Ringo Starr Smuts & Maybe Som...

By Malkat1969

134K 2.4K 3K

Hello sweet Ringo lovers! This ones for you. Hope you all enjoy and remember, I am always open to requests! ❤... More

When I Get Home
Good Morning, Good Morning
Get Well Soon- Part 1 (request)
Get Well Soon-Part 2 (request)
If I Fell (fluff)
I Need You
Happy Birthday Ringo (part 1)
I've Just Seen a Face (fluff)
I've Just Seen a Face (fluff- Part 2)
Act Naturally
A Beginning
First time
I'm Only Sleeping
Bloody Hell (request)
Get Back
Diamonds, Diamonds (request)
Your Mother Should Know (request)
Eight Days A Week
The Honeymoon (request)
Midnight in Paris (request)
Go to Him (request)
You've Got To Hide Your Love Away (request)
All My Loving (request)
Telephone Line (request)
All You Need Is Love (request)
This smut has no storyline, its literally just sex.
You're Going to Lose That Girl (request)
One Night Stand (request)
Dear Emily (a semi-requested short story)
It Don't Come Easy (sort of a request)
Daddy (10k Special!)
With A Little Help From My Friends (Ringo+George Threesome PART 1)
With A Little Help From My Friends (threesome-part 2)
Good Day Sunshine (John Lennon smut)
In My Life
It Don't Come Easy (Part 2)
Short and Sweet ❤️
As Far As We Can Go (request- 80s Ringo)
Go To Him (Part 2)
Go To Him (Part 3)
Please Please Me (Request)
Go To Him (Halloween Special)
In My Life (part 2)
We Can Work It Out (request)
Every Little Thing (requested)
And I Love Her
Ain't She Sweet (request)
Christmas Time Is Here Again (request)
Have You Seen My Baby (70s Ringo request)
Don't Bother Me (random little fluff)
Only You (And You Alone)
❤️ Valentine's Day ❤️ (request)
Summer of Love
Three of Us (Fluff)
Honey Don't (Fluff)
Hey Bulldog (Fluff)
I Should Have Known Better (Request)
Easter Sunday (fluff)
Easy for Me (request)
Best Friends Forever
Love in the Castle

There's a Place (Fall inspired smut)

1.9K 27 53
By Malkat1969

It was a chilly September night.

The wind was blowing about, picking up the leaves and making them swirl in the sky. It was my absolute favorite kind of weather, and a delicious welcome to fall, the best season in the world.

I decided that I would celebrate this and walk to work. The bar I'd been tending for the past year and a half wasn't too far from my flat, all together it was probably a ten minute stroll if I took my time.

Beneath my boots I could hear the leaves crunching, and it was music to my ears. This mixed with the crisp, misty air infused all of my senses, creating my own little slice of heaven.

Once I reached my destination I took one last inhale of the cool autumnal night, then headed inside to start my shift.

"Oh thank God You're here!" My quirky co-bartender Bethany huffed, immediately breaking me out of my peaceful daze.

"Bad night?" I asked, slipping my coat off and hanging it on the rack.

"It's been absolutely mad! Apparently word got out that a Beatle is in town so everyone is losing their shit!" She explained.

My interest was immediately piqued.

"What is a Beatle doing round our parts?" I wondered.

"No clue. I heard someone say that it was their drummer, Ringo? I dunno, I guess a few people saw him hanging around our street and think he might come in for a drink. Hence why the whole town is here."

I laughed. We were just a humble little dive bar with nothing to offer a man of such status, there would be know way he'd come here of all places.

"Yeah I'm sure. I mean, say Ringo really is in town, why would he choose this bar?"

"Enough with the questions, y/n! Get to work,  we're already behind as it is." my boss barked from the kitchen.


"Got it."


Three hours passed like minutes as we had what was sure to be our busiest night since I'd been hired. I had barely taken a breath the whole evening, and my clothes smelled of alcohol and sweat.

I leaned against the counter and sighed, staring at the mess of glasses that towered before me.

