
By 2am-reflections

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This book is not mine, all rights go to the original author @Lishah21 (archiveofourown). g!p Camila More



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By 2am-reflections

"Breaking news at 8...

President Alejandro Cabello and First Lady Sinu Cabello have officially resigned from their post. After months of debate and paperwork, they have finally come forward with their plans to host the next election for presidency which will begin in January next year. Reports have suggested that they were resigning due to the fact that their daughter, Camila Cabello, a former doctor at Arkadia Hospital had been lost at sea with her wife, who will not be named due to privacy. Reports also suggest that they are not fit to run a country and therefore will be running the country until the elections has been held.

In other news..."

Dinah and Normani turned to look at Camila and Lauren, who were seated on the couch, Camila had gone white as a sheet of paper, Lauren had stopped rubbing her massive swell of a belly which was already 8 months along and she was due soon in the next couple of weeks to come. Luna and Hailee had been playing with Jasmine and Lily, who had grown over the last few months, were walking around and picking up items which were their toys, and handing them continuously back to Luna and Hailee. The months had been a little rough for their two friends, Camila dealing with her parents return into their lives, but not really coming after them or talking to them. The day Camila had asked them to leave was the day they last spoke to the two. Lauren had been stressed out and was put on bed rest for two weeks after her trip to the hospital, but she was better afterwards and things returned to normal.

Aden was away for the night at his boyfriend's home, leaving the girls to themselves, and Dinah wasn't too keen on going out either, for she was sporting a belly of her own, being four months along in her own pregnancy. Normani and her had decided they wanted a family of their own, and had gone through the process, stating that Dinah would go first before Normani did, as they only wanted two kids. Luna and Hailee had their own plans of having kids, but they agreed that they would be adopting instead of going through the birthing process like their crazy friends who had claimed it was the miracle of life that they didn't want to suffer through. But the moment in the house now was definitely different, and they wanted to know what their two friends were thinking about. Camila could only sigh, thinking about how the news came forward to them unexpectedly and perhaps maybe Alejandro and Sinu had other agenda's in mind that they had resigned from their position.

It was media coverage all around and Camila and Lauren knew just why they quit. They felt guilty for leaving the two of them out there, for not coming back for them and perhaps it had hit them hard the night Camila told them to leave. Lauren on the other hand was quiet, because she knew it was hard to watch the people she once called her second parents do such an act and they knew that the two of them would be watching television at home since they all had the day off from work. She felt relieved as well that they had kept their identities a secret to the world, not outing them for having been alive and returned to the land of the living.

"You two okay?" Normani speaks up, drawing everyone's attention, and Camila and Lauren looked at each other before looking at the rest of their friends.

"I guess. I mean yeah it was a little surprising and shocking at the same time, but we never expected them to do such a thing. We aren't on good terms to know what's going with each other's lives, but I think maybe they did such a thing to get us to see how sorry they are. Maybe I don't know." Camila sighed, tired and exhausted with the surprises that their parents had pulled.

"First, it was an apology letter, secondly, the rumors that had gone around over the past few months which had everyone talking about wherever Camila and Lauren went, and truth be told, the both of them were exhausted. Too exhausted. It wasn't the fact that their parents were trying, but they were trying too hard. The both of them haven't told their friends about it, not wanting to worry them as well, but with Lauren's due date so close, they couldn't afford to have more stress placed on them. Lauren had stopped working on the desserts and the bar for now, cutting them down on manpower for the time being, but the paper work had been settled by Lauren and she wasn't as relaxed as she should be. Sales had been doing so well, even Lauren had stayed up late at times to complete them, forcing Camila to get her to come home. To be honest they were struggling. They just couldn't bring themselves to tell their friends that.

"Were fine. If that's what you're asking." Lauren steps up to say, and Camila nods as well.

But none of them were buying it. They had seen their friends becoming slightly reserved, spending time as the four of them with Jasmine and Lily rather than hang out as a whole group. Luna decides that tonight was the night she would tempt fate and ask Camila and Lauren once and for all, what was going on with them.

