Toxic Love ★ Blacktan

Від -pjmochi

755K 29.4K 17.2K


☠︎Characters ☠︎
𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐓𝐰𝐨


9K 383 216
Від -pjmochi

Set up

Sejin opened the doors into the calm dim-lit room. They all walked in and noticed Kiwoo sitting at the end of the huge glass table.

Kiwoo stood up and smiled hugging Sejin then Su, "It's good to see you Sejin and Su." He turned to the others, "Oh these are the youngsters you were talking about." He pointed at the group.

Sejin chuckled, "Yes they are."

"Good evening sir we would like to talk about the stuff you have on Hyunsuk." Namjoon greeted with a simple polite smile.

Kiwoo nodded, "Of course take a seat would you." He snapped his fingers, "Get them some drinks." He ordered the maid making her quickly pour drinks for everyone.

"No we're fine." Lisa said noticing how the maid was shaking pouring the soju.

Kiwoo looked at Lisa, "Wah Sejin I have to hand it to you, your godsons have good taste in women." He playfully smacked Sejin's shoulder not noticing how he made the atmosphere tenser.

Jungkook scooted closer to her not liking the hidden meaning in Kiwoo words.

Yoongi cleared his throat awkwardly, "Mr.Son is your relationship with Yang Hyunsuk going smoothly?" Yoongi asked trying to see if he could find anything to persuade Kiwoo to give them what they want.

Kiwoo placed his glass of soju on the table, "Why of course but I have a question what did he do to make you all want to take him on?" He turned the tables—well he thought he did.

"It's confidential." Jennie spoke before Hoseok did. She didn't like how Kiwoo was trying to play.

Taehyung placed his hand on her arm, "Calm down." He whispered softly he felt the growing agitation Jennie was getting.

Kiwoo nodded understandingly, "Well what is it that you really want then?" He leaned back in his chair crossing his hands.

"Anything thing that can help us take Hyunsuk down. His weaknesses that will make him bow down for mercy." Jimin said with a little malice in his voice. He thought that Kiwoo already knew what they were here for.

Kiwoo licked his bottom lip with a growing grin, "You know this is a dangerous thing you're asking for but I like that. So Hyunsuk only has one thing he cares about money take that away first and he'll be panicking."

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes slightly, "We already did that but he has a lot. Isn't there anything else?"

"Do you want to kill the prey fast or toy with it for a while tell me." Kiwoo asked her making Chaeyoung think.

"Look I get what you all want but you're going at this wrong. Now I don't know what he's done to you but if it was me I'd have fun and slowly rip things away from him." Kiwoo told them and lit a cigar.

A maid walked in the room and whispered something to Kiwoo making him nod. He stood up and puffed out smoke. "My son is here and I don't want to keep him waiting. If you want to toy with him I have someone in China who can help you otherwise you can easily shoot up the club." He placed a card on the table towards Namjoons direction.

"It was nice meeting you all please enjoy the party and think about your choices." Kiwoo said and walked out of the room.

Su sighed, "I hate to say this but I think Kiwoo has a point. Considering what he's done to you girls I think that he should experience what fear feels like."

Jisoo let Su's words sink in, "So we go to China then?"

Jin shrugs his shoulders, "I guess."

"Alright then let's just enjoy the night and we'll figure something out tomorrow." Hoseok said and everyone agreed.

Chaeyoung tugged on Jimin's suit making him turn to her, "Can we get food?" She asked shyly making him smile.

"Yeah let's go." He turned to Jin and told him they're going to get food.

"Remember be careful we have bad company here." Namjoon reminded everyone.

Lisa and Jungkook danced in the crowd trying to enjoy the party, unlike the others they went to. "So Bam texted me he was discharged today." Jungkook said as he swayed Lisa.

Lisa's eyes widen, "Really! Wait he texted you but not me that jerk." She scowled.

Jungkook chuckled, "It was supposed to be a surprise but I didn't want to see you sad anymore." He told her warming Lisa's heart.

She smiled and kissed Jungkook's cheek shocking him. A beep on Jungkook's watch made him regain his composure. "Is something wrong?" Jungkook asked.