"We did good!" Bethany cheered, patting me on the back.

"That we did! And hey, no Beatles either!" I giggled.

"Well, you never know. We've still got ten more minutes before closing!" She sneered.

Our boss had left already, so it was just Bethany and I here on our own. I began to make the rounds cleaning tables, scooping up glasses and bottles to take to the sink. I waved goodbye to our last customer and walked on over to the back to begin washing dishes.


In the distance I could hear Bethany on the phone having a shouting match with I presume to be her boyfriend. I rolled my eyes and hummed to the song in my head, minding my own business as I scrubbed away.

The more I tried to block it out the louder her voice became. I grew concerned and halted my cleaning to go check on her.

"Fine... okay....Oh fuck you too then!!!!" She snarled before slamming the phone back onto the hook.

"Are you alright?" I asked, wiping the sweat off my forehead with my sleeve.

"Oh just peachy. My fucking boyfriend is getting on my last nerves! God I hate men!" She groaned.

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Kill my boyfriend?" She joked.

"Besides killing your boyfriend..." I laughed.

"Well... I'd really like to get out of this fucking bar. Think maybe I could take off early and you can lock up?"

I thought about it for a minute, and decided I'd rather finish up cleaning in peace than have to hear about her latest trials in love.

"Of course."

"Really? Oh y/n you're the best!"

"Sure! Don't mention it."

And with that Bethany was gone, finally leaving me to my own devices.

Just as I headed back to the kitchen to finish the rest of my dishes, the bell on the entrance door chimed. I immediately cursed under my breath, reprimanding myself for forgetting to lock the door.

"We're closed!" I shouted from the kitchen, hoping that whoever it was would hear me and go away on their own.

I heard the door slam and footsteps tapping on the hardwood floors. I realized that whoever it was probably didn't hear me. Angrily, I tossed my dish rag to the side and headed out to the bar area.

"I'm so sorry, but we're closed. I'm going to have to ask you to Leeeeaaaaaav-" my sentence is halted as soon as see who it is.

"Hi." I say with embarrassment written across my face. I instantly feel underdressed and disheveled with my wet black tank top and dirty slacks.

"Hello! I apologize, I assumed since your doors were unlocked that you were open. I'll see myself out."

"NO!" I yell at him. "Stay! It's my honor to serve you." I sounded desperate and weird, but I wasn't really sure how to act around Ringo Starr.

He seemed surprised.

"Alright, alright if you insist!" He jokes, taking a seat at the bar.

"What would you like, Sir?" I asked him, sliding a menu across the counter.

"Surprise me!" He smiled, all the while studying my face.

I walked over to the bottles and scanned our selection, then decided on a local whiskey that I thoroughly enjoyed.

"Here. It's my favorite." I said as I handed him the glass.

"A whiskey girl, huh?" He winked, taking a long sip of the liquor. "Have one with me!"

"Oh... I um... I can't. I'm still on the clock." I was bashful.

"Why not? You've already broken the rules by letting a strange man into the bar after closing." He chuckled.

"Okay but you're not some strange man, you're Ringo Starr, drummer of the Beatles."

"Thank you for telling me, I'd forgotten who I was!" He joked, earning an eye roll from me.


Ringo smiled and quietly sipped his drink. I just stared at him. I couldn't help it. He was one of the most famous people in the world and he was sitting at my bar. It intrigued me.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked, catching me staring.

"What are you doing here, Ringo?"

"Well I'm here because a hot bartender who hasn't told me her name yet allowed me to stay!"

"You know what I mean... What are you doing here? In this area of town? Shouldn't you be at some fancy hotel in London?" I asked. "And my name is Y/N, by the way."

"If you must know Y/N, I'm here to hide." He said with a sweet giggle. "The boys and I are taking a break from the tour and I wanted to find some place quiet. Figured maybe if I came here I could get away from the screaming girls."

"Fair enough. Though the screaming girls were here, you just missed them!" I laughed.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. Apparently word got out that you were hanging around in this area and everyone went mad. Bunch of weirdos, I tell ya." I joked.

