The King's Maze (Yami x Reade...

By PinkCrystal_Rose

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*All images are paid commissions created by the artist Less_End. Please do not copy or use in your own work* ... More

The Maze
The Wolf
Temporary Home
The Garden
The King
A Promise
The Dragon
The Fear of Temptation
The Calm Before...
The Storm
A Paradise in Hell PART 1
A Paradise in Hell Part 2
The Ball
Joining the Fight
The Vampires
Black Magic
Blossoms at the Gate
Together and Apart
Birth of the Maze
Hope for a Future
The Gate
This is the End
Epilogue Part 1 : The Calling
Epilogue Part 2 : The Calling
Epilogue Part 3: The Calling
Epilogue Part 4: The Kidnapping
Epilogue Part 5 : Fathers
Epilogue Part 6: Together

The Sorercer and His Game

1.1K 44 9
By PinkCrystal_Rose


"Tea?" The old sorcerer asked as a pot floated in the air. Before we sat we tried to get a name out of him, but the sorcerer ignored our questions and sat down at a large round table filled with tea things. Even sitting down the sorcerer appeared to tower over us. He had a long white robe that looked wore with age. Apart from his height, his skin was a striking feature that would be hard to miss. It looked grey, but not sickly, just ancient. With his grey skin, dark eyes and white hair, beard and robe, I wouldn't be surprise if had crawled out of the dirt to greet us.

"No, thank you." I said as polity as I could.

His dark eyes glanced over at Yugi who shook his head no. The sorcerer shrugged and poured himself a cup then flicked a finger to summon two sugar cubes from the open bowl. They dropped into the cup with a satisfying plop. The table we sat at held plates of sweet, fruit and little tea time foods. I felt a tad hungry at the sight but then remember the medicine beads Ode had given me. Later or when the old man wasn't looking I would eat one.

"If you're hungry dear lady, I assure you that everything here is safe to eat." The sorcerer said before bringing the cup to his breaded lips to take a long sip. Yugi eyed me. "Don't eat a thing!" They said. The sorcerer brought down his cup with an audible, "Ahh" then said, "You two are the first guest I've had in years. Believe me, I mean you no harm. However, if you do not wish to eat sweet lady then may I suggest you sleep awhile. I wish to speak to Yugi alone."

My mouth opened at the dismissal but suddenly felt light head. The last thing I saw before blacking out was Yugi's frighten face as he reached out to me.


The sorcerer calmly sipped his tea as Yugi tried to wake Persona. Her soft breaths were little comfort since there was nothing Yugi could do stir her from the sleeping spell. Nothing, but submit himself to the powerful old sorcerer's whims. Yugi spotted a green cushioned chase sofa and carefully picked up Persona and carried her to it with the shadow curled on her belly.

With another flick of a finger a pinked ice cookie floated up and stayed midair as the sorcerer bit into it. The crunching noise uneased Yugi as he settle the young woman's body into the chase. The shadow gave his hand a nudge then glanced up at him with its red and purple eyes. Yugi gave it a small smile asking, "You'll protect her. Right?" It titled its head then circled Persona's belly like a cat till it curled up to rest. Another 'crunch' of a cookie made Yugi stiffen then take a deep breath before returning to his seat at the table.

He sat with his hands folded tightly on his lap and peered at the sorcerer who was busy eating a tiny sandwich. It was noon time and Yugi had not eaten since that morning, though not much. Watching the sorcerer eat from the plates of food tempted Yugi but he would not risk a trap.

"You," Yugi started but his voice cracked with dryness. He coughed and swallowed nervously, "You wanted to speak with me?"

The sorcerer chewed lazily then took a finally sip of his tea and set it down to sit back in his chair. Yugi watched as he moved his tongue around his closed mouth to clean his teeth. The sorcerer moved with slow uncaring pace that made Yugi sweat in his chair though the sorcerer showed no hostility. No, instead the old man oozed with power. The kind of power that could kill either him or Persona with a flick of that one finger.

Yugi watch as the sorcerer settled into his chair then stroke his long white bread. A box on a small table near where Persona was sleeping opened and out from it came a pipe and a match box. They flew to the sorcerer and he simply parted his lips for the pipe. The match stuck itself and with a few puffs the pipe was going. When the match box returned to its place the sorcerer finally started to speak.

"I want to congratulate you for being the smartest and the cleverest person to ever step foot in my maze. Never in my time here have I ever been so entertained."

"Thank you." Yugi replied dryly, making the man chortle.

