Accidentally In Love? ||Taehy...

By ArmyGrl17

156K 7K 1.4K

Me:"W-what happened T-Taehyung"i said backing away my back hit the wall he was stepping closer and closer to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
New Book ๐Ÿ˜‹
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
New book (Jikook)
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Epilogue pt.1
Epilogue pt.2 (End)

Chapter 36

3K 138 51
By ArmyGrl17

Thank you so much for 1.9K+ reads. I love you all!

This chapter is all about Jimin and Hyuni so have fun😘we cant forget this ship can we?

Enjoy reading!

(The day Taehyung and Hana went on date)

Jimin POV:

I hurried and parked the car and went inside the cafe and looked here and there to see Hyuni. I found her sitting on the corner table I smiled and walked to her surprising her and sat on opposite side to her.

Jimin:"Aish sorry for being late, also I'm so sorry for not coming to meet you yesterday,I really was on my way to you but suddenly mom called me for soemthing important"i said explaining her feeling bad i made her wait yesterday she just nodded with a tight smile, I frowned -'What's with this tight smile?'-

Me:"What happened Hyuni?"I asked worriedly

She didnt say anything and bit her lips

Me:"Tell me you are making me worry"i said

Hyuni:"I-I'm going back t-to Busan in two days"she said and my eyes widen

Me:"But you were supposed to stay here for one more month"i said

Hyuni:"I-I was, but Dad called m-me"she said and her expression are sad...?

Me:"Why?"I asked


Me:"Tell m-"

Hyuni:"Dad is arranging a marriage of me!"she said and tears flowed from her eyes and I frozed on my place looking at her eyes widen.


Me:"Wh-What? You are joking r-right?"I asked in a low voice.

Hyuni:"I'm not!, and I-I dont have a-any other choice b-but to agree"she said sobbing and my heart shattered into million pieces. My heart starts to beat fast. I cant believe this


-'No it cant happen'-

-'W-What should i d-do?"

Tears wanted to escape from my eyes but I held in it, it was hurting me too much.

Me:"W-Why cant you reject it?"I asked with hopeful eyes that she will reject this bullshit marriage

Hyuni:"You k-know my Dad Jimin, he never ta-take his words b-back,I c-cant reject"she said sobbing

-'No! W-What I will d-do?'-

-'I cant let he-her go when I'm madly in love with her!'- I thought

Me:"Hyuni-"she cut me off

Hyuni:"I-I think I will be okay since I kn-know the boy, he-he is nice"she said I parted my mouth in shock -'How can she?'-

Me:"B-But you are not ha-"

Hyuni:"I'm leaving in two days and my marriage is also soon, I have to to-go to decide the marriage da-date"she said and I just kept looking at the coffee on table. Her words pierced through my heart

-'She agreed to marry'-

Me:"B-But Hyuni I li-- I wish you the b-best"i tightly smiled at her and stood up and turned around and the tears I was holding in it finally came out of my eyes one by one then like a pool.

I walked towards car and sat in car and started crying.

That cant happen.She cant marry someone else. W-Why?!, I didn't even get the chance to tell her my feelings for her.what do I do now?!, how can she agree to it so easily!.

I hit my head not so hard on steering wheel being frustrating and hurt. Heaving a deep breath I started the car not knowing where should i go I just wanted to get away from the cafe.

While on the other hand:

Hyuni POV:

As he walked out of cafe I lowered my head

Me:"I'm sorry Chim,but I had to"i said to myself and soon after I also walked out of cafe after paying.

2 days later:(Day Hyuni will leave to Busan)

Third Person POV:

For 2 days jimin didnt talk with anyone he didnt even attend anyone's call. He was devastated, he didnt know what to do. He was hurt. He tried to to tell Taehyung but he just think -'Tae cant do anything too,when Hyuni already agreed to marry'-

Jimin even told his mother that he dont want to meet anyone so when Taehyung came, his mother said he is not home. Taehyung waited patiently that maybe jimin will tell what's wrong by himself but he didnt got any answer and he was having enough he is worried sick for his bestfriend. He never did this before.

