Look at me different. (Minsun...

By bboiiiiiiii

790K 52K 48.5K

things change. even if it evolves from something that feels like it could almost never be altered. han jisung... More



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By bboiiiiiiii

"you guys sure you're alright?"

they had to start walking home, seungmin crying a bit and jisung still holding tissue to his nose.

"yeah." seungmin sniffled. "hyunjin's such an asshole." he mumbled, wiping his eyes.

"hey you said it not me," jisung spoke even though it felt like he was gargling blood.

"hey, it hasn't stopped yet, you're losing a lot of blood ji.." minho pointed out and the younger just waved his hand.

"it's whatever. i'm upset." he dismissed his bloody self, voice sounding funny from holding his nose closed.

"i never thought that hyunjin would actually hit someone." felix said, a bit in shock still.

"it was bound to happen." chan sighed, and invited everyone to just come to his apartment. "he just kept getting more angry and angry as the time went on."

they arrived at felix and chan's apartment and the boys went to help get the two cleaned up.

jeongin and chan helped clean the cut on seungmin's arm while minho and felix helped jisung with his bloody nose.

jeongin carefully placed the bandaid over seungmin's dried up cut, smiling to himself as soon as it was covered.

and felix held the trash under jisung as he took away the tissue- revealing a clot of blood which made him and minho want to turn away.

"ew that's disgusting." minho hissed and winced as the blood started dripping a bit again.

"well sorry?" jisung joked, laughing a bit before going to the sink to handle it.

"that's so nasty." felix said, staring at the slug in the trash, finding it a bit cool at the same time. "it's awesome."

changbin was right behind felix, and he shook his head. "you're so weird felix."

the bleeding stopped finally and jisung washed his face from dried blood, not expecting things to turn this way.

"there! bleeding stopped." jisung turned to everyone, poking his nose to show that it was fine. it was sore and definitely going to bruise but right now it was good.

"let's all get to sleep and talk about the hyunjin thing in the morning." chan spoke, getting out blankets and putting them on the floor with pillows.

"i don't really think i can sleep easily right now," jisung said, laughing slightly before sitting down comfortably on the blanket next to minho.

"you realize that your whole nose is gonna bruise right?" minho asked, touching the tip of jisung's nose making him cringe in pain.

"no it's gonna be fine." jisung insisted before laying down on the blanket.

chan turned off the lights and everyone said goodnight to each other, being sprawled out in different parts of the living room.

the only lights came from the window, letting through the dark sky.

how long did everything last? did time go by that quickly? it was almost uncertain.

as the minutes went by the others seemed to get to sleep quickly, and soon breathing was sorted out into even breaths- calm ones.

jisung knew that they fell asleep, but for some reason he couldn't let sleep greet him no matter how hard he shut his eyes.

he settled on staring at the ceiling, eyes tracing along the patterns of the structure.

he heard minho turn and the blankets shuffle from next to him, figuring that minho had just moved a bit in his sleep.

minho moved to lay on his back, and he too was awake.

he did the same thing as jisung, tracing amongst the lines and grooves of the ceiling only with his eyes.

"can't sleep?" minho whispered to jisung, who slowly nodded his head with a quiet sigh.

"me too." he agreed.

it was quiet and the air felt stiff, yet not in an uncomfortable way.

there were no white noises, only the occasional sound of a dry leave pelting against the glass window- or every so often the wind would crash just a bit louder against the pane.

the silence engulfed them, enough to make jisung shut his eyes but not enough to fall asleep.

"i'm sorry for what hyunjin said." minho whispered to jisung, hand moving over on the blanket to intertwine their pinkies together.

minho hadn't done that in a long time.

jisung almost felt weaker at the simple action, his pinky curling with minho's as they laid there in freezing silence.

when they were kids they did that.

there was a point where their friendship was at its peak during their childhood.

they used to go outside together and do this- look up at the stars and hold pinkies.

it might've seemed stupid or weird, but it was how they used to comfort each other.

and for jisung it still worked.

laying there almost made him wanna cry.

"things are hard." he said, eyes opening to only quickly shut again when they decided they didn't like the feel of the icy air hitting them.

"i feel bad. hyunjin and i will never get along, he only feels hatred towards me." he tried to open his eyes again, looking towards the windowsill.

"i can't blame him. i took you from him, if anyone took you away from me i wouldn't know what to do." jisung spoke honestly, feeling a weight fall on him. "i feel like i dragged you away from him."

at this minho simply rolled his eyes and shook his head, "the thing is he doesn't get to control who i'm friends with. if anything it's my fault, not yours. he grew possessive. and i hate the fact that he laid his hands on you and seungmin."

"i know.. but i kinda get it. i don't know.." jisung still felt bad. "i don't even know what to do right now. mom isn't getting any better and i have to work harder to get her treatments. it's so stressful." jisung let out, closing his eyes once more.

he felt the tightening grip on his pinky, and it made him feel at home again.

"it'll be alright."

it'll be alright.

things will be alright.

jisung felt warmth leave minho's words and to his heart.

he knew in that moment that there was something new between him and minho that wasn't there before.

it was something scary but new.

something that would ruin their friendship if it ever got out.

jisung felt sleep come after him, and he fell asleep.

their pinkies were still intertwined.

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