He blow out a small puff of smoke. When he spoke this time his voice was raspy with smoke, "There were times I was sure you would fall for a trap and doom yourself to my maze. Even now, I can see the wheels turning in that brilliant mind of yours."

"Well the game isn't over yet is it?" Yugi said sharply adding, "I wouldn't be surprise if we haven't even started."

The laughter that crackled out from the sorcerer made Yugi jump but he focused his gaze on the old man. The smoke from the pipe bellowed around the space of the old sorcerer as he laugh slowly died away. He stopped but grinned with a toothy smile that made Yugi wonder if he wasn't dealing with a devil instead.

"No, the game is not over yet." The sorcerer said and the grin grew wider. "You still have to make it back, but I'm not sure I'm fully entertained yet. That is why I wanted to talk to you. I want to make a deal with you, Yugi the water sprite."

Yugi sat back to show that he was listening, and the old man went on saying, "As we speak a law of the maze is being carried out. The rule of the Demon King Yami is coming to end and the next would be ruler is here, napping on my furniture. Now, now, I will not harm her." The sorcerer said, lifting a hand just as Yugi was about to speak. "But I cannot have her as the next ruler, nor can I allow you to win the game."

"So what do you want?" Yugi asked flatly.

The sorcerer took a few puffs of his pipe then blew out a ring of smoke. He hummed then met Yugi's jeweled eyes and said plainly, "I want you to replace the demon."

Yugi stared stunned then shook his head and said, "Why would I want to replace him! You know that nobody wants to manage your sick maze!"

"True," The sorcerer said cutting Yugi off in his protest. "But then again, there was nothing to make it desirable. I can change that for you."

Yugi scoffed. "There is nothing you can do make me want to be king of that place."

"Oh, no? What if the rules of the mazes were reset so that you would be given more freedom to do what you wished? What if I made it so that you will be given the power to let people leave whenever you wished it? I could make it so that you will never have to fear a time limited on your rule as king."

The man sighed as Yugi shook his head. "No. I made promise to get out. I'm going home with my friends." Yugi explained.

It was the sorcerer's turn to scoff as he asked, "Are you even sure your home still exist? Where will you go if it doesn't? As for your friends, I doubt they will survive once the demon's death summons the beast to destroy them all. It would be wiser for you to make a new life for yourself here."

Yugi paled. "Are you forcing me to take the job?"

"No, just suggesting that you do. There is not much time to deicide. I had already plan to keep you alive and send you back once the maze has reset itself, but it will be up to you what your role will be. Oh, and as a bonus for accepting my offer I will allow one other person to live." Dark eyes slyly shifted over to the chase and the hairs on the back of Yugi's neck prickled. The sprite felt ready to do what he had to defend his sleeping friend.

"A lovely creature is she not?" The sorcerer mused. He stopped and gave a small look at Yugi for a reply.

"She is." Yugi said carefully while resisting an urge to gaze at her. "She's beautiful."

The sorcerer nodded approvingly then stared back at the sleeping Persona saying, "Yes, she is quite fair and with a strong heart that could win any man she desires. Had the demon not force his claim on her she would have been yours."

"Your maze would have destroyed her regardless who she chose in the end." Yugi hissed angrily. "Atem marked her by mistake but she willing chose to stay with him."

"Are you sure about that?"

The question made Yugi pause before answering. The demon clearly became possessive of her from the start. He didn't have any proof that Yami didn't do something to make Persona feel the way she did when it came to that asshole of a king. Yugi's own feeling for Persona made him want to believe in that possibly. His hatred for Yami wanted it to be true. "Not possible," the sprite thought looking down at his cup that was slowly filling with red liquid, "but very likely that Atem did do something."

"How can she love a murder?" Yugi heard himself saying, but...

The man shrugged. "This king is a demon that will do anything to get what he wants. As I said before, you will have more freedom. I will let you keep her, but I will have to change her. How about a flower sprite?"

Yugi kept his gaze down at the table for a minute before his amethyst eyes slid over to where Person slept. A mild heat crept into his cheeks at the idea of the sleeping beauty as a sprite. Surely, he could be a better mate to her then the demon ever could. But? "It would be wrong." Yugi's hands dug into knees as he bent his head lower. He recalled how she looked when she tried to deny her feeling for Yami and how hurt she was when she had fought with Yami. Then at the final battle with Lucian, how scared she was to lose Yami. Why she loved Yami was not his business.

"She loves him."

