Angels - The Beginning

By kcien88

166 0 0

Ava, a young college student, has always been different and she never understood how or why - she sees evil... More

Chapter 1 - Ava
Chapter 2 - Ava
Chapter 3 - Ava
Chapter 4 - Ava
Chapter 5 - Ava
Chapter 6 - Ava
Chapter 7 - Ava
Chapter 8 - Tristan
Chapter 9 - Ava
Chapter 10 - Tristan
Chapter 11 - Ava
Chapter 12 - Ava
Chapter 13 - Tristan
Chapter 14 - Ava
Chapter 15 - Ava
Chapter 16 - Tristan
Chapter 18 - Tristan
Chapter 19 - Ava
Chapter 20 - Tristan
Chapter 21 - Ava
Chatper 22 - Tristan
Chapter 23 - Ava
Chapter 24 - Tristan
Chapter 25 - Ava
Chapter 26 - Ava
Chapter 27 - Ava
Chapter 28 - Tristan

Chapter 17 - Ava

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By kcien88

I open my eyes slowly to a scene I never imagined I would ever be waking up to. Lake Michigan and Chicago's skyline at sunrise. I don't move, rather, I become aware of where I'm at and whom I'm with.



A real life angel.

And apparently, I'm a half-breed angel?

Tristan's arm is tightly wrapped around my bare stomach and I feel his morning wood against my thigh. This gets me to smile to myself, even though I feel sore in all the right places.

Last night was one of the greatest nights of my life. I never thought I could feel like that with a guy, but Tristan made me realize what I've been missing out on. I shift slightly and feel Tristan tighten is arm around me and moan. I never had this with Damien. Even after 4 long years of being together, it was never like this. I hate comparing Tristan to that dog, but I can't help it. It's all I ever knew AND it's still so fresh.

I can't help but think about the details of what went down. Tristan is, by far, the hottest guy I have ever met or been with, for that matter. He's literally, every woman's dream. Tall, tan skin, muscular...holy muscular. I don't know how often he works out, but his body is oh my gosh. There has to be no fat on the guy. And he lifted with me so much ease. I remember Damien trying to lift me up once and his arms started shaking. I'm not fat, but I'm definitely not skinny either. And with all of the training I do, I'm a little more muscular than the average college girl, I think. But with Tristan, I felt light as a feather. Hah....feather.

Every moment last night was perfect. We were so in sync with each other. Surprisingly, I didn't feel the least bit embarrassed. About anything. From grabbing him to kiss me to him kissing and touching me, grabbing me, fucking me, then slowing down...I close my eyes and feel myself getting wet again. My gosh. I barely know him, but he now knows my body better than any guy. I felt so comfortable with Tristan. It's hard to think I had just met him.

I go back to thinking about what Tristan looked like naked. Thrusting above me. Again, I'm in awe of how much both of us seemed to let loose. But then, now I wonder how many other women he's been with. This causes my stomach to churn a bit. I gotta stop thinking like that. I knew what I was doing when I let him kiss me. I'm an adult and I made a decision, even though I can't help but feel like somewhat of a slut for hooking up with someone new so quick. This isn't like me at all, but then again, this felt right.

Amazingly right.

I just can't believe everything else that also happened.

I continue to stare out at the lake where the sun's slowly rising.

I take a deep breath.

I'm a half-breed angel. My mother had an affair? My dad's not really my dad. I need to transform...or do I? I don't turn 25 for another 4 years. Maybe I can hold off on transforming until I get all of my stuff in order. Finish school? What about my jobs? What about my future? There are so many unknowns. Tristan and I definitely need to finish talking.

I blink a few times and breath deep a few times to calm myself down.

Everything will be ok. It has to be. I've made it this far. And now, after meeting Tristan...and everything I've learned. It's a lot to process, but after last night, I feel amazingly relaxed and ready to take on whatever today has to throw my way.

"Hm, baby." Tristan groans against my ear in his sexy accented voice, which gets me to smile at the pet name. I didn't think a macho guy like him would use pet names, but I guess we're proving each other wrong consistently.

"What, you sleep with me and you already forgot my name?" I whisper back, teasingly. I feel him smile against my shoulder.

"Ok, Jessica. Morning." I shove my elbow back into his stomach, which gets him to flinch and chuckle. He then goes to kiss my shoulder, causing my ass to push back into his erection. "Mhmm...Jessica, ready for another session?"

"I don't know, Bob, are you?" I giggle.

"Bob? Do I seriously look like a Bob to you?" He grabs my hips towards him and starts rubbing himself against me.

"Maybe..." Just as I feel him aligning his head against my core.

"Maybe I need to remind you of who's fucking you." He says just as he pushes into me. I cringe a little at the soreness from last night, but then it eases away as Tristan continues his morning assault on me.