Today Taehyung and Hana decided to go to Jimin's house after dropping Hyuni to airport.

(Jungkook and Minseo are still in Busan if you wonder why they didnt came or meet jimin)

Taehyung rang the bell and soon after Mrs. Park opened the door. Her face light up seeing him and hugged Taehyung

Mrs.Park:"Ah Taehyung and Hana, how are you both?"she asked opening the door widely for them to come inside.

Taehyung:"We are fine Aunty, how are you?"he asked and Mrs. Park mood fell.He understood why Mrs. Park mood is down

Taehyung:"Jimin is in his bedroom?"he asked and she nodded

Hana and Taehyung left her saying 'Everything will be alright' and head upstairs to jimin room.

They knocked but didnt got any answer so Taehyung just entered this time and the sight shocked him amd Hana placed her both palms against her mouth.

Jimin there sat in the corner of his room near balcony looking broken as heck. They both hurried to him and sat on their knees.

Taehyung:"Jimin-ah!"he called his bestfriend placing his hands on jimin's cheeks turning his face towards him.Jimin looked up at him slowly and this sight broke Taehyung and Hana's heart.

-'Its not what I'm thinking right?, Hyuni thats not good'- hana thought biting her lips

Hana:"Jimin, what happened to you?"she ask worriedly

Jimin:"I-I lost her b-before even get-getting her"he said suddenly started crying

Hana eyes went wide and Taheyung's eyes furrowed in confusion

Taehyung:"Her?"he asked being dumb

Jimin:"H-Hyuni she-she is getting marry"he said loudly making Hana and Taehyung's eyes wide in shock

Taehyung:"You-You are joking right, it's not a good one Jim-"

Jimin:"Do I look l-like I'm joking?"he asked sobbing

Taehyung just kept quiet processing everything.

Hana:"Evrything will be alright Jimin,dont worry okay?"she said but jimin shook his head

Jimin:"I love her!, she cant marry someone else, she-she cant!"he yelled

Taehyung:"Jimin-ah calm down okay, we will talked with her, we will solve this together yeah?, now get up from here"he said and tried to make jimin stand up by grabbing his arm but he refused.

Jimin:"She agreed to m-marry, she said she will-she will be okay"he said eyes sparkling with tears

Hana:"You dont want to her to get marry to someone right?"she said and both boys looked at her Taehyung with furrowed expression while jimin a lil apart mouth with confusion.

Jimin:"N-No"he said shooking his head. But after what came from Hana's mouth surprised the both males

Hana:"Then go to Busan and have her"she said starightly both males widen their eyes looking at Hana

Jimin:"W-What?"he stuttered

Hana:"You heard me, if you love her then go to Busan, dont let someone take her from you"she said and jimin looked at Hana and then at floor and thought for some time

Jimin:"I-I will go"he said nodding his head and Hana smiled

Taehyung:"Okay thats great, I will book the ticket for you for tomorrow okay?"he said and Hana nodded jimin was nervous.

-'What if the date is already decided? What if Hyuni dont like me back? What if she reject me? '- these thoughts kept roaming in jimin's mind which was scaring him.

Taehyung:"I bought the ticket, your flight will leave tomorrow 11am"he informed

Jimin:"But I want to go now"he said

Taehyung and Hana looked at each other

Hana:"Aish look at yourself, you look like you came from war. Go tomorrow dont worry. For now fresh up yourself and I will help Aunty to make dinner. She is already worrying about you alot"she said and jimin just nodded with a sad pout Hana looked at Taehyung and motioned him something and Taehyung nodded understanding with a assuring smile and Hana left the room.

That night jimin was so nervous and angry after all what she said that party night. But Taehyung and Hana was there for him to make him calm.

Next day:

Right now they all are at the airport.

Taehyung:"Wish you best of luck Jimin-ah, and come back with your girlfriend"he said chuckling while hugging him and jimin hit his back being shy.

Hana:"Take care, and amm dont get angry, everything will be good"she said hugging jimin and jimin nodded

Jimin:"Thank you so much, I will go now bye"he said and waved at them and left.