"Okay guys, this bullshit has got to stop. You two had been different the last few months, always hanging with yourselves, brushing things off as if nothing is wrong. Yet, every time the two of you hear news or shit on tv like that, you two grow quiet. Not to mention the fact that you both spend way more time alone now than you used to with us and we like to know what the fuck is going on. What is bugging the both of you that you can't even tell us?" Luna stares straight at Camila before Lauren, and Dinah too perks up an eyebrow at their friends.

"Were sorry guys. Okay? We're sorry. Yes, things have been tiring for us both. We thought it was better if the two of us worked on it alone and we knew that Alejandro and Sinu were going to resign. We just thought we had a little longer time." Camila sighs, and Lauren rubs her thighs, comforting her.

"What are you guys talking about?" Hailee asks this time, Dinah and Normani too nodding along as to why their friends were talking gibberish.

"Two weeks after Alejandro and Sinu came, Camila and I got a letter from them, saying that they were truly sorry, and that they were going to leave us alone and not have everything flare up in the media about the two of us being alive. The letter also said that they knew that they didn't deserve to be forgiven and that they admit their priorities were misplaced because of their own blindness to the world. Alejandro was sorry for hurting his own daughter and me, Sinu was killing herself over not being able to be the good mother she was. They said that they were going to resign to be able to live a normal life and that hopefully one day when they resign, they wanted to try again and ask for our forgiveness to patch things up. Two weeks ago, Camila got a call from Sinu, said she alone would like to meet with us, since Alejandro was arranging matters to settle their resignation, and she wanted to see us here at the mansion this weekend when she flies in. Camila and I had been angry and hurt at first, we didn't want to let them in at all. But... we decided against it and we talked to each other and we said we would give her a shot at redemption. Which is why we have been alone most of the time. We were trying to deal with everything and we are sorry for not letting you guys in on this. We didn't want to burden any of you with the mess we have." Lauren answers honestly, and the four women just shook their heads.

"Jesus guys... we weren't going to kill you. We were just concerned. We aren't angry at the both of you. We just wanted to be there for you guys. We know how bad it went. But don't keep us out of the loop. We are all here for you too. Especially you Lo. You're working too hard and you need rest. You're due soon and just let us help you instead of letting yourself work too much. And you're our leader Mila. We fight for you and with you. Don't take things all on your own. We're your friends."

Camila cried as did Lauren. It felt better that a weight had been lifted off their shoulders at Normani's words, and they all crushed together in a hug. Camila and Lauren cried, the stress finally lifted off their shoulders and they felt whole again.

"Thank you, guys. For understanding." Camila wipes the tears of her face, and Dinah smiles.

"Eh come on now! We're all fucking besties for life! Besides, we gonna have a house full of kids. Can't have you two bitches breaking down on us now! We still got all these little fuckers to care for. And maybe when Sinu and Alejandro earn their place again, we can all be a big happy family. What say y'all?"

The girls laughed together in agreement, and their attentions were turned to Jasmine and Lily hugging and giggling together as well, following their actions, making the whole group laugh and smile even more. Camila takes Lily and places her in Lauren's arms, her belly kicking around actively and Camila kisses her stomach before grabbing Jasmine in her arms and they sat down together.

"Looks like your little one is eager to join the world there Lauren. Haven't seen your belly that active before." Lauren smiles and rubs her belly.

"Well, I'm guessing she's following Camila's attitude. Kicking up a storm like that."

"Eh well this one sure as hell follows Normani. Can't seem to calm down either. This is your fault Mani!" Dinah turns to glare at Normani who only rolls her eyes and kisses Dinah's lips, making everyone laugh again.

"Alright bitches, let's have some dinner!"


Sinu fumbled with the seatbelt as she unstrapped it from her chest. She had flown out from Washington to California, renting a car for herself and now drove into the mansions drive way. It was months ago that she had seen her daughter, and Lauren, and she wondered how they had been doing since the last time they had a huge falling out. She was nervous and excited at the same time, knowing that the last time they had parted with such anger and sadness, she didn't know if something like that would happen again. After they had written the girls their apology letter, she thought they wouldn't respond. But they did. After months of sending it, they had made arrangements for Sinu to stay with them for a couple of days to spend some time with the whole lot, but more importantly, Camila had allowed Sinu to see her grandchildren on her terms. Sinu had respected Camila's wishes that she had no say on how they lived their lives, and she was only a guest there, and it was a privilege for her to even be spending time in their household.

