Chapter 9 The Villain Movement

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Character List:

Lion Guard: Kion: Y/N, Ono, Bunga, Fuli, Beshte, Makini, Anga

Villains: Makucha, Chuluun, Ora, Mama Binturong, Xene, Shupavu

Villain Groups: {Makucha and his Leopards} {Chuluun} {Ora and his Komodo Dragons} {Mama Binturong and her Porcupines}

The Night Pride: Rani, Surak, Nirmala, Baliyo, Ullu

Tree Of Life Animals: Queen Janna, Binga, Pingunio, Moutain Goats, Shrews, Polar Bear, Fox, Varya, {Tiger Cubs}

Mama Binturong and her group were retreating from the mountain pass, "AND DON'T COME BACK!!!" Bunga shouted as the Night Pride and Lion Guard scared them off. Rani smiled, "Good work everyone" Rani congratulated. Bunga bowed to Queen Rani, "No problem your majesty" Bunga stated. Rani looked at Bunga, "Bunga we talked about this" Rani sighed, Bunga rose and smiled, "As you wish" Bunga replied.

Ullu flew back to get Nirmala, "Nirmala Kion demands your presence near the Tree of Life" Ullu hooted explaining. "Why is he in pain?" Nirmala asked, Ullu shook her head, "No Y/N is having a problem according to Kion" Ullu explained. Nirmala noded and Nirmala left and quickly the Night Pride and Lion Guard followed.


After several hours everyone was in the Tree of Life and Y/N was sleeping on a bed of leaves while Nirmala and Makini checked her out and Kion explained what happened to the Lion Guard. "Why would Y/N think she killed someone?" Fuli asked in disbelief. "I don't know Fuli but we all know she wouldn't do that" Kion replied. Kion looked around, "Where is the Night Pride?" Kion asked. Anga looked at Kion, "After bringing us back Ullu reported that Mama Binturong and her forces were spotted at the pass again" Anga explained.

Nirmala walked over to the Lion Guard and they all looked at her, "So how is Y/N?" Kion asked. "She checks out fine Makini and I checked it was just a nightmare" Nirmala explained. Kion shook his head, "It can't be something was different about this" Kion suggested. Nirmala looked at Kion, "Don't know what to tell you Kion but after a better night's rest, Y/N should be fine by tomorrow" Nirmala explained. "If you need me, I'm going to see Rani, to see if she needs my help| Nirmala explained leaving the Tree of Life.

Kion walked over and sat right beside Y/N so she wasn't alone but before Kion slept he saw the Lion Guard slept around too. "Guys, aren't you going to head back?" Kion questioned, Fuli looked at Kion. "Lion Guard together Kion, if one of us is down we all will be around," Fuli told Kion. Kion looked around and the Lion Guard smiled and agreed with Fuli and Kion smiled back. Kion laid his head beside Y/N and kissed her on the forehead before he fell asleep and the Lion Guard fell asleep in the Tree of Life.


Mama Binturong was speaking with Xene and Shupavu and Makucha, Ora, and Chuluun ran back after retreating. "There they are" Mama Binturong pointed out, they got closer to listen in, "Y/N is breaking don slowly" Shupavu explained. "Yes, very soon we can move on to Phase two of the plan" Xene explained. Makucha smiled evilly, "Better be worth it" Makucha scoffed, "Trust us Makucha it will" Mama Binturong assured. Mama Binturong looked at Shuapvu and Xene, "Continue spying on them and report back with any useful knowledge" Mama Binturong ordered.

Shupavu and Xene noded and crawled away heading back to the Tree of Life. Mama Binturong turned to face her group, "We are close my friends and once we do this Kion, the Night Pride and the Lion Guard will be eliminated and the Tree of Life will be ours" Mama Binturong preached. Makucha, Ora, and Chuluun smiled evilly hearing Mama Binturong's plan.


Rani was on the way back to the Tree of Life and Nirmala was with her, "So how's Y/N?" Rani asked. "She is resting at the Tree of Life it was just a nightmare" Nirmala answered Rani, Rani looked at Nirmala. "What about?" Rani asked, "I don't know much but I heard something about a murder" Nirmala explained. Rani backed up, "Murder?" Rani asked surprised. "Don't worry Rani, she is sleeping well now and I assure you it was just a dream" Nirmala reassured. "I...hope your right" Rani yawned. Nirmala noticed and smiled, "Let's head back with the rest of the Night Pride and sleep" Nirmala suggested.

Rani yawned again and nodded and agreed with Nirmala and they quickly were heading back to the field.


In the Tree of Life, Y/N was curled up inside Kion and Kion stroked his paw on Y/N head thinking, "Why was she having a nightmare about murder?" Kion thought. Kion rubbed his Scar feeling pain and he shook his head, "Looks like I'll need to continue my healing with Nirmala tomorrow" Kion thought. Kion looked at Y/N, "No matter what the reason is I promise to make sure this won't happen again" Kion told himself. "Y/N has been there for me since we first met to now it's my turn to take care of her" Kion thought.

Kion laid his head on Y/N and fell back asleep, but above Kion Xene was on a branch watching them all sleep. "Enjoy her company Kion becuase I assure you I will take her away and you will feel the pain of losing a loved one" Xene promised. "You killed my mentors Ushari and Scar, and now I'm going to take everything from you so you have no one left and then I'll kill you at last after you are broken," Xene told himself. "But the first step to ruin you is to Kill Y/N, then I'll go for Fuli, then Rani, and slowy your friends" Xene swore as he looked at Kion planning his vengeance.



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