bakusquad being the bakusquad

By likeflowersonafield

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oh christmas tree! oh christmas tree!

747 17 129
By likeflowersonafield

a christmas special~

december 25
kiri pov
the dorm smelled like pine and fire burning. the smells were from the fireplace, which had a fire going, and the tall christmas tree that aizawa-sensei picked out. (we suspect that he went on a date with present mic and they took eri-chan with them to pick it out) the students of class 1-A helped put it up and decorate the dorm.

the dorm was all festive and everyone was getting ready for a big christmas party that we're going to have in the dorm. we're all going to be in santa outfits and there's going to be so much food and presents. it's going to be so much fun!

at the moment, it's 1 o'clock. the chicken is in the middle of being cooked, which was prepared by aizawa-sensei and sato is helping with it, too. some people are out, buying food or things we need for the party. later on, todoroki is making soba. tokoyami will be making curry and shoji will be making beef and potatoes, with the help of ojiro.

the party starts at 2:30 and ends at 6. that way, everyone can then go home, have christmas with their families, and spend some time with them. i'm excited to see my moms again.


at 2:30
iida: okay! is everyone in their santa outfits?! now let's gather around and begin our christmas party!!

kiri: bakugo! you have to put on the costume!

bakugo: fuck no! it's gross!

bakugo: we all know that santa isn't real anyways!

kiri: but it's for fun!

kiri: plus everyone can be matching!

bakugo: no! i can have fun without wearing it and i don't fucking want to be matching with anyone! especially stupid fucking deku!

kiri: but you can match with me!

iida: READY! one... two... three...

everyone (but bakugo): MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

kiri: bakugo! say merry christmas!

bakugo: (sighs) (whispers) merry... christmas

kiri: yay!

kiri: now put this on (holding up the santa outfit)!

bakugo: that's still a no

kiri: oh c'mon!

mina: (motioning for him to go over to her) hey kiri!

kiri: what's up?

mina: okay... so like we could...

*10 minutes later*

kiri: hey bakugo! come here!

bakugo: what's up shitty hair?

kiri: could you sit in my lap?

bakugo: no

kiri: pretty please~

kiri: i won't make you crocs the next time we go out

kiri: and you can choose the stores

bakugo: ...fine

kiri: yay!

kiri: (whispers) bakugo... i'm sorry

kiri: (grabs bakugo by the waist and secures his grip by hardening his skin)


mina and kaminari: (rushes in and forces bakugo to put on a santa hat and jacket)


meanwhile with the dekusquad...

todoroki: what's going on over there? they're so loud.

midoriya: it seems like they're making kacchan wearing a santa outfit like everyone else!

iida: it's inappropriate that they have to make such a scene, but i will let them make how much noise they wish since it is christmas!

tsuyu: that must've taken a lot of effort to get bakugo in that santa costume

tsuyu: he can be a real pain in the butt

uraraka: pfft yeah

uraraka: but i like to believe that he still has a sweet side to him

uraraka: i still think that the guys in our squad are sweeter

midoriya: w-wha? n-no we a-ar- we r-really a-aren't

tsuyu: i mean kirishima, sero, and kaminari are nice, even though that kaminari is a little perverted, but they're just a chaotic group

uraraka: yeah really

iida: they are definitely the rowdiest group i've ever met

midoriya: but they're kinda fun that way

todoroki: yeah

todoroki: even if you like the peace and quiet, it's nice to be in a group like them once in awhile-


*back to the bakusquad*

we finally managed bakugo to stay in his santa outfit. he definitely didn't like it. he kinda reminded me of a cat (not gonna lie). but, i think eventually, he just gave up. i mean, even if it's not the right way, and he's not wearing the whole thing, he's still wearing it.

after sato announced that the food was finally all done, there was a sudden long line for the food. looks like it'll take awhile for me to get food since i'm just getting in line. but, at least i'm standing in line with my friends!

i was in line with bakugo, kaminari, and sero. the only one that wasn't there was mina since she was more near the front of the line because she's with uraraka, tsuyu, and jirou. the last person in line, which was the person behind sero, was tokoyami.

