Locked Class Hero (Rwby x Mal...

Par Wolfinator12

142K 3.3K 2.4K

Massive AU inspired by 'Forged Destiny' from Fanfiction.net. In the world of Remnant your class dictates your... Plus

Chapter 1: First Quest
Chapter 2: Problems
Chapter 4: New members
Chapter 5: Hunters vs Dungeon
Chapter 6: Decision
Chapter 7: Discovery
Chapter 8: Valhallas guest
Chapter 9: Strange happenings
Chapter 10: Duels
Chapter 11: Quest
Chapter 12: Classes
Chapter 13: News
Chapter 14: What is going on?
Chapter 15: Theory
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 3: Guild

4.9K 145 90
Par Wolfinator12

The news of the classless boy beating a dungeon, even if it was one of the lowest tiers, on its own spread like a wildfire through Beacon. With the sudden increas in popularity came an even bigger increase in insults and personal attacks towards Y/n and his lack of class. Right now Y/n sat in Professor Goodwitch combat class watching Ruby fighting Jaune, both sides were considered some of the weakest fighters. Y/n knew why Jaune was so weak yet for Ruby that was a different story. He saw her kill grimm with ease, but that was with an old scythe she bought from a local shop. The deep voice of Fenrir shook him out of his thoughts.

Fenrir: 'Why is everyone staring at you master?' Y/n sighed, both at the reason for the staring and the fact that the giant, sun and moon feasting, deadly wolf of legends took a liking to calling him master.

Y/n: 'They dont like me being here without having a hero class.' Y/n answered in his mind. He turned his attention back to the fight just in the moment Ruby got defeated by Jaune. Y/n saw the disappointment in the young Reapers face. Looking to his left, where a sad looking Yang sat, Y/n turned towards the blonde brawler. "Hey Yang? Is there any reason why Ruby doesnt use a scythe but a sword? She doesnt look like she knows how to use one." The brawler shot Y/n a glare that could send everyone running with their tail tucked between their legs, everyone except the guy that had to eat raw grimm meat from living grimm.

Yang: "Why do you care, loser?!" she asked angrily making Fenrir growl.

Fenrir: 'Release me and I will put an end to that blonde wench.' Y/n looked at her with pure fury in his eyes, this caused Yang to reel back in shock.

Y/n: "Ok I have enough of your attitude. Lets get this over with once and for all. You versus me, loser does one thing for the winner as long as it is in their power to do." Yang got over her shock and gained a challenging smirk.

Yang: "Your on, loser." She rose her hand and the porfessor noticed her.

Glynda: "Yes miss Xiao Long?"

Yang: "I challenge Y/n to a spar." the class all turned and stared at Y/n, whispers were heard.

Guy: "He is going to die."

Guy2: "No kidding lets hope he has enough Lien to pay for the healing."

Glynda: "Mr Schwarz do you accept?" Y/n only nodded and got up from his seat, without giving Yang another look he walked down into the arena. Yang also got up and walked down to the arena, standing on the other side facing Y/n she pulled out two brass knuckledusters.

Yang: "Hope you are ready to get your ass kicked."

Y/n: "Funny." A shiver went through everyones spine as wisps of black smoke came out of Y/ns body and his eyes gained a chilling blue glint. "I was about to ask you the same thing."

Y/n: 'Fenrir, you are able to access my character sheet right?"

Fenrir: 'Yes master.'

Y/n: 'Put half of my Statpoints into Strength, one fourth into Dexterity and the rest into Stamina.' Fenrir didnt answer and Y/n felt his muscles suddenly grow and become denser, he also felt more rejuvinated. With the changes came a searing pain.

Glynda: "Combatants are you ready?" Yang nodded and so does Y/n who has yet to pull a weapon and just stood there with his hands in his pockets, looking pretty relaxed. "3. 2. 1. Fight!" Yang got into a fighting stance and prepared for the first attack from Y/n, but nothing came form the still standing boy.

