Be With Me

By SpiritualBahar

69.5K 3.2K 738

James and Rafaela fell in love while he was dating her best friend. Despite trying to resist, the couple sucu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100

Chapter 41

561 30 10
By SpiritualBahar

In the morning, after family breakfast, James left for the studio and Rafaela took Liam to school. She took him until his classroom and kissed her kid on his cheek fiercely, ordering him to behave. Liam was a very skittish kid. Then she drove until the marine where she should meet Kelly for a coffee and a conversation. During the years, they put all their differences behind, and their friendship regained some of the strength it had before. Kelly was still dating Rob and she had what seemed a steady and passionate relationship. Rafaela knew that after she was done with college, she would marry Rob for sure.

"So Liam is in school?" Kelly asked while catching the morning sun.

"Yeah... he has his Father's Day recital today." Rafaela smiled. "I saw the rehearsals. It's going to be so cute, but you know how much of an irreverent kid he is. I hope he doesn't blow it in the middle." They both laughed at her remark. "Liam is so unpredictable... it's impossible to know what is going to happen. He surprises me and James so much sometimes."

"He's just so vivid and so skittish, he's really funny." Kelly commented but a really absent. Rafaela was oblivious to it as she talked about her son.

"He makes us laugh so much..." Rafaela added still laughing not noticing Kelly wasn't even smiling anymore. "Even if he blows it, I know James is going to love it. He spoils him so much..."

"He's so present in his things isn't he?" Kelly asked still serious.

She nodded. "He is. I can't complain about that. Whenever he has the time, he's all up to play with him and interact in his activities at school, though it's just kindergarten, but he loves to show up around as a kid's parent. You know him..." Then Rafaela sighed and the smile on her lips disappeared.

"He still hasn't changed his mind about having another baby?" Kelly asked as she knew Rafaela better than anyone else. There a smiled appeared on her lips. Her lips curved a little bit, but Rafaela didn't notice any of these little details.

"No..." She shook her head. "Even last night we talked about it and he's resisting so much. He doesn't want it; I can't force him."

"I don't understand... I mean, he's such a great father. I've seen him with Liam, he's so tender with him." Kelly commented enjoying the course of the conversation.

"He says we're still very young, that we can wait. It is a fact, I know that..."

"He's right on that part." Kelly defended him. "He's just 27 and you're 24, there's plenty of time to have kids for you two."

"I don't feel it is exactly that." Rafaela said. "I think it's because he's so busy with the band you know, sometimes I am so fed up with it, because he puts us on hold all the time because of the band."

"He doesn't do that, come on... you're being unfair. He tries to divide his time the best he can, you know that Rafi. You're just resented because you want something he doesn't want now. He didn't say no forever, he asked you to wait a bit more."

"It hurts me, that's just it." Then Rafaela shrugged. "Well, truth is, there's nothing I can do about it."

"Look... it was hard when you got pregnant with Liam. I don't want to imagine how things would be if your father hasn't helped you. Now his band is a bit stable. He's able to support you guys and I think he wants to settle even more before he puts another kid into this world, so he can be the one providing all for him without anyone's help." Kelly remembered how that made her feel though and for a second she shuddered. They had destroyed her. That pregnancy had destroyed all her hope.

"He is very proud for sure. I remember my father told him he would never be able to support me, though they get along pretty fine now, I know James hasn't forgot that and he wants to prove him wrong. Maybe that's it and he isn't telling me."

"Rob is still in New York." Kelly pouted and changed the subject, making Rafaela laugh.

"And you miss him... welcome to my world."

"It sucks!" Kelly laughed as well.

"Imagine when it's weeks in a row."

"At least it's just 4 days."

Usually, Liam would get out of school right at lunch time, that's why they'd meet James for lunch sometimes, so Liam could be with his father for a while, but that day, since it was the party at school, he would stay part of the afternoon. Rafaela had lunch with Kelly and then drove back to Liam's school, where she waited for James to arrive.

It didn't take long, maybe half an hour until she saw his new jeep approaching the school quarters. Still inside his car, he waved at her and smiled and then kept going to look for a place where he could park. Since there was a party, the place was packed, and it took him good 10 minutes to arrive near her.

"This is crazy." He smiled kissing her lips.

"It's not only you who have kids, you know?"

