How Can You Be So Trusting?

By TinyWhales13

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This is a Moceit story. Janus is 15 Virgil is 15 Logan is 16 Patton is 16 Remus is 16 Roman is 16 Logan and... More

Chapter 1 - How they met
Chapter 2 - New School
Chapter 3 - The Sleepover
Chapter 4 - At The Hospital
Chapter 5 - Janus Is Gone?!
Chapter 6 - Logan's Explaination
Chapter 7 - The Breakup
Chapter 9 - Something Wrong With Me?
Chapter 10 - Proof
Chapter 11 - What Happened To Roman
Chapter 12 - The Letter
Chapter 13 - Alone For The Day?
Chapter 14 - A Chat With Remus
Chapter 15 - Beat
Chapter 16 - Passed Out
Chapter 17 - The Questions
Chapter 18 - Date?
Chapter 19 - Detention
Chapter 20 - What?!
Chapter 21 - Just A Dream?
Chapter 22 - Fire
Chapter 23 - Thank You Mom
Chapter 24 - At The Hospital, Part 2
Chapter 25 - Patton Comes
Chapter 26 - Everything Else...
Chapter 27 - Burns
Chapter 28 - The Phone Call Away From Home
Not A Chapter
Chapter 29 - Come On!
Virgil and Janus' Birthday Special
Chapter 30 - Is She Alright?
Chapter 31 - Janus
I'd like to share something
Chapter 32 - Leave It To Me Patton
Chapter 33 - Janus and I
I did something....
Chapter 34 - Let's Get Out Of Here
Chapter 35 - Breakfast
Chapter 36 - Board Games And Logan
Chapter 37 - A Night In The Life Of Remus Creativiti
Chapter 38 - Where Will I Live?
Chapter 39 - 3 More Days Left
Chapter 40 - 2 Days Left
Chapter 41 - 1 Day Left
Chapter 42 - 1 Day Left, Part 2
Chapter 43 - Back To Normal? No.

Chapter 8 - New Person

684 45 29
By TinyWhales13

Janus's P.O.V

We all walked into our school quickly. Since Logan wasn't here it felt like something was missing, I may hate him, but his facts aren't always that annoying.

We all sat at our claimed table with an empty spot still there. The hospital still hadn't told us how long he'd be there for or what they are doing.

I saw Remus walking over from where ever he sits with whoever his other friends are.

"What up hoes," The others had finally noticed him and their conversations had stopped.

"Ughhhhhhh, what do you want Remus," Roman groaned and laided his head on the school table at the sight of his twin.

"Whatever, have y'all got news on voldermort?" He asked us all as he leaned on Roman head preventing him from arising.

"We've heard nothing, yet, unfortunately," Patton told him. I noticed Loki looking over to the conversation. Honestly I couldnt read him because of his stupid sunglasses.

"Whos Voldermort?" He interjected into the conversation curiously.

"Just a friend of ours problem little lady?" Remus glared at him. He clearly didnt like him.

"No, 1/10," Loki told him. I face palmed mentally as he made one of the worst mistakes he will ever make in his entire existance.

"That totally wasn't a horrible idea, you shouldn't run right now or apologise," I lied to him.

"English please Jan-ice. Did he just get my name wrong?

"Fine, apologise to Remus or run and have your body returned to us," Honestly I'm not taking anyone's crap that much.

Remus grabbed Lokis collar and held him up with one arm. He was a good few feet up. The twins are taller than all of us by about a foot and Loki was shorter than most of us.

"You better kiddo," Patton was really concerned now.

"No, my opinion is correct," He retaliated.

"Once he doesn't know what Remus won't do to him, he won't reconsider," I comforted him.

"Alright, I'll show him a photo if any of you are too much of a wimp," Roman whipped out his phone and showed the critial person the photo from when Remus beat up another kid.

"Jesus Christ, I'm sorry man," He began repenting to Remus desperately as he put him back on the ground harshly like some sort of doll.

