Stellaride behind the flames

By myersa81

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These are one shots based off of the episode in season six and what happens in each and what I think Stella... More

After the road trip pt 1
Authors note
After the road trip pt 2
Aurthor note
Friendship can turn to somthing else
A fire within
The moring glow
Authors note
Keeping the sercet
Meet the mom part 1
Autor's note
Meet the mom pt 2
Authors note
Meet the mom pt 3
Authors note
Teasting the waters pt1
Testing the waters pt2
First date and meeting the ex-girlfriend
Ex- girlfriend pt1
Putting the past behind me pt 1
Putting the past behind me part 2
Putting the past behind me part 3
authors note
just us being happy
all I care about is Stella part 1
All i care about is stella part 2
Being Detectives for the day
Autors note
Meeting stella's friend
I love you
Dealing with a lot of stuff
Saying the final goodbyes
Learning to move on
Hitting a bump in the road
I can't do this anymore
Working past a break up with a coworker
Authors note
Realize how much i care
Trust your gut
Where do we go form here
Strom on the inside and out of the firehouse
I am here for you anytime
You're the one he needs right now
Better man
New beginnings
Its scary
Badass stella
Push to the limit part 1
Push to the limit part 2
Just the two of us
Happy birthday kelly
Stella is the best
Find your people
Girls on fire part 1
girls on fire Part 2
Girls on fire part 3
A future leader
Set back
Over it
Presure getting to me
Bringing back memories
Change is okay
Happy anniversary stellaride 
Being inspired
You got this kelly severide
You are so strong
Did i pass the test
Im never gonna leave you
My  fiancé
something for the fans
Firehouse is my family
season 10
Where is stella
Are we okay
Helping a fellow firefighters part 1
Helping a fellow firefighter out part 2
You are an inspiration Stella kidd 
Thinking of my past
 i'm scared to lose you 
Leadership disagreement
weirdness before the wedding
The wedding day is finally here
I have something to tell you
Finale thoughs
Married life
Helping a friend move pasted the hard part
Helping a troubled young girl and her mom
Married fire cops
A proud moment
Leadership differences
Taking the control back
The aftermath 
The missing parts of the aftermath 
We are in this together
Working on our trust again
Doing this on my own
I can finally breathe again


819 6 12
By myersa81

Stella's POV: everything has been going great with work and Kelly so that's good we just do I don't work and we started walking towards the kitchen
S= so I bought a scratch and win ticket one of those where are you match The exploding bomb  to the target
K= okay
S= I lost
K= sorry to hear that
S= I never win those things I mean not even when the prize is another scratch off ticket
CB= sevride  Van meter called there's a new lieutenant at OFI he sending over to talk to you today
K= uh about the arson case
CB= I assume so he didn't give any details
( the bells go off)

We get called to a hostage situation by the police officers. What happened was a crazy ex-boyfriend and the ex-girlfriend got in a fight and it turned bad when he pulled a gun out on her and was holding her hostage. The cops try to negotiate with him to let her go but he gave up and through the phone that he was talking to him on out the window so the police decide to try to teargas him but that didn't work and ended up making it where it was smoke in the apartment. Kelly came up with the idea of having him and Matt repell  down the building to save the victim. The chief agreed and I went up with Kelly Casey Gallo , Capp  And Tony. Once Tony and Capp Got the ropes anchor down in a spot on the work me in Gallo each coach mat or Kelly and I automatically chose to help Kelly to tie the rope to them to get them ready to do it they need to do

S= don't get shot

Kelly give me to not let me understand what I'm saying and him and Matt start to lower them self down within two minutes they were able to save the victim and was able to help the cops to get the ex boyfriend who had the gun. 

Kelly's POV:
we just did a rescue of a woman that was held hostage by her ex-boyfriend we got the Cubs like normal once we got back to the firehouse I went into the common room to write some stuff down on the whiteboard when all the sudden somebody knocks on the door
K= yeah
WS= Lieutenant Severide
K= yeah
WS= hi I'm Lieutenant Wendy Seager  from OFI
K= good to meet you
WS= same here Captain Van-meter told me about your work on the south bell arson  it was pretty impressive
K= team Effort
WS= well I did a little digging and found out you done lots of great work on arson case is just like your dad did
K= how can I help you Lieutenant
WS= well I new to OFI  but the main reason they brought me in was to help clear a backlog of cases I told Vanmeter that with the right  team I could do it i'd love for you to come work with us severide
K= ( laughs) I appreciate the offer but I'm happy where I am
WS= yeah I thought you might say that but maybe take a little more than a half a second to think about it I mean this will just be a detailed doesn't have to last forever and you know how challenging and fun fire investigation can be
K= I respect the work that OFI does I do but for me the squad is home this morning we rappelled down east side of a building to rescue a hostage it's going to be pretty hard to beat
WS=  Okay well thanks for hearing me out ( she starts to walk out)
K= mm-hmm
WS=  you're expression when I introduce myself I've.. i've seen it a lot in the CFD I mean people are always surprised by how young I am to have this rank but there's a reason I made Lieutenant by the time I was 28 I don't give up easily ( she walks away )

