Newt x Reader - The Heart

By aerovxoid

346K 5.9K 6.6K

After getting out of the maze alongside your brother and close friend, you cant trust anyone, especially afte... More

Safe Haven.
Is this safe haven really safe?
Is This Safe Haven Really Safe? (pt.2)
The Escape
Shuck Minho
Dont Touch Me
Because of Me
Jorge and Brenda
Hang Tight
Party Of The Living Dead
The Right Arm
The Attack
The Attack
The Rescue
Hes Not Here
I got tagged
End It That Way Too
5k special????
gimmie some questions
Long Ride
Old Friend
Whats so Funny?
im bad at this.
Pinkie Promise
Miss Me?
The Inevitable
im a mess rn
-Thank you-
New Book
Im Sorry

Finding A Way

6.2K 129 309
By aerovxoid

It feels like a eternity since I had moved out of Minho's arms but in reality, it had only been a few minutes before Minho began to shift. I release myself from Minho, finally forcing myself to look at Newts lifeless body. A part of me still had hope that when I look back at him, he would be smiling at me, his eyes shining brighter then ever. But that was never gonna happen.

My tears return as I look down at Newts lifeless body, eyes still open. With shaky hands I reach over and slowly close his eyes before placing my forehead on his chest.

A sob racks my body as I think back on all of the memories we shared together, all of the promises we made that we will never fulfill. It hurts. Bad.

"(Y/n)," Fry starts "we can stay here, we have to go..." he finishes, his voice nearly breaking at the end but held strong. "No..." I mumble.

"It's dangerous for us out here, we need to say our final goodbyes and go."

"I said no!" I yell as I look up at Fry, tears dried on his face. I have never seen him this hurt in my life and it makes my heart break even more, making me feel instantly guilty. "I'm sorry, but no. We can't just leave him here... he deserves better then that and we all know it." I finish as I look around. Everyone has their heads bowed down, the sound of explosions and gunfire louder then ever in this very moment.

"As much as I would like that" Gally starts "we can't stay here, Newt is gone. We just have to accept that. What we can do for Newt- what he would want us to do is go and be safe, find Thomas and go home." Gally says, tears brimming his eyes. From the stories I heard, Gally was crazy but that doesn't mean he never stopped caring about those he was in the maze with. I look back and Newt as I slowly nod my head.

I grab Newts face in my hands as I look at him. Even in death he looks at peace, like he knew this moment would come. I close my eyes as I lean forward and shakingly place my lips on top of his. His lips feel cold against mine causing a shiver to run down my spine.

I open my eyes as I pull away wiping away any stray tears.

I stand up, still looking at Newt before turning around and walking away not looking back, I can't look back. Not when he's like this. I walk past Minho, Gally, Fry and Brenda and begin my way towards the berg.

I get to the berg and completely ignore Jorge and Vince as they try and talk to me, wondering if I'm ok. I look up and see kids around. I walk into the berg and sit down, instantly letting my head lean back against the side of the berg. I reach my hand up to my temple, sliding my finger against it before remembering that I'm bleeding. I had almost completely forgotten about it. I let my hand slide down my face before finally resting in my lap. I jump slightly to the feeling of the berg flying up in the air, not used to the feeling.

I finally allow myself to look up and see Minho, his head in his hands as he breathes deeply. I slowly get up, making sure to keep my balance before walking over to Minho where I crouch down in front of him. He looks up and I offer him a small smile but it quickly disappears as soon as it came.

"You know" Minho starts, "in the scorch the only thing he would talk about was you. All the time. He never said it but I knew that as soon as we made it to the safe place he would have made sure to never leave your side again. He loved you so much (Y/n) and I hope you know that. I truly do."

I look down at the ground and begin to smile again, tears slowly streaming down my face. I feel Minho's hand come up to my cheek and wipe the tears away, causing me to smile even more, but it quickly ends when Minho's hand feel from my face.

"It should have been me." He says causing me to look up at him abruptly, "He has so much more going for him, you would be happier right now. You guys would go and get married and have kids and be happy." Before he could say anymore I cut him off.

"Don't say that. Don't do that to yourself. Yeah, me and Newt might have gotten married and had beautiful kids but, I know that this is what Newt wanted. He didn't want to leave us but I know that he would not be okay if anyone else was in the position he's in." I say, tears now streaming down my face. Newt was my love and will forever be but, Minho saying these things hurt so bad. He's my brother and I wouldn't change that for the world.

Minho looks up at me and nods, before I can say anything else the berg hatch is opening, causing me and Minho to shoot up from where we are. We both run to the opened hatch and look out.

I gasp at my sight.

Thomas and Teresa look up once they see us and Teresa begins to help Thomas walk over to the edge of the building, carrying most of his body weight. I furrow my brows as I try to get a closer look and see that Thomas has been shot.

No, not him to. I have lost to much tonight I'm not losing anyone else. I think as Vince ties himself to the berg to ensure his safety. I grab a railing on the side and begin to get closer to the edge. "I can't get any closer!" Jorge yells at the front of the berg, trying to keep it balanced.

