Just Kissing

By _SiaraL_

491K 13.4K 5.7K

No commitment. No more heartaches. Just kissing. Could it really be that simple? Nate Herond. He's the guy ev... More

C A S T and S O N G S
17. Part One
17. Part Two
Bonus Part
45. Part One
45. Part Two
S E Q U E L and C O V E R S
K i m b e r l y
T H A N K β₯ Y O U


12.4K 303 39
By _SiaraL_

Song: I knew you were trouble - Taylor Swift



/ Four months ago /

"Tell me again what are we doing here?" I asked hesitantly tugging the hem of my dress so it covered almost 'till my knees. I was fine with what I was wearing half an hour ago, when I was casually hanging on Vickie's room, but now looking at the underwear some girls had the nerve to call skirts I get insecure.

I was completely out of my comfort zone, in the middle of the dancing, drunk crowd. Don't get me wrong, I like parties, but more like chill ones. With music, friends and maybe some drinks. But this looked like one of those sin cities God get rid of on the Bible. The music was way too loud, the air smell funny, and I swear if I hadn't already seen five couples having dry sex on the dance floor I'd seen none.

"I'd told you." Vickie pulled me along with her, not comfortable either. "Bear will pay for my poor garden."

Bear and Vickie had the most complicated relationship I've ever witnessed. They'd been neighbours forever and I believe at some point they were friends -as much as the redhead struggles to deny it-, but ever since we entered middle school their dislike towards one another only keep raising and raising... Vickie is such a calm soul and could have endured it on her own, but Bear happens to be much more vocal on his thoughts and never waste a chance to pull her down. His position as one of the football stars didn't exactly made those nasty remarks go unnoticed. From her clothes, to her taste of liking, to her weight... Yeah, Bear keeps calling Vickie fat, even had created the nick Fatoria, and I'm afraid she would start believing his nonsense if it didn't stop.

Either way, back to the topic, today I was supposed to stay at Vickie's for a sleepover since her parents aren't home, but Bear happened to decide he wanted to throw a massive, wild party. Worst of it all? The backyard where his and Vickie's garden met had become a dumping site of vomit and other disgusting substances. Casually landing most of it on my friend's part.

She had enough of his bullshit and decided to fight back. How? Well, rumor has it that the captain has drugs on his parties, and Mrs Glennson, our redactor, had promised the front page if we gave her a decent-juicy report before the course end, since we were kinda lacking on dramas. Vickie decided to kill two birds with one shot.

"But think it through." I whined, appealing to her compassion over the football player. "Does a front page worth ruining his reputation? They're about to have the final and it could be murderous for his football career if it's known..."

My friend pulled her red curls out her face and gave me an are-you-serious-look.

"Reputation?" she laughed. "Take a deep breath, Hails." I scowled at the weird request, but do as she said. "Don't you smell that?" What? The funny thing? I nodded and she sighed. "You think this is the usual scent in here?" I shook my head and she looked exasperated at me, almost pleading. "You really don't get where I'm going with this?"

"You- oh. Oh!" my cheeks flamed when I realized it. That smell is the drug. Or the consequences? I really don't know. "Okay."

"So I'm just gonna take a few pictures and maybe we could find Bear for a brief interview." she smiled maliciously. "He might get a punishment and an advise, but don't worry for him. He's the team's star. They can't kick him out nor anything, so just go."

We get to the corner of the room, finally out that tide of moving bodies; but my relief was cut short by the sudden feeling of being trapped. Great. That's why I don't come to these kind of events.

"Taylor will kill us when she came back." I shouted to Vickie's ear over the music and she sent me a quick hesitant smile.

Taylor was our other best friend, and she, unlike us, is really into this kinda stuff; but never gets to convince us to attend these parties. She was on a weekend trip with her boyfriend, Kevin. He'd come two years ago from South Korea and the explosive personality of Taylor got his attention practically from minute one. That and the fact that she's almost the only person in Roosevelt High, shorter than him. They are lovely, and tomorrow would be their anniversary.

And after that she'd kill us.

Someone offered us red glassed with a suspicious substance inside, but since I now knew what was it that I was smelling I refuse to let someone tapped me. Luckily, Vickie was reasonable as well, and began making photos. I just hoped she was quick so we could get the hell out there.

I worked on the Roosevelt Daily as well, but Vickie was the one in charge of the gossip section. My article this week was about the new painted wall and how did the bright color affected students' attention. Charming, I know, but I needed those credits if I wanted to get into Brown, so I'm not complaining.

Then I spotted him, like a sign. The crowd parted and several feet from there he was: Justin Ames. My breath got caught at his sight, as always and when his blue, mesmerizing orbs found mine; I felt heat rushing up my cheeks.

