
By SpaceBagels

570 126 113

"There is something wrong," I didn't realize I was staring until she turned and stared at me as well. "So you... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36

Chapter 35

15 4 3
By SpaceBagels

I felt myself frown and bit down on my lower lip. No no no, Holmer's not my dad. I felt a cry escape my lips and Jacob and Landon looked at me. Landon looked back at what he was reading his eyes stopping at every word he read.

"Holmer-" I choked out tears theatening to pour out of my eyes.

"Holmer!" Jacob repeated.

"Holmer's-" I couldn't bring myself to say it.

"H-o-l-m-e-r!" Jacob gasped.

"Holmer is-"

"Holmer!" Jacob yelped jumping backwards.

"Why are you guys saying Holmer-?"

The door swung open and there he was. Holmer.

"Well well well," he said like he was the villain in a super hero movie. "You've found out our little secret Iris," He said while walking towards me far too quickly for my liking. I backed up just as fast onto the wall as his hand reached out for mine. The deafening gunshot went off and Holmer's smile instantly dropped. I looked at Jacob who was pointing the gun at Holmer, his eyes squeezed shut.

Holmer looked down at his ankle where blood was staining his dress pants.

He smiled at Jacob who pointed the gun at him again.

"I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing!" He shouted before closing his eyes and pulling the trigger a million more times. I dove under the desk and Landon ran out of the room. I covered my ears as the sound pulsed through the whole room. Bullets struck photos, files, and lights.

He had to have hit Holmer.

I peeked up from behind the desk when it had gone silent just in time to see Holmer grab the gun from Jacob and pointing it at his forehead.

A sinister smile spread across his face as he glared down at the boy. Jacob stared at Holmer for a couple of seconds before the corner of his lips turned upwards as he closed his eyes and lifted his arms like he was the Jesus statue.

"Do what you have to," My heart dropped into the pits of my stomach and I saw Holmer's smile falter just the slightest bit. He wanted Jacob to beg for his life.

"Jacob are you crazy?!" I screamed all of my fear disappearing as I stood. Holmer turned and pointed the gun at me pulling the trigger. He had moved so fast I was frozen. The gun went off and I didn't feel anything. I listened as the echo faded away. I opened my eyes uncovering my hands from my chest. There was nothing there, Holmer's eyes widened as he spun around to Jacob who was holding the lava lamp in his hands.

"Sayonara," Jacob tilted his head and drew back his arm. Holmer's face paled as Jacob hit him over the head with the lamp. Holmer stumbled backwards covering his eyes and falling onto Toni's desk. Jacob grabbed a shard of glass and I couldn't pull my eyes from the scene.

That's my dad!

Jacob plunged the shard into Holmer's throat and slicing it across his neck. A stoic emotion remained on his face as his hand drenched in thick velvet blood. He left the shard in his neck as Holmer sputtered as a river of blood began pouring out of his mouth. I looked slowly at Jacob who began taking steps backwards. He yanked the piece of newspaper paper off the desk and attempted to wipe the blood from his hand.

He shoved the paper back onto the desk and grabbed my hand.

"Let's go-"

The floor rocked as heavy footsteps approached us. The lights hanging from the roof swayed. I lost my footing and squeezed Jacob's hand, but he was no better both of us landed on our butts and watched what was approaching the door. Landon ran into the room and slammed the door behind him locking it.

He backed up towards us and the door began to dent. The strong banging against the door shook the entire room and tears began pouring out of my eyes.

The lights began flickering and small rocks of concrete began to fall from the roof. The door gave way and flew to the back of the room with a loud crash. The nightcrawler stood there taller and larger than ever. It was so big it's head was the width of the door. The nightcrawler hovered it's head in the doorway and stared at us, when suddenly every hair on my body stood on end.

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