Sinu agreed with a hopeful heart, and she had been counting down the days as to when she would be seeing them again. Lauren was pregnant the last time she saw her, and now, she should probably be close to her due date or perhaps already given birth to their third child. Sinu didn't know for sure. She exited the car, taking a long look around the place, and she stared in awe how the place was well done. It felt homely and bright, a simple place for their big family, and since everyone was staying together, she could tell there were tons of space for the kids to grow up in. She closed the door and walked up to the front porch, immediately pressing the button and waited patiently. She heard the sounds of giggles and people screaming from behind, making Sinu ground her foot harder, wondering what the hell was going on behind closed doors, but she waited patiently until the door was pulled open. Sinu was stunned for a moment, not recognizing the young man before her until he stretched his hand out and smiled.

"Hi! Im Aden. You must be Sinu Cabello?"

"Uhhhh yes. That's me." Sinu stuttered, shaking his hand before her ushered her in.

"Don't worry. Dinah is just throwing a fit at Hailee because of the eggs their making. Camila and Lauren are in the kitchen, Normani and Luna are fixing the washing machine which broke down. So, you want to meet them first or have a tour of the place?" Aden seemed cheerful and relatively nice, which was a plus on her side, but she has yet to see the rest of the girls, which only made the nervousness in her bones grow, and fear to settle into her stomach.

"I think it would be best if I met the girls first."

"Sure thing maam. I'll grab your bags for you. Oh, and the kitchen just go straight and turn right, your there." Aden salutes and turns to walk away back towards the door, leaving Sinu alone.

Sinu takes a look around, walking slowly in the direction of the kitchen, and the walls were decorated with pictures of everyone, making her smile slightly. They had a good life no doubt and she wished she could have done more to help them then shut them out with the thought of them being dead. She entered the living room and found a young toddle staring up at her with her bright green eyes and her thick wavy blond hair, almost resembling Camila, except for the green eyes that definitely belonged to Lauren. She was so adorable, with her big stuff toy which looked too heavy for her to carry, and Sinu's heart melted at the sight.

"Lily! Sweetie." Lauren's voice filled the room, and Sinu turned to look at a heavily pregnant Lauren wearing a thin shirt and sweat pants walking over and smiles slightly at Sinu.

"Hello Sinu." Lauren's voice wasn't cold, but warm in her tone, and she bent down to lift Lily up into her arms before turning to face Sinu again. "Hungry? Dinah and Hailee made breakfast." Lauren nods in the direction of the kitchen, and Sinu stood there, hesitant.

"I... uh..."

"Look Sinu, we allowed you here to spend some time with us. If you're going to act so nervous and hesitant at the thought that we are going to kick you out, just put it to rest. Camila and I are giving you a chance and we want you to spend as much time as possible with the little ones. So, stop acting like a stranger and go make yourself known to the girls." Lauren states simply and Sinu didn't wait a second longer before getting on her heels and entering the kitchen.

She spotted Camila holding her other daughter in her arms, and the little one looked a lot like Lauren with her brown hair, only that this time she had chocolate eyes that resembled Camila's.

"Mom." Camila calls out to her, and Sinu sighs, nodding her head in acknowledgement, clearly okay with Sinu's presence.

"Camila. Dinah. Hailee." Sinu acknowledges back.

The ladies gave her a big smile and greeted her with a big wave, and Sinu felt a little more secure being with them now that they were not on the verge of trying to kill each other with words at the table like the last time. Normani and Luna joined in shortly after, Aden following along as well and everyone sat down at the dining table for breakfast. Sinu didn't say much, but she was watching everyone talking and laughing, all of them including her in their conversations, telling stories and the smallest of gestures that her two grandchildren would do had the girls swooning and laughing all the more. She realized that she could have had all of this earlier, and she kept beating herself up over and over again with her actions in the past, making her shy away from the groups conversation, talking only when spoken too and soon after, breakfast was over.

