Beautiful Silent Boy [L.S]

By CaptainBraveryEM

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-"Why don't you believe me when I say you're beautiful Louis?" -"Because when you spend your whole life being... More

Intro / Message to Readers
My Beautiful Silent Boy
Journal 1: Dear Harry?
Between Boops and Giggles
Making My Way Into Your Heart
Crash With Me
Absorb Me Into Your World
Out of My Element, Out of My Mind
Journal 2: Tears Turn into Laughter
I Don't Mean to Be a Bother, But Have You Seen This Boy?
Forever and Always
The Rain's Going to Wash Away What I Believe In
Endlessly (Short Chapter)
Journal 3: Linger Longer
Truly Madly Deeply
Share A Moment With Me
Birthday Confessions Pt. 1
Birthday Confessions Pt. 2
Journal Four: Wake Me Up
Lost In You
Can't Shake It
Wont Count the Hours
I'll Look After You
I Don't Know
A Break In the Clouds
Underneath Every Single Smile
The Art of Breathing (Short Chapter)
Journal 5: ASDFGHJKL
All I Heard Was Nothing
Tough Love
The Pursuit of Perfection
Update for Readers
Perfectly Obstinate
Chances Are...
Through Their Eyes
Authors Note (Update)
The Mighty Fall
Learning Curve
Flower Child
It's the End of Prom Night

Vanilla Caress

573 23 0
By CaptainBraveryEM

(A/N) As promised, this is a boyxboy chapter. Even though it is, there is still significance to it, so do your best to pay attention to other elements besides the sex.


I felt my eyes slowly open for what seemed like the thousandth time that night and I groaned loudly.

"Harreeeeh," I moaned in my rough accent.


"Harry," I said more clearly, rubbing my eyes.

The brunette had pulled all of the covers to his side of the bed and was curled up on his side. His face was hidden behind a curtain of curls and he made no effort to awaken from his slumber.

"Fine," I mumbled, swinging my feet onto the floor and quietly padding out of the room.

The house was extremely dark and quiet. I flicked on the lights as I made my way through each room and turned up the thermostat when I got down stairs to the living room.

"I swear this is a dial leading to nowhere," I hissed under my breath, and shuffled into the kitchen. It was only 4:15 and I had no idea why I was up this early. Harry fell asleep some time around 1:00am, but he slept soundly through the night. I, on the other hand, had not slept at all. I didn't want to be asleep if Harry needed me, so the paranoia in itself kept me awake without fail. But, to my surprise, he didn't wake up once that night, and cuddled into my side peacefully.

"Breakfast, breakfast..." I mumbled to myself, looking around the pantry. I remembered that we had a tupperwear of fruit put away so I pulled that out of the fridge and went to fill the kettle with water.

I carelessly tossed the container onto the table and went back into the pantry to find our can of loose leaf tea. I went to this shop across town a couple months ago and dragged Harry with me, promising him that it wasn't going to be a waste of time. He swore up and down that "tea was tea" and that he didn't need to be there to pick it out.

Needless to say, after sniffing thirty canisters of tea, he fell in love with matte tea. It made sense too. He loved the way that the little flowers would open when it brewed and he would squeal, literally, every time we made it. He fell in love with how earthy it was and its naturally sweet taste. I always found it funny how Harry's persona could be identified as a can of honey bee matte tea.

I carefully spooned the contents of the can into the mesh filters and set them in our mugs. Harry picked out this mug at Target with two rabbits cuddled together on it and said that it was a representation of the two of us. I told him he was being ridiculous, seeing as though my mug said, "How about a cup of shut the f*ck up", but every time I saw him drink from it, I felt myself resonating more and more with the image. Harry was literally turning me into a ball of feels and I am not okay with that.

Well, maybe I am, but just a little.

The yogurt we bought the other night was in the fridge and of course, the granola was on the top shelf, so I scooted onto the counter and pulled it down, throwing it onto the table and hopping onto the floor.

"I'm putting away the groceries next time," I tisked, grabbing the box and two bowls from the cabinet.

The kettle started to whistle by the time I had finished scooping the yogurt into the bowls. I quickly put it in the fridge and turned the pilot off, causing the kettle simmer down while I added the fruit and the granola.


"NOOOOO!" I heard Harry groan loudly. The alarm was silenced and I heard a loud thud come from the top of the stairs. Knowing Harry, he probably got tangled in the covers and fell onto the floor.

"Loooooueeeeh," he whined.

"Down stairs," I called.

The door creaked open and he slowly shuffled into view. He wore a terrible grimace on his face, which was partially covered by his matted curls, and he was wrapped head to toe in his blanket.

