Angels - The Beginning

By kcien88

166 0 0

Ava, a young college student, has always been different and she never understood how or why - she sees evil... More

Chapter 1 - Ava
Chapter 2 - Ava
Chapter 3 - Ava
Chapter 4 - Ava
Chapter 6 - Ava
Chapter 7 - Ava
Chapter 8 - Tristan
Chapter 9 - Ava
Chapter 10 - Tristan
Chapter 11 - Ava
Chapter 12 - Ava
Chapter 13 - Tristan
Chapter 14 - Ava
Chapter 15 - Ava
Chapter 16 - Tristan
Chapter 17 - Ava
Chapter 18 - Tristan
Chapter 19 - Ava
Chapter 20 - Tristan
Chapter 21 - Ava
Chatper 22 - Tristan
Chapter 23 - Ava
Chapter 24 - Tristan
Chapter 25 - Ava
Chapter 26 - Ava
Chapter 27 - Ava
Chapter 28 - Tristan

Chapter 5 - Ava

11 0 0
By kcien88

Oh, the wonders of college. It doesn't care about life events.

Like breakups. The show must go on! My day goes as usual. Classes and labs. The Forensic Science degree is sucking the life out of me, but I know it'll be worth it. I've always been interested in law enforcement, but the science twist on it sparked my interest even more so, so here I am, a senior, double majoring, fully loaded schedule, and looking forward to graduating in the spring.

My goal is to start out working at a local police department, then maybe climb up to the big leagues of working for the Federal Government. Just maybe, having those resources at my fingertips, I could figure out if there are more like me. And be able to get the bad guys and not get questioned for it.

I'm sitting at the cafeteria table when I spot Maggie at the cash register with her dinner. It's late, but for us college students, it's still early. Plenty of time to still eat and study.

"Ava! How are you doing?" She sets her tray beside mine and leans over to hug me.

"Eh." Is all I respond with. I'm not in the mood to hash out what happened. The on and off crying that I experienced throughout the night and in the bathroom during the day wasn't fun, but I did feel better. Crying is healthy right? "Tell me about your night to distract me, please."

"Oh my gosh!" She squeals and I can't help but laugh. "He's huge!" She states a little too loud and then laughs quietly. "I mean, Ava, we're talking porn style size!" She laughs again. I shake my head and smile. This is why I love Maggie. The bluntness is so appreciated. We probably talk worse than guys do. We're unique compared to other more reserved girls. "Oh my gosh, and I orgasmed at least 10 times. I didn't even think was possible!"

"10?" I ask, shocked. "That's hilarious!" I'm smiling at the thought of my friend getting laid by a professional.

"I mean, I didn't think it was going to come to even sleeping together, but after he escorted me back to my place, he actually wanted to stop there with a goodnight kiss, but I offered and, of course, insisted that he come up for a glass of wine. He actually hesitated, and then it was like fate helped a little. He got blasted in the face with a wind gust, and decided that maybe he'd come in for a little bit." She giggled as she continues telling me her exciting evening.

"So then, he walks into my place, which makes my place look like a damn matchbox with his size, so I went to the kitchen to get the wine, when I didn't even hear him come up behind me, he wraps his arms around me and starts kissing my neck. Ava, I swear, I felt like I was in my own version of Fifty Shades of Grey. He started kissing my neck -" She stops abruptly.

"Ava, I'm so sorry. Here I am spilling my sex life when you just broke up with your long term boyfriend. Douchebag, but, nonetheless, your boyfriend."

I shake my head.

"No, no please, continue. Seriously, I need something else to focus on and this is definitely more interesting than my classes or my love life or rather lack there of." I laugh and encourage her.

"Ok, just tell me to shutup if it's too much." She giggles and continues. "I'm telling you, I've never had anybody so sensual and aware of my body. I mean, the other guys that I've been with were a joke. I think Gabe ruined me." She looks down at her food and picks at it a little. "I didn't even think about that until now. I mean, a guy that GOOD in bed usually means he gets around. Right?"

"Not necessarily. You already know my saying."

"Take things at face value." We both say it at the same time.

