Book 2. New Life Old Pains.

By a3a0d0n7

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Jim is finally back in Freddie's life and the two men's feelings towards each other keep growing. But unfortu... More

A new album?
A long awaited night.
The troublemaker.
A peaceful afternoon
A playful morning
Obsession and betrayal
Injuries and regrets
Give me your love
Nightlife in Munich
Be my prey!
Work before party
Cake and bill
Never twice without thrice
Back to the source
Body language
Good and bad meeting
Face to face
Between suffering and anger
No more escape
Some hard lives
The leech and the barber
Love and morning quarrels
The chains are broken
An inconvenient guest
Christmas revenge
Tense New Year
Separate lives
A friend's confidences
Come home
Meeting with my in-laws
Just the two of us
Author's note/What's next?

Welcome back!

407 21 57
By a3a0d0n7

Late in the night.

-No the piano will spoil everything...but a keyboard perhaps?

Looking up at the ceiling and still pensive, Freddie was lying on his bed with his arms crossed and the blanket pulled up to his waist; he had been thinking about the new album for hours now and even if he didn't have any specific ideas in mind yet he had already thought about music, taking the place of the other musicians in turn.

-Shit what an idiot! I should have asked them if they had already thought about the lyrics, he murmured to himself letting his arms fall on the bed.

The singer sighed and felt the fatigue start to take hold of him, at such times it is useless to force yourself to seek inspiration so he ends up lying down correctly in his bed, rubbing with his right hand the empty space where his man usually sleep.

-It's our last night apart Jim, huffed Freddie peacefully. Tomorrow we will finally be reunited.

He though about him again for a long time, remembering once again his warm body, his sweet words at bedtime then finally close his eyes. The night passed very quickly.

Early in the next morning.

It was barely 7 a.m when Joe silently entered Freddie's room to announce the good new, althought he knew the singer didn't like being woken up so early, this time at least he didn't risk being reprimanded. He walked up to the headboard  and leaned toward the pillow.

-Wake up sleepy head, he hummed kindly. The nightmare is over.

With a slight jolt, Freddie groaned and disappeared under the blanket.

-Let me sleep Liza, shoo!

His ex sits on the edge of the bed not ready to give up.

-Your driver just called, Jim's plane has arrived at the airport.

At the mention of his boyfriend's name, Freddie reappeared from under the sheets. Joe can't stop giggling at the sight of his messy hair, even if they were short it still made him look childish.

-He arrived? Already, exclaimed the rockstar.

-Already, replied the young man again.

-Oh shit, he yelled.

Freddie didn't waste a sencond to jump out of bed and rushed to the bathroom, completely surprised by his sudden reaction Joe joined him.

-You don't need to rush like that, they won't be here for a while.

-Precisely, it is out of the question to let Jim enter this house without being presentable, added the singer a bit anxious.

Freddie turned on the water in his shower and began to undress, he was only wearing boxer so he quickly found himself naked. In the mirror he saw Joe leaning against the wall and looking at him with kind eyes.

-What makes you smile like that?

-You. You are an experienced man and there you look like a teenager late for his date, he laughed sweetly.

-I'm a performer in music and in love dear, Jim deserves the best every days.

-Let's talk about this, huffed Joe shooking his head. How much do we bet you jump on top of him tonight?

Freddie gave him a fake irritated face and pointed the face of his ex on the mirror.

-Get out of here you little pervert, he ordered sternly.

-Yes your Majesty, answered the young man unimpressed.

Joe came down the stairs while Freddie enjoying the hot shower; he washed his whole body imagining that his hands were Jim's but it was not the same feeling. Nothing could replace the warm and delicate Irishman's hands.

-You Irish bastard, hissed the rockstar. Hurry to get home!


-A bouquet of white rose, the young woman was pleasantly surprised. It's more often the young couples who recommend them.

-You know I may be 36 years old, but my love story is recent, responded the man gently.

-Excuse me, I am not pretending you're old, said the woman slightly embarrassed.

-No, but you thought it!

Jim give her a tender smile and the young woman relaxed, anyway what could he say? The years went by for everyone. He watched her carefully put the flowers together and paid what he owed, fortunately, the roses were not very expansive. When he wanted to leave the shop, the florist called him.

-I'm sure your girlfriend will appreciate them.

-Aww poor innocent, Jim thought before turning to her and replied in a soft voice. Yes, I'm sure my boyfriend will appreciate them.

The young woman's jaw dropped to the ground but the dialogue was over, the Irishman went to meet the driver before he got into big trouble.

-Can we go home Mr Hutton, asked Terry politely.

-Not yet, I still have some money to spend.

-Freddie is not the most patient man in the world I remind you.

-I know but he's going to have to wait because I intend to give him the most beautiful gift.

The two men settled in the car then Jim indicated where he wanted to go, not very demonstrative as usual Terry nodded and start the machine.

-He will be overjoyed.

Back at home, 9h40.

Jim grabbed his travel bag and bouquet of rose then asked the driver to wait for him to avoid an accident. He rang the bell and a few moment latter, Phoebe came to open it for him.

-Jim, he exclaimed. Here you are at last!

-Hi Peter, how are you?

-I'm fine thank you, and you? Not too hard this trip?

-Yes and no. The hardest part was being away from you, said Jim with a little nod.

The Irishman entered the garden and put down his bag and flowers at good distance from his legs. He had being canny because Freddie made a monumental entrance crossing the garden and jumped into his arms screaming his name.