He's sooo perfect...

I had to admit, I got this big crush on him ever since we got paired in ninth grade to do some project. But there was just a tiny, little problem...


Always Karen.

You think that I should have learnt my lesson by now, especially after last week's fiasco, but I seemed to forget every time he smiles. Like he was doing right now. Staring right at me, his dimples showing and making my guts curled.

"Earth to Hailey." my attention was snapped back at Vickie, who was now eying me that way I hated. Both her and Taylor'd been super bitchy about our interactions. Not that I blame them, after all they'd also been who supported me when he left me a sobbing, heartbreak mess... but still...


"Forget it."

"Forget what?" I wondered innocently but one look and I knew she saw right through my act.

"Just... help me get some pictures. Okay? And we'll beat it." she sighed, clearly wanting to say more; but hating causing a scene just as much as I did.

"Fine." and pulled out my own phone, doing as was told, but then I felt a warm hand over my shoulder and heart fluttered immediately.

"'Sup, Hails." I looked up and blushed hard at Justin's piercing gaze and body heat due to our near position. He's so close... and damn, smell amazing. He gave me a quick once over and my whole skin burned. ""You look great."

I blushed profusely, and stuttered: "Thanks."

"Didn't know these parties where kinda your things?"

"I... mh, I'm just here to... you know-" stupid words! With our last encounter still too fresh, they seemed to enjoy dancing around my mind avoiding to from a proper sentence and his deep blue eyes didn't actually help. "Pictures?"

Justin's brows rose, looking down at my phone and I felt like face slapping myself. Way to play it cool, Hailey. Didn't sound creepy at all, really smooth. Lucky me, Vickie came to the rescue.

"We're doing some research." she snapped bitterly and he frowned taken aback. "Now let her work."

Okay, maybe it wasn't so 'lucky me' after all. I glared at her and gave Justin an apologetic smile which he returned not long after, recovering from the shock on Vickie rudeness. But before I could muster an apology -or at least try- another person joined our group.

"Where were you, babe? I was looking for you."

Ladies and gentleman, my worst nightmare: Karen DiMarco. And no, she'd not my nightmare because she's mean, or rude, or fed on my misery as some cliché bully. She's my nightmare because she's the girl I'd never be. The determinate, strong, beautiful captain of the softball team, aka Justin's long time girlfriend.

The fact that I couldn't but adore her as one of the Roosevelt's sweethearts only made me feel even worst for crushing over her boyfriend.

And for those accidents that happened along the past months...

Okay, in my defense, it only happened a couple times and I never started them. But when Justin and I get paired for History things developed as you usually dream with your crush... excepting the fact the he was already taken.

The first time was an accident - I blamed it on the undeniable chemistry between us- but the second, earlier last week, he told me he'd break up with her but in the end he never did. At times I hated feeling like he'd manipulated me, but then I see his beautiful eyes and dimples and forget all the common sense again.

I believed Karen sensed something was wrong because even tho I'd keep my distance for the past days, licking my wounds, she gets overprotective when we were within less than ten feet.

As I said, I couldn't blame her; but it hurt to see her now so casually hugging his waist as they fit like they were made for it.

For some crazy, stupid reason, I couldn't get over Justin, and the fact that he kept encouraging me didn't help. Maybe he did want to break up with Karen? Maybe he didn't have the chance to?

"Chill, baby." the boy caressed her shoulder sensually and my heart ached at the tender gesture and the sweet nick I'd also heard him calling me. "We're just hanging around, catching up, right?"

But the tall brunette didn't buy it and pursed her fulled lips. "Just hanging around, uh?" her gaze inspected me curiously and something hardened behind her hazel orbs. Without much of a word she turned to face Justin, cupped his jaw and pulled him down to meet her lips in a passionate kiss.

I gasped in horror, but thank god the loud music covered it. It shouldn't surprise me, they were the couple after all, but somehow it did. And it hurt like hell. My heart shattered into million pieces as they kept going, completely forgetting I was even there.

How could Justin be flirting with me one second and forcefully making out with Karen the next? How could he keep leading me on if he never meant to break up with her in the first place?

But it was my fault. All of it. I was the one pinning after a taken guy.

Tears watered my eyes and I took a step back.

No... No! I won't be crying over him again. I'd already been there. I couldn't take more steps backwards. But it hurt so freaking much...

"Hailey..." I flinched when Vickie gently touched my shoulder and composed my most trustful smile.

"It's fine I..." from the corner of my eyes I could see the couple keep on their forceful make out. Like they had forgotten there were other people around them and I gulped the painful lump in my throat. "I'll be outside."