after about 25 minutes, everyone had gotten their food and settled in a place to sit and eat. i sat with bakugo on my left and kaminari and sero on my right. on one couch over, mina was sitting with uraraka, hagekure, jirou, and momo. on the next one was tsuyu, tokoyami, ojiro, and aoyama. midoriya, todoroki, and iida sat on another, smaller couch. and kouda, shoji, mineta, and sato sat in individual chairs.

as we ate, aizawa-sensei showed up with eri. everyone ate a lot and after a few minutes, jirou started playing her guitar. it was really fun! a few people started singing and i think kaminari and mina were some of them. as expected, bakugo wasn't participating n anything. actually, he went off somewhere to do his own thing. i'm guessing he went to his room.

i joined him after having a bit of fun for myself. but, i'd have to admit that i'd probably be more fun if bakugo was there. i knocked on his door and when he said to come in, i opened the door and walked in.

bakugo was laying down, reading a book. he hadn't bothered to take off the santa outfit, which i was a bit surprised about, but it was cute, so i was glad. he moved his feet, so i sat at the end of the bed.

kiri: why did you leave the party? it was fun!

bakugo: i just needed some quiet

bakugo: it was too noisy

kiri: i like the noise

kiri: ...but i guess the quiet is nice too

kiri: (patting his lap) come here

bakugo: what

kiri: sit on my lap!

bakugo: not this again

kiri: i won't do anything

bakugo: should i trust you after you betrayed me earlier

kiri: probably not

kiri: but i promise that i won't do anything

kiri: should i add to that list of things i promised that i wouldn't do to you for you to sit in my lap last time?

bakugo: ...

kiri: i could stop wearing crocs, stop putting my hair up, stop dying it, stop wearing and eating all the things you ha-

bakugo: stop it

bakugo: you don't have to do any of that for me to just sit in your lap

bakugo: if you did, you wouldn't be yourself

bakugo: aaand i like you for who you are

bakugo: besides, that wouldn't be very MANLY of you

kiri: (squeezing bakugo) I LOVE YOU TOO

bakugo: (trying time get away) I NEVER SAID I LOVED YOU

kiri: aww but it sounded like a confession to me~

bakugo: SHUT UP!!

kiri: will you sit on my lap then?

bakugo: ...maybe

after letting go of him, i made room for him on the bed between my legs (this sounds so wrong lol) and i spread out my arms. he sat down and i put my arms around his waist. i leaned back against the wall and tried to get comfortable.

kiri: what do you usually do with you family on christmas?

bakugo: what most people do for christmas. eat dinner, play christmas music that pissed me off, decorated the tree and open the gifts that were put under it by "santa claus".

kiri: pfft and...

bakugo: usually my mom and i got into at least one fight so it kinda ended being a traditional "christmas fight" and even if my dad tried to stop us, he couldn't.

kiri: wow

kiri: what a manly way to spend christmas, but i don't that's what most families do

bakugo: true. i bet fucking deku spends his christmas bawling his eyes out instead of fighting

kiri: pfft i know that he cries a lot but that's just rude

bakugo: tch

bakugo: well what about you

kiri: hmm... we did pretty much the same things, but for our tradition, we go on a hike christmas morning and before going to bed that night, we play a bunch of board games

bakugo: sounds nice

kiri: i'd love to go on a hike with you sometime

kiri: on christmas, i mean

bakugo: yeah

kiri: what did you do when your fight was done?

bakugo: go to my room

kiri: oh yeah

kiri: i've been wondering... what do you do when you're in your room

bakugo: i read, study. something you idiots would never do. sometimes i just lay there or exercise. and don't laugh, but once in awhile i draw

kiri: ooo

kiri: why would i laugh? drawing is cool! i never expected you to be a drawer though

bakugo: that's exactly why

kiri: oh

kiri: well i think it's cool! do you have a reason? or do you just do it for  fun?

bakugo: i kinda have a reason

bakugo: the one time i went to a therapist, she told that if i get too emotional in any way at some point and wanna take it out on something, i should draw. so ever since, i've been drawing a little bit, just once in awhile.