"I can see that." He joked. Holding hands they went inside to the amphitheater and still found a place front row. That's where they always wanted to stay, so they wouldn't miss a bit of the show. They sat and James brought her hand to his lap, resting his on top of hers, then he bent over her ear.

"What have you been doing in the morning?"

"I went for a coffee with Kelly after leaving Liam here and we ended up having lunch."

"Is she alright? It's been some time since I've seen her?" James asked.

"She's cool." She smiled. "She's having her midterm, that's why you haven't been seeing her much. Rob is in New York."

"Doing what?" James asked interested.

"Seems like his company sent him there with some task. No one's sure what he's doing there, not even him."

"What? Is he a secret agent or something?" Rafaela giggled at his remark and tapped his chest.

"Look, it's going to start." He said and they sat back straight. Rafaela pulled the video recorder and pointed it at the stage. "There's the little guy." He said amused and she began to record. Liam, the second he saw them, forgot all about his colleagues and began to wave at them, and James laughed loud.

"I can't believe he's waving." Rafaela commented.

"That kid is just some treat." He responded but she could feel all the joy and pride in his tone. She eyed him by the corner of her eye, and he was just mesmerized with a smile on his lips watching his son. James loved that kid more than anything.

"HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!" The kids yelled in choir and people clapped. Then one by one they began to come up front to say a few words about their dad. Things they have probably rehearsed in class. Liam's time arrived and he came up front with his relaxed attitude and smiling.

"It's ours." James whispered.

"My daddy is really cool." Liam said with his childish voice. "He sings in a band and plays the guitar." The public began to laugh and so did they. "He plays with me and I love him very much. I like it when he teaches me how to spit far and he also taught me how to make spit balls, my daddy rocks!." James buried his face in his hands laughing but rather embarrassed.

"Oh God..." He breathed.

"Way to go daddy." Rafaela tapped him laughing.

"He wasn't supposed to say that!" He defended himself.

"You know him." She responded. "You do teach him these things..."

"But it's for him to say it here..." He laughed again.

Then the kids gathered all together again and some music began to play. They were supposed to sing, and they did, but Liam didn't and kept waving his parents really excited. Rafaela and James gestured him to sing, but the more they gestured the more he giggled and waved franticly.

"Tell him to turn around." Rafaela told James while recording.

James motioned Liam a hand in the air for him to turn around, just like his colleagues and instead of doing so, he just imitated his father and waved his finger in the air as well, making Rafaela and James crack a loud laughter.

"Turn around." James mouthed and finally Liam did so, beginning to catch up with his friends.

In the end, each kid was supposed to meet their father and bring them a present. James received his with a smile on his lips and kissed Liam's cheek tenderly. Then Liam sat on his lap.

"You're supposed to meet your buddies up there." James said in his ear, pointing the stage.

"I'm tired." Liam retorted.

"Sweetie, it's almost over, you have to go there." Rafaela insisted.

"I want to stay here with daddy." He said decided.

"Look, all your friends are up there." James said and Liam shrugged. His teacher smiled at us from far and motioned a hand meaning it was alright, so Liam stayed there, truth be said, his part was over.

Since the part with their kid was over, they decided to leave. James carried Liam in his arms.

"Will you come home daddy?" Liam asked him.

"No." James answered sadly.

"Why?" The boy asked sadly. "I want to play with you."

"Because... we're all going to the park." He smiled. Liam looked at him with his eyes wide opened and clapped, and Rafaela looked at him the same way.

"Really?" She asked him.

"Yeah... I won't come back to the studio today. So?" He asked her.

"Of course." She agreed.

When they arrived near her car, James passed Liam to his girlfriend. "Your chair is in mommy's car; you have to go with her ok? But daddy will be right after you." Liam simply nodded, they pecked, and she made some time until she saw his truck approaching them. The way to the park began, while Liam talked nonstop on the back seat about other things he's done in school that day.

In the park, she sat on the lawn under a tree, to escape from the sun, and watched James and Liam playing catch. The boy was ecstatic, laughing loud while James slowed his pace on purpose not to catch him right away, and screaming laughing then when his father picked him up in his arms and making him fly around. She smiled... he was amazing with Liam, and it hit her again. The thought, that thought, why being such a good father, for he really was a great one, he didn't want to have another one. The smile vanished and she sighed, resigned. She had to go with his decision. She had to wait for him to want it too.