"Thomas!"  Multiple people, including me yell as Teresa drops him by the edge, she tries to lift him up again but he's fighting. He can't last much longer. Minho softly pushes me back and to the side as he gets on stomach with Vince and begins reaching his hand out as far as he can without falling out. I kneel down and grab Minho's shirt while my other hand holds the pole to ensure his safety. Nausea hits me hard as I begin to get dizzy, most likely from my temple wound but I shake it off and focus on what's at stake here. Thomas and Teresa can die and I will not let that happen. Not again.

"Get closer!" I hear Teresa yell and Jorge begins to get closer and closer to the building.
"Jump!" I yell as Thomas and Teresa knowing that we can't get any closer without putting the rest of us in danger. I watch as Thomas tries and tries to reach as Teresa holds him but it's not working.

The berg shakes as a part of the building explodes causing the berg to go slightly off balance as well as Thomas and Teresa. Me and Teresa make eye contact, tears welling in my eyes before she nods slightly. She picks up Thomas with all of her might,
Minho beginning to go even further out of the berg causing me to tighten my grip.

"Reach!" Minho and Vince say over and over again. Teresa knows that it's completely impossible so with all her might she pushes him onto the berg. Everyone grabs a hold of Thomas and begin to pull him up until we are all a safe distance away from the entrance. I slightly go back down for Teresa but Minho grabs my shirt causing me to stop. I look up at Teresa and see her looking at all of us before the building behind us crumbles down, causing her to fall down.

"Teresa!" Thomas tells as he reaches out slightly. Tears well up in my eyes slightly as she turns and looks back at us. She weakly stands, still looking at us as she smiles slightly. Before I can blink the building is falling and Teresa goes with it.

I let a tear slip out of my eye as I watch her fall. Sure, she betrayed us but, that doesn't mean I stopped caring. The hatch begins to close as Thomas continues screaming.

I touch my temple, the dizziness coming back as I fall on my back besides Thomas, causing Minho to let go of my shirt, I look to my side as Thomas turns his head, sadness evident in both of our faces. I hear mine and Thomas' name repeated over and over again before my eyes close and I can only think of one thing at this point.


. .......

I open my eyes slowly, a grin plastered on my face as I sit up. I reach my hand to my temple and feel no more blood, as if it had magically disappeared. My grin slowly fades as I look around, I am no longer on the berg, I am at our mini safe heaven before we could get the boat started.

Weird, I think before swinging my feet across the bed and rising, dizziness not apparent. I look around, examining everything from the small vanity in the corner to Newts Hammock which is directly across from mind. My heart hurts again as my grins fades, for a second I forgot that Newts gone. Or so I thought until I see it.

Newts Jacket, laying across a chair in the corner of the room. This causes me to rush out the door and run straight to the beach, the place Newt and I always met at the shore to talk and have fun. I run as fast as I can but I stop as I see him.

Newt is sitting at the shore, the ocean hitting his feet ever so slightly as he watches the sky. Tears brim my eyes as I walk up to him.

Newts turns around as he hears my footsteps approach me causing a smile to form on his lips as he stands up. "Took you long enough." He says as I run up to him, wrapping my arms around his neck as tight as I can as tears fall.
"I thought you died." I say as I release from the hug allowing myself to look up at him.

"I did." Newt says as he let's go of me, causing my body to shiver from the lack of warmth. I furrow my brows at Newt, so confused at what he's talking about. How could he be dead if he's standing right in front of me? How could he be dead if I can touch him? Then it hits me. This is all in my head.

"Sit with me?" Newts asks as he sits down in the same spot he was last time. I slowly walk beside him and sit down, looking at the beautiful ocean waves crashing against each other before ending peacefully at my toes.

"Minho was right." Newt says causing me to look at him. I furrow my brows as I try and remember what he's talking about. "What about?" I ask, causing Newt to look at me. His eyes flickering from my lips to my eyes before he speaks. "He was right about the part of me spending the rest of my life with you. I would if I could, truly. You made me the happiest person in the world, and I love you so much, (Y/n)." He says as tears brim his eyes. I lean in my eyes focused on Newts as our lips get millimeters away from each other. "And I love you Newt. More then anything." I say as he closes the distance. Our lips dancing in perfect sync as fireworks explode in my stomach, a shiver running down my spine.

He pulls away as he places his hand on my face, his eyes still locked with mine as he rests his head on mine. "Which is why I had to say goodbye to you. I needed to tell you to not wait to be happy. Find someone amazing and who treats you the way you deserve to be treated. Get married and spend the rest of your life with them and cherish every moment of your precious life and don't waste it." He says as his thumb caresses my cheek softly, causing me to lean into his hand as tears fall down and into my cheeks.

"How am I supposed to live without you?" I say, my voice weak as I sniffle. "You won't be without me, I will always be here." Newt says as he points at my heart. "I will always be by your side, you just need to promise me you will find a way. I can't rest if I don't know you will be ok, love." He says causing me to close my eyes tightly. "Please, my love promise me." Newts voice breaking with every word.

