Finally Yours: The Sequel | T...

ratedJG द्वारा

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Read the first book before reading this. अधिक

• prologue •
• one •
• two •
• three •
• four •
• five •
• six •
• seven •
• eight •
• nine: part one •
• nine: part two •
• ten •
• eleven •
• twelve •
• thirteen •
• fourteen •
• fifteen •
• sixteen •
• seventeen: part one •
• seventeen: part two •
• seventeen: part three •
• eighteen •
• nineteen •
• twenty: part one •
• twenty: part two •
• twenty one •
• twenty two •
• twenty three: part one •
• twenty three: part two •
• twenty four •
• twenty five •
• twenty six •
• twenty seven •
• twenty eight •
• twenty nine •
• thirty •
• thirty one: part one •
• thirty one: part two •
• thirty two: part one •
• thirty two: part two •
• thirty three •
• thirty four •
• thirty five •
• thirty six •
• thirty seven •
• thirty eight •
• thirty nine •
• forty •
• forty one: part one •
• forty one: part two •
• forty two •
• forty three •
• forty four •
• forty six •
• forty seven •
• forty eight •
• forty nine •
• fifty •
• fifty one •
• fifty two •
• fifty three •
• fifty four •
• fifty five: part one •
• fifty five: part two •
• fifty six •
• fifty seven •
• fifty eight •
• fifty nine •
• sixty •
• sixty one •
• sixty two •
• sixty three •
• sixty four •
• sixty five •
• sixty six •
• sixty seven: part one •
• sixty seven: part two •
• sixty seven: part three •
• sixty eight •
• sixty nine •
• seventy: part one •
• seventy: part two •
• seventy: part three •
• epilogue •
on to the next... book #3!

• forty five •

597 22 35
ratedJG द्वारा

Monday, October 28

"Whew... Trey that was so good."

I climbed off of him and laid on my side, trying to catch my breath.

Ever since my doctor officially cleared me for sex last week, I've been going the fuck in. It's just something about being able to do it without feeling guilty that makes it feel much more liberating.

"I don't know where you getting all this energy from." Trey said to me.

"Don't question it nigga. Just appreciate the blessing."

"I mean I do, but shit... Remember when you told me the girls had called you a sexaholic?"

I gave him a blank stare, "What about it?"

"...They were right."

"Wait a damn minute!" I shouted defensively. I knew he was gonna say that, but I still feel tried.

"Yo ass really be feenin. At first I thought it was because of the baby, but then I realized how you're acting now ain't too far off from how you usually be acting."

"Well is it supposed to be my fault ya dick got crack sprinkled on it?!"

"What! Kelly you're hilarious." he laughed.

"I'm being serious though! How you gon come at me as if you don't play a role in this too? You're the one who don't know how to pull out." I argued, pointing towards my stomach as evidence.

"Because you literally beg me not to."

"I— ugh, you're annoying." I mumbled, irritated that I couldn't even argue back because he's right.

He chuckled, "I'm just messing with you baby."

"Nah I'm sick of y'all clowning me like it's a crime to fuck my husband. Now I'm upset." I fake pouted.

"Babe chill... We can go another round if you really want to." he had the nerve to say. He tried to reach for me but I swatted his hand away.

"I ain't even in the mood anymore. I just wanna fight."

"Who you fighting?"

"My trifling baby daddy."

"Trifling? That's not what you was saying a few minutes ago when you were riding this—"

"Shut up!"

He smirked, "That's what I thought."

"We can really square up right here right now. I'm tired of you."

"Nah, I know what you really want." He winked, "But I think we should just call it a night altogether. I know my son bout sick and tired of yo hyper ass rolling him around in there like a damn bowling ball."

I started cracking up at his corniness but then my laughter quickly turned into panic when I suddenly felt a liquid gushing out from between my legs.

Oh no no no... not now Lord.

"Damn Kelz, it was that funny?" Trey mumbled, looking down at the sheets.

"Tremaine that's not pee! My water just broke!"

His head shot back up and he looked at me with a look of horror that matched exactly how I was feeling.

"...A whole week before the due date? Is that bad?"

It usually shouldn't be, but with the way this pregnancy has been going I don't know what to expect anymore.

"We gotta go, like now."


Chris and I were currently at my good sis Gabrielle Union's house for her birthday party and we were having such a great time that we were still here kicking it even after most of her guests had left. Matter fact, I was probably having an even better time than Chris judging by how tipsy I am right now.