That moment she saw James gazing at her, then leaving Liam to play alone and he came to sit right next to her.

"What are you thinking?" He asked grabbing her hand.

"You are so wonderful with him." She said. "I was just wondering..." James jumped to conclusions all by himself.

"Why I don't want to have another baby?" He asked. Rafaela turned her head to look at him but didn't confirm his suspicions. She didn't have to, he knew it, and it was all written over her face while she stared at him in silence. "That subject again, Rafi?" He asked disappointed, for to him the subject was talked and decided. "I thought I was clear."

"I just can't understand why?"

"I already told you why. It is not the right time. I am extremely busy with the band and you know it." He exclaimed.

She shot him an ironic smile. "The band... the band... always the fucking band. Now the band comes first in everything." She said bitterly.

"That is nonsense and so not true!" He raised his tone a bit. "But it's also important to me and you knew that all along. We're young god damn it. We can wait a bit more, settle down."

"We have settled down long ago." She said.

"More!" He affirmed. "Settle down more, ok? I don't know why I have to explain myself so much to you because of this. I just don't feel the calling now, Jesus Rafi... understand that! We're perfect the way we are."

"You think we're perfect the way we are. I think I need more than what I have now. We're two in this as you say, so I want to have another baby, I am struggling with it. It is something I can't explain to you, it's a woman's thing, I guess... but I do have this will inside of me to get pregnant again and have a baby, and you're denying it to me, so you must also understand my side in this."

"And what is it that you want to do?" He asked looking deeply in her eyes.

"Nothing!" She said resigned. "There's nothing I can do and that is exactly what makes me struggle." She then got up. "Liam, let's go home sweetie." Then she looked back at James. "I am not mad at you... I understand you... it makes me sad, that's all." She bent over him and kissed his lips to let him they were fine.

Liam came running and they went to their cars. Driving separated; they went home, parking the cars in front of their door. No words were exchanged then, she knew she had pissed him off a bit. Liam, on the other hand, was all happy to have his father at home and was electric, beginning to run towards the pool.

"Liam, you need to take a shower baby, you were rolling on the grass." Rafaela yelled, but the boy kept running and then James went running after him, grabbing him still by the hand.

"I don't want you near the pool!" He reprimanded his son. "How many times do I have to say that?" Liam followed his father and James didn't let go of his hand, taking him to the door. "You just can't let him run!" He told Rafaela with a pissed tone.

"I was watching."

"I fucking told you to call someone to put a fence in there, how many times do I have to tell you that?" He sounded pissed off indeed.

"I will." She said cracking the door opened.

Liam went running inside. "Fucking do that! The pool is there at hand and it's dangerous. God... instead of going to coffee with your friend, you could have done that already. It's Liam's safety we're talking about and I hate to see you neglecting that." James accused.

"I am careful." She said.

"I WANT A FUCKING FENCE IN THERE!" He yelled losing his patience. "I hope I don't have to repeat this again."

"Don't yell at me! Are you out of your mind?" She frowned.

"You even let him run to there." He accused her. "Do you even know how fucking dangerous that pool is?"

"I was watching him. Stop that! Jesus... get a grip..." She turned away and he grabbed her wrist strongly, maybe too strong.

"I am ordering you Rafi and I am not joking." He seriously looked into her green eyes. "I want a fence in the access to the pool and you have to get it done, you hear me? It's the last time I am telling you this. Next time I see Liam run to it and the fence is not there, we're gonna get in serious trouble."

"Stop being that bossy. I am not one of your band mates so you can boss me around!" Rafaela responded also in a non-friendly tone.

"It's not about being bossy, Rafi." He said calmer. "It's dangerous... he can't swim, and he can fall in there."

"He's afraid of the water. He doesn't go there unless he's with us. You know that." She raised her tone.

"Rafi..." James looked in her eyes again and held her hand releasing the grip on her wrist. He knew he had probably hurt her there. "Please... Get that fence in there. I am asking you. Please..."

"Ok... if that puts your heart to rest, I will do so." But her tone was one of pissed off as she rubbed her wrist.

"I'm sorry." He said low seeing her wrist had his fingers marked.

"It's a bit late for that...." She said turning her back on him.

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