Taehyung:"Dont worry too much Hana, Jimin-ah got this"he said putting his arm around Hana's shoulder who leaned her head against his shoulder humming while wrapping her hands around Taehyung waist.

-'Everything is gonna go good'-

Hana:"I hope so"she mumbled pouting.Taehyung saw this and peck her lips surprising her.

Taehyung:"Stop pouting, let's go on a date today"he said smiling while Hana blushed and nodded. Taehyung smiled and peck her again which made Hana hit his chest because of of shyness


Jimin POV:

After landing in Busan i took a taxi and head to Hyuni's house.Nervousness fell upon me,I just prayed for good the whole way here.

Heaving deep long breath i rang the bell, my Heart was beating so fast.Soon after the servant opened the door I bowed at him as he is older than me. We greet each other and he said that some guests are in there.

-'W-What if they are parents of boy?'- I gulped thickly and went inside with each step my heart will beat more faster.I head to living room. And there I saw a family consists of one young boy my age but not so handsome like me and husband wife with a little girl sitting beside Hyuni.

Uncle Lee:"It always has been my dream"he said smiling

Other male:"Mine too, I think the date is final"

Mrs Lee:"Yes,So...should we consider yes from your side?"she asked and other couple nodded happily

Other male:"Ofcourse yes!, Congratulations Mr and Mrs Lee!"he said

Mr Lee:"Congratulations to you too, we are a family now!"he said and other nodded

-'Are they talking about marriage date?!'-i thought and my eyes widen -'Its really happening?!'-

-'No I cant let it happen!'-i thought and I just couldn't see this.

Me:"I WONT LET THIS MARRIAGE HAPPEN EVER, I LOVE HYUNI, AND SHE IS MINE!"I yelled while my face was angry they all got startlet by my sudden appearance and loud voice and they all widen their eyes.

My and Hyuni's eyes met and her eyes were so wide like his eyeballs will fall out of sockets.

Mr Lee:"Jimin son?, wow what a pleasant surprise but son what is this?"he asked smiling but then frowned

Hyuni whispered my name stuttering I walked towards her and grabbed her hand

Me:"She is not going to marry this boy,I wont let her"i said "We both love each other!"I said straightforward

Mrs Lee:"Marriage?"she asked

Mr Lee:"What are you talking about jimin son?"he asked frowning

Me:"Dont act like you dont know what marriage I'm talking about Uncle, I'm talking about Hyuni and this boy marrige"i said frustrated but didnt show much

Boy:"M-My Marriage?"he whispered asked to himself but I heard it I glared at him

Hyuni's hands were sweating alot in my hand, she was shaking

Mr Lee:"Jimin I think you got it wrong, there is not any marriage happening"he said chuckling now I frown and looked at Hyuni who quickly lowered her head and suddenly she frees he hand from mine and ran upstairs. I just kept looking at confused why she is running.i came to my senses and looked at Mr.Lee

Me:"What do you mean I got it wrong, I know you are making Hyuni marry with this boy,dont deny it"i said angrily

Mrs.Lee:"Jiminie calm down, Hyuni isn't going to marry him I mean to anyone, we were discussing about our business partnership with them"she said

Me:"You are not lying right?"I asked in a low voice she shook her head in 'no'

And I slowly got what was happening. That rascal lied to me. She planned this and acted so perfectly!. I was so mad. And that's why she ran to her bedroom. Embarrassment fell upon me when i thought I JUST CONFESSED HER INFRONT OF EVRYONE!!
My eyes widen and I looked at everyone and gulped and bowed amd start running upstairs but uncle didnt froget to shout 'I DONT HAVE ANY OBJECTION OF YOU BEING HER BOYFRIEND JIMIN!'.

I brushed what uncle said for now and focused on what Hyuni did. I freakin cried and was completely devastated because of her.

I opened the door of her bedroom harshly. -'Good thing she didnt lock it'-.

I entered and saw her sitting on bed biting her lips looking nervous. She widen her eyes and stood up seeing me.

