Locked Class Hero (Rwby x Mal...

Par Wolfinator12

142K 3.3K 2.4K

Massive AU inspired by 'Forged Destiny' from Fanfiction.net. In the world of Remnant your class dictates your... Plus

Chapter 1: First Quest
Chapter 2: Problems
Chapter 3: Guild
Chapter 4: New members
Chapter 5: Hunters vs Dungeon
Chapter 6: Decision
Chapter 7: Discovery
Chapter 8: Valhallas guest
Chapter 9: Strange happenings
Chapter 10: Duels
Chapter 11: Quest
Chapter 12: Classes
Chapter 13: News
Chapter 14: What is going on?
Chapter 15: Theory
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45


17K 154 94
Par Wolfinator12

Hey guys Wolfy here, this chapter is only for some basic info I dont plan on explicitly writing into the story.

First things first this book is inspired by both the 'the gamer' fanfics, as in that the protagonist and people have levels, skills, stats and, most importantly, classes, and the fanfic called 'Forged Destiny' published on Fanfiction.net. Also Remnant will be a fantasy medieval setting so no guns or electronics. Next up is that there is going to be big changes to the plot of RWBY to the point of it not really being a fanfic about the show but a fanfic containing elements of the show. Notice that I will choose the classes of people I believe are the most suited and could differ from those you would have choosen. If you notice any similarity to the mentioned fanfics this book is inspired from please just bare with me, its hard to work off of inspiration without accidently copying something form the orginal.

Now for the 'the gamer' part of this story. Each character in this book will have a class, skills corrosponding with that class, levels and stats. You as the reader will only know Y/n Schwarz (Schwarz = german for black) stats, skills and level, except a character themself talks about it. At the end of each major arc i will post a character sheet of Y/n containing his equipment, level, stats and skills. If Y/n levels up his stats are going to be shown, small improvement of stats will only be mentioned and dont get a full list showing the upgrade same goes for the level-up of skills.

Each Stat has a Level-up mod, that describes the number of points each stat increases by on level-up. This mod could be D, meaning 1 point, C, meaning 2 points, B, meaning 3 point, A, meaning 4 points and rarely S, meaning 5 points.

The Year will be called 'the XXXth year after the Begin of the Adventure' Months still are named like they are in real life.

Another important aspekt are the grimm, because lets be real they are as much a part of rwby as team rwby itself. Different to my book 'The Weak' (shameless self advertisement is shameless) Grimm will only get a short description and I wont use pictures ,except on special occasions. All in all Im not really planning on integrating pictures or videos.

If I forgot to mention anything that might interest you, it could be because I am planning on talking about it in the book.

Important info for readers of 'The Weak' this book will NOT replace 'The Weak'. I plan on using this story as a way to prevent myself from burning myself out from 'the weak'. This could mean that a chapter takes longer to be published tho.

Below you will find info which were marked in the story.

Lien: Named after the first Hero Artorias Lien. Every grimm drops, depending on their level and type, Lien. Lien, shortened to 'L' on price tags, cant be counterfeited or produced only aquired from killing grimm or as payment. There are 4 types of coins which are named after the metal they resemble the most. 1 Copper Coin,also known as Copper Lien and shortened to CL, is worth 1 Lien, 10 Copper Coins are 1 Silver Coin, also known as Silver Lien and shortened to SL, 10 Silver Coins or 100 Lien are 1 Gold Coin, also known as Gold Lien and shortened to GL, 10 Gold Coins or 1000 Lien are 1 Platinum Coin, also known as Platinum Lien and shortened to PL. Prices can be written in coins or their worth in Lien.

Example: one shortsword could be worth 6 SL or 60 L.