"Didn't Yoongi say that it will beep when someone presses something." Lisa said eyeing the watch and it beeped again.

Jungkook looked around and spotted the Chou's more specifically Tzuyu. "Let's go." He grabbed her hand and quickly pulled her away from Tzuyu's view.

Tzuyu smiled as she shook hands with Kiwoo when his attention turned back to her parents she discreetly wiped her hands on her dress. She looked around trying to find Jungkook she knew he was here somewhere.

"Mom I'm going to get something to drink." She told her mother and walked away.

I know you're here Jungkook but where she thought as she walked around the huge ballroom.

Jisoo was pouring herself some wine when she felt eyes boring into her soul. She acted calmly and slowly eyed her surroundings spotting a young man looking in her direction.

"Shit I really let Jin leave me." She mumbled lowly trying to figure out a way to leave. Jisoo suddenly remembered what Yoongi told them and fumbled for the little button on her dress hoping that the others can come quickly.

Byungwoo friend of Kiwoo's son eyed Jisoo's figure he would be lying to himself if he said he wasn't interested in her. Placing his glass of wine on the table he cooly walked towards Jisoo's direction making her panic.

He stood next to her uncomfortably close making Jisoo cringe. "Hello there beautiful." His alcohol-filled breath blew on Jisoo's face.

Jisoo forced a small smile, "Hello sir do you need something."

Byungwoo smirked, "May I take a beautiful lady like yourself out for a dance."

Jisoo looked around and spotted Jin looking for her, "I'm sorry but I have to decline." She quickly rejected his offer and walked towards Jin.

Byungwoo didn't like her answer so he harshly grabbed her arm. "Wrong answer." He gritted out.

Jisoo's faces contorted into disgust, "Let go of me asshole." She tried to yank her arm away from his grasp only to make him tighten his grip.

Jin heard Jisoo's voice and spotted her he grew angry when he saw her arm growing red. "Hey let her go!" He angrily spat grabbing the mans arm and crushing it with his hand.

Byungwoo looked at Jin with raging eyes, "You dare and speak to me like that!" He shouted making everyone turn to them.

Jin clenched his jaw, "I can speak to a piece of scum like you however I want don't you ever touch her again! You hear me!" He yelled.

"Jin it's okay let's just go." Jisoo pleaded as she grabbed his arm gently.

Byungwoo laughed, "Whats your problem man she's just a whore."

That was it Jin snapped and punched Byungwoo right in the nose cracking it, "Say that again and I'll shoot your brains out bastard."

Jisoo gasped at Jin's strength she knew he was strong but holy hell he broke the mans nose.

Jennie and Taehyung came rushing as they heard the commotion. Once they saw Jin breathing heavily and the man holding his bleeding nose they knew what happened.

"Hyung let's go before we get more people angry." Taehyung whispered as he felt all eyes staring at them.

"Unnie you okay?" Jennie asked as she inspected Jisoo's arm.

Jisoo nodded, "Yeah."

Jin turned to Jisoo and his eyes soften, "I'm sorry for being late." He hugged her.

Jisoo returned the hug, "It's fine." She pulled away and looked at Byungwoo. "Call me a whore again bitch and you'll never have kids." She kicked him in the private area making him groan in pain.

"Holy shit." Taehyung cringed crossing his legs.

Jennie's eyes widen and so did Jin's, "Uhm Unnie—damn!" Jennie said surprised.

Lisa and Jungkook came after spotting them and winced when they saw Byungwoo on the floor.

Namjoon and the others were not too far and saw the whole ending of the ordeal. He facepalmed once he saw what Jisoo did but he understood her reasoning.

"Guys let's go someone else is here." Jungkook said blinking at the sight.

"Right." Jisoo flipped her hair and wrapped her arm around Jin's, "Let's go."

Lisa broke into fits of laughter as she saw Jin's bewildered state. "Unnie look at his face haha." She laughed but felt chills down her spine, not in fear but in awareness.

"How's it been Lisa." A voice spoke in her earpiece making her look around.

"Don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you yet but be careful. I'm not playing anymore." Lisa easily recognized the voice it was Tzuyu.

To be continued
|check out the note if u
haven't already!|

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