The loud hum of the sorcerer jerked Yugi's gaze as well as his thoughts away from his friend. The colorless eyes of the man glinted with the delight of a predator that knew his prey as tasting the bait. Yugi dared not look up at him but he could feel those eyes burning into him. Into his soul. "The poor lady is a victim of the maze and became corrupted by the wicked creature. And you send her to him to find a way out, did you not?"

Yugi swallowed and nodded as guilt filled him.

"It was your fault that she fell under the influence of that perverse creature. Yugi, you own it to her to save her from a life of misery. After all, you can't expect a demon to love faithfully or without harming her in a thousand ways."

The grip on his knees tighten till his nails dug through to his skin. Yugi clenched his teeth as tears fought their way to the corner of his eyes. The man was right. He had to be right! There was no way Yami could love Persona. It wasn't love! It was obsession!

"Take that cup before you Yugi and pledge yourself to me. I promise you everything that I had offer you. I will make it so that she doesn't remember the demon."

Yugi eyed the tea cup with its red drink. Red like the eyes of his enemy. That monster didn't deserve her. Didn't deserve to taste the bittersweet joy of love! Not when he killed-

"A love like yours should have never been destroyed."

A calm breath filled Yugi's lunges and left him as a sad bitter smile stretched over his face hurting his cheeks. The tears welled till they spilled when Yugi closed his eyes. There in the dark he saw Yami bowing to him surrounded by Anzu's petals. Yami had said it himself. "I have no right-"

"Falling in love," Yugi said, quoting Yami.

"Nonsense," said the sorcerer, thinking that Yugi was talking about himself and said, " you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. What happen to your first love was a tragedy. You can be sure that your second will not end in the same way."

Yugi wiped at his eyes saying, "I don't-," but was cut off by the sorcerer.

"The lady's memory and her mark will be wiped away and with it any other traces of her former mate. Oh, too far for you? How noble of you." The sorcerer sneered at shock look Yugi gave him and snickered saying, "Alright, not all traces. We can pretend that-"


The sorcerer took a puff of his pipe unperturbed by Yugi's outburst. The sprite had slammed his hands on the table and stood up knocking of his chair.

"You seem to understand how I feel about that mons- about Atem, but I won't do that to him or Persona."

"Don't you hate him?"

"Of course I do but that doesn't give me the right to say if he can love or not!" Yugi shouted as his chest heaved with emotion. "I hated that he kept me from solving the maze. I hate that he had my love killed. I hate that he fell in love with my friend, who I love. I hated that he bow to me and is sorry for the wrongs he did!"

"It won't fix anything." The Sorcerer offered and Yugi nodded in agreement.

"No, it won't, but what you don't understand; what you can never understand is that I hate him for another reason."

"And that is?"

Yugi felt the last words of his rant forced their way out as the last of his tears were shed in shame. A warm heaviness came from his pocket and Yugi slipped his hand in to touch the peach branch that still held the blooming blossoms. The petals felt soft on his finger tips and Yugi could almost feel Anzu's magic in them. He could see her smile. That warm smile that let him know that she treasured the way he was, and hate was not a trait he was known for.

"I hate...I want to hate him for...oh what's that point?" Yugi said taking his hand out of the pocket to scratch at his head irritably. "Anzu was right, I'm horrible at hating things. It takes up too much of my energy, but I still don't like him."

The sorcerer frowned and bit his pipe asking, "What were you going to say?"

Yugi blinked at the man then said sheepishly, "I'm annoyed that I want to find a way to forgive him, one day."

The sudden slam of the sorcerer's hands on the table made Yugi jump and the glare he was given froze his blood. The sorcerer slam his fist again and again causing the plates to clatter. The food started to rot and spoil as the man beat the table. Yugi took a step back then quickly glance over to Persona.

The noise of falling fist stopped and the sorcerer let out a deep sigh.

"I lost this round of the game."

Yugi was about to ask what he meant when the table flew to the side and sent everything crashing out into the garden. The sorcerer stood tall with his pipe gone from his hand with a staff in its place. Yugi wanted to make a move to Persona but the sorcerer lowered the head of the staff and pointed it at Yugi. His voice began low as the air crackled with power.

"We will play one more game. The final one to decide your fate and well as your friends. Should you lose, foolish sprite then you will become the new king. I will give you all that I had offer you expect that you will devote your life to assuring that no one ever solves my maze and end the game. It will go on forever and you with it."

Yugi felt his throat tighten and his heart sink. He didn't even know a game had started and he won by luck. What would the new game be?

