Be With Me

Galing kay SpiritualBahar

69.5K 3.2K 738

James and Rafaela fell in love while he was dating her best friend. Despite trying to resist, the couple sucu... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100

Chapter 25

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Galing kay SpiritualBahar

James opened his eyes really soon in the morning. The events of the previous night were relived in his head. He saw beyond what Rafaela did, she was haunted by guilt. What she felt was nothing but compassion for her friend's situation, but he saw anger, hate in her eyes. Rafaela didn't see beyond her hallucination, James felt there was danger, menace even.

He turned around on his left side to look at his girlfriend who was sound asleep. Gently, he brushed away a strand of her wavy hair that was covering her face. Her lips slightly parted as she puffed breathing softly. He was worried despite all that Rafaela had told him. She was no saint, far from that, but she failed to see evil in other people, while him...he saw evil in almost every corner. Maybe he was just overreacting but he wasn't going to take the chance for Kelly to do something that would hurt her, and he knew she would, he saw in her eyes that she would.

Determined to protect her, he slid out of bed gently to let her rest and to not wake her up. James went straight to the bathroom for a shower and then tiptoed back into the room to choose something to wear, being careful with the drawers and the doors of the wardrobe not to make much noise. Successfully, he grabbed all he needed and took it all to the living room where he got dressed. With the same thoughts of danger in his mind he swallowed a bowl of cereals with a lump in his throat, even feeling his heart beating at a faster pace than usual. Finally, he left the house, not even leaving a note to Rafaela.

He didn't know if he would find Kelly at home but that's where he drove to. Feeling his blood fevering in his veins, he didn't even turned the radio on, instead, he just thought about what to tell her. James didn't want to show Kelly fear but wanted to put fear in her head. When he parked the car, he looked up at the balcony where he had spent so much time, the window was opened and he assumed she was at home. He simply took the keys off the ignition and locked the car, then he walked up to the building he knew so well.

The door was closed so he rang the bell downstairs. Impatiently and after thirty seconds he rang again.

"Open up Kelly." He shot immediately when he felt the interphone being touched. The door opened with no words being pronounced from the other side. Kelly was at the door waiting for him to appear at the stairs. A smile formed on her lips when she saw him.

"James..." She said with her voice full of hope and he noticed how much like a dead body she looked and felt sorry for her. She was a wreck.

"I need to talk to you." He told her.

"Sure..." Kelly said giving him space to go inside her apartment. As the door closed she clutched herself against his body, holding him from behind. "You came for me didn't you?" She asked him.

James took her hands away and tuned around. Her smile vanished and he looked in her blue eyes serious. "I didn't come for us at all. I came here for Rafi." He announced.

"You love me..." Kelly pleaded looking deep in his eyes.

"I don't love you. I don't know how many times I have to repeat this. I don't love you Kelly."

"Then why are you here?" She raised her voice.

"For Rafi. I already told you that. What you did yesterday was insane. First you tried to make me believe the baby wasn't mine, which I am really positive it is and then you tried to tell Rafi to take our baby away. What the fuck were you thinking?"

"She can't have that baby." Kelly exclaimed with tears in her eyes and shaking her head franticly. Then she sniffed and scratched her nose.

"You're doing cocaine aren't you?" James asked her. "You don't even have to answer me. I know all the effects of it. Rafi wants to help you..." James told her.

"I am fine. I don't need her help nor do I want her help. Listen to me..." She gave a step near him. "You can't have a baby with her, it can't be."

"I am having a baby with her and I came here to ask you to stay away from us, you hear me Kelly? Rafi might have her heart filled with hope and good intentions but I don't, so you stay away from us. This is what I came here to tell you." He looked into her stoned eyes trying to intimidating her. Instead, Kelly laughed and James clenched his jaw feeling the blood raising to his head, but he controlled himself.

"Are you afraid of me James?" Kelly asked ironically.

"I am not afraid of you, no." He said firmly though he was. "But if anything happens to my girlfriend or my kid when is born, you're in deep trouble with me and you don't want to be in trouble with me do you? You know me Kel..." He menaced.

"When is born?" Kelly threw her head back and a loud laugh echoed inside her house. "James...that baby is not going to happen." She said looking at him. A glitter of delusion showing in her eyes. "Rafi won't have that baby."

"I am warning you Kelly." James told her clenching his fist. She was getting on his nerves.

"She won't have that baby and I promise you that, then you can come back to me." She defied him again. That moment he felt his blood boiling more than ever, and when she smiled, he simply wanted to hit her, but instead, he just grabbed her jaw with his hand but putting a lot of pressure in it. He knew he was hurting her, but that was his way to show her he meant it.

"Listen you bitch..." He said clenching his jaw. "I am not fucking kidding, I am fucking serious. You touch my kid or Rafi and I will turn your life into hell. Listen to me carefully because I am not fucking joking nor am I playing a game here. Rafi and the baby are the most important things I have in my life so if anything happens to one of them, I'll put you in fucking jell to rot there for the rest of your life, you hear me?"