Yang: "Arent you going to attack? Or at least pull out a weapon?" she asked confused.

Y/n: "No need. Come on, Im just a loser arent I? You should be able to finish this with a single hit." He mocked her and it worked. Yang gave a growl before dashing towards Y/n with her fist raised and ready to strike down the smirking boy. She was in front of Y/n in less than a second and her fist came soaring towards his head yet the next thing that happened caused everyone to gasp. In the blink of an eye Yangs fist was chaught by Y/n who didnt even look to be in any kind of strain. "This is actually quiet disappointing if I am being honest." He looked at Yang and gave her a smile. "My turn." Yangs eyes widened as she felt her body get lifted up and smacked into the ground. Y/n let go of her hand and placed his foot on throat, not putting any pressure on it, just to pin her and winning the match.

Glynda: "Y/n Schwarz wins. Please step off of her." Y/n took a step away leaving Yang laying there still trying to figure out what just happened.

Y/n: "Remember Yang, I might be lacking the class to be a hero, yet you and everyone else that has been treating me like shit is lacking the mindset. Next time you think about insulting me remember what just happened and know that I have been holding back." To prove his point Y/n punched the ground leaving an imprint of his fist in the stone floor. Without another word he walked off towards the seats and sat back down. The bell of the clock tower soon rang signalling the end of another school day. Everyone quickly left the room and Y/n was one of the last to leave. While walking trough the corridors everyone made way for him most of them having a look of fear.

Fenrir: 'Now they finally give you the respect you deserve master.' The wolf said and Y/n frowned.

Y/n: 'Its not respect, its fear. They saw what I did to Yang, who is considered one of the strongest among the first years.' Y/n answered as he finally reached he public dormitory where he resides in. He looked around the big empty room and sighed. 'I should get a privat room...' Unlocking his storage chest Y/n took out a decently big bag full of coins, coins he gathered in the dungeon, either from killing the grimm or from the many rooms in the castle. He opened the bag and started counting.

As he finally counted the last coin he got up from his bed and started heading towards the headmasters office to pay for a new place to stay. On his way there he was stared and pointed at by a lot of other students. As he just rounded a corner he heard a voice he remembered from the day of the initiation.

Coco: "Hey Rookie. How is it going?" Y/n turned around to face the Archer.

Y/n: "Hello to you too Coco. I have been doing alright." He gave her a smile while taking out his bag of coins. Coco looked at it and gave a whistle.

Coco: "Not bad for a first year. How much is in there?"

Y/n: "248 Gold Coins, 364 Silver and 287 Copper." Y/n answered in a whisper, making sure noone heard him.

Coco: "Damn, thats more than I gathered in my entire first year. Where did you get that much?"

Y/n: "Im pretty sure you heard about the first year that cleared a dungeon on its own. That was me, been slaying Canis day and night for an entire month. But if you excuse me I am off to get myself a private room. Have a nice day." Y/n said and was about to walk off but Coco grabbed his shoulder to stop him.

Coco: "Im sure I can get you a spot in the guild I am in, someone that can beat a dungeon on its own will be more than welcome to join."  Y/n gave her another smile and shook his head.

Y/n: "Im sorry, but I believe it would be better that I dont join your guild." He saw Cocos questioning look. "Just look around and tell me what you see in the faces of the people around us." Coco slowly took a glance towards the nearest group of people and quickly gained a look of pity. " Yeah everyone has been looking at me that way. Imagine what they will think and say about the guild that accepts me in. So thats why I have to decline your generous offer." Y/n gave a apologetic bow and left while waving over this shoulder. On his way Cocos words stuck in his head, one word in particular. Guild. Guilds were very special at Beacon. There were alot of them and the strongest ones are held in high regards, difficult quests are usally reserved for them and so are the high paying ones. Additionally if you are a member of a guild you automatically have an offical place to stay at even if you dont have a room to sleep in. But its quiet difficult to get accepted into a guild. Most of them demand high entry fees and have monthly fees you have to pay making it neigh impossible for first years to gain a foothold in them. His pondering was interrupted as he finally reached the headmasters office. He knocked at the heavy wooden door and heard a 'come in' so he entered. Ozpin was currently doing some paper work as Y/n entered, putting the parchment aside the headmaster turned his attention towards the student.

