Be With Me

By SpiritualBahar

69.5K 3.2K 738

James and Rafaela fell in love while he was dating her best friend. Despite trying to resist, the couple sucu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100

Chapter 26

705 29 11
By SpiritualBahar

In December, and at the holyday's week, James and Rafaela were already living in their new house in Marin. They haven't been there for too long, just about two weeks, but they were all settled. James spent these months in panic Kelly would show up to hurt Rafaela, or even try to damage their relationship, but fortunately, she had been out of sight. He thought about her sometimes and wondered how she was doing, since the last time he had seen her, she was in a really bad shape, but at the same time, he was relived it turned out that way. Maybe he had scared her away after all, or maybe she was just too lost in the world to care about them. It didn't matter to him, as long as she was away from them.

"James, are you ready baby?" Rafaela yelled at the door of the bedroom.

James opened the door of the bathroom. "Almost." He said.

"Hurry up baby, it's almost time for the doctor." She said impatiently.

"I'm going, five minutes more." He said.

Rafaela came back to the living room and stared at the window while it poured rain outside. Her baby kicked and she ran her hand over her five months belly with a smile on her face.

"We're going to know if you're a boy or a girl." She talked low to her belly and then giggled as the baby kicked harder. "Hey...calm down! Or are you as excited as mommy and daddy?"

"Talking to the blueberry?" James appeared behind her.

"The baby's kicking James, come here..." She called him. When James got near her, she grabbed his hand and placed it on her belly, at the exact spot where she was feeling the kicks. After a couple of time a huge grin appeared on James's face, even his eyes glittered. That was such an intense moment that he couldn't put to words. He never thought it was possible to love someone that was not even born yet that much.

"It's so good when I can feel the baby like this. It makes it so real already."

"Yeah...I know..." Rafaela whispered rubbing her belly in a caress.

James bent down and placed a kiss on her belly, then on her lips. "We can go now." He said.

She grabbed her purse that was on the couch and they headed to the door. The rain making huge noise as it hit the roof of their porch.

"Jesus!" James exclaimed zipping his jacket and pulling the collar up. "Not only it's raining a lot as it's cold. Stay here babe, I'll pull the car closer." Rafaela shivered as a gust of wind blew and watched him turning the car so he could pull over near the door. Then she ran to it feeling heavy drops of water falling on her.

"Could the weather be worse?" She commented closing the door.

"And today of all days, when we have to go to town and shop for Christmas."

"You've been spending quite some time in the studio, so we don't have much days left. Tomorrow is the 23rd already." She said.

"I know..." He sighed. "But hey, when we come back, we can lit the fireplace and stay warmly inside." James smiled.

"Sounds nice." She agreed.

James drove carefully until they reached the hospital. The rain clouding his vision as it hit the front window, the radio playing the news and announcing a lot of accidents, due to the rain, on the road but they arrived safely.

At the hospital they headed to the fifth floor as usual and waited for about half an hour until being called and the doctor received them cheerfully.

"How are you kids doing?" She asked. James and Rafaela were her youngest parents and so she addressed them tenderly that way.

"We're doing great." They said almost at the same time and feeling anxious.

Then they sat in front of her and she questioned Rafaela about her condition and how she was feeling. She measured her belly and then weighted her; she had gained some weight but nothing exaggerated as she was afraid of. Still, she knew the worst was yet to come and that would be the last trimester.

"Now, let's see your baby guys." The doctor told them with a smile.

One could tell she had this huge passion for her job and almost lived the sonogram as if the baby was her own, after all, she witnessed these babies growing and then delivered them. The gel was spread on Rafaela's belly and both her and James were gasping a bit.

"Are you two nervous?" The doctor joked seeing how anxious they were.

"No, it's just that today you're going to tell us if it's a baby boy or a baby girl." James explained.

"Ah...I see..." The doctor answered already looking at the monitor where their baby was showing and moving the hands. Rafaela giggled and James did to. "And do you prefer a boy or a girl?"

"I'm not sure." James shrugged. "I guess a boy..." He confessed.

"Do you have names chosen?" The doctor asked as she focused already on some point.

"Liam if it's a boy and Grace if it's a girl." Rafaela answered.

"Cute names." The doctor smiled looking at them. "I guess Liam is just fine and he's growing amazingly."

James opened such a grin that Rafaela laughed loud. "I knew he wanted a boy. I am happy too."

"It's a boy sweetie!" He finally exclaimed holding her hand and kissing it.

"Yes, it's a strong baby boy." The doctor affirmed again. "Everything is fine, you can clean yourself and get dressed." With that she finished the sonogram.

After some further instructions and clarifying some doubts the young couple had, they left the hospital. James couldn't hold his happiness inside.

"I made a macho." He said throwing his fist in the air when they were already in the car.

"Stop that!" Rafaela tapped his chest laughing.

"I am gonna teach him so many things babe. Can you imagine? We're going to do so many things together. And when he's older, I can teach him how to play the guitar and we can go to football together or even concerts of bands we like. Oh...really..." James talked non-stop really excited.

Her eyes watered seeing how happy he was but mainly because he had so many plans of things to do with a baby that wasn't even born yet. "You're going to be a great dad and I bet he's going to love to do all that with you."

"I hope I can be a good dad to him and make him happy." He said.

"He's going to be crazy for you." Rafaela kissed his cheek.

"So, where to now?" He asked starting the engine.