"You want some more champagne girl?" Gabby asked, approaching me and waving a full glass in my face.

"Nah, she good." Chris chuckled.

"Nigga don't speak for me." I said jokingly. "...I think I am good though. I've had enough."

"Shit, I'll drink it then." She plopped down on the sofa across from us then killed the whole glass of champagne in one gulp. Sis is really trying to get herself bent. Her and D Wade are gonna have a lot of fun once the rest of us leave.

"Oh it's definitely going down tonight." Dwyane said out of nowhere as if he read my mind. He sat next to Gabby and put his arm around her.

"Please crack my girl's back," I said to him, "she deserves it."

"With my old ass, he might end up literally cracking my back." Gabby joked.

"Girl, old where? You may be turning 50 but you don't look a day over 35."

"Well if it's one thing that won't crack, it's that black."

"And that's on period!" I agreed, and we stood up and met halfway for a high five.

"Dawg, how the hell do we be dealing with these crazy ass girls?" I heard Dwyane ask Chris.

Chris laughed, "I'm used to it bruh. You should see her with Kelly."

"Oh my gosh, I really wish she could've been here!" Gabby whined.

I frowned, "I know, I know. She wanted to come but her due date is really close so she can't be doing too much. She did tell me she was gonna send you a gift soon to make it up to you."

"Oh hell no, girl you better stop her! Tell her she don't need to be worried about me, her only focus should be on popping that baby out."

"I'll be sure to let her know." I chuckled.

"Let her ass know right now before she places that order!"

I laughed at her shenanigans before grabbing my phone to hit Kelly up, but a text message from Trey stopped me in my tracks.

"Oh shit... shit shit shit."

"What's wrong?"

I quickly turned to Chris and showed him my phone, "We gotta go."


Once Kelly and I got to the hospital, they immediately took her into a room and checked her vitals and the baby's heartbeat, then transferred her into a maternity suite and hooked her up to all these different types of machines. It's been almost two hours and while the nurses claimed everything was okay, the only person Kelly trusted was her OB-GYN, who hasn't arrived yet.

"Baby you sure you don't wanna take a nap or something? I know you're tired." I said to Kelly, watching her just lay in the bed staring off into space.

"I need to be awake in case something happens."

"Are you in any pain?"

She shook her head no, "I honestly don't feel a thing, and that's what's scaring me."

"Aw Kelz, don't be scared. I think this is a good sign. If there was anything serious going on, trust me they would not have you chillin in this room right now."

"Yeah but —"

We were interrupted by a knock on the door and we gave the person permission to come in, hoping it was who we were waiting for. Thankfully Kelly's doctor walked in, looking a little too enthusiastic for someone who had to rush into work in the middle of the night.

"Hello hello hello! It's baby time!" she cheered.

"Watchu so excited for? I'm a week early!"

"Oh Kelly don't worry, everything's fine. This is exactly what I wanted to happen."

"What do you mean?"

"Well because of the preeclampsia, it's actually safer for you and the baby if you give birth before your due date. My goal was for you to induce your own labor to make this whole process easier. Ya know... like through sexual intercourse."

"Hold up... So that's why you told me I could have sex?!"

"Maybe." she smiled. "It worked didn't it?"

"Woooow... I feel tricked! Scammed! Deceived! Bamboozled!" Kelly shouted, acting fake mad. Meanwhile I was over here weak as hell. This shit was funny.

"Now Kelly are you telling me you would've rather waited an extra week and possibly be in more pain, go through a longer labor, all while your blood pressure is through the roof?"


"And don't act like you haven't been waiting for me to give you the green light to have sex anyways."

"Alright alright, I get it." Kelly groaned, cracking a smile. "Well now that I know everything's okay for real, lemme go get cute."

"What?!" the doctor and I exclaimed at the same time.

"Chile I look a mess. I'm not about to meet my baby looking tore up like this. I should at least fix my hair."

"Babe I don't think now is the time to be worried about that." I said.

"Why not? I told you I don't feel any pain. Plus you already knew what was up when I told you to bring my beauty bag."

"I mean I assumed one of the girls was gonna come in and fix you up." I replied, silently asking myself why I'm even entertaining this.

"Oh no, that won't be necessary. Why would I make them go through all that trouble when I could just do it myself?" She turned to her doctor and pointed at all the machines surrounding her, "May you please unhook me off these shits?"

"Kelly I really don't recommend this." the doctor said to her.