"Ya ya ya. I know, but I can't help but wonder if even tonight he's with someone else? God, listen to me, he did me too good." She laughs to herself.

"Did you exchange information?"

"Oh, yes, and he actually texted me, but just once." She pulls her phone out to show me. She shows me a text right before 6 AM:

It was VERY nice meeting you, Maggie. Until next time. ;)

"Why didn't you respond?"

"Because I don't want to come off as desperate."

"I think you should respond to him, like now. If you had responded to him right away, then ya, but enough time has passed that a simple message would maybe reassure him too? You never know, he may be wondering why you're ignoring him after such an amazing night." I wink at her and laugh.

"Ya, I guess you're right." She turns to her phone, types in something, and gets back to eating her food. "I know you don't want to get into it, but how are you holding up? Was it bad? I'm sure he didn't take it lightly." She finally asks cautiously. I look back down at my food that I barely touched.

"Well..." I take a breath.

Here goes nothing.

"He had fresh perfume in his car when I got in, he tried avoiding answering my questions about it. Finally admitted that Stacy was in his car and she kissed him on the face and on his dick, but oh, just a little," I laugh "And THEN, he tries to play it off like it's no big deal, so I tried getting out of the car, a few times, but he wouldn't let me out, and then he ended up slapping me, in which, I managed to punch him in the nose and finally leave." I'm scared to look up at Maggie. When I finally do, she's holding her fork in the air, in complete shock with wide eyes.

"He fucking touched you?" She puts the fork down. "I could kill that motherfucker!" She screams a little too loudly and the few students in the room look up at us.

"Shush! I know. It wasn't my best moment, but I served it back to him. Worse." I smile, trying to ease her anger.

"I can't believe he fucking slapped you! This is insane! He's not only an asshole, but now a woman beater? Oh, just wait until I spill that one out. Stacy will be the only one left that wants him when I'm through with him." She's seething and I can't help but feel loved. She has no idea that I can take care of myself, but it's sweet that she's voicing a protective opinion on my behalf.

"As much as I'd love for you to ruin is reputation, just drop it. You don't want to stoop to his level. Karma will catch up to him." I sigh and look back at my food.

"Ya, well I'm not responsible for how I may react if I see the asshole again, so just warning you. You may be mature," she uses the quotation sign with her fingers, "but I'm sure as hell not." She laughs. "Plus, he's been deserving an ass beating for a while now. Oh! Maybe I'll sick Gabe on him! He works out, like all of the time and mentioned he knows how to box, amongst other fighting stuff?" The mention of Gabe triggers my mind back to yesterday and not seeing the evil.

"This is going to be a really random and I promise I'm not trying to steal him or something, but could I get his number? I didn't get a chance to talk to him before Damien came rolling in."

"Ya! Of course! I don't mind at all. It's not like he's mine anyways." She looks down. I laugh.

"You have it bad, girl!" I smile at her. "He's yours. You just don't know it yet." I wink. She smiles at me and hands the phone over. I love the fact that she doesn't question anything that I say or do, just goes with the flow. Not saying that I order her around, but we respect each others boundaries and wait for the other to open up with whatever we feel like venting about. I know she's curious of what I want from Gabe, but knowing that she'll respect my privacy, she's waiting on me to open up about it.

I airdrop the contact to my phone and hand hers back over. I look back down at my cold, uneaten food and close the box its in.

"Here, you can take this on your way back to your place. That stinky, homeless guy may be on the side of the building again." I hand over the box. "I gotta go to the IC to get my report done." I begin putting my coat and scarf on.

"Be careful, Ava. Did you see the email this morning? There was a failed mugging and one guy died?"

"Ya, I saw it. It's crazy that it happened on campus, but that's karma for you. They messed with the wrong person. Did they say if they have a lead on who did it?"

"Nope, but I doubt they'll go too far with it. Whoever did it, did everybody a favor."

"Yup, and at least the walk to the IC isn't that far. I'll see you tomorrow in class." I lean down to kiss her cheek and head out into the frigid cold with a light smile on my face.

***Please don't forget to comment or like the chapter!!! I'd really appreciate it! ***

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