Chapter 50 Battling Fear

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Kopa got up to a ridge and as he looked around he saw a bright beam of light shoot into the air from the Outlands. Kopa turned his head the other way seeing a black beam shoot into the air from Pride Rock. As Kopa looked straight ahead he saw Askari's Domain, "So I need to get Kion and Y/N to Askari domain without dying or getting caught and I have to battle Zira and an army of spirit Hyenas." Before Kopa could rant anymore he felt the ground shake and he saw the terrain cracking. He cupped his face and shook his head, "Ok Kopa you can do this save your brother, save his girlfriend, and get them out....." Kopa hopped down heading for Pride Rock since it was closer.

Zira started to lick her bloody paws as she was on her way back to the cave to stop Y/N, "Why can't lion cubs play nice?" She questioned herself. As Zira was about to head off she was tackled in an instant and she grunted as she saw a Lion on top of her. Zira grinned evilly, "Well....well...well....look who it is." The Lion growled as he went to strike but Zira kicked him off quickly. Zira jumped back up as she faced the Lion seeing it was Y/N's father, "Do I have to kill you again!?" Y/N father got ready to pounce, "I couldn't save my princess before but this time I can!" He jumped to strike and Zira leaped up as they both clashed. Outside the cave Y/N had her paws on her ears shaking horribly from all the voices she heard from Scar and the pain she felt all over her body.


I couldn't hold it in anymore I broke.....I'm broken.....I'm a failure.....a mess....a mistake.....lonely....evil....useless.....and.....

I paused feeling something warm embrace me and I started to sniffle and when I turned my head I saw it was my mother. I stopped crying a moment and cherish this moment...the ability to hug my's been...too long. My mother raised her head and put her paw on my face and she nuzzled me and my tears started to get bigger as I felt her comfort me.

"Y/N.....don't treat yourself like that dear. You're stronger than you think and I know you will get past this."

"Mom.....I can't.....I'm sorry.....Scar-"

"To hell what Scar said Y/N! Scar's only weapon against you is fear it's how he has so much power. Scar knows deep inside the Lion Guard can defeat him unless he stops the Lion Guard but Y/N you are stronger than him." Y/N started to cry even more nuzzling her mother as she didn't know what to say. Since Scar took control she's felt alone.....cold....lonely...and all she could think about was-


Y/N froze as her mother said his name and she looked at her seeing her mother had a large smile on her face. "He's a good one, isn't he? He's treated you nice and you treat him well right?" Y/N for once smiled a little. "Well, when we first met I headbutt him into a rock and he made me cry when we fell down into a ravine." Y/N started to laugh a little thinking back to when she met Kion and how she fell in love with him from day one. Y/N mother looked around the room seeing Y/N Lion Guard mark glowed a tiny bit and it clicked.

"Dear tell me more, I want to hear all about it." Y/N paused thinking back since it made her heart beat and she smiled. "Janja saved me....Hyenas saved my life mom.....they treated me as one of their own. Even though Janja was an....interesting Hyena...he still cared for me even during the cold and scary nights." Y/N closed her eyes as she was reliving the days she spent in the Hyena cave through the hot and cold nights in the outlands. As she went on and held onto her mother her symbol started to glow as the dark green fog was being pushed back slowly. Y/N mother paused looking at her daughter symbol more and her eyes widened. 

"The Guardian Angel...." She gasped quietly,

"Hm...did you say something?" Y/N sniffled to look but her mother kept nuzzling her so she couldn't look. Y/N's paws felt heavy and her body continued to shake from the amounts of pain and trauma Scar caused. Y/N's mom had her claw out chipping away at the chains trying to get her out and Y/N eyes were starting to close but she felt a nuzzle against her head trying to keep her awake. "Y/N, you need to stay awake for me sweetie," Y/N blinked trying to focus but easily she zoned out.


Fuli leaped out of the way as Scar swiped to the left, "Y/N!! IT'S FULI!!!" Fuli shouted trying to get to her again. Scar snickered evilly in Y/N's body, "HOW MANY TIMES MUST I TELL YOU CHEETAH!!! SHE'S GONE!!!" Scar headbutt Fuli and before she could react she got hit in the stomach as she was sent back into the ground. Scar started to roar into the air signalling Mama Binturong's forces. The Lion of Keenest looked at the Fastest, "I thought the plan was for the Binturong to watch the mountain pass?"

"I guess the plan has-" The Fastest was about to say as they heard the Strongest roar telling them to move but before they could react Bunga hopped up crashing the Strongest into Scar's Lion Guard. Ono hovered in the air looking around seeing the Night Pride and the Tree of Life animals getting back up. Scar's Lion Guard got back up seeing the four of them were surrounded, "What now Lions?" Bunga questioned snickering. Scar was on the hill hearing his Lion Guard call for him and he looked, "I HAVE TO KILL KION!!! SOLVE IT YOURSELF!!!" Scar bolted the opposite way to head the way Rani and Beshte went.

Before Bunga could say anything else he heard a growl from above and he jumped back seeing Makucha land as the Predators arrived to Scar's Lion Guard's side. Mama Binturong was on a tree watching, "Seems like a fair fight now." She rubbed her hands evilly as both Bunga, and Ono stood with the Night Pride and the Animals of the Tree of Life ready to battle.  Within seconds both sides engaged each other and a brawl started. 

Fuli got up wincing and she rubbed her head hearing lots of clashing and when she looked down the hill she saw a full-out battle. Xene and Shupavu were above Fuli in a tree, "We need to tell the Predators to regroup at the Shrine of Resurrection." Xene looked at Shupavu hearing her suggestion and he sighed as he crawled down heading for Scar's Lion Guard. Fuli looked towards the Tree of Life knowing she had to help but she heard her name being called.

"FULI!!! WE GOT THIS!!! KEEP GOING!!!" Baliyo shouted as he leaped to the side avoiding Makucha's tail. Fuli paused as she looked at the Night Pride and she nodded and quickly turned around and bolted towards Shrine of Ressurection. Varya slashed down hitting Chuluun causing her to roll away. "ZUKA ZAMA!!!!" Bunga yelled loudly as he was launched in the air by a polar bear and he landed on the Bravest Lion riding him.

"ARGH!! I HATE THIS FERRET!!!" The Lion roared angrily,

"FOR THE SECOND TIME!!! I'M A HONEY BADGER!" Bunga called as he crashed the bravest lion into a tree.


Kopa stopped running as he saw a mass amount of green smoke and he knew what was happening. "Scar's control spread all the way here....I need to save my brother," Kopa promised to himself as he closed his eyes and jumped into the green smoke ready to battle fear itself.

This story is reaching the end there are only 10 story updates left!!

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