"But I'm not in pain! It'll be quick, like 30 minutes tops."

"You may not feel anything now, but your contractions could start at any given moment and you might not be comfortable if you're standing while they're happening."

"Hmm... I think I'll take my chances."


I chuckled and shook my head, "Trust me doc, she's not gonna change her mind. Just let her find out on her own."




"It's okay baby, I gotchu. Just breathe." I whispered to Kelly, rubbing her lower back while she was laying on her side.

Within the past four hours, what started off as mild contractions every 20 minutes had now grew more intense and she was constantly screaming out in pain. At this point it's only a matter of time before the baby gets here.

The contractions had started as soon as she went into the bathroom to do her hair. According to her they only felt like mild cramps, so she felt okay enough to continue. In fact, she was so ambitious that she started doing her makeup too. That's when things slowly started to go downhill, and now here we are.

"Tremaine why the hell did you let me get up?!" she yelled.

I chuckled, "We tried to tell yo stubborn ass."

"This isn't funny! It feels like my pelvis is about to rip in half!"

"You want me to get someone in here?" I asked.

"Nigga obviously!"

I quickly pressed the call button and a nurse came in about a minute later. "How far apart are your contractions?" was the first thing she asked Kelly.

"I don't kn— FUUUUUUUUUCK!"

"I would say about two minutes." I chimed in.

The nurse waited for this current contraction to pass before quickly checking Kelly's cervix. She then looked up at us smiling, "She's almost 10 centimeters dilated. I'm gonna go get the doctor. Is there anyone in the waiting room you would like for me to bring in here?"

"Just my Mama T." Kelly whimpered through her pain.

It was impossible for my mom and Kelly's mom to fly in from Virginia and Georgia in time for the birth, so unfortunately they weren't here at the moment but would be arriving later today.

"Okay, will do." the nurse replied. "I'll be right back."


"Cut me up! Cut me the fuck up! Ain't no way I'm pushing this lil nigga out!"

My contractions were getting worse and worse to the point where I thought God was about to call me into the light. This shit is for the birds. I'm never having sex ever again.

"Kelly you're about to start pushing real soon. You can do this." my OB-GYN said.

"You told me it would've been worse if I went into labor next week... What could possibly be worse than this?!"

"Oh believe me honey, it could've been way worse. With your condition, the longer the baby stays inside of you, the more at risk you are for kidney and liver failure, and blood clots. Delivering this baby now is the best way to avoid all those complications. Now it's too late to give you an epidural but I can administer a quick spinal block to take away the pain if you want."

I was originally planning to try the whole drug-free birth thing, but fuck that.

"Yes, please."

An anesthesiologist came in and prepped me, then injected the medication into my lower back. I instantly felt relief and within minutes, all the pain I felt from the waist down was completely gone.

About 15 minutes later, my doctor told me the baby was crowning and it was time to push, and my nerves officially got the best of me. Trey reached for my hand and I held onto him for dear life.

"Damn Kelz, you really boutta break my shit off witcho strong ass."

I cut my eyes at him, "Tremaine now is not the time for your dumb ass jokes. I will kill you."

"I'm just saying babe, that's a tight ass grip—"

"Shut the fuck up!" I shouted, then gasped when I felt the baby's head against my pelvic area. I may not be in any pain but I definitely feel pressure, and it's pretty intense.

"Alright Kelly. On the count of three, you already know what to do." my doctor instructed. "One... two... three!"

I mustered up all the strength I had and pushed until my body had enough. They told me the baby's head still wasn't coming out so I had to get ready to push again. Mama Tina patted the sweat off my face and Trey whispered encouraging words to me while I mentally prepared myself for round two. The doctor guided me as I started to push again and this time I could actually feel the head sliding down.

"Amazing! Just give me one more strong push and you'll be all done."

I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing as I gave all the remaining energy I had into that one last push. Soon after, I heard little tiny cries and I sighed in relief because it gave me all the confirmation I needed that I was actually done.

The doctor handed the baby to the nurse, who wiped him down then wrapped him in a blanket and handed him to me. Tears of joy immediately streamed down my face as I looked at him while he was laying on my chest.

"Hi TJ." I whispered softly, smiling then kissing his forehead.

"Wow, look at my beautiful grandson. What a blessing." Mama Tina said, crying a bit herself.

The nurse then handed the scissors to Trey and he cut the umbilical cord, sobbing the entire time. Man, as if I wasn't already emotional enough.