"You're hurting me." She complained wincing. James put more pressure on his grip.

"Good..." He said making even more effort in his hand. "This way you see how serious I am bitch. Leave us alone or you'll pay and I won't be sympathetic or gentle. I will make you pay." With that he let her go free and began to walk to the door.

"Wait..." Kelly yelled. "Don't go, stay with me." She asked.

"I have already done what I wanted to do here, that's all." He said coldly. Then, he opened the door and left without looking back. On the stairs he felt something smashing against the door and yells of anger were heard. James ran down the stairs and then to his truck, he came back home.

Rafaela went up to him the second he opened the door, his heart was still racing from the rage.

"Where were you?" She asked with her gorgeous smile. James took a deep breath and looked at her relaxed and happy figure and was unable to spoil that. Best sight of his morning.

"Just walking around, I woke up too soon." He said instead of the truth not to worry her or destroy her day.

"I missed you." She giggled holding onto to his waist and burying her face against his neck.

His arms held her close and he closed his eyes burying his nose in her hair, inhaling deeply her smell. A soft smile appeared in his lips and his heart slowly turned to a normal pace, tension abandoned his body and fast he found himself calm. Rafaela had that power over him, to turn a black day into a bright one, to make bad look great.

"I love you Rafi." He whispered pulling her more to him, holding her tight.

"Oh baby..." She giggled and looked up, resting her chin against his chest. "I love you too."

"Want do you want to do today?" He asked patting her hair.

"It's up to me to choose?" She smiled defying him.


"That's dangerous, you know that." She played.

"No it's not. I'd go to hell and back for you." He kissed her lips slowly.

"Can we go see the house then?" She asked him.

"Yeah...your parents have been telling us to go there and we haven't yet." He agreed.

"I am kind of anxious to see what transformations they are doing to it and you don't know the place, so I think it would be good if we go there."

"Are you ready to go?" He kissed her again.

"Yes." She pulled away and clapped happily.

"Have you eaten?" He asked to be sure.

"I have, don't worry. You really want me to go fat!" She exclaimed laughing.

"I just want you to be alright and you need to feed our blueberry."

"Stop calling the baby that!" She tapped him.

"That's what the doctor called it!" He defended himself catching her hand in his to prevent her from tapping again, then he took it to his lips and kissed it. "If you're ready we can go. It will be good to get out of this town." He breathed.

"Is everything alright?" She curled an eyebrow suspiciously with his last statement.

"Everything's fine, but going to Marin will be great."

Rafaela looked at him for a few seconds and then turned around. "Let me just grab my purse." She said. James opened the door, holding it and waiting for her.

"Tell me more about that house babe?" James asked while he drove, descending the shades over his face to prevent the sun from stinging his eyes.

"Well, my grandparents used to live there, it's the guest house but it's very cozy. Remember that path to the right when you enter my parent's property?" She turned her head to look at James and he nodded. "Well, if you go that way, then you'll reach the guest house right at the end of my parent's property. We'll have privacy, since the house can't even be seen from my parent's. Only one floor, but we'll have a proper kitchen, two rooms, which leave us a room for the baby, the masters room is a suite, then you have the common bathroom and there's a saloon. There's also a basement. The saloon has view to the garden and it has a small fireplace."

"Wow...sounds really nice." He said enthusiastic.

"It is really good." She smiled.

Since they didn't have the remote control to open the gate, they rang. Cynthia opened the gate and they went there first to greet her.

"Here so soon?" She smiled warmly.

"We came to see the house, is someone there?" Rafaela asked kissing her mother.

"No, not today, it's free for you to go." She said.

"James doesn't know the house yet." Rafaela comment holding his hand.

"It's almost done. It's all painted and ready apart for the bathrooms and the kitchen, they're doing it new so it will take a bit longer. Here, come to pick up the keys." Cynthia said going inside her house.

"Thanks mom."

"Come to have lunch with me, I'll tell Carmen to cook for three." Cynthia offered.

"It will be a pleasure." James thanked her.

After they made it to their future home.

" this looks awesome." James said.

"It's really nice, I told you!" Rafaela giggled pulling him by the hand and putting the keys on the locker.

It smell like freshly painted as Cynthia had told them. Their heads turned around watching all corners.

"This looks great." Rafaela commented. "It seems new."

"Your parents have been spending some money in this." James added.

Little by little Rafaela showed him around the house and James mentally acknowledge that even though the house was little he wasn't able to give her a house like that or provide that comfort for his kid either.

"So?" She asked when they were done.

"It's wonderful. I can't thank your parents enough for this. Our kid will live in a quite comfortable place, nothing like our apartment." He stated a bit sad.

"Don't be like that baby." She said understanding what he meant with his statement.

