basketball ➸ lee eunsang

By lemonycarat

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it all started when the popular boys see the shy girl playing basketball. kwon haeyoung was a normal, happy g... More

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2.2K 120 27
By lemonycarat

[imagine this photo in the situation below :D yas we stan predebut eunsang]

haeyoung's eyes widened as eunsang pulled her close in a tight hug, puzzled of what was happening. why is eunsang hugging me? she asked herself as she was just frozen in shock in eunsang's arms.

even though this wasn't the first time eunsang hugged her, she was still surprised; even more surprised than the other times that he hugged her. this time felt different, it was as if it lit a spark of light and warmth inside haeyoung's body.

"h-how did you know?" haeyoung said in a stutter, as eunsang pulled away from her. she looked down, ashamed to show her face, that was just crying, to the boy in front of her.

"my mom works in the same hospital you've been in. when you were walking in, she noticed you." eunsang replied.

"how did she notice me? i haven't even seen your mom before." haeyoung replied.

"remember when you always used to go to that bakery near school? the one you went with that yohan guy?" eunsang said.


"i also told you my aunt runs the bakery, right? my mom often goes to visit my aunt and often sees you. if i'm not mistaken, you used to go there after school, and she sees you in our school uniform, and i guess she noticed you when you walked in the hospital." eunsang said.

haeyoung nodded. "why did you want to meet up at 2AM? aren't you tired?" she said, avoiding eye contact.

eunsang looked at haeyoung. "look at me." he said. haeyoung hesitated, before looking up at him, her bangs and mask still covering her face.

eunsang brushed the hair off her face, revealing her swollen eyes. "have you been crying?"

"n-no..." she lied, still avoiding eye contact. "it's because i just woke up."

"c'mon, you don't have to lie to me," he said. "but if you don't want to open up, i'm fine."

"what's the point of opening up when you already know the situation?" haeyoung said, looking away.

"because i want to help you," eunsang said. "but i don't want to pressure you and stress you even more."

"you already know the problem, eunsang. i don't have to tell you." haeyoung said.

eunsang sighed. "okay, fine. i'll just cheer you up, c'mon." 

eunsang took her by the hand, and he started running out the park, haeyoung following.

"slow... down... i'm going to... trip!" haeyoung said, dodging lamp posts and garbage bins.

"sorry!" eunsang said. he slowed down a bit, making haeyoung sigh in relief.

"why are we even running?!" haeyoung asked.

"so you'd be distracted from what happened today! it also boosts your energy!" eunsang said, a huge smile on his face.

luckily for them, it was literally the middle of the night and no one was at the streets. just a few cars here and there, but at least they weren't running in the middle of the day wherein people would think eunsang was forcefully making her run.

eunsang suddenly stopped, which made haeyoung bump into his back. "ow, why'd you stop?!" haeyoung asked, rubbing her forehead.

"we're here!" eunsang said, his chest heaving up and down.

"at the grocery store?" she asked, panting her lungs out.

"yep." eunsang said.

"why? i didn't bring any money!" haeyoung said.

"don't worry, i brought some." eunsang said, smiling.

"woah, memories~" haeyoung said, sitting down on the swing.

"yeah! remember when we went here after school that day?" eunsang said.

"yep, the frozen yogurt day?"

"yeah! but this time it's ice cream." eunsang said, chuckling. "and it's like, three in the morning."

haeyoung let out a small laugh, scooping a spoon of ice cream and from the small tub eunsang bought for the both of them. "woah~" she said, looking up. "the sky's clear tonight! so much stars!"

"i know right." eunsang said. "it's so chilly right now, i don't even know why we chose to buy ice cream."

"honestly, i'd eat ice cream even if i was in antarctica." haeyoung said. "thanks for the snacks, though. i really appreciate it."

"no problem. anything to cheer you up." eunsang said, giving her a cheeky smile, making the girl beside him smile back. "but i see you're a fan of the banana milk you got there."

"yeah~ it's the only banana milk i like. others taste really weird, at least for me." she said, sipping on the carton of milk eunsang also got for her. "oh, and by the way, congratulations for winning the talent show. i didn't get to congratulate you earlier."

"thank you! and it's okay, i understand. maybe let's celebrate with dongpyo some time since his team placed, too."

"sounds like a great idea."

the two continued chatting, admiring the night sky, and enjoying each other's presence. once they finished the tub of ice cream, haeyoung looked at her watch; it was passed 4AM.

"oh, it's already 4AM. we should head home. my grandmother is probably wor-" she said, but stopped when eunsang looked at her with a concerned look, then she realized her mistake. "i mean, your parents are gonna get worried when they find out that you aren't at home at 4AM."

"uh, yeah. let's go, i'll walk you home." he said.

"no, you don't have to. you already did enough tonight."

"i insist."

"please, eunsang. you did so much for me, you can let me walk home by myself-"

"-and let you get possibly harassed by a random old dude? um, i don't think so. plus, a young woman like you shouldn't be walking alone in the streets of busan at 4AM. dangerous. very."

haeyoung sighed in defeat. "you do have a point, i don't wanna get hurt."

"well, let's go!" eunsang cutely said, making haeyoung chuckle.

"let's go." haeyoung said, but with much less energy. they started walking out the playground.

"are you tired?" eunsang said. "i'll give you a piggy-back ride home if you want."

"um, no thanks." haeyoung said, chuckling.

"you sure?" eunsang said.

"yes, i'm sure. i'm also sure you don't wanna get your back broken by my fat ass."

"okay." eunsang said, chuckling at her response.

they walked back home in the dark night, and haeyoung could say that she was cheered up by eunsang. when they reached haeyoung's house, haeyoung looked at eunsang.

"well, thanks for tonight. you actually cheered me up." haeyoung said.

"no problem." eunsang said.

haeyoung sighed again, looking down. "eunsang?"

"yeah?" he asked.

"can i get a hug one last time for tonight? or... should i say this early morning?" she said, looking back up.

eunsang smiled. "sure."

eunsang and haeyoung squeezed themselves in each other's arms, haeyoung feeling the warmth of eunsang's embrace. and once again, she felt that spark light within her.

after a good minute, haeyoung pulled away, smiling at eunsang. "well, i'm gonna get some rest, you should, too."

"yeah, rest well! see you on monday!" eunsang said.

they waved at each other one last time before parting ways.

well, back to reality. haeyoung thought, laying down on her bed, placed in her silent room.

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