Everything felt so surreal right now. I laid there and let it all sink in, fully taking in the fact that I now have a son. Two whole children with the love of my life.

God is so good.



My doctor and nurse had just took the baby away to the nursery for some tests, a bath and other medical procedures. Trey and I were now in the room alone just trying to relax and unwind from the day's events.

"Babe." I called out to him as he was laying on the couch near my bed watching TV.

"Wassup baby, you good?" he said, looking over at me.

"Yeah but um... I wanna apologize for going off on you earlier. I was just stressed."

"Aw, Kelz I ain't take none of that shit serious. I shouldn't have been joking around anyway."

I frowned, "I was pretty mean to you though."

"You were in the middle of giving birth. It's okay baby, I ain't tripping over it."

"Are you sure you're not mad?"

"Not mad at all."

"You positive?"

"Kelly..." he chuckled, "You should get some sleep, you were up all night."

"Can I get a kiss first?"

He smiled then walked over to my bedside, leaning forward and softly kissing my lips twice.

"I'm really proud of you." he said.

"For what?"

"You just pushed a whole human out of your body, watchu mean for what?"

"Oh Trey, it's not like I haven't done it before." I giggled.

"Still. I know this pregnancy was tough for you but you got through it and you did it with so much strength and courage. You're such an amazing woman Kelz. I don't know how I got so lucky."

"Awwwww babe, you are the sweetest... Thank you." I said, feeling myself get a little teary eyed. I pulled his face forward and gave him another kiss.

"But for real though, you needa get some sleep baby. I know you're tired." he emphasized.

"Okay and what about you? You've had a long morning too sir. Come cuddle with me."



I was awakened from my nap by a bunch of loud voices chatting and laughing as if I wasn't even in the room.

"So it's just fuck Kelly's sleep huh?" I said out loud and everyone stopped and turned to look at me.

"Language missy." I heard a voice say. I turned my head and saw my mother sitting to the right of me.

"Oh my gosh, mommy!" I shrieked excitedly like a little kid. She smiled then stood up to give me a hug and kiss. She then pointed to my left and I turned to see Trey's mom sitting there.

"Mama A!"

"Hey pretty girl." she greeted, giving me a hug and kissing my cheek.

"When did you two get here? Matter fact, when did all of y'all come into the room in the first place? How long have I been sleep?"

My mom chuckled, "It hasn't been too long, to answer all of your questions. We knew you wouldn't hear us when we came in because we all know you sleep like a rock."

"Yeah yeah, whatever." I laughed. "Why didn't y'all just wake me?"

"To be honest, we kinda forgot you were here. We were too busy focusing on lil TJ." Beyoncé said, who was currently holding him.

I gasped, "Rude! How you gon be holding the baby while disrespecting the mother?!"

"Sorry girl but it's true." Lala chimed in, laughing. "He got all our attention. He's just too cute."

"He looks exactly like Trey." Solo commented.

"You took the words right out of my mouth." Michelle said. "Kelz it's like all you did was carry him, and Trey spit him out."

"Can we let the baby be out the womb for at least 24 freaking hours before y'all start doing all that?" I groaned, rolling my eyes. "And speaking of Trey, where is he?"

"He went to go get Kiara from Jay at the house cause she wants to see TJ." Bey replied. "They should be here soon."

"Okay cool. Now gimme my baby, I'm lowkey mad at you." I said to her, half joking half serious.

"Oh gosh." she laughed. "I was kidding about forgetting you were here. I could never ignore your presence, sister dearest."

"Unh unh, ion wanna hear it."

She shook her head before walking over to me and putting TJ in my arms. A few moments later Trey walked into the room with Kiara by his side. She went around the room greeting everyone, especially excited to see her grandmas. She then quickly walked over to my bedside and immediately focused all her attention on TJ.

"Mommy, he's adorable! I love him already!" she shrieked.

"Do you wanna hold him?"

"Can I, please please please?!"

I chuckled, "Of course princess."

Trey led her to the sink to wash her hands then she sat down and he handed the baby to her, helping to make sure she was supporting his head and neck.

I watched as she snuggled and kissed him and I couldn't help but shed tears. I'm so glad she finally has a sibling to bond with and I can't wait to see how their relationship will grow as time goes by.

It's little things like this that mean the most to me. I wouldn't trade any of it for the world.

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this is my first book and it's going very well.
1.4K 27 30
Read and find out guys!!
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(COMPLETED) Read the first chapter to find out a little about the book.