"Come on, come get your cuddles," I cooed, opening my arms.

He sat down on the top step and slid down the stairs, bouncing and grunting with each step.

"A toddler, I'm in love with a toddler," I sighed, putting a hand over my face.

"I can show you a world" He sang, "Shiiiining, glimmmmmering," he landed on the floor.

"Splenda," he smiled lazily.

"I think it's 'splendid,'" I shook my head.

"That's what I said," he answered blankly, waddling over.

"Yes, yes, of course," I nodded, feeling him collapse in my arms.

"Mhm," he mumbled into my chest, gripping my shirt.

"I made tea and breakfast," I explained and placed a kiss on his forehead.

"Lies," he whispered, picking up his head.

"Oh, then I supposed the tea magically made itself and the bowls were suddenly placed on the counter filled with yogurt and fruit by the grace of God?"

His eyes snapped open and a grin spread quickly over his features.

"You really did make breakfast!" He cheered, hopping on the counter and gulping down the tea.

His face turned red and he smiled. "It burns," he laughed.

"Then blow on it," I muttered, grabbing my tea and discarding the mesh filter into the sink.

He giggled quietly and smirked at me.

"What?" I asked, sipping my tea and cocking a brow.

"You said blow on it," he laughed.

"Jesus Harry it's only 5:00am," I gasped, putting my tea on the counter.

"So? I've seen you sport a boner much earlier than th-"

"That has nothing to do with this!" I sputtered.

"I'm just making a point," he shrugged and picked up his bowl of yogurt.

"Well you're not innocent either Mr. 'I scream my boyfriend's name erotically while I'm sleeping.'"

He spit out his yogurt and coughed, a blush quickly spreading across his features.

"Yeah Harry. I never knew that my name could sound so filthy," I continued dramatically watching him squirm. "And the amount of times that you've taken the Lord's name in vain, ha!" I laughed, "He must think you're being possessed or something."

I folded my arms smugly across my chest as he opened his mouth only to close it again, at a loss for words.

"Fuck Louis," he hissed, shoveling his yogurt into his mouth.

"You've said that too," I added.

"Oh my God, I can't," he clicked with annoyance, "Can we forget that this conversation occurred?" He put his face in his hands.

"Oh don't worry love," I patted his back, "Maybe you were just predicting the future."

"The very distant future."

"Says who?" I asked, putting my bowl down.

He looked up at me curiously, and ate more slowly now.

"What are you saying Louis?"

"I'm saaaaaying that your mum won't be home for the rest of the week because she's visiting your aunt and we've got two hours before we have to be at school-"

"Louis," he warned, "It's too early to be teasing me."

"You're only teasing yourself," I laughed, watching him swallow thickly.

"If we start something, I can't promise that I'll be willing to stop without being extremely cross."

"If we start something, I'll be sure that it's finished," I smirked.

He slid off of the counter cautiously.

"Only if you want to," he nodded, being roped in now.

"I do," I whispered, leaning against the counter.

He slowly pressed himself against me.

"Are you absolutely sure," he whispered in my ear.

"Yes you fool," I laughed, snaking my hands behind his back and letting them settle just above his hips.

He dragged his hips against my own and moaned quietly.

"You're already hard."

"I know," I said, tracing my tongue against his bottom lip.

The heat in the room seemed to increase immensely and I broke from our kiss, trying to catch my breath.

I took his hand and lead him upstairs, slamming the door shut by pressing his back against it and straddling him.

I pressed soft kisses along his jaw and attacked his exposed skin, bringing it between my teeth and nibbling on it gently. The taller boy mewled with pleasure and squeezed my ass firmly, making me squeal.

"I can't believe we're doing this," he said between gasps of air as I trailed butterfly kisses down his neck.


"I don't know, I thought we'd be that couple that would do it at prom or something," he laughed, rubbing circles with his thumbs in the small of my back.

"Oh my dear boy, we were never that cliche," I teased, booping his nose.

"Nope, we're just wild."

"I prefer the term spontaneous," I interjected.

"Like a spontaneous boner?"

"Or a flaccid phallus?"

"Oh my God," he laid his head against my chest and shook with laughter.

"What is wrong with us?" He giggled, swiping his bangs from his eyes.

"Nothing. We're just two twinks shedding our inhibitions," I shrugged, running my hand up and down his back. His skin was so warm but he still shivered as I continued to touch him.

"Off," I said, rimming his bottoms.