"And as for the lady," he went on, smiling cruelly at Yugi, "you will either take the lady as your queen or I will deal with her in my own way. Seeing the demon losing himself over her was quite amusing. I wonder how it will be for you knowing you are second in her heart."

"As long as I am in her heart then that is all I need." Yugi said then asked, "What game will I be playing?"

"There is no need to explain to rules," the staff began to glow and shoot out a bright light at Yugi. He moved out of the way and the sorcerer hissed but then grinned and pointed at Persona. Yugi saw the look the man gave her and leaped forward to take the hit. Before Yugi black out in a world of white light he heard the sorcerer say, "You already have lost."


It had all happen to fast.

Yugi tossed and turned his head to see pass the yellow light that blinded his eyes. Confusion and panic seized him as the sound of chaos rang in his ears. He could hear the earth shaking. The walls crumbling. The castle falling apart and worse, the cries of his friends. Joey. Mai. He could hear then calling for him and Persona. Yugi tried to answer back but he could not find his voice. Joey's and Mai's voice became drowned out by the frantic cries of the everyone who lived in the maze. It was a horrifying mix of terror and agony that Yugi would have given anything to see pass the light. Then, from that mix of anguish came a single voice that made Yugi's heart leap and desperately tried to reach out to the familiar baritone voice.

"Keep her safe. See that she gets out."

"Atem!" Yugi's mind screamed. "Atem! Yami! Please! Help us!" Yugi could not see or feel his body but he reached out to the demon with his being.

"Keep her safe."

Yugi tried one last vain attempt to call out to Yami but the roar of a dragon filled the air and blocked out the final screams. It was that roar that forced Yugi awake.

The sprite jerked up with his eyes franticly scanning the area around him. Yugi expected to wake up in the wreckage he had heard, but instead he found himself in a large bed four poster bed. The room was white of white marble walls and floors with gold leaf etchings gleaming from the sunlight pouring from the large oval window. The light hurt his head and Yugi looked away from the brightness of the room by closing his eyes.

The sorcerer claimed that he had lost the game, but when did it even start? The pounding in his head made it hard to think but the pain did confirm one useful thing. He was alive and awake. Slowly he cracked open an eye to figure out where he was. Something told him that he was back at the castle but why did it look so different? "I couldn't have lost. If I did then it would mean," something darted to a corner of the room and Yugi lifted his head out of his hand to see what it was. A knock at the door made him wince and while Yugi would have like to be left alone due to his headache, but he need answers.

"Yes!" He called out and the door opened to show an elf with white hair and light blue eyes dressed in a maid outfit. She curtsy in the door way to him then said in a respectful tone, "Your Majesty the doctor is here to check on you."

Yugi's mouth dropped but not a sound came out. The maid did not wait for Yugi to answer and moved aside to let in an old druid wizard in. His face was long and full with a thick gray bread. Small round glasses sat on his nose and his brown eyes set Yugi's mind at ease when they fell on him. He wore a green robe with a thin brown belt that had small bags and vials hanging from it. He did not carry a staff but had a wooden cane in one hand and a brown bag in the other. The druid bowed then made his way to the bed side.

"Afternoon your Majesty," the druid said with a high-wispy voice. "I do hope you are feeling better." The man gave Yugi one look then held up his hand. "Please do not be alarmed. We have been down this road together my King. This will be your third episode of fainting and waking up with slight memory lost. Allow me to answer the questions that are currently in your mind as they tend to be the same. If there are any new one then I will be happy to answer them as soon as I have finished."

The man paused waiting for Yugi to begin and when he gave a small nod the man started, "First, my name is Huarwar and I have served you as your personal doctor since you've became king. Second, I know you as the water sprite Yugi, the chosen King of the maze. Third, your rule has lasted for ten years and your episode are a resent affliction. I am working on find both the cause and a cure. "

"That can't be." Yugi said with a cracked voice. "Ten years! It couldn't be that long! I was just in the garden with the sorcerer. We were about to start a game. I-" He stopped talking when he saw the solemn look in Huarwar's face. The druid had no idea what he was talking about and he did answer most of the question running through his mind except one. "Where is Persona?"

Huarwar grunted with a pleased smile. "As always my King, your queen is not far from your thoughts. Her Royal Majesty is waiting outside to see you. I'm afraid it was she that found you unconscious this time in the gardens. I can have her enter if you have no other questions for me."

There were plenty of questions Yugi still had but he didn't trust Huarwar to answer him, and he wanted to see you. "Let her in." said Yugi. Huarwar turned to the maid and she bowed her head at them then opened the door and spoke to low for Yugi to hear. She quickly stepped aside.