Dinah had decided she wanted to lay down and sleep, Normani joining her while Luna and Hailee headed into town for supplies and desserts, leaving Aden to go upstairs to his room to continue studying, which turned out that Aden's boyfriend had arrived to spend some alone time with him and that left Camila and Lauren in the living room to watch over Jasmine and Lily. Lauren was tired as well, her back aches and swollen feet which wasn't helping to ease her pain either, took up the whole couch on the far left, and Camila sat on the other couch, motioning for Sinu to come over and join them.

"Mom, I like you to meet your two grandkids. Jasmine and Lilly. As Lauren and I said in the letter, we know the past is the past, and we would like to move forward. The two of us were hurting before, months of hurting, and we realized that instead of wasting time hurting over what's been done, we wanted to move on and be able to be a family again."

"And you have a third one on the way grandma. So, you best better spoil these two first before the third one comes along and steals all the spotlight." Lauren rubs her belly, making Camila pull her hand over to her mouth and kiss it before going over to rub her wife's protruding mound, as she shifted to sit over by Lauren on the floor.

"I don't know girls. Your father and I still can't come to terms with everything. We keep saying sorry over and over again, and we just don't know how to ever say how sorry we were. We could have done so much more, yet, we didn't and we left the both of you out there to die. We wanted to make it up to you, but we just don't know how." Sinu lets a few tears fall, and before she could say anything else, Lily crawls her way into Sinu's lap, her big green eyes looking up into hers.

Time stopped for her as she picked Lily up to look at her in the eye, and Lily placed her small hands on her grandmother's cheeks, poking at her cheeks and giggling and babbling incoherent words that only she knew herself, when the other kid stands up behind her back. Jasmine and Lily had been placed there by Aden, who Camila had gestured over to when he walked into the kitchen to get some snacks. Sinu played with the girls, grabbing their toys and moving to the play area, where Camila and Lauren watched on. They haven't forgiven them after all this time, but they could start somewhere, somewhere on their own turf and terms, for that's what they wanted. Sinu had seen a small smile form on her daughter and daughter in law when she placed all of her attention on Jasmine and Lily, letting herself be part of this family again, and Sinu was just happy that at least they were working on it. That they can finally be a family again.

And Sinu was hopeful.


Camila never expected to be pacing the hallway of the hospital at 4:25 am in the morning with her arms folded. Aden was seated to the side with John, his boyfriend who was carrying Lily, having spent the night at the mansion since they didn't have any classes the next day. Aden was carrying a sleeping Jasmine, while Normani was holding Dinah in her arms, Luna was pacing as well and Hailee had her head in her palms waiting patiently for news of Lauren and the newborn baby girl. Camila hadn't been allowed to enter for some reason when the paramedics brought Lauren in. Over two hours ago, they were in bed sound asleep when Lauren woke her up to labor pains, and Camila had instantly grown excited at the thought of seeing her little one soon enough. After Sinu had stayed the weekend, they promised they would have weekly calls to try and move on, and Sinu gladly accepted and left to join her father in getting things ready to hand over their position. Her father had called more often times than not to talk and everyone seemed to be getting along fine on the phone.

But Lauren again had passed her due date, saying that their little girl was definitely Camila's prodigy for being stubborn, but when Lauren was lying in bed two hours ago from labor pains, her contractions that were too frequent and forceful, but there was blood. And it was a lot of blood. Camila on just found out from one of the doctors recently that Lauren had received a Uterine Rupture, making Camila's fears rise up in her throat for they were extremely rare cases but it was possible and they had to rush her in for an emergency C-section. Camila thought her world was crumbling down. The doctor explained that her placenta was implanted too deeply into the uterine wall and therefore, that caused the rupture to happen. And now they waited. Camila was trying her best to keep calm, but she was stressed out beyond words, and not even the words of her friends could stop her from pacing back and forth.