Ozpin: "Ah mister Schwarz what can I help you with?" the older man asked with a gentle smile.

Y/n took a moment to gather his thoughts and to come to a decision that could lead to many problems if it fails.

Y/n: "I would like to form a new guild." The headmaster rose an eyebrow.

Ozpin: "Im certain you are informed that the fee to form a guild and the monthly costs are quiet high, unaffordable for first years infact. We are talking about hundreds of Gold Coins just for the forming of the guild, a hundred more for the required guildhall and depending on the hall monthly costs that start at ten Gold Coins. With all these costs are you sure you want this?" Y/n said nothing as he placed his coin bag on the table. The headmaster opened the bag and Y/n saw sparks of arcane energy come off of it. "This is quiet the impressive amount of money for a first year. I guess it comes from your time in the dungeon?"

Y/n: "You guessed right. I killed so many grimm that I could stay in the public dorm for the rest of my stay at Beacon, but I believe forming a guild is what I want to do."Ozpin took a moment to think but in the end nodded as he grabbed a scroll out of a nearby shelf. He unrolled it and sat back down behind his desk.

Ozpin: "Ok I need somethings from you to form this guild of yours. First I need a name of the guild."

Y/n: "The Hunters Guild." Y/n answered with the first thing that came to mind and Ozpin wrote it down.

Ozpin: "Next I need the address of your Guildhall and its name. From what I heard you still reside in the public dormitaries meaning you own no such place. Mhmm." The headmaster stopped to think. "I believe there is an old Guildhall that layed empty for quiet some time. Its pretty run down and will require alot of work to be back in working order but thanks to that it will be rather cheap. 50 gold coins and the building belongs to you and your guild, how does that sound?" Y/n smiled and nodde.

Y/n: "It sounds perfect, I will take it." the headmaster nodded and wrote the address down on the document for the guild and a second time on a small piece of paper which he handed to Y/n.

Ozpin: "Now that you have a Guildhall what will you call it?"

Y/n: "Valhalla." A grin fromed on Y/n face as he heard Fenrir gave a chuckle like growl. The headmaster wrote down the name and smiled.

Ozpin: "The great hall where the fallen heroes feast with their ancestors. An interesting name." Y/n rose and eyebrow. "After our previous talk I got interested in your believes and so started reading into it. I must say these legends are quiet interesting indeed. But lets not get sidetracked. I need the name of the Guildmaster, I take a guess and say that will be you?" Y/n nodded and Ozpin wrote it down, finishing with putting his signiture below and handing the scroll to Y/n for him to sigh, which he happily did. "Now comes the less enjoyable part where I will have to ask you for 150 Gold Coins for the Guild itself and an additional 50 Gold for the Guildhall. To this there will be a monthly fee of 10 Gold Coins for the Guild and Guildhall plus 2 Gold Coins for each of the members." Taking his bag of coins Y/n handed the headmaster coins in worth of 250 Gold.

Y/N: "The rest is for the monthly payments." Y/n said as he got up. The headmaster handed Y/n the key to his new Guildhall and the two shook hands as they said their goodbyes. Y/n quickly collected all his belongings form the public dormitary and then made his way to his new home. On his way there he heard someone shout his name, he turned around and saw Ruby and her sister Yang run towards him, he stopped and waited for the two to get to him.

Ruby: "Hey Y/n. We saw you walk off with that big bag of yours and I feared you were going to leave." She said a bit worried. Y/n gave a smile.

Y/n: "No Im not going to leave, Im just moving into the Guildhall of my guild." Ruby quickly became very excited.

