
By AntheiaW

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In these times it's not that easy to find you're soulmate, what happens when Alpha Christian finds his... wha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 13 part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 24 Part 2
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 29 part 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 30 part 2
Chapter 30 part 3.
Chapter 30 part 4
Chapter 31
Chapter 31 part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 39 part 2
Chapter 40
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 48 part 2.
Chapter 49.
Bonus chapter.
Epilogue, Chapter 50.

Chapter 37

37 4 0
By AntheiaW

(((Short chapter, hope you enjoy it)))


**Christian's Pov **

*One of the guards had found Andrés badly injured behind Enzo's house. He called more guards and took him immediately to the hospital.

*Also, Enzo's beta found Annette running and screaming Andrés's name while she looks around for him. He obviously protected her against the rogues that attacked us. After the fight was done.. he took her back to the house, Natasha was waiting there for her to tell her about Andrés's current situation.

*After that, she came in running like a crazy woman crying her eyes out. She demanded to see him. But no one could see him just yet because the doctors were busy with him. She started to scream at everyone and saying that she has a right to be in that room with him.

*The girls tried to calm her, but it was to no avail. She noticed that whatever she does wasn't gonna get her in that room just yet. So she turned to Nati. Begging her to help her, saying that she is the Alpha Female and that they would listen to her. Nati hesitated for a bit but then she agreed to help her.

*Enzo tried to talk Nati out of it, but she refused to listen to him. It only caused her to get mad at him claiming that if it was one of us in her place we would have react the same or worst.
So Instead of Nati ordering to let Annette get in anyway while the doctors were busy, Enzo did it.


*The boy that we brought in was stable now, but he still needed to heal. He almost didn't make it. The bullet hit him in his chest true but it was just a few cm away from his heart. You could say he was lucky. Now as to why Natasha has take an interest in the little boy, nobody knows. It's so strange. If he wasn't a kid I would even be jealous right now.

*It's as if she is connected or drawn to him for some oddly reason that no one knows. Not even her. I'll have to look into that later. Right now Andrés situation is what matters to me.

*I still can't understand why he was there all alone. He was by my side fighting and all of a sudden he disappeared to God knows where.

*After a long wait, the doctor finally came to us. We all rush to him, especially Andrés's parents and Melody, Annette was already in the room with Andrés.

-Doctor: The patient is stable now, he has some ribs broken and some internal injuries, but he wasn't healing because he was injected with wolfsbane. But we had injected him with an antidote so that it can be out of his system quickly and then he will start healing.

*Everyone took a breath of relieve and relaxed, the parents thanked the doctor and then we asked when we could see him. He said to let him get some rest but that it shouldn't be a problem if we see him.


*It's been 2 weeks now since that war happend. We still aren't sure as to why they attacked us, but we are looking into it. Andrés is well now and back at the pack he has take some days off to rest and get better, even tho he is fully healed now. It was strange for him to take days off, normally it would be me pressuring him to take some days off. Because he spend half of the day working and he spend the other half with his family.

*Natasha asked me and pleaded me to accept the little boy in my pack. And because I wanna be on her good side I said yes. She has take an strange interest in this kid. I have someone investigating the kids past. Just in case.


**Annette's Pov**

*After what happend to Andrés I refused to leave his side for a second. I'm always watching him and taking care of him. But these last days he's been acting strange. To say that he didn't even went to work yet.

*I don't know if I'm being paranoid or something else, but it doesn't feel like he's the same person, I don't even feel the tingles when we touch and that is strange, I told him about this, but he said that maybe it's a temporary side effect cause by the wolfsbane they injected him with.

*I wasn't sure about that, neither did I know if that can be possible, but I just shrugged and push the bad feeling to the back of my head.


**Christian's Pov**

*I was at the training grounds training some young wolves that has just been turned recently, when Melody comes to me and asked to speak with me in private. She looked concerned.

*I told one of my warriors to keep training the kids while I go handle some things. I took Melody to my office and she locked the doors and starts looking around suspiciously. Her behaviour was strange.

-Christian: What's the matter with you?

-Mel: Shh..

*She said as she puts a finger to her mouth and kept looking around. After she finished she speak.

-Mel: I needed to make sure that no one would be listening to this conversation. Because what I have to tell you is not easy and if I'm correct it's a delicate and dangerous matter.

*I look at her in surprise.

-Christian: What's going on?

*I say getting all worked up. She came closer and speaks as low as possibly, so low that if I wasn't a wolf I wouldn't have heard her.

-Mel: I think Andrés is not Andrés, but an impostor taking Andrés's place. And if that is true then we have been infiltrated.

*She looks at me serious after saying this, I laugh at what she said and she gets annoyed. She must be getting crazy.

-Mel: I'm really serious right now Christian.

-Christian: Why would you think that?

*I ask her jokingly, she cross her arms and raise an eyebrow at me.

-Mel: Fine don't take this serious, but let me ask you this. When in all the years that you have known Andrés has he ever speak bad to me?

-Christian: I don't see how this is relevant to what you have just said.