I get why she came to me but I don't ever see myself behind a desk or ever leaving 51 I love being a firefighter she can try her best but I will never leave 51 to work at OFI

Stella's POV: right now I'm hanging with the girls trying to scratch off another ticket to see what I win while I listen about if Brett  might be going on a date with somebody

it's not a date late drinks or dinner is a date but lunch that's daytime which means it's professional
S= I need carrots to win but I keep getting those little green things what are these apples
EF= that's broccoli girl
SB= does anybody care about my crisis
S= i'm sorry I do but it's just that the guy at the deli said that this is the game that people seem to win the most,. If it's just the two of you it's a date
SB= ugh really
EF= I don't know lunch doesn't really say romance to me and it definitely doesn't say sex
S= i'm going to have to disagree with you there
EF= what is so long with a date anyways
SB= I just got out of an engagement I'm not ready to start dating again
S= that was months ago ancient history
EF= yeah it's time for you to get back out there and Ryan is pretty cute
S= yeah
EF= for a do-Gooder
SB= no I'm gonna cancel
S= damn it
SB= sorry it's just
S= no it's not you uh I just scratch my last box and it's tomatoes so I lost again ( I walk away)

Kelly's POV: I am in my office doing my paperwork like usual when Capp told me that the chief was looking for me so I get up and head toward his office

K= you were looking for me chief
CB= yes I was I was hoping you could explain this transfer slip ( hands over the slip) that I received a few minutes ago
K= this is a mistake
CB= so you're not moving to OFI
K= of course not and I made that clear to Lieutenant Seager
CB= not clear enough apparently
K= I have no interest of changing departments chief zero I'll go see her right after shift i'll clear everything up
CB=  that's a really good idea

  A couple hours later it's in the shift I get changed as fast as I can so I can go see what's going on over at OFI before I can leave the locker room Stella comes in

S= hey you
K= hi
S= what's wrong
K= I got to stop by OFI to  clear something up so I will meet you at home and explain everything later
S= all right ( they kiss) see you at home

once I leave I head to OFI. Once I get there I walk straight into Captain Van-meter office 

K= Captain
VM= hey Severide
K= there's been some kind of mistake your new recruit came to see me about putting in for detail to OFI
VM= uh yeah I heard
K= I explained that it's not going to happen I'm happy where I am
WS= there is no mistakes Severide
K= you can't transfer me without my approval you don't have that kind of authority and neither do you
VM= no we don't but the transfer didn't come from us it came from Commissioner Grissom

Once Vanmeter said his name it made complete sense this is totally what Grissom  would do. He always wanted me to do better than what I have done but I've told him multiple times that I like working at 51 but he never listens. so I just leave and head home and once I get home I see that Stella is getting something out of the fridge

hey I'm home
S= hey you do you want to beer
K= yes please
S= all right here you go
K= thanks
S= you're welcome so what's going on
K= so you member when the chief told me that somebody from OFI was going to be stopping by to see me
S= oh yeah a new person
K= well that person her name was Lieutenant Wendy Seager and the reason she stopped by was to make me a job offer to move to OFI
S= and you said no right
K= of course I did 51 is my home but then The chief wanted to see me in his office
S= about what
K= well apparently somebody put in a transfer for me to move over to OFI
S= The new girl did that didn't she
K= that's what I thought too
S= wait she didn't then who did
K= Once I say his name it will make complete sense in your mind
S= okay then who
K= Grissom  did it
S= no way why
K= Who knows with him
S= it makes sense that it was him that did it but they can't transfer you without your approval right
K= I guess They can no matter what
S= that's so messed up what are you going to do about it
K= I have no clue I will talk to Boden about it tomorrow
S= hopefully he can help you figure out a way for you to stay I don't want to meet at the firehouse without you
K= I agree at least you'll have the girls to talk to for me I will have nobody at OFI to talk to I hope we can figure out a solution for me to stay
S= let's hope so
K= hey thanks for being the  one that was holding my rope today
S= No problem thanks for not getting shot
K= no problem I guess I won't tell you how close we got to getting shot at but thank God Herman did the water trick today he saved our lives
S= trust me I will be saying thank you to Herman next time I see him
K= good let's just watch TV and relax

We relax and watch TV the rest of the night

The next shift right when I get in I grab Matt  and we head to the Chiefs office to talk  about what's going on with OFI transfer paper and Grissom 

how did Grissom get involved
CB= I did some recon on Lieutenant Seager turns out she came up under Grissom she was his second in command at 36
K= if Grissom thinks he can treat me like some pawn toss me wherever he wants
CB= look I don't like it either but we need a smart approach
MC= any thoughts
CB= well if the commissioner made the request there is only one course of action that is to talk to him and get him to change his mind which I am more than happy to try but the truth is there is only one person at 51 who has that kind of sway with Grissom ( to Kelly) that's you
K= Hell yeah I'll talk to Grissom
CB= you cannot go in there hot
K= he Should've came to me himself it's like he's looking for a fight
CB= look whether we like the way he handled it or not is a relevant this is high praise  from the commissioner just remember that when you talk to him