And without waiting much of a response from my friend I scurried away, sliding between the dancing bodies and fighting off the claustrophobia it all was giving me. I couldn't breath. The walls were closing the crowd was too dense... Somehow, I managed to make my way out there and in the moment I stepped out the front door, in the dark porch, I bent forward, holding on my knees for support as warm tears poured down my face.

I was being ridiculous. How could it hurt that much when he was clearly Karen's? I was the other girl! I'm the one to blame so there's no such thing as mercy for my questionable moral.

I should have never gone after another's girl boyfriend. It was like... the golden rule of feminism.

No matter how bad my chest hurt int he moment, I brought this upon myself. So I carefully count to ten and repeat until I felt the clenched lace around my lungs loosened and I could breathe once more.

Looking over my shoulder, back to the going party I realized there was nothing I would resent more than go inside again. I couldn't.

So taking a deep breath I slid out my phone and quickly sent a short text to Vickie, telling her I couldn't go there and that I was heading home. Canceling our sleepover knowing with the music and all it would be rather useless to go precisely to the house next door. I also made sure she knew how sorry I was for leaving her, but judging by the way Tom Lorris was eying her I doubted she would have any trouble. And her house as barely six feet away. She'd be fine.

HAILEY: Come at mine if you need a break from it

I sent at last, and proceed to look for Matt's number, knowing at this time and this far from home it would be a bit suicidal go on my own. But right when my finger hovered over his name I heard weird sounds and froze on the spot when I took in the sight in front of me.

Nate Herond, aka as our Roosevelt's talented quarterback, aka Mr. Popular was by his famous car. Hands pressed on the door bent over and puking his guts out. I winced at the disgusting sound as it splashed on the gravel.

Everyone knew how much he'd work on that Chevrolet for more than a year, building it up from a pile of scrap into this cool, badass truck. Nate even called it Letty and declare she was the ever-impossible love of his life. He loved that car more than anything in this world, so he must be drunk as heck if he was puking her tires.

"Oh goodness."

I rushed to his side when he collapsed on the floor, slowly since he was holding on the truck's side, but ended curled next the throw up.

My nose scrunched at the smell of it mixed with strong alcohol, but I forced myself to hold my breath and gently helped his shoulders into a sitting position against Letty.

"Hey," I tried gently, not really sure how to react. Should I call for help? Get him inside? Take him home? I'd never had to deal with someone as drunk before. The moment his head rested back against the side of the vehicle I gasped at the sight of a bluish bruise under his left closed eye. "Damn, are you alright?"

His low babbling wasn't exactly helping and it made my insides clenched. I'd never seen Nate like this... Well, it's not like I'd known him a lot. I'd met him since kindergarten and had exchanged a couple sentences I guess... And I know him and the other couple of jocks got this nasty reputation in taking parties too far, but seeing him this intoxicated was kinda sad.

"Nate," I tried again holding his shoulder so his frame didn't slide to the side. "You hear me? I'm Hailey. We had Biology together last year-"

"I know who you are." he groaned hoarsely due to the throw up, probably. His lips tilted up in the slightest, but he still yet to focus; like his eyes were looking at the nothing instead of me. "Gracie."

My jaw clenched instinctively. Man, how I hate that nick. But instead I continued: "Are you okay? You look about to pass out. I'll just call the-"

"Chill out, will you?" his voice was slow and husky, dragged even. "It's a party, everybody drinks in those."

"I haven't drunk." I assured and a strange sound filled the air. His back shake and the quarterback slowly get into a more straightened position, making me realize he was laughing.

"Of course you haven't." the sly remark tightened my chest and I narrowed my eyes.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing." he wryly laughed again, lids closed and head resting back against Letty. "You're just perfect, aren't you?"

Being called 'perfect' by the most wanted guy must be something that would drive you crazy, right? Well, when the said guy was ass drunk, sarcastic and hiding something not so pleasant in his tone, such thing as 'perfect' didn't sound like a compliment at all. More like the contrary.

He then opened his eyes, blinking forcefully in hopes to focus and frowned when he finally saw me. "Have you cried?"

My heart skirted when he impulsively rose one hand to touch the moisture under my eyes, but I was faster and kept it down, taking advantage of his dizziness. "You're drunk."

"But not blind."

I sighed as if he was bullshitting, I rolled my eyes and looked over the house, using that small moment to both wiped the remaining tears and take note that nobody was coming out anytime soon. "Not on your right mind either."

"Ain't I?" another choked chuckle dripping more sarcasm. "Oh no! What would I do now?"

"Go home would be a good option."

All humor suddenly die in his face . "Hell no."


I was so not in the mood to deal with drunken Nate -not when Justin and Karen's images keep flashing as a loop in my mind-, but at the same time I would feel worse if I let him out there in the open in his state.