Yugi sat ready to spot any unusual signs that you were not the same Persona he knew. He was certain he could see through a fake. The rustle of your dress had him sitting up higher and when you appeared at the door his heart skipped at the sight of you.

"Yugi." You said with a small smile.

It was you. Yugi was sure of it as he watch you walked into the room in you long gown. Your eyes were back to the color he had first met you with and you hair was done up with a few curls casting down around your shoulders. There was a hint of make-up around your eyes and lips giving you a natural glow. The smile you gave him as you walked closer made Yugi blush and his breath still. It was you and the doctor called you his queen.

"Yugi," you said again and brushed aside his golden bangs saying, "do you remember me?"

Yugi licked his dry lips and replied, "I could never forget you."

You let out a breath then sat on the bed next to him and continued smoothing back his hair. "I was so scared when I found you. You were so pale and breathing so fast that I thought you were going to die."

"Persona, what is going on?"

Your hand stopped and you peered over your shoulder to the doctor. The druid bowed his head and said, "I have explained as much as I can my Queen, but I will leave it to you to do the rest." Yugi looked down at his lap. Clearly, Huarwar knew that Yugi did not trust him to answer any of his question. Had he really done this before?

"Yes, you may go." You said in a low gentle voice to the druid.

Huarwar bow deeply to both of you stepping back and left the room. "Leave us." You then said to the maid and soon Yugi found himself alone with you. His eyes fell to glowing skin that your gown showed. He search to find the pale marks of Yami but there were none that he could see. His eyes then flickered away at you clearing your throat. Yugi met your gaze sheepishly and found you with amused look in your face.

"Are you looking for them again or are you admiring what's yours?"

"I'm sorry?" Yugi gulped.

You sighed and bent forward to peck his lips. Only Yugi's heart jump as he stared at you like a deer caught in headlights. "The marks," you said sitting back. "I know I should go slowly but I want to get this part over with. Every time you wake up from your spells you insist that I should have the mating marks of some demon."

Yugi nodded then asked, "You don't remember Atem?"

You shook your head.

"What about the name Yami?"

"I've told you before," you said firmly, "I've never met anyone with those names. I came here to the maze when I lost my home and found myself wondering in your gardens. You let me stay with you and gave me a new home." A blush crept into your cheeks, but you held your head proudly as you said, "We've been together for three years. Don't you remember Yugi?"

Yugi wasn't sure what to think. Had he really lost the game. Everything the sorcerer offered him was coming true. He then asked, "Persona, what are you and what are to me?"

You sighed then took Yugi's hands into you own and said, "I am the flower sprite Persona and your wife and Queen."

Yugi let out a gasp breath then bent his head. He had lost and while he had you it was not the way he would have wanted it. It felt wrong.

"My love?"

Yugi choked back a scoff. You didn't know any better. You didn't remember that there was someone you loved as a mate and it wasn't him.

"Yugi, my love, are you alright? Do I need to get the doctor?"

"No, I just...Persona, do you remember Seto, Joey or Mai?"

You shook your head, "No, I've never met anyone with those names."

Yugi persisted "What about Milda? Ode or Bora?"

His heart sank lower with another shake of your head. "Please don't cry, my love." You said wiping away tears that were leaking out of Yugi's eyes. "You just had a vivid dream. None of those people exist or ever existed here."

"But they did!" Yugi cried. "They were our friends. Most of them anyways. Persona, you are mated and it's not with me. Don't you remember? You have to remember!"

Yugi saw that he was frightening you with his hysterics, but he didn't care. This was wrong! Everything about this was wrong. You tried to pull back your hands but Yugi held onto them as he started telling you about how he really met you. About the time in the underground and about Yami.

"Yugi please!" You cried as you stood away from the bed. "None of that happen! I would never love a demon!"

"But you do!" Yugi cried back and rose from the bed. You stepped back but Yugi grabbed at you to keep you from turning away. "I helped you save him! I promised to bring you back to him!"

There were tears in your eyes and you shook your head as Yugi grabbed you by your shoulders. "Persona," he croaked out.

"NO! I would never love a demon! I love you Yugi! Only you! You are my husband and King." You cried out then asked weeping, "Why are you doing this? Are you not happy with me? Do you think that I've been unfaithful or are you tried of having me as your wife?"

