Meet the Kid (TF2 and Child!R...

By PennNamedQuill

140K 2.8K 4.3K

The red mercenaries are a little more than surprised to find a stowaway in the back of their bread truck, Loo... More

Meet the Crew
The Hiding, the Seeking, the Child, and the Scout
The Little Nurse
How About Another Round of Hide and Seek
An Interesting Visit
Purple Dress
First Day
Play Nice
(A/N) Guess Who's Back!!!
A Simple Saturday
The Pacifist (Blue-napped part 2)
Knuckleheads Don't Win
Through the View of His Eye
(A/N) New Book! RVB fans where you at!
Spooky Sleepover
Sweets, Treats, and Heartbeats (SS part 2)
Touching Base (SS part 3)
A/n: Tf2...School Play
Curiosity (SS part 4)
Found (SS part 5)
Welp....(SS part6)
A/N: Poll time!
In Death We Part (SS Finale)
(A/N) Plot direction...
Rewritten "Prolouge" Preview

Faded Illusion

2.5K 63 11
By PennNamedQuill

It had to happen eventually.


(Earlier that day with (Y/N)

(Y/N)'s Point of View

Guard and I sat on the couch to watch TV after lunch. Pyro joined us a little while in but still kept reading his newspaper. I was bored out of my mind and without my adventure pack, I had no adventure starting materials. I dug through my pockets and pulled out some stuff. I have a penny, a paperclip, a couple of marbles, hand sanitizer, a marker, and some nail polish. Nail polish!

"Guard!" I excitedly called.

He turned to me confused. "Ya realize I'm sitting right next to ya right?"

I ignored his question. "Let me do your nails!"

"...No" Guard said flatly. B-Pyro on the other hand was clapping with excitement as he let out a muffled giggle.

"Come on. Please. I have different colors." I pleaded.

"...give me a coat of the blue one, runt."

I cheered before getting to work. Guard sat as patiently as he could. Which wasn't much in the first place. I scolded him every time he got too fidgety. He would whine and ask how much longer. Pyro decided to brush my hair while I worked. [ He brushed it out / He put into a french braid ].

"Attention, worthless maggots. Report to the board room for mission debriefing." I heard soldiers' voice say. Wait! I mean Blue soldier's voice. This will become less confusing eventually.

"*sigh* That's our que runt." Guard said. He got off the couch. "Hey chuckles, you're on babysitting duty."

B-Pyro looked at guard in what I could only guess was an annoyed manner.

"What? Wasn't like you were going to go out and fight anyway." Guard rolled his eyes.

B-Pyro raised his middle finger at him before slumping onto the couch in a pout.

"Wait! Guard before you go. Can you find my adventure pack? Blue Spy left it somewhere when he caught me."

"Yeah okay, runt. You watch her." Guard warned B-Pyro before heading to the board room.

"Are you all about to play the game?"


"Y'know the game that's like capture the flag but with briefcase." I explain. B-Pyro continued to look at me before sighing and getting up. He waved at me to follow him and he lead me to the room I met Guard in. He pointed at me, then pointed at the ground. "Stay put?" I asked. He nodded. He exited the room closing the door behind him. I listened to his footsteps fade down the hallway before growling in frustration.

"Why don't I get to play this time?" I pouted. I am not staying in this room again! I dug through my pocket and pulled out the paper clip. I picked the lock with ease. I wasn't quite sure where the action was-

"Mission begins in thirty seconds."

But maybe the action will come to me!

I walk down the desolate hallways. Searching for anyone. Red Team, Blue Team, it didn't matter as long as I found some one....I think I would prefer to see the red team though. I like guard and Blue Pyro was pretty cool too...Blue Pyro is too long of a name. He needs a nickname too. I snap out of my thought to find myself in a supply room of some sort. I saw boxes labeled "Ammo" and "Materials" and stuff. I smelled something that smells kind of like the stuff my mom puts in her car. Gas-O-line

Engineer puts this stuff in his machines sometimes. The familiar smell made me feel a little homesick...and actually sick. I left the room and heard the sound of shots being fired. I tried to tread lightly around the hallways now just in case a blu member is around. I am NOT going back to timeout! I almost got caught several times by Blu Engineer's sentries and B-Pyro almost saw me too.

"Come on Heavy! This way next." I heard a doctor in the distance. Red or Blue? I was about to go check when I heard another voice:

"...Knucklehead, you ain't gonna win. So why don't you just quit. Make us both happy!"

I ran around the corner and hid behind a crate. I saw Guard walking away from... Scout! He looked so beaten up and I think he was definitely bleeding. Bleeding very bad. The heavy smell of copper stung my nose. I felt tears pooling in my eyes. Is he gonna die? Scout got up and was holding his stomach.

"Ha ha! Look at you! Why haven't ya dead yet chucklehead?" Guard said snidely.

Red Scout spat out more blood and dry heaved as he said words I couldn't hear.

"Hit the bricks, pal." Blue Scout said as he took out a gun. "You're done."

I closed my eyes reflexively. I heard the shot. I heard a thud and I opened my eyes to see Scout on the floor again. I couldn't help myself when I cried out. I couldn't stop myself when I ran out from behind the crate.

"Runt?!" Guard exclaimed. But couldn't listen to him. Not right now. I wouldn't stop shaking Scout despite the fact I knew he wasn't getting up. Despite the fact the burning copper smell was worse now.

"Runt, cut it out. You know that's not working." I didn't stop. "Runt? Don't you ignore me!"

Not stopping.

"Runt!" Guard shouted. He picked me up and I struggled. "Enough is enough. Calm down!" I bit him. "Ow, fucking-Hey!" I ran down the hall when he dropped me. "Runt!"

I ran faster and faster. I needed a way out. I need to leave. I have no idea where I am running. I just hope its towards an exit.

"Lass! Where are ye? Lass!" I hear Demo...a Demo? I stopped running and paused to listen. What if this is a trick? What if this is Blue Demo? What if this is blue Spy?!

"lass!" Red demo came around the corner.

...Screw it. I threw alllll Caution to the wind. I really needed a hug right now. I ran towards Demo and jumped into his arms. He caught me in a hug, careful not to disturb the items on his chest. I froze. Something is different...

I sniffed his shirt a bit. No brown bottle stuff (A/N: alcohol...*sigh* another thing she needs to figure out.)? Both demo's drink alcohol. A Spy? No, I don't smell cigarettes either.

I'm too exhausted to think about this any further. Demo, Spy, whatever. I just want a hug...and a nap.

Nap sounds good.


This had to happen eventually. There was no way that Mac (reader's placeholder name; short for Mackenzie) could continue to live in this warzone, without taking complete notice of the death that is occurring around her. The reason she didn't come to terms with it sooner was because of her own denial and the fact that t=none of the others were being straight up about it.

Anyway, end of blue-napped for now! Back to your regularly scheduled...whatever this is!

Next chapter due real soon and I mean its almost done :)

Hope you enjoyed,


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