He hooked his thumbs into his pajamas and pulled them down slowly, pushing me backwards to the edge of the bed carefully as he stepped out of them.

"Timber," I teased, letting my back hit the mattress.

"I want mine off too," I added before he climbed over me. He pulled at the bottom of my flannels and I moved my hips off of the mattress and wriggled out of them.

"I liked that," he purred.

"I was letting my inner Shakira come out," I stated and hooked my legs behind his back, causing our erections to bump.

"Haah," he breathed, licking a stripe down my collar bone.

"Have you ever...?" I trailed off, blushing now.

"Bottomed? No. Topped? No. Had sex? Big no," he answered sheepishly.

"Have you?"

I nodded. "Once. I honestly hated it though..."

"It just didn't feel right," I quickly added, trying to reassure him.

"Do you trust me?" I asked, biting my lip.

"Jesus, of course I do!" He answered sincerely. He interlaced his fingers with mine and squeezed it tightly.

"I just wanted to be sure," I said, staring up at him.

"No, no, I'd never do this if I didn't trust you. We wouldn't be where we are if I didn't trust you. It goes a long way Lou, and I'd never lead you on because of a hormonal sex drive or anything."

"I know, I know," I nodded, "Sometimes people lie though, and I don't want you to think I'm that person," I looked to the side.

"Listen to me Louis," he paused until I looked at him again. "This is real. What I feel for you is real, and I know that you're genuine, and that you've been nothing but genuine. What happened last night is proof of that! What's happened between us these last six months is proof of that. I've never wanted this so badly in my life, and I've honestly never loved anyone as much as I've loved you," he said, kissing me deeply sighed into the kiss and felt my skin tingle.

"Now we're that cliche couple," I laughed softly as he pulled back, playing with the tiny curls on the back of his neck.

"Rightfully so," he smiled.

"Well then, will you do me the pleasure of being my bottomshop this morning?"

"As long as I get to top next time," he winked.

"I make no promises," I said and quickly flipped us.

I dropped my hand to where his boxers were tenting and slipped my hand inside, grabbing him firmly. He released a throaty moan and bucked his hips upwards into my grip.

"Patience," I whispered, running my thumb over his sensitive slit that was already beading with precome.

He squirmed against the mattress as I pumped him slowly and I could tell that he desperately craved more friction.

"Haah," he cried as I fondled him with my other hand through the thin fabric. I grinned to myself at his aroused state and decided to take it a little further.

I craned my neck and tentatively licked the tip. I swirled my tongue around the head, hearing Harry gasp loudly with each movement.

I fully removed his boxers and he hissed as his weeping member hit the cold air.

"Need more," he moaned.

"Do you have lube or anything?"

"Yeah over in the top drawer."

He propped himself up on his elbows as I climbed out of the bed and fished through his belongings.

"In that bag," he said as I ran my fingers over it.

"That's what Niall got me for my birthday," he blushed.

"Makes sense why you didn't take it out at the party," I laughed, pulling out a small bottle of lube and a pack of condoms.

"Is this flavoured?" I asked bewildered as I opened it.

"I don't know I never opened it."

I sniffed it and cocked a brow. "I think it is."

"Let me see," he asked and I tossed it over to him. He flicked it open and squirted a small amount onto his palm.

"Well?" I asked as he licked it.

"Definitely flavoured," he confirmed and gave it back to me.

"Vanilla Caress," I read, shaking my head and squirting some onto my fingers.

"This is going to feel... um.." I thought for a moment, "Strange for lack of a better word," I coughed nervously.

"If it hurts or anything, just-"

"I trust you," he cut me off, pushing me along.

"I know, but you have to tell me when to stop so you can adjust. I just don't want to hurt you."

"I'm fine. I'll tell you. I promise," he rushed. I could tell he was anxious, and he swallowed thickly as I lowered one of my fingers to his entrance.

I inserted the first finger and pushed until it was knuckle deep. I stopped and looked at him, and he nodded for me to continue.

I added a second and he started to laugh.

"Aha, this is definitely strange."

"Just breath, don't tense," I said softly, starting to scissor him.

He squeaked awkwardly and I stopped.

"No, keep going," he said through gritted teeth.


"I'm fine," he assured me, and flashed me a childish smile.

I sighed and added a third, moving them in and out with little pressure. He tensed around me and slowly relaxed. His breathing became more even and I took that as a sign to move a little more.

I began thrusting my fingers deeper into him, and he cried loudly making me stop.

"What was that? What did you just hit?" He moaned, pushing himself against my fingers.

"That, my love," I said brushing it again, "Was your prostate."