"It's ok, don't worry. I just wished I could be the one giving you all this, that's all."

"James..." She breathed kissing his lips. "I love you either way baby."

"That's the great thing about it, I know you do."

"Winna see the basement?" She then asked and he nodded.

In there they found some furniture that had belonged to her grandparents.

"This is good enough to build two more rooms if we want in the future." James told her.

"Yeah...but I think that won't be needed too soon."

James gazed at the green couch in a corner and smiled. "How much time until your mother's lunch?"

Rafaela looked at him and then looked at the couch and smiled. "I don't think she'll mind if we get there a bit late."

James got hold of her hand and span her around smiling. "Oh really?" He asked her. Rafaela pulled him down on the couch.

"Yes." She whispered against his lips. James pecked her and then kissed her lips more seductively. Her hand took hold of the back of his neck, their lips parted and their tongues encountered themselves in her mouth. Her hands flew to his zipper and pulled it down, then her hungry hand dived inside stroking him gently. His hips pushed forward, enjoying her touch and then Rafaela broke the kiss.

"Relax." She whispered against his lips, a hand against his chest to make him lean back, then she came on her knees in front of him. Looking in his eyes, she pulled his jeans down to his feet and then his boxers.

"What are you doing?" He joked.

"Having fun and you're gonna like it, I can tell." Her green gaze danced mischievously.

"I don't know..." He teased her smiling. Her head bent over his half erected member and she kissed his tip, then she flickered it with her tongue, making him close his eyes at that soft touch. Rafaela locked her lips around the tip and sucked, then her tongue twirled around it and James leaned back surrendering to pleasure. His hand rested on top of her head while she bopped her hand up and down his shaft.

"Oh baby..." He moaned and tugging her hair. "Like that Rafi...that is good." He said when her hand started working along his length and her lips occupied themselves of the head. "Suck harder baby." He requested and she did so, his hips bucked forward in ecstasy and his back curved a bit, making him tilt his head back. "Ooh...." He moaned at the back of his throat. She repeated the move and the grip on her hair tighten, James breathed heavily. "Oh that is good princess." He let her know. She swallowed him as down as she could and then pulled up. "Oh Fuck Rafi!" He exclaimed tensing. She did it again. "I'm gonna come Rafi, stop it baby." He said bucking and pulling her head up. "I'll come baby." He kissed her lips, blue eyes gazing as blue as a summer's sky. "You drive me crazy." He whispered against her lips.

"I do?" She asked playing the innocent.

"Take these off. I want to fuck you." He said nibbling her ear.

"I'm all wet for you." She said and then pulled away to dispose of her jeans and her panties. She placed a knee between his legs and bent down over his ear. "I'm dripping in fact..." She whispered. James took a hand to her intimate part and groaned low confirming what she said.

"Sit on me baby, I can't wait any longer." He said guiding her hips down on him. Erected as he was, it was not needed help to go inside of her.

"Jesus, you're so hard." She told him feeling him ripping inside of her.

"All for you." He said pulling her head down for a kiss. As their tongues explored their mouths, Rafaela began to move her hips around him, feeling James's fingers squeezing around her skin.

"You're so tight and hot Rafi, I'm gonna come fast baby." He said looking in her eyes, his lips swelled of the lust running over his body.

"Hold on..." She said.

"But you're squeezing me." He said rolling his eyes on the back of his head feeling the frenzy appearing at the pitch of his belly. "Oh Fuck...I'm gonna blow..." He moaned. Rafaela stopped moving and kissed his lips to distract him and make him relax a bit, then she continued. "Oh God..." He breathed and his cheeks flushed. Her thrusts increased and she rode him the way he loved. The heat between her legs rising making her moan.

"James..." She moaned his name gripping tightly on his shoulders.

"Like that baby..." He instigated her. "Like that baby...oh shit..."

"Yes..." She breathed feeling herself peak. "You feel so good."

"Ride me princess." He said biting that part where her neck and shoulder meet. "Oh fuck..." He groaned a bit louder and she felt him engorging inside of her a bit more.

"Rafi?" They heard suddenly. Rafaela thrust harder as she acknowledged her mother inside the house and James jerked violently under her, his lips opened to moan and she covered his mouth with her hand to muffle his moans of pleasure. She felt his seed spilling inside. "Are you here dear?" Her mother asked and she withdrew as fast as she could, reaching for her clothes on the floor. James got up and pulled his jeans up while Rafaela put hers on.

"Down here mom!" She yelled when she was zipping them.

"Lunch is ready." Her mother said appearing at the stairs. They looked at her a bit awkwardly, James still panting a bit.

"We're coming." Rafaela forced a smile and James chuckled a bit behind her.

"I did..." He said then in her ear when they began their way up.

"Jerk." He whispered smiling.

"I'll make it up to you at home. Shit...what an abrupt ending." He laughed then.

"You owe me." She whispered.

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