"What Bob?" I giggle, but then he thrusts hard into me, getting me to shutup quick, and moan into the pillow. "Oh my gosh, it hurts so good." He rotates around my legs so he's on top of me. He looks amazing in the morning light. His muscles are on full display and his olive skin, with his black flowhawk, his smile and look in his eyes, is making me into a slip and slide. I can't help but take a good look at him in the morning light. His red eyes are hooded looking at me. His facial features are handsome, high cheekbones, medium size lips, and already a little bit of facial hair growing in. His broad shoulders with his muscles on full display. I notice there are extremely faded out tattoos all over his torso. And each time he moves, it's like a wave of light is going through them. He smirks at me, knowing that I'm extremely turned on.

He leans down and kisses me. I can't help but feel self conscious of morning breath, but it doesn't seem to bother him one bit. He continues to kiss me and fuck me at the same time. I feel myself getting tight and I can't help but moan. He positions himself up and pounds into me.

My body is taking every inch of him and I'm loving it. He's hitting my g-spot every time, which causes my orgasm to continue. He speeds up indicating he's about to cum too. He grunts and squeezes my hips and ass. He leans down and kisses me again.

"Good Morning, Ava." He says with a smile.

"Morning, Tristan." I respond with a grin. I look out the window. I could get used to waking up like this. "You have one hell of a morning view from here, you know?" He slowly pulls out and lays down next to me.

"I never really noticed, to tell you the truth. There's a different reason why this is my room." I look back at him. "I have the biggest wingspan on my team, so with take-offs and landings, I need the space. The other balconies are smaller." I laugh.

"I keep forgetting that you have wings. How do you keep them hidden?" The moment I finish asking, his wings reappear and he's laying on them at a weird angle.

"They're retract smoothly onto my back. See?" The wings disappear as he turns over and on his back there are wings tattooed onto his back.

"They look like tattoos." I reach out and touch the right one and the moment I do, the wing pops out slightly and pushes into my hand. I'm mesmerized by it. "Is this what I'll have too?" He leans back down onto his back.

"Yes, wings are all the same on half-breeds and true angels. The only difference is that I was born with them. You'll have some getting used to." I look back out to the view imagining what it'll be like with wings.

"Will it hurt?" I whisper, scared of the answer. When he doesn't respond right away, I look back at him.

"Unfortunately, yes, but you can do it." He reaches out and combs my hair behind my ear. "You're a lot stronger than most and I will be with you the entire time."

"Can I wait?" I blurt out.


"I'm twenty one. That means I still have some time, right?" I look at him, hopefully. He stays silent and looks into the distance.

"I never was asked that question, to be honest. Life is usually hell for all half-breeds that they want the change ASAP." He looks back down at me. "Why do you want to wait?" I look away.

"Because what if I can't control the wings appearing and disappearing? I have school. I wanted to graduate." I state, feeling dread in the pit of my stomach, like he's not telling me everything.

"Ava." I look back at him. "I don't think you realize what you're going to get by transforming into your true self. This is the next chapter of your life, whether you agree or not." He sighs and sits up. "We need to finish talking." So much for the romantic mood. I pull the sheet up as I sit up as well. "I need to shower and get dressed. You can use the bathroom in the room across the hall. I had Bran stock the room and bathroom with some necessities. I'll see you in the kitchen after." And with that, he scoots off of the bed, butt naked, stalks off to the bathroom, and shuts the door.

I stare at the door in shock with how suddenly the conversation shifted. He went from being this sweet, romantic, boyfriend material, to just another guy attitude. I take a breath. I'm so emotional lately and I have to snap out of it. What in the hell was I expecting? A relationship after a one night stand? I shake my head and start scooting off the bed with the sheet still wrapped around me. I sit at the edge of the bed and hear the shower turn on. I look back out at the view. Maybe Tristan acting cold is good for me. I need to snap out of this romance bullshit. With everything he just told me, I need to worry about me and not us.


There is no us. Never was. Never will be.

I feel myself getting angry with myself. I sigh to myself and get up. I open the door as quietly as possible and turn around so I can slowly close it without making too much noise, without realizing I'm not alone in the hallway. I quickly spin around and find Bran staring at me in shock, but he quickly recovers.

"Hi...uh...Bran, right?" I quickly and awkwardly state.

"Uh, ya lass." He reciprocates the awkwardness. Shit. Was I not supposed to be with Tristan?

"Tristan told me I could go into the room across from his to get dressed?" I feel myself turning red. Bran relaxes a bit and smiles.

"Of course. I made sure the maids filled it with femine necessities. If there's anything missing, dial star 9, and someone will be up within minutes to bring whatever you may need."

"Wow, ok. Thank you." I start towards the door.

"And lass?" I look back over at Bran. "Everything's going to be alright. Ya don't have to worry about anything anymore. You're one of us, no matter what. We will protect you. Against anything or anyone." I'm taken aback from his words. I never had such support before.

"Thank you, Bran. I appreciate that. Really." I give him a slight smile and let myself into the room, wondering what in the hell was that all about. I don't even -

Mind reading.

Has to be.

Oh my gosh, I need to ask Tristan about that.

How can I tell if someone's read my mind.


I smack my hand to my head. This is just getting better and better.

I think of what Bran just said though. He reassured me. No one ever has reassured me, besides Tristan. And now Bran. I can't help but feel like I just may have finally found my own posse.

***Please don't forget to comment or like the chapter!!! I'd really appreciate it! ***

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