PJO and the Avengers

By Linkkk066

432K 9.2K 6.2K

Whelp, I had a good description once upon a time, but then I was hacked. Basically, Percy meets the Avengers... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Not a Chapter, Sorry
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Authors Note
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Author's Note... Sorry
Sorry! and surprise?
Indiana Jones and the Carbonite Man
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Some New Ideas

Chapter 12

7.9K 186 105
By Linkkk066

For my One Piece friends: look!  It's Ace and his pokébuddies!!! And Marco's trying to steal Torchic haha!

Come on, man, they didn't come for One Piece, they're here for Percy and his problems!  Oh right!  Well in that case, here ya go!


i ran my fingers through my hair and groaned loudly into my pillow.  Why was Chiron sooo annoying?  All I needed was him to tell me what to do but no!  He had to say something wise.  stupid million year old horse-man.

After i did my best impression of a dying whale into my pillow, i rolled over and did some thinking.  And yes, it did give me a headache.  I ran through every scenario i could think of in my mind and tried to decide if telling a bunch of secret government superhero dudes a many-thousand-year-old question was a good idea or not.  Do i spill the (you thought I was gonna say tea?  Nope!  Tea is water based so I could clean that up easy) toothpaste out of the tube (have you tried putting that in?  Impossible!) or not?  And by the time my thinking headache came on, i was no closer to this heartfelt answer Chiron told me i had already made.  What a load of Minotaur crap!  Than, it hit me!  The answer to all my problems!  The solution so genius Athena herself must have taken pity on me and stuck it in my head!  

I should ask Thor!

I hopped up and jogged to the gym where i had a feeling he would be.  sure enough, he and Steve were sparring while Clint sat up on a beam near the ceiling doing some target practice.  Not sure how he got up there, but whatever... that's not important at the moment.  I headed over to where Thor was finishing up when he and Steve noticed me. 

"Hey kid, what's up?"

"I have a name, Steve, and it's Percy.  I'd appreciate it if you used it."

Steve smiled and nodded his head.  "Noted, Percy."

i nodded back in satisfaction before turning my attention to Thor.  "Hey Thor, can I run something by you?"

"Of course young friend.  What is it?"

I winced at the young part, but dropped it.  Steve could take a hint but with Thor, there's no hope in telling him not to call you something without the kicked puppy expression.  And I hate when he does that.  "Actually, it's in my room, so could we..." I pointed to the door.  Thor took the hint and nodded quite enthusiastically.

"Well then what are we waiting around here for?  Let's--what do you Midguardians say-- hop on it!"

I rolled my eyes but led the way.  when we got back to my room I checked to make sure we weren't followed by a well-meaning Steve or a nosy assassin and locked the door.  Then, I sat next to Thor on the bed.  He stared at me expectantly.  "You locked the door?  What is this really about, Perseus?"

"Everyone's onto me, I can tell.  They know something's up, and I don't know how much longer I can keep the whole, you know, demigod son of Poseidon thing a secret."

Thor laughed.  It was his deep belly laugh he only uses when he's truly amused at something and it made me want to sock him in that pretty face of his.  " Well, if it makes you feel any better Clint is convinced you're a mermaid and Natasha thinks you're her long lost child she never had."  I raised my eyes at the second one.  "her words, not mine."

"Well, They're on the right track.  Clint somehow more than Nat, but still.  Thor, what do I do?"  He looked at me for a moment and then sighed and leaned back on the bed.

"You're not gonna admit it, but I think deep down, you know the answer and you're trying desperately to find reasons against it."  I groaned and stood up, pacing the length of the room.  He's no better than Chiron!

"Well what is it Thor?  I'm at a loss here!"

"I think you should tell them."

I stopped and stared at him.  "Seriously?  And risk destroying the peace we've had for thousands of years?"  

"What did they do when they found out there were other realms and that the Norse Gods are real?  They were scared at first, yes, but now we even have a friendship of sorts with them.  Loki almost destroyed it, but they saw past my brother and understood that not everyone--very few, in fact--are like that.  Percy, I see no reason they would not accept you and your people as well."

he was right, I knew he was right, but it scared me.  Chiron said I had made a decision in my heart, and he was right.  It all clicked into place: I did want to tell them... I did want to stop feeling like I was lying to them every time i was in the same room as them.  But I didn't think i could handle the rejection--the loss of more friends--because of my identity as a demigod.  I thought maybe i could run away from all that if i never told them and have a separate, secret life, but i guess i should know by now that's not how it works.  

If I wanted a home here, which i desperately did, I was gonna have to tell them.  I looked at Thor who was watching me with a curious expression, and took a deep breath.  

"You're right.  I'll tell them tonight before the movie."

Alright, alright, alright!  It's almost here: the grand reveal!  And then end :(.  By the way, I love when you all point out references I make or accidentally make because I forget half of them by the end of the chapter and you guys point them out and I go back and think, Smooth, man, smooth.  Or even better is when i go: wow!  Didn't realize i did that!  Guess I'm just that good!

Anyway, I think I need to check my ego now!  Or not!  A good pirate must have an ego, everybody, so be pirates! ARRR!!! Sorry, I got carried away...

Anyway, who wants to join my pirate crew?  The position of first mate is taken by a very fictional character (take a random guess who, just for fun!  I'll give you a hint: he or she is a pirate where he or she comes from!)

Also, I might make a discord for fun, so if u wanna join my crew (discord) let me know is you were on a pirate crew, what role would you have?  It can be a real role or a funny one!  (my brother would definitely be shark bait for example haha!)

Also, one more thing, I might update a few more times today or not, so be on the lookout but don't get your hopes up too much!  Who knows, I'm feeling productive so maybe I'll even finish it today!

Anyway... catch ya' later mates!

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