share the scaps of your dead friends, if it makes you feel better I'll let you eat Kion's dead corspe" Zira laughed evilly thinking of Kion's and his friends dead bodies.

Y/N started to break down fearing the end of the Lion Guard was approaching...

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