Three hours in, and still nothing from either Lauren or her unborn daughter, Camila saw two familiar faces approach her down the hallway. She couldn't believe her eyes but when she saw Alejandro and Sinu approach her, Camila didn't know what to say or think.

"Mom? Dad?"

"How is she?" Sinu stood a step away from Camila, along with Alejandro, not wanting to over step boundaries for they weren't exactly on the best of terms yet, only just barely spending a weekend together.

"How...? What are you doing here?" Camila asks, her words choking in her throat.

"Your mother got a call from the rest. We happened to be in town for one of the rallies when we got the call. And we came over here straight away. We can go if you want us to." Alejandro said hesitantly, wanting to respect his daughters wishes, but she did the exact opposite, hugging Sinu as she let her tears fall, and Alejandro in turned wrapped his arms around the two women.

"She's going to be fine baby. Lauren will be okay. She's strong. And a fighter. She will make it."

"I'm scared." Camila choked out a sob, and Sinu rubs her old hands around her back.

Dinah smiled sadly, along with the rest, knowing she did the right thing by calling Alejandro and Sinu down. Sure, they all had problems. Who didn't? Besides the fact that everyone was worrying about Lauren, they knew that Alejandro and Sinu deserved to be here to provide the love and concern as a parent to Camila, no matter how much Camila would hate it. Dinah thought that maybe for once they could be the civil people they are, just like how Sinu was when she came to stay the weekend weeks ago and spend time with everyone, Dinah knew that things would be better eventually. Just like Normani and Lauren had said at the same time, everything takes time. But in times of worry and darkness, they are the people to be there for you no matter what. And that part of Alejandro and Sinu was still there despite their fuck ups. Time was all that was needed.

"Cabello Jauregui?" A voice sounded in the background and Camila flips around, out of her parents grasps before her eyes land on the bundle of joy in the nurse's arms.

Camila walks over, smiling with tears in her eyes as the beautiful baby girl was deposited into her arms, her daughter's blue eyes and she had a mixed hair color from both Camila herself and Lauren's and Camila was happy. Her daughter was healthy and alive, and the nurse congratulated her before entering the room again, leaving everyone to smile and pat Camila on the back. Alejandro and Sinu stood to the side, watching their own daughter stare at her new bundle of joy, and they decided they would leave, not wanting to be unwelcomed, but Camila walked over to them before they could leave, silently pleading with her eyes to stay. Sinu and Alejandro understood, and they smiled before they joined the rest who were hugging each other. Camila walked over to the side while the others conversed, and she moved towards the door to try and listen in on the current state of her wife, wanting Lauren to share the moment with her that their baby girl was alright, but none came.

"Hey beautiful. Welcome to the world. Your mama is going to be okay. She's going to give you lots of smooches and nibbles until you get agitated from it but she loves you so much. And I love you so much as well. Along with your two sisters. You are all my world." Camila whispers softly, placing a kiss on the cute nose that was definitely Lauren's, and Camila smiled happy tears, and Aden and John approached with Jasmine and Lily, allowing the girls to catch a look at their baby sister.

The two girls giggled and smiled and touched their baby sister before they somewhat blushed and hid their faces in the men's necks, and playing around again with their baby sister by holding her small fingers softly. Camila felt as if the three of them were connected, their baby sister and everyone swooned at the sight.

"What are you going to name her Camila?" Sinu was the first to speak up among everyone, earning their interest in the name Camila had picked out, and Camila knew that Lauren had always loved this name beyond words have ever told her.

"Dahlia. Dahlia Abigail Cabello Jauregui."

And Camila looks to her mother and smiles, before Sinu herself cries and smiles back.


"Damn Woman! You scared the shit out of us. Thank god, you're okay though. Or I would be sad I can't share my fucking eggs and bacon anymore." Dinah muses, rubbing her pregnant belly.

"Since when have you ever shared idiot? You always steal from Haiz. Then blame it on fucking Luna for stealing from her wife." Camila argues back, receiving an amusing glare from Lauren, who was lying flat on her back in the hospital bed, Camila was holding Jasmine and Lily in her arms and seated on the bed since they wanted to be close to their other mother.