"I take it your not a fan of mine?" He said finishing off his drink.

"Oh no I am! I'm just not going to scream and cry over you. I never understood why people were so obsessed with you guys. I mean yeah you're in a band and stuff, but you're just regular people." I shrugged. He smiled at me, but it seemed different this time. Something told me he wasn't used to encountering girls like me.

"Wow. Thank you."

"For what?"

"Treating me like a human being."

It kind of warmed my heart to hear him say that. I felt great sympathy for him. There was no way I could ever be in his position, it would take a lot of strength and patience that someone like me just didn't have.

While refilling Ringo's glass, I decided to hell with the rules and poured myself one too. My shift had already ended anyhow, so no harm no foul.

"Cheers to being human beings!" I said, holding the glass up.


We downed our drinks, then locked eyes. I had only ever seen him in black and white on the telly, so I had no idea that his eyes were as blue as they were. They took my breath away.

After looking at each other for a few minutes
he leaned up in his chair and kissed my lips softly. It was the most delicately kiss I had ever experienced, and it was over far too soon.

I wasn't sure what to do afterwards so I just resumed our small talk.

"So what do you think of the whiskey?" I asked him as I poured us another drink.

"Oh...uh... it's good. Very good." He seemed tense and uninterested in the conversation. His eyes wandered around my body and made me self-conscious.

"Sorry about my clothes. Before you came in I was doing dishes and-"

"Stop. You're gorgeous." He cut me off. I blushed immediately, throwing my head down sheepishly.

"Look at me,  I want to see those eyes." He said, reaching out to lift my chin up with his finger.

I smiled cheesily, I couldn't help it. He was so sweet and I was completely wooed.

"My eyes? What about your eyes? They're the bluest in the world!"

"Nah, surely there are some bluer than mine." He winked.

Our auras changed, along with our gazes. They had a little more hunger than before.

"Come sit by me." He insisted, patting on the barstool beside him.

"As much as I'd like to, I really should be getting home. I was supposed to leave half an hour ago."

Ringo seemed disappointed, staring at his empty glass longingly.

"Where do you live? If you don't mind me asking..."

"Just up the road." I answered.

"May I walk you to your car?" He asked me, those tempting eyes reeling me in.

"Thank you, but I actually walked here."

His eyes widened. It's as if he thought I was a mad woman for walking in the cold.

"Well, can I at least drive you home? I'm not ready for this night to be over..."

I couldn't help but smile and agree. I adored his company and didn't want to leave either.



We pulled up into my driveway and stared at the porch light. The ride back was short so no heavy conversations took place, I simply enjoyed staring at him as he drove.

"May I walk you inside?" He asked, turning his head to look at me.

"You're such a gentleman, Mr. Starr!" I complimented, brushing his shoulder with my hand.

"You can thank my mother for that! She raised me that way." He smiled.

"Of course you can walk me in."


I walked inside and stood at the doorway, staring at Ringo as he grinned from ear to ear.

"Thank you for a lovely evening." He said, taking another step forward to kiss my cheek.

"Thank you. You're a really sweet guy, Ringo."

He backed away and gave me a look I couldn't resist. I took him by the hand and led him inside of my humble flat.

As soon as the door shut behind us we kissed. It was romantic and urgent, budding with passion as our tongues intertwined. Our flavors were the same, lingering with whiskey.

While he lathered my tongue with his, I began to run my fingers through his hair, feeling how soft and thick it was. I couldn't help but think to myself that this was every girls dream, and here I was living it.

We stumbled around the room attached by our lips, trying to find a spot to lay down. Once I felt the arm of the sofa on the back of my legs I fell onto it, bringing Ringo with me.

We made out for quite a while, just allowing our tongues to get to know each other.

My heart was beating a mile a minute as Ringo shifted his position slightly, making me feel his hard-as-steel bulge.

We didn't say anything, our bodies did the talking. He humped me rhythmically, burying my body further into the soft couch with every movement, making the burning within me even more intense.