-Mel: You'll understand what I mean when I'm done. Just answer me.

*I think about it for a bit, and now that I'm thinking about it, Andrés's has never, ever speak in a bad way to his little sister,  not even when she behaved bad, or was being a little brat.

-Christian: Never.

*She nods.

-Mel: When have you known of Andrés missing a family gathering or just spend more than 2 days without visiting or calling mom, dad or me?

-Christian: Never.

-Mel: When have you seen Andrés take a day off work voluntarily?

-Christian: Never.

-Mel: When has Andrés looked at another women that isn't Annette.

-Christian: Never in my presence.

*And so she kept asking me things, and I kept answering the same thing, Never.

-Mel: When has Andrés raised a hand for Andrea?

-Christian: Never, not even when she's being naughty, he just speaks to her very calmly and she always manipulate him to forgiving her, so she won't get in trouble.

-Mel: Good, now get this. Yesterday.. I came in on them and he was about to hit her.

-Christian: No, you must have misunderstood the situation.

*I say not believing that.

-Mel: I know what I saw. And when I confronted him about it, he said to me to mind my own fucking business because I have no right to tell him what he can or can't do with his life and kids, because he's the beta of this pack, and compared to him I am no one.

And get this, Andrea told me after he was gone that he is not her daddy, I asked her why she would say that and she said that he is different and she doesn't feel save around him that he give her a bad feeling.

I asked her why he wanted to hit her and she said that she saw him with another women that wasn't Annette and she told him that she will tell her mommy.

That made him beyond mad he called her a little snitch and said that he'll teach her a lesson, thats when he was going to hit her and I walked in.
And it's true you know, because I myself had catch him flirting and hooking up with other women

He has not even once in these 2 weeks called our parents or visited them. When they came he said he was busy and that he couldn't see them, the same for me.

You know that Andrés loves me and that I'm his adoration well now I'm in fourth place after Annette, Andrea and Maximus. But still, that man lives to please us.

*As she talks I think about everything she is saying.

-Mel: Lets bring Annette in and let's see if she didn't notice anything strange about him.

-Christian: I'm not sure if to believe this or not, But all that does sound strange, because Andrés is not like that. It's as if he is a whole other person. Go get annette, I'll wait here.

*After a few minutes they came in and locked the doors.
Annette ask what is the matter and Melody tells her everything, she looks nervous and then she say.

-Annette: I've noticed it too, he is acting strange, but the strangest thing is, is that I don't feel the sparks anymore when we touch. I told him about this but he said it was a side effect of the wolfsbane they injected him. Because supposedly it was a lot.

-Christian: There is no such thing, wolfsbane can't affect anything that has to do with soulmates. Only our abilities.

-Annette: Really, I don't know what to believe anymore. But one thing is for sure. He is acting strange. He doesn't even call me amor anymore, and when we fight he doesn't apologize to me, you guys know that he always apologize to me even if I am wrong. It's strange.

*All this was starting to make more sence to me now. Maybe Melody isn't that crazy after all.

-Christian: Lets do this, where is he right now?

*I say looking at Annette.

-Annette: Well he left an hour ago and said that he'll be back later. When I asked him where he's going he told me to mind my fucking business, I was gonna say something to him but he ran out.

*Melody and I look at her with wide eyes. Andrés that is this woman lap dog.. said so to her?

-Christian: We can call him and tell him that you, Melody and the kids got in some kind of accident, If he doesn't care, than its definitely not him and we truly would have an impostor here.

-Annette: If that is so, where is my Andrés then?

*She asked but more to herself than us.

-Mel: It's not him, since she can't feel the sparks then it's definitely not him.

-Christian: You're right, but let's tell him this so he will come here and we'll have him cornered.
Call Derek tell him to come, I'm gonna call Enzo to come over too.
We'll need as much help possible. We don't know what we are dealing with.

-Mel: I wanna know where my brother is. I hope he's ok.

-Annette: He has to be ok.

*They both said getting sad.

*After everyone was here, we called him. I told him about the "accident" and he said he'll be right here. When he came he asked what had happened I told him, he said that he can't believe it and that he'll go see them at the hospital later, but right now he was busy with something important for the pack.

*I raised an eyebrow and I stand up from my chair looking intently at him.

*Just then the others come into the room. He looks at them with surprise and asked them how they are here if they shouldn't be in the hospital.

*Annette gets closer to him and tells him.

-Annette: Don't you remember the day on our first anniversary together, you had a witch put a protection spell on me?

*That was a lie, to see if it's him or not. And he bite the bait.

-Andres: Yeah Yeah,  I totally forgot. Thank God for that you're ok babe.

-Mel: Ya no le dices amor? (You don't call her amor anymore?)

*Andrés looks at Mel confused, she looks at him suspicious.. he clearly didn't understand what Mel had just said. Annette looks at me and shakes her head. Meaning that he is not Andrés but indeed an impostor. Just as Mel had said, her gut-feeling was right.

*Now there was only 2 questions to be answered,
the first one is, who is this man?
and the second is, where the hell is Andrés?

2206 words.

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