"To the mall, no? It's raining and we can buy all the presents in there. I think that's the best idea."

"Yeah..." He agreed. "You bought mine already?"

"James!" She exclaimed. "Yes..." She then confessed it.

"What is it?" He teased.

"I'm not going to tell you!" She said looking away so she didn't have to face his puppy eyes to which she couldn't resist, but James didn't insist.

"We're going to buy one for the baby right?" He asked instead.

"Well we can, but he's not here to open it."

"We are." He insisted.

They spent a couple of hours in the mall shopping and they had lunch there too. With their hands filled with bags and some more baby clothes, they went to their car once again.

"Now it's time to buy a pine tree." Rafaela told him.

"Yeah, tomorrow will be just this mess to find one."

Knowing exactly the place, since they had bought one there the previous year, they went to a shop in San Rafael to find the perfect tree. James was faster choosing one, but Rafaela walked around the trees and watched each one carefully.

"Baby, this one's fine." James said already tired of their day out.

"You think? I'd like one a bit bigger." She commented looking at the tree.

"What for Rafi? We're not even spending the night in there; we're going to your parent's."

"You're right. We'll take this one." She said decided. James motioned a hand to the old lady and told her they were taking that one. After paying, they went home much to James delight.

Even if the rain subsided a bit during the day, it came back full force when it got dark. Lightning bolts illuminating their living room due to their huge windows. The fireplace was burning, their place was warm.

"Here?" James asked while he walked around with the tree so they could choose the right place.

"A bit more to the corner." Rafaela said looking from far. "There!" She almost yelled. "It looks perfect there."

"Bring the stuff to put on it." He said with a smile.

He liked that part. James didn't have a proper Christmas since his mother was gone and once he moved in with her, she brought all the spirit back.

"It's here." She said grabbing a box.

They both walked around the tree building it the way they thought it was perfect, finally when they turned the lights on, they clapped.

"Yay!" James said. "Merry Christmas babe." He bent over her to kiss her lips.

"Merry Christmas to you too." She said smiling.

"Merry Christmas little guy." James rubbed her belly. "Next year you'll be here with us."

"He's going to be still too little to realize what's happening around him." Rafaela commented.

"I'm quite sure he'll find these lights blinking funny." James pointed.

"I guess it's time to go to my parents now." Rafaela said looking at the clock above the fireplace.

"I just wish we didn't have to go out anymore. I am tired and it's raining so much, and it's cold and it's so fucking warm here." James complained a bit.

"They want to know... come on..." Rafaela grabbed his hand and pulled him to the door. She grabbed the umbrella and they left.

The table was set, and both her parents were in the living room waiting. Their fireplace was also burning, and James went near it to warm up his hands.

"It's been long since it's been this cold." John commented near him.

"I know. I can't believe it either."

"Was everything alright?" Cynthia asked Rafaela while they were already sitting at the table.

"Yes, the baby is great. He was moving his hands; we saw it on the monitor." She said smiling.

"He?" John asked with his eyes wide opened.

"Well, it's a boy." James said proudly.

"Really?" John asked again not containing the excitement in his voice.

"Yes dad." Rafaela confirmed.

"Oh..." John laughed and tapped James back so strongly that he bent a bit forward. "I'm gonna have a grandson." John was visibly happy.

"Congratulations sweetie." Cynthia bent over her daughter and kissed the top of her head.

"So yeah, we're going to have a little terrorist." Rafaela joked. John then looked at James.

"James, you're not going to turn him into a Raiders supporter." John said almost as an order.

James nodded. "Oh no son is going to be a Raiders for sure."

"The 49ers are much better!" John argued.

"My son is not going to support the 49ers, no way!" James claimed. Rafaela rolled her eyes. Were they really discussing the baby's football club?

"My grandson is going to support the 49ers for sure." John insisted.

"Not in this lifetime my son is going to support the 49ers!" James claimed his rights.

Rafaela and Cynthia started to laugh loud. "Guys..." Rafaela called for their attention.

"We're having a serious conversation here." John said looking at the women, then he looked back at James. "Don't tell me that you're going to make him listen to that music you play?"

James nodded. "But that is obvious! My son is growing up to the sound of Motorhead, Judas Priest..."

John cringed. "I don't know what these are but don't play him your music."

"Dad!" Rafaela exclaimed.

James curled an eyebrow. "Have you heard my music?" He asked.

"I have and you curse too much...that is not proper to a child!" John defended his cause and Cynthia started laughing.

"Dad?" Rafaela turned to her father with a smirk on her face. "Have you seen Metallica live? John turned his head to look at her and stayed silent. "You have!" She pointed laughing. "Your face says it all and how would you know that he curses while he plays?"

"I don't curse that much!" James defended himself. Both Rafaela and John looked at him at the same time.

"Clearly, you don't have a clue of what you do up on the stage." John told him but not in a rude tone, more like a joking tone.

"My question is.... Sir... what were you doing at one of my shows?"

" I also want to know that and when did that happen?"

"It's not important. You have to work on that language, because if you don't the kid's first words won't be dada or mama... it will be something starting for an F..."

"Sir... I am sorry..." James started laughing. "But imagining you at one of our shows is just too funny." They all ended up laughing.

"You may laugh..." John said.

"But why go there, dada?" Rafaela asked ironically.

"I wanted to see what he did. You were living with him." John admitted. Rafaela grabbed her father's hand. "I cared..."

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