Guilds: Beacon Academy is famous for its unique way of dealing with quests for their students and the general structure of the faculty. At Beacon Guilds are after the teachers the highest power, the stronger the guild the more it has a say in important matters at Beacon and the more respected its members are. Additionally all Quests first go to the headmaster who then sorts them after the quests rank (see info on ranks), once sorted he will distribute the quests to the guilds, depending on the guilds rank (also info on ranks) they will get more or better paying yet more difficult quests. Quests that are considered too easy to give them to guilds are open to be accepted by students without a guild.

Dungeons: Dungeons are still pretty much an unknown only a few things are known. Firstly Dungeons come in one of 3 types. Type one are normal Dungeons, they appear at random and can be entered and exited at will, they also have ranks depending on their difficulty. Type 2 are Trap Dungeons, these dungeons are a seperate dimension and can only be entered once, to leave you will have to either find the dungeons key or beat the boss. Inside of trap dungeons reality can be warped, time can pass faster or slower than in the outside world. The last type are Evolved Dungeons, like their name states these are dungeons that have evolved, both of the previous dungeon types can evolve if they arent cleared fast enough. An evolved Dungeon continously releases more and more grimm into the outside world while the inside will grow more and more hazardous.

Passives: Passives are skills that are always active, they are unique to the owner and no two people will unlock the same passives. Each class has unique types of passives of which variants can be unlocked. Everyone will unlock their first passive on level 20, with a few exceptions that is.

Ranks: Nearly everything in Remnant is Ranked, be it the quality of weapons, the danger of Grimm or the strength of people. These Ranks go from F, which is the worst/weakest, to S which is the strongest. Heroes-in-training will get their first rank after completing their Ranking quest. Once a hero-in-training has their rank they will be allowed to accept quests with the same or a lower ranking than theirs. For quests the higher the rank the higher the danger and the reward. For heroes, the higher the rank the stronger the hero same for grimm. The ranking of Dungeons is a difficult thing and can only be done while clearing it or after having cleared the dungeon. A dungeons rank determined possible extra rewards for the person that cleared it. S Ranks and the extremely rare S+ Rank are considered to be highest ranking possible and they can only be achived by masters of their craft if it is an Item, by grimm that survived decades, dungeons that werent cleared for decades or heroes that reached a level of power that is higher than A rank.

Arcana/Ki/Focus : Each class has one of the three known energies the skills or spells cost to use. Arcana or arcane energy is used to cast spells or use magic skills. Focus is used for fighting skills or spells. Ki is a mix between arcana and focus and is used for both magic and fighting spells. Most magic users have arcana, most fighters have focus and most mixed classes, for example paladin or monk, have Ki. The amount of energy someone has both depends on the persons class, level and stats. The amount, just like health and stamina isnt put into numbers on the stat sheet and can only be felt by the person themselves or can be put into numbers via spells.

Class rank amulet: On the passing of the ranking exam a hero-in-training recieves a specially made amulet, made from the Lien coins or other materials using magic. The material shows the rank, wood is for F-Rank, stone or clay for E-Rank, iron for D-Rank, Copper Lien or copper for C-Rank, Silver Lien or silver for B-Rank, Gold Lien or gold for A-Rank and Platinum Lien or platinum for S-Rank. Each amulet has the Rank and signiture of the person granting the rank engraved on both sides. This signiture and the magic used make them impossible to be replicated and they cant be stolen nor sold thanks to another magic enchantment on them that binds them to the ranked person.

Upgraded Classes and Class ugrades: On rare occasions people of so called basic classes can achive an upgrade, the basic classes are: Fighter, Knight, Mage and Rogue. People with these classes can achive special upgrades and change their class to a upgraded class that fits their specialisation, a fighter who only uses his fists or legs to fight can become a brawler or martial artist, a mage who only uses fire spells can become a pyromancer, a Rogue who only spies on people becomes a Spy and a Knight that learns how to use healing magic or buffs becomes a Paladin.