Lauren had been asleep for two days straight, exhausted and in pain, losing a lot of blood and she had no choice but to have a blood transfusion to replace the ones she lost, and the doctors kept her in the hospital until she was fit to go home and rest. Dinah had been crying for the last two days thanks to her hormones, and now everyone was firing back jokes and insults at each other playfully, making Sinu shake her head at the usage of vulgarities spewing across the room, Alejandro was shoving his fingers into his ears. Camila was happy though that her wife was okay, and when her green eyes opened to the world again, she cried a thousand tears for she thought she had lost her wife, but Lauren had said those three letter words when she woke up, and Camila, Camila's heart rested with ease that they were going to be okay.

"Well fuck you. You steal food from me and deliver it to Fish who seems to enjoy our bacon more than him relaxing next to us. And don't get me started on the other fur ball of a racoon!" Dinah mocks.

"Eh babe, the only reason he doesn't sit next to your feet because it stinks. And because I love you and no one else, I tolerate it until the day I die in the fucking grave." Normani smiles and brings Dinah in for a kiss, tongues already invading their mouths, and Luna had a trash bin right now, and everyone had plastic bags, they would be spewing their guts out.

"Jesus Christ, you people. Is there any other word you could use beside the vulgarities spewing around in this room?" Sinu sighs, and Camila snorts.

"Not with these idiots no. They keep saying that vulgarities bless their sins and whatever." Camila muses at her mother, before Luna replies.

"Hey! You use vulgarities as well. You're not a saint either Camila. The only one in this room, sorry Sinu, Alejandro, I know you guys use it too, we heard it 15 minutes ago, but Lauren is the only one who burns us to hell for she is the saint, Mother Theresa of the house." Hailee and Dinah bursts into laughter, and Lauren groans and roll her eyes.

"I swear if I wasn't bed ridden right now, you guys would be wishing hell didn't even exist. I swear!" Lauren bites back and Normani steps in.

"You see what I mean? She never uses a curse word. We miss the old Lauser who curses like a bullet train last time." Normani was trying to get Lauren to burst her bubbles, and Dinah smirks at the brunette in bed, who was trying her hardest not to curse.

"If you guys don't back off, the only curse words you would ever hear again is from my mouth when I murder you guys." Camila defends her wife, and Alejandro and Sinu finally decides to step in, only for Aden and John to hold their hands up that they had this under control.

"Ladies, can we be more civilized for two kids are present in this room, and also a baby sleeping in the corner too. So I suggest to avoid any more ass kicking and us bros throwing you ladies into the pool, Dinah your lucky to escape that death, Lauren you are too, but the rest it is no excuse." Aden states with his eyes closed, his palms pressed together as if he was praying, and John decides he was going to snap a picture, making the whole group laugh out loud.

"John! Your supposed to be backing me." Aden whines, and John snorts.

"Sorry honey. But I swear that was hilarious. And hot! Being all righteous and hunky. Mmm dayums. Like that..." John closes the gap and kisses Aden, receiving groans from all around.

"I can't believe the day has come that everyone has turned into sappy gay messes. So cute." Alejandro laughs, and the younger people groan even harder than before.

"Oh don't start Alejandro. You and Sinu were no different..." Dinah starts and everyone talks and smiles.

Camila and Lauren watched the whole scene unfold before them, and they wondered what would life be like if the hadn't met up again after 10 years of being apart. Would they be here right now? Would they even have married each other? No. Camila and Lauren dismisses that thought entirely. Fate had brought the two of them back together again, and here they were. Everyone was in the same room. Parents, friends, and new friends. Camila then realized that this was what life is supposed to be. Maybe in time her parents and her can converse more and perhaps open up to things again, but she was just happy they were here now in their life despite all the wrongs. She did wrongs too, but she asked herself, if people can change for the better, do we have to keep hating them for the wrongs they did? Is hate going to overcome love? No. Love always wins at the end of the day, and here, now, in the moment, was nothing but love.

And Camila and Lauren smiled that this... this was love and happiness that they were lucky to have.


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