kiri: cool! sometimes i paint because it's relaxing

bakugo: hmm i never took you as one to paint

bakugo: do you use a lot of red?

kiri: depends

bakugo: oh i'd like to see them sometime

kiri: same with yours

we sat there in a few moments of silence, until bakugo spoke up again

bakugo: i... know that shoulda like a bad idea but... i was thinking of... coming out to my parents today

kiri: wait really?!

bakugo: mm yeah

kiri: that sounds... like a crazy idea... but whatever happens, i'll be here for you!

bakugo: hmm thanks

kiri: i'm sure you'll be fine though

kiri: your parents seem pretty chill

bakugo: you think my damn old hag is chill?!

kiri: maybe not around you, but around me she is

kiri: also what i mean is that they seem pretty chill about things like sexualities. am i wrong?

bakugo: well... it's true that i've never heard them being homophobic so... maybe you're right

bakugo: (whispers) for once

kiri: well anyways, good luck! i'll be cheering you on!

kiri: now lets join the party before it ends without us!

bakugo: ugh no

kiri: why

bakugo: i don't want to go back in the noise

kiri: it won't be for long

kiri: it's already almost 6 o'clock so there's only half an hour left

bakugo: ...fine

bakugo: you're just gonna keep pushing me if i don't come anyways

kiri: yay!

when we got back down to the party, all the food was gone and replaced with desserts. there were cookies, brownies, a cake, ice cream, and more. all the sweets honestly made feel sick. there were too many of them.

bakugo and i sat down, next to mina, on the couch. she gave us a suspicious glare as if we did something ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), but we didn't! we literally just cuddled.

jirou was taking a break from singing and playing her guitar. but, she brought out her keyboard, too, and momo was playing a few christmas songs on it. kaminari was obviously tired, as he was leaning against sero's shoulder, but he kept singing. you could tell that he was loosing his voice a little bit. everyone else was either listening and eating, talking with someone else, sleeping, or cleaning up.

when jirou was done with her break, which was probably about ten minutes, she went back on her guitar and started playing another christmas song, but it sounded more like a lullaby. it made me feel more tired than i already was.

when that song was done, which was the final song of the night, we all finished cleaning up and got ready to leave and go home. the last people to leave were me, bakugo, kaminari, and sero. kaminari was going home with sero since they live close to each other and i was going home with bakugo, but we'd have to split halfway.

we turned off the light and said goodnight to eri and aizawa-sensei and finally left. the cool breeze felt nice after a long party in a sweaty santa outfit and a lot of people stuffed in one room. we said goodbye to kaminari and sero when we went to our separate trains.

when it was time to say bye to bakugo, i kissed him on the cheek and told him that i'd see him soon. throughout the train ride, we had a pretty one-sided conversation (on my part), but it was nice. the train was kinda quiet, which i assumed was because everyone already arrived at their destinations for christmas. i knew i'd miss bakugo, and all my other friends, and i already did, but i kept moving (even though i kept turning around to wave again and again, saying goodbye).

when i got home, i was greeted with two warm hugs from my moms. in an hour, we were going to my aunt's house to have dinner. i was too full to eat, but it was nice to see my whole family again and party with them.

back at home, after my moms and i played a few board games, i got in bed and facetimed bakugo. i asked him what he did and he said the usual. he did end up coming out to his family and it went okay and they accepted him. i thought that that was cool. even though i'm pretty sure my parents will be fine with me being (since they both are too), im still nervous to come out. we ended up facetiming until one of us fell asleep. i think it was one of the best christmases i've ever had!

i know it's a day late, but MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! i guess you could say that this is my little christmas gift for all y'all. if you don't celebrate it then you pretty much get this random gift or you could just think of it as your regular chapter. (my birthday is in a week too) thank you so much for everything. love you!
- the author, nat

(p.s. did i slip in some other ships? maybe~ also, did you realize that it was mostly kiribaku in this chapter? i've been doing a lot of serokami recently, so i thought i'd be a nice break (also they're freaking cute! plus bakugo was being soft half the time))

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