"I- I promise." I manage to get out as I open my eyes, forcing me to open my eyes. Newt slowly pulls away from me a small smile on his face as he does so. I watch as Newt lifts his hand, only his pinkie out as he stares at me, a playful smile plastered on his face before whispering.

"Pinkie promise?" I look at him and begin to laugh slightly as I bring my pinkie towards his and interlock it, a playful smile on my face as well. "Pinkie promise." I say as I look into his eyes.

"What was it you told me that we had to do to- what did you say? Oh yeah- seal the deal?" He says as he wiggles his eyebrows up and down causing me to laugh loudly. "There's that beautiful laugh." He says as he leans closer to his hand before kissing it, causing me to do the same. "I guess it's settled then..." he says lowly before standing up, causing my smile to fall as I quickly stand with him.

"I love you so much, (Y/n) and never forget that." Newt says before softly kissing me as tears fall from my eyes one last time. He pulls away and without looking at me afterwards begins to walk away. His back turned to me as he walks down the beach, his hands in his pockets. I look down and see a folded piece of paper on the ground. I pick it up and read it.

Look in my jacket. XOXO

Before I can question what this means everything turns black.


I sit up abruptly as I open my eyes. My head throbbing but much better then it was before as I take in what all had just happened. Before I can though I am tackled with hugs from Brenda as she begins to talk.

"I was so worried you wouldn't wake up." She says before pulling away, tears in her eyes. "You can't get rid of me that easily." I say playfully before pulling her into another hug.

"Come, the others have been waiting to!" Brenda says excitedly as she helps me out of bed. I take in my surroundings and see that I am in a small hut, medicine all around me. I hear the sound of waves crashing into each other as I stand. Brenda helps me walk out and am dumbfounded by how beautiful it was. Newt would have loved to see this. We are in a beach, our ship not far from the island.

Brenda begins to walk beside me as I look around. In a short amount of time we have already built places for people to sleep, eat, cook, live happy lives. Brenda and I continue walking for about 5 minutes until I meet eyes with Thomas. He immediately stands up, repeatedly hitting Minho on the chest as he runs up to me. I am tackled in a hug by Thomas... and then Minho... and then Fry, and everyone else, causing me to laugh.

"You guys missed me this much?" I chuckle as they pull away from me. "You have no idea." I hear someone say and I turn around to see Eric. The one person I hadn't seen since I left. I smile as I walk up to him and pull into a tight hug. I release Eric and turn around and meet eyes with Thomas, he looks sad. I walk up to him and place my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save him." Thomas says suddenly. I look up and him and nod. "Me too." I say before pulling him into one more hug.

... Time Skip.....

I shiver as the cold night air rushes across my bare arms, causing goosebumps to arise. I mike as I feel a jacket being thrown over my head, I take it off and look at the culprit and see Minho. He smiles as he sits next to me while we wait for Vince to begin his talk. I look at the jacket and realize it's Newts, causing my jaw to clench. "You seem cold and I figured Newt would have wanted you to have it anyways." Minho says as he takes a sip of whatever he's drinking. I smile lightly as I look at him. "Thanks Minho." I say sincerely before slipping the coat on, my nose instantly filled with Newts scent which makes me feel warm. I look up as I hear Vince beginning to speak.

"We have come a long way together. So many have sacrificed so much to make this place possible. Your friends, your family. So here's to the ones who couldn't be here, here's to the friends we lost. This place is for you, it's for all of us, but this- this is for them. So in your own time, in your own way, come make your peace." Vince says as he gestures to a rock statue that he has set up in the middle of the camp.

"And welcome to the safe haven!" He yells causing everyone to cheer along with him. I cheer along as I raise my cup high to the sky.


The night was full of fun, sadness and happiness. As everyone began to quite down I separated myself from my frien- family and decided to take a little stroll down the shore. I wrap Newts jacket tighter around my body as the cold makes me shiver. I stop dead in my tracks as I remember the note that Newt left me.

'Look in my jacket XOXO'

I immediately start rummaging through the pockets and find a small piece of paper in the jacket. I read it and can't help but laugh at what it says. It reads:

'This is now property of the very beautiful and kind (Y/n), who needs to stop moping around and spend time with the people who matter. XOXO,
P.s. DONT let Minho wear this jacket he always stinks.'

I smile as tears run down my face as I hug the note close to my chest. "(Y/n), what are you doing over there it's getting cold! Are you coming back?" I hear Thomas yell somewhere in the distance causing me to look and see everyone around a campfire staring at me quite a ways away.

Minho, Thomas, Fry, Brenda, Aris, Eric, Aaron, Jorge, Vince, Gally are my family and the ones that matter.

"Be there in a minute!" I yell as I look up at the sky one last time, blowing a small kiss towards the sky before taking Newts advice and stuffing the note securely in my pocket, and walking down the shoreline.

Back to my family.

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