-Welcome back darling!

Jim barely had time to catch him by the waist but the singer didn't waste a second and kissed directly him on the mouth. Feeling her cheeks heat up, Jim immediately released him and he held back his shoulders to stay at a safe distance.

-I think I'll let you alone, giggled Peter.

He took Jim's bag and walked away whistling, after letting pass a sight of frustration the Irishman took the opportunity to reprimand his boyfriend.

-How many time have I told you not to kiss me in front the others, he demanded firmly.

-I don't know because I never listen you, replied Freddie winking at him.

Jim frowned for a few seconds but he wasn't furious, quite the contrary he gave him his best smile and the two men hugged tenderly, each inhaled the smell of the other. Freddie still smelled of shampoo while Jim reeked of the natural, a mixture of fresh air unfortunately spoil by the smell of the city.

-I missed you so much darling, purred Freddie.

-I missed you too my love, cooed his man.

The two lovebirds broke the embrace but Freddie still held Jim by his wrists and took a more serious tone. 

-Why did you take so long to come home?

-Don't get angry, quipped the Irishman. I have two good excuses.

Jim picked up the bouquet of roses and gave them to Freddie.

-Oh Jim, they're beautiful!

-I chose them in white because they symbolizes innocence and purity.

-And they have a natural smell, resumed his boyfriend, smelling the flowers. I didn't know you were so refined dear.

-And you haven't see anything yet, wait for me here.

Freddie watched Jim walk back to the car wondering what he could talk about. The answer was not long in coming and the Irishman reappeared with an adorable kitten in his arms, the singer's eyes sparkled with happiness, proof that he already adopted the newcomer. Jim passed him the little feline and Freddie immediately petted him.

-I didn't forget you wanted another cat. It was his big green eyes that make me crack and it was the only Burmilla kitten.

-He is magnificent Jim, whispered the older man tenderly. He is so soft that I fell like I'm touching cotton.

Freddie almost had tears in his eyes and he hurried to give his man a big kiss, he had waited for his return for two weeks but he never thought he would have such a beautiful surprise.

-How will we call him, asked Jim also caressing the kitten.

Freddie thought for a moment and noticed that the little cat had a multitude of gray hairs on his white back, he also had a magnificent line that started from the back of the neck to the end of the tail. His choice was made.

-We will call him Grey, he said.

-Grey? It's a very pretty name, answered his man with a big smile.


During lunch everybody enjoyed a delicious meal prepared by Joe. Of course Freddie being Freddie, he had asked him to cook a lot of potatoes because he knew that Jim liked it; this one had already joked about it by trying to make him believe that being Irish didn't necessarily mean loved potatoes but honestly who could not like it?

The little Grey had already put the whole house at his feet except Oscar who preferred to avoid him as much as possible, the adult was an independent cat so he greeted this newcomer with disdain. Jim told others about his experiences lived during his stay on his lands and especially the fact that his parents were more and more interested in Freddie.

-Did you tell them about our relationship?

-Not directly, but we finally talked about the fact that I was attracted to men and so I'm sure that by talking about you they must have suspicions, explained Jim calmly.

Freddie nodded and ran a hand behind his neck.

-I think the later the better, he said with a slight nervousness.

-If that's what you prefer then, I respect your choice.

Joe and Phoebe exchanged discreet looks, they were so happy to see these two together again. Under the table, Freddie mischievously stroked Jim's knees to see his reaction and the Irishman gave him looks halfway between exasperation and embarrassement, he just couldn't believe it, barely back home and this damn little game of seduction was starting again.

The singer continued to titillate him as much as possible by sending him even more malicious looks and playful winks, however this time Jim wasn't going to leave his boyfriend with a winning smile and he took him by surprise by leaning towards his face and kissing the tip of his nose.

Not having prepared for such a speed on the part of his man, Freddie recoiled and astonishement could be read on his face. This time is was Jim turn to have a triumphant look and he even allowed himself a smirk before leaning over his boyfriend's ear and whispered:

-Do not underestimate me anymore, he said fiercely.

Throughout the afternoon the good old habits had taken their course, they spent longs hours sitting in front of the TV watching old programs that Freddie loved and of course, cats were entitled to their full attention. Tiffany affection's for Grey was unprecedent and Oscar had grown jealous of it, he who preferred to wait for caresses when it suited him was going to find some comfort with Freddie this time.

Joe was the first to leave the house in the middle of the afternoon using the excuse of going out with friends although it was actually more to be able to leave the two lovebirds together.  Outside the sun was shining and a gentle breeze offered the best conditions for spending time outdoors, and so it was under Phoebe's benevolent gaze that Freddie and Jim went to relax in the garden. 

Their main activity was to feed the koi carp, the smallest of which had grow up well and even came to eat from their hands.

-I have never seen such friendly fish, murmured Jim amazed.

-They come to see you because I'm here darling, added Freddie with his cheeky smile. Who can resist my charm?

The Irishman rolled his eyes and gave him an incredulous look.

-Maybe you will make me believe that you did your seduction show to the fish?

In response Freddie squirted some water in his face and that was enough to set off a chase in the garden; Jim might be powerful he was slower than the rockstar and the game even became ridiculous for him. Finally by kindness and after a few bursts of laughter Freddie spared him exhaustion and fell into the grass, waiting for his man to come and bend over him and kiss him tenderly on his soft lips.

-Do you love me, purred the singer.

Jim smiled then stroked his ebony hair.

-Yes, I love you.

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