Ruby: "You got accepted into a guild? Which one is it? How did you get accepted? Is it because of the thing with the dungeon?" the younger sister asked in quick succession.

Yang: "Calm down sis and let him answer before you ask more questions." the brawler tried to calm her excited sister and it worked.

Y/n: "I didnt get accepted into any of the guilds here at Beacon, although I was offered to by Coco, a second year I met back at the day of the initiation." Y/n answered and Yang gained a confused look.

Yang: "If you didnt join any of the guilds where are you going?" she asked.

Y/n: "Like I said, to MY guild. I founded the Hunters guild just a few minutes ago and I am now heading towards the guildhall I bought." The two sisters jaws dropped in awe.

Ruby: "You founded a guild?" Y/n nodded.

Yang: "And even bought a building for the guildhall? Isnt that expensive as hell?" Y/n gave another nod.

Ruby: "Didnt you have to sell your weapons just to stay another week before the incident with the dungeon, how can you afford all of that?" Y/n smiled.

Y/n: "There are a few good things that came from being stuck in that dungeon. The first thing are levels, I leveled up like 9 times. Next thing was a new skill. And lastly a decent amount of money. Although it did cost me nearly all of it and now I only have a small amount of the money I gathered left. But enough with the questions I have some one my own, mainly for Yang." The mentioned girl stiffened up and gained a worried look. "Why do you act so friendly now?" Yang looked to the side and rubbed her arm nervously.

Yang: "I ehm..." She sighed and looked at Y/n. "After todays match I realized that my attitude was very unjust towards you. For that I want to apologize." She put her hands together and bowed down a bit. "Im sorry for how I treated you, I hope you can forgive me." she said. Y/n glanced at Ruby you looked as shocked as he looked.

Y/n: "Fine. It does work together with the thing you have to do for me." Yang looked at Y/n. "I want you to become my friend." Ruby and Yang just stared at him.

Yang: "What? Thats it? No embarrassing thing, no task, just me becoming your friend?" Y/n nodded.

Y/n: "I have nothing against you in particular. Everyone called me the things you did. Everyone glares at me. You were even one of the tamer ones with your insults. Some even throw stuff at me." His point was proven as he dodged a half rotten tomatoe that was thrown his way by Cardin Winchester, a fighter that made Y/ns life hell. "See. " Y/n said simply.

Yang: "I guess I can do that." she offered her hand. "Hey Im Yang Xiao Long and this is my little sister Ruby Rose, would you mind going farming with us?" Y/n smiled and shook her hand.

Y/n: "Y/n Schwarz and I would love to. But before we can head out I need to check out the building I just bought and put my stuff there. Also I need to go and get a new bow."

Ruby: "Mind if we tag along? I would love to see your guildhall." she looked at Y/n with big puppy eyes and smiled while ruffeling up her hair, much to her annoyance.

Y/n: "Not at all my Reaper friend. Come along friends, it is still a bit away. We can continue our talk on the way." The two sister nodded and the trio made they way towards Vallhalla. On the way Y/n decided to ask a question that has been bothering him since combat class. "Say Ruby, why is it that you used a sword in combat class today? You didnt look like you know how to use one to be honest." Ruby slowed down a bit and hung her head looking sad.

Ruby: "Its because of my class." Y/n looked over his shoulder and saw how sad Ruby looked.

Y/n: "Never picked up another weapon than a scythe or cant use them because of your class?" he asked as he looked forward again.

Ruby: "The latter of the two. All my skills require a scythe to be used, I tried to buy one but all hero blacksmiths dont sell them or sell them for a fortune, the local shops are not a better option either , their scythes are always used and rusty." Y/n turned towards her and put his hand on her shoulder making her look at him.

Y/n: "How about I make you one?" Ruby looked confused and so did Yang.

Yang: "What do you mean make one? You are able to forge stuff?" she asked intrigued.

Y/n: "Of course I know how to forge weapons, my father and older brother are Blacksmiths after all." Y/n said proudly.