Pinching the bridge of my nose I forced down my wishes to be home, in bed, comfortably reading something and cursed the moment Vickie thought coming to this party would be a good idea.

"Do you need me to go find your friends or something?"

"I don't need a fucking babysitter!" Nate snarled, but the sudden rage didn't end well and he grimaced before curling over his stomach, bending to the side just in time another wave of vomit was emptied.

"There, there." I scrunched my nose at the stink of it, but gently patted his back, squeezing my mind. What to do? "I'm gonna get Bear." I decided, dreading the idea in the moment it rolled out my tongue. "I'm sure he'll let you stay and-."

Nate groaned, sitting back against the side of the trunk wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "We just argued."

Damn great. That might explain the black eye, right? "Seth then?"

Seth Lorde was his companion in crime. They've been always together, for as long as I can remember. Both in football team as well and with that careless spirit that made them invulnerable. The only other friend as close was Kimberly Thander, but I always get these weird vibes from her so I rather not get that close as to ask her for something.

I stood but before I could turn around my forearm was harshly gripped and I gasped when I almost lose my balance and found myself face to face with Nate again. His eyes opened now and bloodshot, serious as hell and my guts churned.

"Don't tell Seth."

"Why?" I wondered breathless, eyes wide and my heart up my throat at the harshness in his words, suddenly more sober.

"Just. Don't."

"Okay." I gulped. "Could you let go now? Please."

Nate rolled his eyes but complied and I immediately stepped back, rubbing the skin he'd grabbed as I let my pulse calm down. What the hell? But back to the point, what should I do now?

I looked around, but the place still as empty as before. Everyone was inside enjoying themselves and whether Seth was here or not, Nate clearly didn't want him involved.

I took in a shaky breath, contemplating what to do. I looked down at him, who now got his eyes closed and the mouth parted.

Oh, no no.

I squatted beside him and tapped his shoulders carefully. If there's one thing I know about drunk people is that if they lost conscious that was bad.

"Nate." he didn't respond and I shook him lightly making him grunt. "Nate, wake up."

He didn't. Instead, the quarterback just mumbled something incoherent and his face fell forward against my shoulder. The sudden weight almost made me lose my balance.

Please, don't let him throw up again.

I felt my heart fastening and shook him harder. "Nate!"

"Ugh whaaat?"

The anxiety melted a bit, but he remained unmoving, clearly wasted.

I sighed. "Let's get you inside." and then I tried to help him up, but without his collaboration it was futile for someone like me to try and lift his weight.

I gasped startled when his arms snaked around me and pulled me closer, with his forehead in the curb of my neck. A wave of heat spread all over me. "I don't wanna go inside." complained Nate like a little kid. "Take me."

"Where?" I broke out his hot embrace, narrowing my eyes down at him. He pouted unconsciously at the lost of contact and it would have been almost adorable if I wasn't already reaching my limit . "You don't wanna go inside, don't wanna go home, don't want me calling anybody... You can't stay here by yourself, Nate. Not like this."

His numb expression remained almost void of reaction if it wasn't for the tired smile that curved his lips. "It's cute that you worry." I felt my cheeks flaming and my fingers tightened on my folded arms. "I just need to sober up... I know a place..." he slurred and with effort took off a set of keys from his pocket. "You said you haven't drank. You can take me."

"Where?" curiosity was gaining over irritation.

"I'll guide you." and this time he helped me help him up, hissing in pain and making me wonder if his fight with Bear left him this sore, how come no one else noticed? The fight must have been huge!

Careful to avoid the vomit, I led him on the passenger seat, handing him a bottle of water and Nate wasted no time in cleaning his mouth and spit it out on the gravel a couple times before awkwardly closing the door. I redid it properly when it didn't lock, biting my lip when the reality of what was happening hit me like a train.

What the hell am I doing?

Nate sent me a slow half smirk, almost as if he sensed my hesitation. "Come on, Gracie."

The idea still wasn't convincing me entirely. I mean, going out to an unknown place in the middle of the night with a guy I barely know and that couldn't even stand for himself?

Yeah, sounds like something safe I would totally do.

But something about this... the situation, his vulnerability, my need to keep the image of Justin away... I just needed to take a break. In the worst scenario I'd just take him home and headed to mine. I still got the pepper spray my father had given me last time he came so I'll be fine.

I send a quick text to both Vickie and Matt, letting them know I was going for a walk with a friend and sending them also my live location just in case. While sliding into the driver seat I took a deep breath and convinced myself being spontaneous for once wouldn't be that bad.


Hey guys! So this is the so called night... what do you think happen between them? What do you think Nate could provably do to make her hate him like that?

Vickie Abbot (Amy E)

By the way, thank you so much for the already 50 votes!! Amazing!

Don't forget to comment, vote and share.

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