"Remus say sorry for that now," Patton demanded. He couldn't fight Patton on this, cpuld he? I'm not sure anymore.

"No thanks, I'll be leaving," And then he left back to where ever he came from and back to whoever he's friends with.

Afterwards, the day went past swiftly and decently so I wasn't really complaining that much. Loki sat with us but was much quieter, most likely because of what happened eariler. At least it shut him up for a while or forever, I don't know really. We all had homework to catch up on so we went home immediately.

I opened the door to my house once again and to my surprise, my mother was rushing all over the place like a mad man or women. Sounds better as women.

"So, what aren't you doing mother?" I asked as she continued running around putting stuff in serveral bags and putting other stuff in boxes.

"I am..." She ran into the other room, "Getting together..." She put a bag upstairs, "Some stuff for..." She left the room once again. This must be really important, "Logan once he leaves the hospital, his birthday present came in the mail eariler," She finally stopped stonping around and put some stuff down.

"Don't take a break, I won't do it for now," I offered but started doing it anyway.

"By the way, we are going to visit him in a bit," She informed me. Leave the important stuff for last why dont she?

Soon I had finished all the work my mother had orginally started as she sat back and relaxed after a hard day of work. She was cleaning out he attic so there could be an extention to the house upwards. This meant she had to empty the entire attic full of almost everything she has hoarded in her life. It's a ginormous mess up there.

"You done?" She asked as I came back downstair to see 5 coffee mugs on the table as my mum played mario cart.

Wow, did I just do all her work for her, willingly?

"No," I told her as I put her coffee mugs in washing up bowl for later. She will clean those I refuse to do anymore work for her today.

"Come on then," She began turning off her game and putting her socks back on then finally putting her shoes on after I did.

Once again it'd take a while to get there so I descided to text the others for entertainment.

Deceit💛: Hey.

Logan💔: Hello.

Deceit💛: It seems your emoji has been updated.

Logan💔: I've noticed. Althought, it is rather odd you are texting on this chat first.

Deceit💛: Yeah, I'm visiting you with my mum, the hospital trip is a pain in the @$$.

Patton💙: Language!

Deceit💛: SOS.

Logan💔: Sorry**

Virgil💜: what

Logan💔: I am correcting his incorrect grammar.

Virgil💜: whatever

Roman❤: Hello wonderful citizens and Virgil!

Virgil💜: gasp im so offended

Roman❤: Alright sassy sarcasm sky.

Deceit💛: Random alliteration.

Logan💔: Just regular Roman.


Patton💙: Awww Janus don't be a debbie downer.

Roman❤: Y'all hijacked my joke

Roman❤: You hi-joked!

Patton💙: Sorry kiddo I had just hop on the alliteration station.

Deceit💛: Imma go now we're almost at the hospital.

Patton💙: Why are you going to the hospital Jan?

Deceit💛: Visiting Logan.

Patton💙:oh okay, enjoy your day

Deceit💛: Bye.

Virgil💜: jeez a bit cold arent you patt

Patton💙: No I'm pretty warm right now!

Virgil💜: nevermind

Patton💙: Alright bye kiddo!

We had just parked up in the hospital car park and went tot he ward logan was staying once again. Maybe I'll get a reason from him today. Or not.

"Hey Logan," I greeted him as I walked him.

"Greetings Janus," he waved at me. I sat on the chair Patton sat on last time we were here right next to Logan.

"How aren't you?" I asked. One of the nurses looked at me strangely as I normally lied.

"I'm doing as well as I can do," He told me simply.

"That isn't bad I don't think," More nurses looked at me as I continued speaking fluently in lies. It kind of scared me.

"Excuse madam," A nurse came up to my mother.

"Yes nurse?" She answered.

"Does he normally speak like that?" She pointed at me it made me slightly uncomfortable being pointed out. Other people have done it because of how I looked but this was how I acted.

"Yes, why? Do you have a problem with my son?" My mother began getting defencive of me. This'll end badly.

End Of Chapter. 1183 Words.

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