Hyuni:"J-Jimin"she stuttered

Me:"Mind explaining me all of this huh?"I asked and she looked away and start walking out of room passing by my side but I grabbed her wrist and pressed her against wall not so harsh.She got startlet and tried to pulled her wrist but I didnt let her.

Me:"When you were acting, you weren't nervous at all, how come now"i said and she looked at me amd then looked away "Tell me Hyuni why?"i asked. I dont know why but I am liking the the way she is being nervous.

Hyuni:"I didnt do-"

Jimin:"No lie"i said

Hyuni:".....I-I l-lied about m-me ma-marrying" she said stuttering badly

Me:"Why?"I asked and she gulped

Hyuni:"Its nothing!"she said and again tried to walk away but stopped on her tracks when I said

Me:"I know you like me, you did this just to see if I like you or not"i said and she frozed on her place

Me:"And im not the first one to confess this Hyuni, you confessed me first"i said and she quickly turned around

Hyuni:"I didn't"she said looking surprise and bewildered.

Me:"You really forgot?"I asked acting hurt but I knew she forgot the next day

Hyuni:"I know I didn't thats unbelievable, how can I forget if I did" she said briskly looking at me I smiled



Jimin POV:

My eyes widen and my heartbeats start beating faster when she start rubbing her cheeks on my bare chest.I felt thousands of spark light up in me.

Me:"H-Hyuni"i called but she didnt listen but kept tightening her arms around me and rub her cheeks.

(Music was stopped a while ago for some time, if you will wonder how can they hear each other)

Hyuni:"Whyy ddid youu wore this sh-shirt Chim?"she asked drunkenly and her breath hit my bare chest which was sending chills down my spine I grabbed her arms tightly because of this but not so tight that she will hurt

Me:"I di-didint knew y-you will do t-this if I wear this sh-shirt"i said frowning while defending my choice of shirt

-'I know i look good and sexy- Wait!, perhaps is that the reason she is doing this?!'-I thought my eyes widen

Hyuni:"You-" she was interrupt by someone

RM:"Ahmm, you both can take a room, it's in the end of the hall"he said my cheeks got flushed red and he winked and walked away I bit my lips

Me:"H-Hyuni lets get out of here,everyone is watching you I mean us"i said and she shook her head stubbornly but I just pulled away from our position and grabbed her arm and dragged her to end of hall and entered one of room

Hyuni:"It hhurts sstop dragging"she whined

Me:"Who told you to drink that much, what were you even thinking while drinking-"she cut me off and my eyes widen at her response

Hyuni:"You, I wwas thinking of y-you"she said stumbling and again coming closer to me

-'Im never gonna let you drink again, it's not like I dont like it but she is saying these things it's kinda new and she becomes wild I think'- I thought and my mouth apart at this

Me:"J-Just go there and sit on bed, let me bring water it's not her-ammphh"she cut me off by crashing her lips on me grabbing my face. My eyes popped out of my sockets from shock,my world stopped. She kept moving her lips messily against mine while I stood there frozen on my place.

Hyuni:"I-I like you so so much Jimin so mmuch"she confessed between kiss and my eyes once again widen my heartbeat started beating at high pace.

-'I-I'm hearing things now?, I'm not even drunk'-i thought

I grabbed her shoulder to make her pull away from kiss. When she did her lips looks so swollen and red basically her whole face was red.

Hyuni:"I want k-kis-"she mumbled and in a blink of an eyes her eyes closed and she fell on me I instinctively grabbed her so she wont fall.

Biting my lips I made her lay on bed and sat next to her looked at her.

-'You really l-like me?'- I asked whispering while brushing her hairs from her face with my fingers.

-'How I wish it's true Hyuni'-i said smiling

-'But will you remember your confession tomorrow?'-i asked

After few second my phone bell ringed indicating message I saw and it's from hana.

But what I read I wanted kill myself right there.-'What the fu*k!'- I whispered shouted

[Taehyung is drunk and is sleeping in private room in the end of hall, Take care of him]

Arghhh not this brat tooo!!!