Ruby: "Wait your mom married someone with a Peasant class?" Y/n glared at her making her yelp in fear and hide behind Yang.

Y/n: "My mother is a Cook and its called Worker class, calling them Peasants is the same as calling Heroes Mercenaries."

Yang: "So you come from a family of pea- Workers?" Y/n had a thankful smile as he heard her correct herself.

Y/n: "Yes. My father and older brother are both Blacksmiths, my mother and one of my older sisters are Cooks and my oldest sister is a Tailor who is married to a Carpenter." Y/n told the two sisters.

Yang: "What made you want to become a Hero? I mean wouldnt it make sense for you to become one of the professions your family members have?" Y/n kept walking while he thought about the question.

Y/n: "Since the first day I left my house I was getting treated badly by most people. No other child would let me play with them, Customers would leave without buying anything then they saw me, things like that made it an interesting experience to grow up. Luckily I still had my family, sure my dad was strict, my mother coddled me to death, my older sisters would tease me and my brother would join in with either my dad or my sisters, yet I still love them and they love me. My older sister Eben was the one that would read me stories back then I was 6 years old, stories of heroes and the legends of the norse. It kinda sparked the idea of becoming a hero in my mind. I started training and the local hunter would take me with him, teaching me how to hunt and track but also how to use a bow. If I had to give one reason on why I want to become a hero I would say 'why not?' , with my class being locked I cant become anything without putting in alot of work, becoming a blacksmith would take me as long as becoming a hero, so again why not become the thing you want to become?" The two sisters smiled at his answer.

Ruby: "You know, Im happy you decided to become a Hero." Y/n didnt answer as the three finally reached their destination.

Y/n: "We are there." He simply said. The trio quickly took a look at the building and soon Y/n realized why it was so cheap. Nearly all windows were destroyed, the door had seen better days and the roof looked to be full of holes. "Lets hope it doesnt look worse on the inside." He said as he pulled out the key and unlocked the big entry door. As the three entered they looked in amazement. The inside was in much better condition than the outside. They currently stood in a big entryhall with a creaky looking set of stair leading up to some rooms and some doors leading to other rooms on the bottom level. "Nothing I cant fix or get fixed." Y/n choose the door furthest to the right and looked inside. The room looked to be a kitchen, judging from the big stove and the broken table and chairs. "At least I already have some firewood." The next room was empty and so were the last two rooms on the bottom level, all of these rooms had fireplaces to keep them warm and one even had a door leading towards a decently big garden, which was complete taken over by nature, yet Y/n swore he could see a path leading towards the Emerald Forest.Heading back inside and walking up the creaking stairs and starting with the first door Y/n realized that these seem to have been the bedrooms. Y/n placed his belongings into one of the empty rooms and walked back into the main hall. Seeing Yang and Ruby there waiting for him.

Yang: "And how does it look?" she asked, worried that this building was a lost cause.

Y/n: "Everything looks to be in decent condition, some broken furniture in the kitchen, some stones laying on the floor, a lot of dust and cobwebs and maybe a mouse or two. All in all I would say I made quiet the lucky catch seeing that it only costs me 10 Gold per month with 2 Gold for each member. Now I just need to find some members and get some furniture and I would say the Hunters Guild is good to go." Ruby started shuffeling on her feet nervously.

Ruby: "Say Y/n... Would it be... ehm could I... I mean if you are ok with... "She stuttered out.

Y/n: "Dont worry I wont bite, just spit it out, whats the worse I could say?" Ruby saw the gentle smile Y/n gave her and calmed down. She looked at the ground and nervously played with the hem of her skirt.

Ruby: "Could I join your guild?" she asked in a shy voice. Y/n smiled brightly.

Y/n: "Of course. Why shouldnt I allow you to join? Do you want to join too Yang?"

Yang: "Heck yeah I do!"

Y/n: "Than it is offical, welcome in the Hunters guild and welcome in Valhalla our guildhall."

Continuer la Lecture

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