Yugi looked at you shocked. He then pulled you close to him as you whimpered, "I love you Yugi. I love you and only you." His eyes closed to hold back the tears that sting them. It was no use. You were under the power of the sorcerer. Yugi would have to mourn his situation later. For now, he needed to heal the pain he caused you. You didn't know any better, but Yugi sworn he would take care of you and find a way back to the maze he knew.

"I'm sorry," Yugi said warmly then moved his head to kiss your wet cheek. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. Please, don't cry." He then let go of you to cup you face in his hands and wiped away your tears. You eyes were cast down and from your dress pocket you pull out a handkerchief and wiped your nose.

You took a deep breath then looked up at him and said with a hoarse voice, "I love you Yugi."

"I know," he replied then reached out to feel a heavy curl of your hair. You were dressed the way he would have wanted you. In colors of spring and light. His jeweled gaze moved to your and found himself saying, "I love you too."

But this is not right.

Yugi told himself that as you kissed him, and he kissed you back. He would do what he had to keep up appearances, but he would not accept this faith easily. Later, he would explore this world and see if was real.

You moved your hands up and down over his chest as you kissed Yugi and he could feel himself losing some of his resolve. The way you kissed him made him think you had done this many times before and you knew how to raise him to you. Yugi pulled you closer and put a hand behind your head as his mouth closed over yours. The two of you moaned and sighed at the deepness of the heated kiss.

Yugi was so caught up with understanding were he was that he did not noticed his change of dress till he felt the gold buttons of his blue uniform jacket coming undone. He happily shrugged it off then went back to kissing your lips. Your hands pulled at the white silk shirt tucked into his pants and sneaked then under to feel his skin.

Alarm bells were going off in Yugi's head. This had to stop before it went too far. He tried to move away but your hand had already slipped down to cup his groin. Just when did you undo the belt! Yugi tossed back his head and groaned. You bit his shoulder then licked his throat then said lowly, "Yugi, take me to bed."

"Yami better be dead or he is going to kill me!" Yugi thought then managed to get away from your grabby hand and picked you up in his arms. Thinking that he was coming to bed with you, you did not struggle but found yourself miffed when he dropped you onto the bed and left the room despite his disheveled appearance.


Yugi took five minutes leaning on the door to gather his thoughts before fixing his clothes. The very thought of what the demon would do to him if he ever found out what had nearly happen was enough to douse whatever heated desires Yugi had wanted to carry out. "Looks like your still good for something you dirty bastard." Yugi sighed to himself then smiled weakly and started to roam the castle.

It was not the same dark brooding one he remember. Light from the outside poured in from nearly every window and each room and hall were decorated beautifully. The castle staff were now a mix of elves, fairies, dwarfs, and druids. Everywhere he went he was meant with a admiring smile and a humble bow. He ran into Huarwar and decided to let him keep him company as they walked the new grounds of the vast gardens.

"I see that you managed to escape the hands of your Queen, but not without forfeiting your coat." Huarwar chuckled then with a wave of his hand made a new royal blue coat appear out of thin air. Yugi was scarlet at the teasing comment but took the coat from the druid.

"Thanks," he muttered.

Huarwar chortled then looked up at the blue sky saying, "I had hope that the past episode would be your last, but you seem even less like the King I remember." The druid could sense Yugi's peaked interest at this statement and he went on saying, "I remember the first time I saw you roaming around this garden looking for a way out. The maze didn't have a ruler back then and I knew you would be the perfect one to bring order and peace."

"There was no King?" Yugi asked shocked.

Huarwar shook his head. "No, it was just me and the head druids that are now your royal council. Things were a confused mess as if we were all made it a single moment not knowing our reason for being. Then I saw you and I knew you were the one we were meant to follow. The kingdom become lively, but we didn't feel quiet complete yet. Your Queen Persona then came later and ever since the people of this strange land have lived prosperously."

Yugi looked down as they walked. "It sounds like your trying to convince me to accept what I woken up too."

"Not at all." Huarwar said. "I am merely telling you what I know to be true. You were always a clever thinker and I find it interesting that with each episode you became more convince that you do not belong here or that her Royal Highness is not meant to be yours. The pattern runs the same. You will spend the next few weeks test and investigating. You will see if you can leave the castle grounds then roam every part of the gardens for hours. You will deny to share your bed with your Queen and try to limit connect with her. That," he said with a good-humored smile, "will only last for so long. I imagine that a wife of four years would know how to get what she wants from her husband."

Yugi thought back to the bed room and how you nearly had him. He stopped walking and Huarwar paused too but he kept on talking while keeping a respectful tone and gaze at the sprite King. "After which, you will start to fall back into your normal habits of running the Kingdom. I tell you all this because while the others chose to ignore these strange occurrences, I can't help and wonder if you are right."