I walk out of the office 

Stella's POV: it's the next day of shift and right now Kelly is talking to the chief about the transfer and Grissom. As he's doing that I am talking to Emily about the situation that's going on
EF= can I actually make him do it even if he doesn't want to
S= I don't know but he's talking to the chief right now
SB= oh it was a date
S= knew it
SB= here's your reward ( Hands Stella a couple lottery tickets)
S= for me
SB= mmm-hmm super simple  just scratch the box and if there's a prize Underneath you win
EF= did you have fun on your lunch at least
S= I lost I'm luckless
SB= um it was fine I mean he's.. he's a sweet guy and maybe I should be getting out again but with everything I've been through I don't want a sweet guy you know I want the one (to Stella) like what you have with ( she looks over to Kelly) 
S= oh he doesn't look happy ( she gets up and walks over to Kelly) upshot
K= I need to talk to Grissom and change  his mind
S= if anybody can handle that assignment it you
( while Stella is talking to Kelly capp decides to sit down and sees that there's some lottery tickets on the table and scratches them)
CP= I just won $50 check it out
I chase after Capp to  get my lottery ticket back

Kelly's POV:
I decided to wait until after shift to talk to Grissom so I don't go in there hot toward him. It's the end of shift time and I head out toward his office but before I do I catch up with Herman to see how he's doing since he got a bad deal from the hostage situation where the cop is being a jerk toward him and wants to press charges against him

H= so not looking forward to facing the firing squad at the hearing next week just blindfold me and give me a cigarette already
K= yeah I'm sorry you have to go through that man it's not right
H= yeah the cops a joke but me and my stupid temper it's just a matter of time before it got me in trouble but uh i've been thinking you know maybe losing my command isn't the worst thing because maybe I wasn't cut out to be a lieutenant in the first place
K= hey Herman leader ship is big decisions and tough moments if it wasn't for that move that you pulled with the canon me Casey and that hostage may all  be dead you're right where you should be Lieutenant

I walk away and head toward Grissom's office once I live his assistant shows me in

GA= Make yourself comfortable the commissioner is just coming from a news conference
K= thanks
Within a minute
G= Kelly
K= grizz
G= I was wondering when you'd stop by and visit me in my Gilded Cage can I get you a cup of coffee
K= come on you know why am here detailing me to OFI  you think I'd take that just laying down
G= OFI is a respectable career path Kelly hell it was good enough for your dad
K= you know how I feel about you trying to help my career along
G= there's the misunderstanding you think this is about you I look after the entire department now my office of fire investigation is understaffed and you have demonstrated a table to take real talent for reading a fire ground and sniffing out arsonists
K= I have other talents to
G= sit down you want to be a master of your own faith I get it when I was a candidate I had my whole career mapped out get assigned to a busy house Distinguish myself in the line of duty and then I got transferred to the " he said Victor Schlaeger" A fire boat on Lake Michigan in January 8 of us freezing our asses off clammed onto that floating coffin for 24 hours apart I made one save an 18 month and thank God I was there to make it that assignment might not have been in my plans but it put me on the path that brought me here and I'm thankful for it public service is an about doing what you want to do Kelly it's about sacrifice it's about doing what others need you to do right now OFI he needs help and you are uniquely qualified to provide it go help them clear their backlog cases and then you can decide whether you want to return to 51
K= Okay  but first I need you to do something for me first

I tell him about the Herman situation and he agrees to get Herman's charges to be dropped so once I leave his office I head home when I walk in the door I see Stella is coming out of our bedroom

S= hey you
K= hey you
S= so how did it go
K= it went all right do you want the bad news or the good news first
S= I guess the bad news
K= well I am going to be going over to OFI
S= that's sad what's the good news
K= well you know what's going on apartment mate
S= oh yeah that jerk of a cop
K= well I got commissioner Grissom to dismiss the charges against Herman
S= you are a good man Kelly Severide you look out for people but I am Really going  to miss seeing you at 51 every shift
K= I'll make up for it in other ways
S= you really okay going to OFI
K= as long as I get to come home to you I'm okay wherever I go
S= I am without a doubt the luckiest girl in the world.
( they kiss)
K= I say I am the luckiest here
S= whatever you say when did Matt say he'll be home
K= I have no clue
S= good We have time for you to start make it up to me
K= I like the way you think
General POV: They head off to the bedroom to do their  little celebration

Authors note: I don't think Kelly will be at OFI much for maybe a couple episodes so that's good and also  that last scene is the best scene ever with the stellarides I hope you like what parts I add 

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