☆《Flashback Ended》☆

Still Jimin POV:

I told her what happened that night and her mouth was apart in surprise and her face was red like a tomato

Me:"So, ring a bell?"I asked and she closed he mouth and looked away biting her lips cheeks flushed

Me:"Let me kiss you the same way you did maybe it can help you remember yeah?"I said and she looked up at me and shook her head furiously

Hyuni:"N-No need"she said

Me:"You dont want to kiss me now, when i also confessed to you infront of evryone?"I asked pouting

-'She likes me and she dont want to kiss me now great..."

Hyuni:"So what?, you didnt even ask me to be your girlfriend yet"she said frowning angrily

-'WOW! so bold of her'- I thought

Me:"What?"I asked

Hyuni:"You heard me"she said crossing her arms

-'Great, I should be the one angry on her for the lie she made'-i thought

Me:"Fine"i said and took a deep breath and walked towards her and grabbed her hands she looked up at me now looking nervous

Me:"I like you so much Hyuni.I promise i will be the best boyfriend you will ever see,I will never let you sad and will always make you happy and never let your bright smile off of your pretty face...So Will You Be My Girlfriend Hyuni?"I asked smiling and her eyes started to water and she nodded continuously smiling her tears coming out fo eyes she came and throw her arms on me hugging me tightly

Hyuni:"Yes Yes thousands time Yes!"she said happily in a loud voice i broke into a bright smile till my i couldn't see anything because of smiling wide and bright

Me:"Thank you!"i said hugging her back

Me:"Now kiss time"i said and she pulled away from hug

Hyuni:"You asked me just because of kiss didnt you?"she asked pouting angrily I chuckled

Me:"I have waited enough baby, that night I wanted to kiss your swollen lips so bad but didnt now i wont wait"i said making her closer to me by wrapping my arms around her waist. She blushed madly and bit my lips.

Hyuni:"O-Oka-"i cut her off by crashing me lips on hers, she flinched and widen her eyes and grabbed my shirt tightly in her fist, soon after she closed her eyes and started to move her lips too. I smiled into the kiss so did she. the kiss was soft and lovely and it was sweet with all bit taste of her salty tears. We kiss for a good time and I pulled back to get oxygen. I placed my forehead against hers

Me:"You made me so scare with marriage lie, I thought I lost you before even getting, it wasnt a good way"i said

Hyuni:"I'm sorry, I didnt mean to scare you. I just wanted to know if you like me or not. I couldn't think of any other thing. But i asked about this with Hana but she told me it's not a good idea but I still did, I'm sorry"she said placing her hand on my cheeks.i looked at her

Me:"Hana knew?"I asked confuse she nodded

Hyuni:"But i told her I wont bit I still did, it's not her fault"she said and now I got what she meant by 'dont get angry'. I chuckled

Me:"She was the one who sent me here, or else I would be still there crying"i said chuckling and she giggled hugging me again


Me:"Its okay,...I love you"i said

Hyuni:"I love you too"she replied

Suddenly the door burst opened we both flinched and pulled away from huga and saw there stood Hyuni's parents smiling brightly.

Mr and Mrs Lee:"CONGRATULTION TO BOTH YOU!!"they shouted in unison which made both of us blushed and shy and I just nodded and said in a low voice 'Thank you'

Mrs Lee:"I knew it!, they are gonna end up together!"she said clapping while we Mr.lee and I chuckled

Mr Lee:"But son I really liked you sudden confession style"he said wriggling his eyebrows my cheeks heat up in embarrassment -'I want earth to eat me, Mr Lee is gonna roast me with this till the end'-i thought crying internally


Third Person POV:

That day the newly became girlfriend boyfriend couple told each other how and when they started liking each other. And had the best and craziest conversations with Hyuni's parent and they never forgot to tease jimin and Hyuni and making them blush furiously. Even if they were getting annoyed but they both were happy alot happy. And they cant wait for their upcoming happiness amd most important first Date.

Hope you enjoyed the Jimin and Hyuni love story. I didn't mean to make the whole chapter of them but the storyline got long.


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