Yugi stared at the druid but was careful not to let hope carry him away. He only knew this man for less than a day. What would it benefit him from believing Yugi's story? Did he even know all of it?

"Why should I trust you." Yugi asked. The druid hummed then turned to him right. With his walking stick he parted a wall of ivory and motion his head for Yugi to peek. The water sprite slowly turned and gasped at what he saw past the vines.

"I have know this garden even since I awaken here and I have never seen this part before, but you have."

"Yes." Yugi stared at the hidden clearing with a tall familiar tree blooming peach blossoms and at the other end, a gate leading to a dark path. "This is were Persona walked through first then I followed after her with Atem's help."

"The demon king of another maze." Huarwar commented. Yugi looked at him and the druid nodded. "You have told me everything my King. You even told me about a sorcerer powerful enough to make all this real."

"So this is not an illusion." Yugi dreaded the answer and when Huarwar answered, "It is not," he fell to his knees. The grass under his hands brushed his fingers and Yugi gripped onto a handful of the blades. He took small sharp breaths as Huarwar let the vines fall back into place and found a small rock to sit on. He then pulled out a small pipe and start to smoke peacefully.

After a few sending a few puffs of smoky clouds off over the small trim flower hedges Huarwar began to speak again. "As far I know and believe, this is all real. This is the world I live in and the people who live here are real. However, I am more than a user of magic. I am a scholar and what you have been proposing has strike my curiosity."

Yugi huffed then sat back on the grass not caring about stains and asked, "What do you mean?"

"What you have describe from your encounter with the white sorcerer and that fact that I have no memoires beyond meeting you has made me believe that not only am I real but that you are not done playing his game."

Yugi startled at this then sat straighter saying, "Are you suggesting that this place and the other- that he just tossed me and Persona into another part of his maze?"

"It would seem so." Huarwar said then blew out a smoke ring.

Yugi stood up. He felt relieved. If this was true then everyone should still be alive! He had not lost yet and there was still time to escape the sorcerer's game before the maze fell to ruin. The sight of the smoking druid made Yugi pause in his excitement and skepticism returned.

"Why are you telling me this? Wouldn't it be better to have me thinking that I have to stay here?"

Huarwar blew out a large smoke ring. His eyes followed after it as he answered, "It would. However, how do I know that this peace will last? How do I know that my memories of the past ten years were not made up a second of a moment?"

"But, you said that we've done this before." Yugi said sadly. "So maybe only part of your memory was made up?" He then looked away feeling bad for suggesting the thought. Huarwar hummed then blew out another smoke ring.

"True, but this white sorcerer has allowed his hubris to blind him."

"How's that?"

"From what you have told me from before, it sounds like his magic is depended on corrupting pure ideals. Such as loyalty, love, honor and hope. It plainly obvious that you love your Queen, but you will not touch her become you wish to honor her loyalty to another. The same it for her. I sure she does love you as well, but it took stripping her of her memories to get her to become unfaithful to her true mate."

Yugi sigh and nodded then looked away. He then saw someone coming up the path and started to sweat when he saw it was you! You were dressed in new gown,

and Yugi looked around for a place to hide. He then pushed back the vines and command the old druid, "Don't tell her I'm here!"

Huarwar waved him off with looking at him then bowed his head to you. "Hello, my Queen. Can I help you?"

"Have you seen my husband? I worried that he may not be well enough to be wondering around on his own." Yugi heard you say.

"I'm sure he is well. What is that strange creature in your hands?"

"This? Isn't cute! I found following me when I stepped into the garden. Now stop that you naughty creature!"

Yugi blushed as he felt the warm skin of your breast on his cheeks. It was then that he realized what you were holding. "The shadow! It's here too!" Another gasp from you had Yugi jumping out his hiding spot and snatching the shadow creature from your hands.

"She told you to cut it out you perverted thing!" He growled at the creature. The shadows eyes blinked at Yugi then tried to kiss but Yugi the creature silly.


Yugi stopped and the shadow head wobbled from the shaking.

"Do you know this creature and why where you hiding?"

Yugi open his mouth to answer but it was Huarwar who spoke. "Incredible! This creature is made up of two souls! One part being the King's and the other a demon's." Yugi stood up straight and let go the shadow. It flew way to hide back your shoulders. You glance down at it then over to Yugi. Yugi gulped under the suspicious gaze you gave him.