I angled my fingers and bumped it again, eliciting another loud moan.

"More," he gasped, digging his head backwards into the mattress.

I continued to thrust my fingers into him more forcefully now and I licked a long line down his entrance, darting my tongue into his tight heat. He yelped in surprise and bucked his hips upwards.

I removed my digits and grabbed the bottle again. He whined at the loss of being full, and I shook my head.

"Don't worry, you'll be occupied momentarily."

He watched me as I tore the condom packet open with my teeth and rolled it onto myself.

"I want you to-"

"Louis I will tell you everything that is on my mind I promise. Right now, all I want is your thick cock in me rocking my body so hard that I can't remember my own name," he cried, becoming frustrated.

"Didn't think you could talk like that," I moaned, lust coating my every word.

"My mouth is absolute trash," he started. "I could go on about how I want your hot seed filling my tight hole or how I want to leave scratch marks down your back and mark you as my own."

I let out a strangled cry, wanting to plunge into him without warning and shag him relentlessly.

"Aye, aye," I said, pushing those thoughts away and pressing my head into him.

He rolled his hips as I pushed deeper, trying to accommodate for my size. He squeezed my shoulder, and I stopped, a little over halfway in. He eased his grip and I buried myself fully inside of him.

"Move," he said quietly.

I pulled out a little and pushed in, starting to set a pace. His face looked less pained and I started to thrust slightly harder.

"Faster," he urged, gripping my biceps.

I complied with his request and started to pull out all the way before thrusting fully into him. I rammed against his prostate and he started to curse loudly.

"Shit, fuck, right there, fuck please," he cried.

I moaned every time he'd clench around me, and I could feel sweat starting to drip from my bangs as they clung limply to my head. I angled my hips and went down on my elbows, seeking leverage.

I took his fully hard member into my hand and pumped him in time with my thrusts.

He rocked his body against mine and dug his fingernails into my skin. He fought to keep his eyes open as they drowned with desire and his skin had become deeply flushed.

"Aaah yes," he moaned, grinding his heels roughly into my back.

My thrusts were becoming sloppy, signaling my close release.

"So, haah, so close," he panted.

"Come Haz," I purred.

"Coat both of our chests in long hot spurts while I fuck you dry," I said seductively.

"Fuck! Louis!" He cried, releasing with long ribbons of come.

I smirked and pounded through his orgasm, helping to reach my own.

I pulled out and tied up the condom, getting up and tossing it into a bin.

"Do you always get off with your socks on?" He teased.

I looked down and wriggled my toes, realizing that I never took them off.

"Well, sometimes they get cold," I played along, cuddling into his side.

"I'm dying of heat I have no idea how you're cold," he scoffed.

"I'm comfortable. But you're going to be sore later."

"I was going to be sore regardless. We have a match today against those Blazer kids," he sighed, nuzzling into my chest. " I swear they're on steriods."

"No, they're a bunch of held back seniors," I said, playing with his hair.

"Imagine that. It's an American horror story. A bunch of D class seniors being held back each year and they still can't make the varsity team," he giggled.

"Oh God! They're coming! It's an invasion!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, hide your daughters and natural resources before we're tempted with 'freedom.'"

"A shot is heard in the distance!"

"A baby screams in the night!"


"THE ANIT CHRIST RISES!" Harry screamed.

"Haz!" I gasped.

"Too soon?"

"Too soon," I laughed, pulling on his arm.

"Come on, we've got to get ready."

"Five more minutes."

"We've had plenty of time to relax! It's time to go."

"Nooooo," he shoved his face into the pillow.

"I thought you were a morning person."

"I fwam muh fworning fwerson," he mumbled into the sheets.

"Yes, you're maurning as we speak," I tisked.

"Let's go Harry."

I pulled on his leg and dragged him onto the floor.

"Harry, we can shower together. You can sit in the shower for all I care, please don't make me drag you," I pleaded, letting his leg fall limply to the floor.

"No, leave me here to die with the dust bunnies," he said lowly.

"As you may recall, that didn't work for me, and it certainly will not work for you," I tisked, grabbing his leg again.

"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn," he recited as I dragged him down the hallway.

(Heeeeey, this was a super long chapter. Aha. Seriously though. The scene was awkward and slow, and I intended it to be that way. It was their first time together, and Harry's first time in general. I can't make it super fast and glass fogging. Sorry. Next time ;) QUESTION OF THE CHAPTER: Favourite snack? I eat Cheerios like a wh_re.... Seriously. My instructors yell at me because I always pull out a huge bag and eat them in the back of the class... #sorrynotsorry)


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