I started to moan, My fingers finding his buttons and picking them off one by one. I slithered my cold hands around his back, sending a gentle shiver down his spine.

His back was muscular and his stomach was thin and fit. His skin was warm to the touch, and it was sweet relief to my chilled hands. In the midst of this I finally felt like I had a plan, so I broke away from the kiss and pushed him up gently.

"Let's turn over." I suggested. His eyes widened and twinkled and he did as I said. We shifted our positions so I was now on top, free to do whatever I pleased with him.

I slipped my fingers underneath the bottom of my shirt and peeled it slowly over my head. My breasts were swelled up against the fabric of my bra, begging for freedom. I reached around to unclasp the hooks, then threw it to the floor with my shirt. My upper half was revealed to Ringo, and he sighed longingly.

"My Lord." He whispered as his hands found my breasts, gripping them tightly and massaging the delicate flesh. The rings he was wearing felt cold on my skin, somehow making the sensation even more tantalizing.

I placed my hands on his wrists and pinned them above his head, diving down and attacking his mouth with my own once again. I kissed him as if I was putting out a raging fire, my movements desperate and fast.

I moved my lips to his neck, nipping at his skin and tasting his sweet musky flavor. I trailed them up to his ear and sucked on the lobe, moaning softly into it and driving him wild.

One of my free hands trickled down his chest and underneath his slacks, making contact with his heated member for the very first time. It was much larger than I thought it would be, and my nerves were bursting.

I rubbed the shaft as I continued my assault on his face, showering his skin with kisses and love bites. Being with him was so wonderful, I couldn't get enough.

"Easy there, love. You're going to make me cum if you don't slow down." He warned, but I kept on going. My body refused to stop. I was addicted to touching and tasting him, and I didn't even care if he came.

I could feel his body trembling, and his heartbeat quickening against my breast as it lay delicately on his chest. I knew I was torturing him, so I had to speed things up.

I removed my hand from his pants and began to unfasten my own. I fiddled with the button until I was able to wiggle out of them, revealing my thick buttocks. Ringo licked his lips, his eyes glued to my physique.

"I could stare at you all day." He said as his eyes explored every part of my body from my forehead all the way down to my toes. He was hooked, I could tell.

Once all my clothing was removed and out of the way I took his off and tossed them to the side. Our bodies were completely nude and vulnerable, and I was more than ready to feel him.

I positioned my hips above his cock and slowly began to bore down on it, taking him inch by inch as slowly as possible. He was the biggest man I'd ever been with, so it took some getting used to.

My eyes rolled back once his full length was sheathed in my sex, instantly hitting my precious g-spot.

"Oh Ringo." I seethed, moving upwards and then back down again. My hips rocked back and forth, letting his member graze the inside of my walls again and again. It was a marvelous, intoxicating feeling.

"You're so tight, my love." He complimented, digging his fingers into the skin of my hips as I found my rhythm.

I leaned forward and kissed him, moving my tongue in perfect sync with my hips as I rode him like my life depended on it. The whole couch shook beneath us, my movements getting harder and faster as my orgasm boils in my core.

His nails were digging into me, probably leaving marks as his hands clutched tighter. I felt his cock twitch inside, a sure sign of an impending release. My inner walls began tightening, contracting around him and making his member feel even more snug

"Oh fuck... I'm not going to last long, love." He admitted into my mouth, his delicious breath coating my lips as I crashed them into his again.

We embraced each other as our bodies began shaking violently, our orgasms ripping through as we came together in an instant. We groaned into each others open mouths, gently pecking each other's lips as the aftershocks began to rush in.

We kept kissing romantically, our bodies sweaty and spent. I rested my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as it slowed down more and more as time passed.

"That was wonderful, darling." He said into my hair, placing a kiss upon my scalp.

"Mmmm, it was." I responded lazily, my voice laced with exhaustion.

"Stay with me tonight?" I asked.

"I'm not going anywhere, love."

I smiled and nuzzled my face into his neck, then nodded off to sleep in complete bliss.

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