"Why would part of your soul be in this thing with a demon's?" You asked coolly.

"Because," Yugi said with a sigh then held his hand out to the shadow. The creature looked between the two of you then floated over to the open palm, "it was made by two people who wanted to protect you. I do love you Persona, but I'm only a friend to you. The other soul in this shadow," the creatures red eye glanced up at him then moved back over to you as Yugi said, "belongs to your true love."

"No." You breathed. You shook your head and took a step back. Huarwar had put out his pipe and stood up with the help of his walking stick.

"My Queen, I'm afraid want the King is saying is true. There was a time where you were the lover of a demon."

You snapped your head to the druid and angerly asked, "You can't be serious! You said they were nothing but dreams!"

"I wished they were but as I see it the two of you have a choice to make." Huarwar said grimly. "Both these realities are real and happening at the same time, though one is coming to end. You must deiced whether to continue down that dark path to an unknown future or stay here."

Both you and Yugi did not look at each as he talked. All you know were the memories given to you and now you were being asked to choose to abandoned a life you though you knew for one you forgotten.

"What will happen if we leave here?" Yugi asked softly.

The druid shrug. "Who knows, but what you should be asking is what will happen to the ones you risked your lives for if you don't leave and soon."

He was right. Everyone was probably still alive waiting for them to come back. They were so close to leaving the maze. Yugi walked up to you went the shadow now resting in his shoulder. You couldn't meet his gaze just yet but when he lifted your chin gently with your fingers you had your answer.

"I need proof that what you are saying is true."


You shook your head and fought back tears. "I need proof Yugi. If you only know what I feel when I look at you. I know that I love you and that want to stay loving only you. I need proof that there is someone else waiting for me to come back to them. That this is not some odd-ball conspiracy."

Yugi sighed and felt his heart break. The white sorcerer, as Huarwar called him, did an excellent job. You really were in love with him. Yugi turned to the shadow and the thing looked at him quizzically, "Well, you heard her. She wants proof. You either give her the proof she needs, or I will throw in the towel."

The purple eye closed and the red one glared at him. "I mean it. Your suppose to be helping us. If you don't do your part I will have this druid cage you and take Persona back to the castle and give her every reason to stay here with me!" Huarwar coughed but produced a cage with a wave as you cover your mouth with a gasp.

The shadow red eye's glow at Yugi then turned to you. The quick turn of it's head made you jump. Then you started to feel a burning at your shoulders. You winced at the pain then felt a strange warmth. Your hands went over to the spot and there you felt an odd scar. A hand went over your mouth as you started to feel sick. You heard Yugi shouting at the shadow to stop but it was too late. You were tossed into darkness. You were not out long for when you came to you found yourself still in the garden with Yugi, Huarwar and the shadow.

Yugi held you in his arms and he let out sigh of relief when you looked up at him. "Persona! I'm sorry! I should have known the idiot's half would have over did it. Are you okay?"

You nodded then felt for the marks. They were still there. You could have cried if you didn't remember that you still had a game to win. You sat up and looked over at the druid who was always kind to you and Yugi.


"Yes, my Queen?"

You smiled at him and said steadily, "Take care of yourself."

The druid nodded then bowed saying, "I wish you and the king well on your journey and for the future you carry." He then walked off whistling a soft tone back towards the castle.

Yugi watched the druid go then turned to you to speak but found your lips covering his. You pulled him down on you and Yugi easily fell to you. The shadow moved out of the way then looked as if it where flushing and cover its eyes with it's tail. Well, the purple one did. The red one stared glaring at the sight and took note of what was happening.

You would go back with Yugi through the dark path and help him destroy that cursed maze. You would make sure that the white sorcerer would regret what he had done to you and to Yugi. Knowing the true, you shouldn't be doing what you were doing but there wasn't just one truth anymore. There were two and you prayed that Yami would forgive you for it.


The sun started to lower as you and Yugi faced the gate. The shadow laid over your shoulders with the purple eye closed in bliss while the other stared fuming at Yugi. Both of you ignored the shadow then without thinking took each other's hand.

Both of you felt ready to face what the maze had instore for you next and whatever consequences Yami had in stored.

One hour, till the fall of the maze....


Okay everyone, the next chapter will be the last one of the main story! After that it will be a follow up by an epilogue chapter. I am so happy to finally reaching the ending I've been seeing in my mind for the past year! Again, since next week is a holiday week I am not sure if I will be able to update but I will try to have the next chapter finished by the following.

Till next time!

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