Rebecca Lupin and The Escape...

By RachieK97

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Rebecca Lupin is quite an outgoing girl who is about to attend a magical school most muggles have heard of. S... More

Rebecca Lupin and The Escape of the death eater
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 17

48 1 1
By RachieK97

Hi guys heres the next chapter sorry I haven't uploaded in a while but I was trying to figure out how to end it and do school work as well and watch the other Twilight movies before I see the new one in the cinema. This chapter is dedicated to TheHalfBloodPrincess because she has a book out called 50 Shades of Black (A Sirius Black love story), it is great, please update the story soon. Please comment, Vote and please enjoy and I'll try and upload again as soon as I can.


Chapter 17 The Secrets Out!

We didn't tell a sole about thorn we didn't want to but we all thought that we should of then, they could find her quicker and easier. It was quite a while ago now but the memory was still too fresh and it scared us to even think about it so no we couldn't tell anyone or would we, or did someone else know without us knowing at all.

"What you reading?" Ethan asked.

"The daily prophet nothing you would be interested or even know whats inside it!" Rose replied.

"So what you reading?" I asked.

"Well nothing about thorn she is either dead or still missing!" Rose confirmed.

"I'll say dead for the benefit of the doubt!" Ethan said.

"Well we wish but I'm afraid it sounds too good to be true at the moment?" I said.

"I'm bored!" Ethan complained jumping out of his sit in bordom.

"Why don't you have some beakfast?" I suggested.

"I'm not hungry!" Ethan replied.

"Well, stop complaining then!" Rose snapped.

"Whats wrong with you!" Albus asked.

"Nothing, it's just, it's just oh it doesn't matter!" Rose snapped.

"Go on!" I persuaded her.

"Oh you know me worrying about Thorn nothing changed there, why isn't there any news about her?" Rose explained.

""There should be news about her soon shes a massive threat to our future well she bloody well could be if they or we don't do anything about it!" Ethan stated.

"Are you sure there isn't anything about her Rose?" Albus asked.

"I would tell you if I did see news. Hang on I'm reading!" Rose said scan reading the news paper as we all stared at her.

"Waiting, and still waiting, it's ok we'll just wait here all day!" Ethan said.

"Shut Ethan can't you see she's reading, and you don't interrupt Rose' reading!" I said.

"What you waiting for?" Molly said sitting down next to us curiously.

"Well ermm..." I said trying to cover up our situation but it was too late for that.

"I've got it, I've found it!" Rose yelled.

"Quiet down don't announce it!" Ethan said.

"Found what?" Molly asked puzzled.

""Thorn!" Ethan said but then realised what she had said.

"What about her she hasn't done anything!" Molly said we all sighed silently.

"Hasn't done anything ....Yet!" Ethan said.

"What do you mean?" Molly quized.

"Oh well she's a death eater and she's escaped azkaban she could be like Sirius Black, miss understood." Molly suggested but we definitely wasn't buying it.

"Well if you say so!" Ethan said in not convincing voice at all more like a whine.

"Well do you know any different?" <olly asked.

"Yes!" Ethan said.

"Ethan!" We all yelled.

"What were you thinking you idiot!" Rose snapped.

"Oh so we have a secret do we well go on then, spill!" Molly said. So we told her we had to after Ethan and his big gob decided to not use his brain he was born with. Molly was swore to secretes, of course we trusted her well at least we did to a couple of days later when Professor Dumbledore sent us a letter to meet him in his office we all knew what it was about and felt extremely bad for not tellin him sooner.

"So children a littled birdy told me that you four found a new friend!" He said curiously,

"Well sir I wouldn't call her that!" Ethan said which made Rose elbow him and give him a why did you say that look.

"We all know why we're here Professor and we are all terribly sorry we didn't tell you sorry but we were scared!" I said swallowing looking down disapointed and a bit upset.

"It's ok miss Lupin it's not your fault that we have a Death eater on the loose but we were you out of the Castle after hours?" Professor asked raising an eye brow.

"Well thats a question Professor!" Ethan said.

"Don't be cheeky Ethan it's not funny we shouldn't have been out of the castle after hours but you shouldn't blame Hagrid but we did visit him he didn't want us to be there when it was dark but we forgot about him and didn't want him to be on his own on Christmas!" Rose blabbered on but Professor understood and nodded glumly.

"Thanks miss Weasley I do admire your honesty but you should know better but, it's no good cursing the past whats done is done and we can't do anything about it so lets look forward we, I mean I need to think of a plan to get her back where she belongs don't I!" Professor said stroking his beard.

"Right so I need to rethink that but at the moment I think you should back to your lessons, thankyou for your time and remeber to always keep one eye open and watch your back and above all stay in the castle after hours. On and please don't worry yoursleves about it." Professor said pointing his finger at us and then winking.

"Thank you Professor!" We said. So went out on our way to lesson.

"Well done Ethan!" Rose said wacking him round the head.

"Oii, that hurt, anyways, Rose he already knew didn't he!" Ethan said.

"Well then who told him?" I said.

"Molly of course!" Ethan said.

"No!" Rose refused.

"Eerr yes who else would!" Ethan said.

"I trust Molly!" Albus said.

"Me too!" I said.

"Why else would we have told her!" Rose suggested.

"You could have got our judgement wrong!" Ethan said.

"No I think I know my cousin!" Albus said convinced.

"Who Told him then?" Ethan asked.

"I don't know, so why ask!" Rose snapped as she walked a head anoyed. I din't blame her we were all frustrated and not just with Ethan but the whole situation was hard and scary but no matter what happens we shouldn't push eachother away we should come together to help each other.


So thats it for now so Dumbledore found out but some way or other I wanted him to find out so he could help so I hope you enjoyed it and once again please comment and vote it means alot and thankyou for reading my first story so far....


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