Potions: Alchemists and Apothecaries are able to brew special potions, these are only used to aid in certain things. For example a Health Potion, only helps in the recovery of an injury or sickness but does not fully heal them. Many different potions exist in the world of Remnant the best and most effective coming from Mistral. It is rumored that an Alchemist in Mistral had been able to creat a potion that extends the users life, but there has yet to be any evidence for its truth.

Spell scrolls: High level Spell Casters can create replicas of spells onto parchment with the use of specially created ink. Anyone with a Hero or Soldier class that is able to use spells can use a Spell Scroll to cast the spell written on it once. To activate the spell the scroll has to be destroyed.

Vytal Contract: A special set of rules and laws concerning the roles of the different Class Groups at all times, mainly focused on times of war. Heroes, Soldiers, Rulers and Workers are taught these rules early in their career. Below is an excerpt of the Vytal Contract.

1) A Hero is not allowed to attack a Soldier, Ruler or Worker, without first being granted permission to via a Quest or the need to defend oneself.

2) A Soldier may not interfere with a Heroes work nor activly threaten the lives of Heroes, Workers or Rulers alike, except in times of selfdefense.

3) A Ruler may not actively harm a member of any other Class Group. Harm done by people acting on orders of a Ruler do count as harm done by the Ruler should the order be the reason. Exception for this is in times of selfdefense.

4) A Worker may not interfere with either the work of Soldiers, Rulers or Heroes, except if it would result in harm done to them or in selfdefense.

5) Should a member of any Class Group willingly go against previous rules they loose their protection by said rules.

6) In times of war additional rules and laws are put in place.

Dust: Strange crystals created alongside with the rest of the interior of Dungeons. They are condensed Arcana given shape. Used in the creation of powerful Magic Items and even sometimes in Potions. Dust is mostly mined in low ranking Dungeons to keep the threat to the miners as low as possible. The most common variant is the Neutral Dust, but other, elemental varients have been discovered and are utilized all around Remnant.

Name and Class: The name and class of every person is shown to everyone floating above a persons head. However there are four options as to what a person can see floating above someone elses head.
1) Should the person be cloaked, their faces obstructed and the person be unknown so does everyone, who does neither know the name nor the class of that person, see neither a class nor a name.

2) Is the name of the person unknown, but their face visible, everyone will see the class floating above their head.

3) Is the name of the person known so will it and the class be visible above their heads even if cloaked, however only for those who know the persons name.

4) Is the person disguising itself as someone else the class (and name if known) of the person they are disguised as will be shown above their head.

Stats: Stats are much more than simple numbers on a persons statsheet. Each stat has an effect on the body or mind. Multiple Stats can effect the same thing.

Strength: Strength determines how much force a persons muscles can create. This force can come in form of attacks, lifting heavy weights or bursts of speed. It also determines the amount of Focus a person has.

Dexterity: Dexterity determines how fast a person can move for longer periods, how steady their aim with ranged weapons is, how quick they can strike with light weapons, how good they are at working with their hands and how flexible their body is. It also determines the amount of Focus a person has.

Wisdom: Wisdom determines how good a person is at making decisions, how fast their Arcana and Ki recover and how quick their spells and skills activate. Wisdom also determines the strength of spells involving prayers.

Intelligence: Intelligence determines how good a person is at retaining information, how many spells they can learn, how strong their spells are and how much arcana and Ki they have.

Resistance: Resistance determines how much damage a person can take before they get wounded, how much poison someone can ingest without it taking effect, how cold or hot of an enviorment they can deal with and how fast wounds heal.

Stamina: Stamina determines how long a person can exert themselves, how fast Focus and Ki are recovered and how long they can stay in extreme enviorments.

There are Stats that people consider to exist but that do not show up on any statsheet, such as Charisma, Piety/Devotion, Karma or Luck. It is unclear if those things are really effected by any Stat or if people merely think they might be.

Every Stat is not the only thing determining the effected abilities. Someone with low Strength can still train to be able to lift heavy weights and someone with low Intelligence is not automatically dumb.

Continuer la Lecture

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