Harry Potter from the Beginni...

By michellekitten

43K 793 148

This is a Harry Potter and Fairy Tail crossover. During the war with Tartaros, after all the faces have been... More

She's Dead
Reborn and dual personality
3 years later
Meeting a Muggle and Christmas
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
New Year
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
New Story
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
The breakout
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
The Game
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
It's Out

Shopping for school and First Day at Hogwarts

1.9K 42 0
By michellekitten

Published on: 11/17/19

Words: 2,102

Raina POV

We were finally 11 and we got out Hogwarts letters. Mom and dad have taken us to buy our things for classes. Dad took Draco and mom took me. We agreed to meet up at Ollivanders to buy our wands together. After we bought my books and cauldron, we still had about 30 minutes left so I asked mom if I could look around before going to Ollivander and she agreed. I looked around to all the stores and remembered my way back. I found a small store that looked left out. I decided to look inside. "Hello?" I spoke out "Hello young lady. Anything I can interest you in?" she store's lady asked "I'm just looking around," I replied and she nodded "Well, look around and tell me what you like, you might even find some keys in the back," she said and disappeared into another room. I was confused at what she said but I still looked in the back. I found a black box with a dragon engraved on it. I tried to open it but it wouldn't budge 'Try with my power' Neva suggested and so I did. I hit the box with some of the ice magic she has and it opened. I looked inside and saw the keys that  Acnologia gave me along with a purple lacrama next to them. I thought lacramas didn't exist in this world? Maybe something else that came from my world. I closed the box and took it to the front desk and called for the lady.

"Ma'am, how much is this?" I asked and the lady appeared. "This old thing, I've been trying to get it open for years," she said and I sweatdropped. "I like the engraving on it, besides if you move it around, it seems to be empty," I said and she tried it. I nodded and she said "That would be a galleon and five sickles," she said and I gave her the money. Once I was out of the store, I used Neva's ice magic to open it again and saw that the keys and lacrama were still in there. I closed the box and made my way to where mom was. Once there, we headed to Ollivanders to buy our wands. 

Draco was already there with dad, we all went inside and waited for Ollivander to come out. He came from behind  shelf "Ah, mister Malfoy, I was hoping to see your children today." I smiled at him and he smiled back. Draco was first to get his wand. He ended up with a 10-inch long wand, made of hawthorn wood, and had a unicorn hair core. Next, it was my turn. I went through five wands before a wand finally chose me "Interesting," he said and grabbed the wand "This wand is made of Alder wood and dragon heartstring core, two very different components. I made this one, to see how well the two components went together but on one, until now, was chosen to wield this wand. Maybe now I can see what this wand has to bring," he said and handed me my new wand. Dad paid for both wands and we left the store. "Mom, can I continue to look around, please?" I asked her and she looked at dad and he nodded. Mom nodded at me and I left to look around. I found the Weasleys at a book store buying Fred and George their new books. I went up to them and helped them buy the books they needed. They didn't want the help but I still gave it because they needed it. I told them that if they wanted to pay me back for this then they have to pass their classes this year. They agreed and we went everywhere that they need to go and then we split ways.

I found my way to the old store where I bought the dragon carved box. I decided to continue looking around in there and see if she has anything else that I might need. I went in and started looking around again. I saw, on the far wall, weapons. I saw swords, bows, and arrows, and even knives but none of them took my interest. I then saw a few whips next to the belts. There were only two whips, I grabbed both and swung them around. They both fit well for me and easy to handle. I decided to buy them and continued to look around. I found other lacramas lying around so I got them. They might not work in this world but I can use them to make my ceiling look like stars. At least I'll have that from home. I went up to the desk and the lady smiled when she saw me "Back again, I see. Liked something else in my store?" I smiled and nodded "Two whips and these eight crystals. I want to use them to make the ceiling of my room look like the stars. I have everything but I need these," the lady nodded and I paid her one galleon and 12 sickles. I left my name and address of where I'll be if she ever got any for lacramas. Once out of the store, I opened a pocket dimension and placed the things that I bought today in there. I didn't want to accidentally leave them behind or lose them. After that, I went to the exit where mom and dad were waiting for me. We left Diagon Alley and I went to my room to pack until dinner time.

~Time skip to boarding time~

I was done packing all of my things. I was allowed to take both Venom and Winter because Venom didn't like being fed by anyone else and Winter was my owl, so she had to come with me. I packed everything that I would need for the year and if I needed clothes then I would just make some by sewing them. I'm very good at making clothes, mom thinks it's something that I picked up on but actually, Mrs. Weasley taught me how. Anyway, We were waiting for Draco to come because he had woken up late. Neva wasn't so happy about it but we managed. Once he was out of the room mom apparated us to the station. We went through the wall and placed our stuff in the carrier compartment and only took our robes with us for when we had to change. We had our wands in our pockets so we didn't need to look for it. We chose to sit together since it was safer and most of the other seats were already taken. When we were about to leave, Grabbe and Goyle came into our booth and sat on the other side of Draco and I. Those two were Draco's friends but I didn't like them much. They were idiots.

I grabbed my robes and stood up "I'll be in a different booth, call my name if you need me," I told me and went for the door. "Why are you leaving?" he asked me "Because I can't stand your idiotic friends, and they are killing my brain cells just by me looking at them. See you when we get there," I said and left. I found a booth where Ron was sitting with another boy. I opened the door and asked "Hey, you guys mind if I sit with you? The train is full and my brother is with his idiotic friends that kill me brain cells," I said and they both nodded. I next to Ron and extended my hand for the boy to shake "Hello, I'm Raina Malfoy, you?" I said and he shook my hand "Harry Potter, a pleasure to meet you," 'So he's the one we have to watch over' Neva said while I smiled at the boy. "This boy right next to me is Ron Weasley, our families hate each other but I managed to befriend them," I added knowing that Ron hadn't introduced himself yet. Ron still had that look of shock on his face before he said: "So...so it's true! I mean, do you really have the...?" he pointed to his forehead "The what?" Harry asked "The scar?" Ron finished and Harry smiled. He uncovered his forehead and showed the lightning bolt scar that the Dark Lord left. "Wicked!" both Ron and I said that the same time. Then the lady with the trolley came and asked us if we wanted anything "No thanks, I'm all set," Ron replied with showing the food that Mrs. Weasley made him. Harry and I saw the book of distaste that he had so we both went into our pockets to buy something but Harry beat me to it "We'll take the lot," he said and the lady gave us one of everything. Ron moved next to Harry while I stayed on the other side. Ron would toss me a few sweets after I finished the ones I was previously eating. Harry grabbed the Chocolate Frog pack and asked: "They aren't real frogs, are they?" "Just a spell, besides, it's the card you want," Ron replied "Each one has a famous witch or wizard. Ron and I both have 500," I finished as Harry opened the pack which sent his chocolate frog jumping off. It ended up flying out the window.

"I got Dumbledore!" Harry said happily while I chuckled softly "I got about six of him," Ron replied. Harry looked again and said with his eyes wide "Hey, he's gone!" I just continued to chuckle "Can't expect him to stay there all day," Ron replied. Then Harry looked at Scabbers "That's Scabbers, ugly little thing. I told them to get rid of it because not only do rats bring decease but you never know what slimy little secret they hide," I said while Ron hed him. "They don't allow me anywhere near him ever since I tried to kill it one day. I told them that I did that because he was going through my stuff but they don't believe me. Either way, that thing is going to go eventually," I said and Harry looked at me like I was crazy. "Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow, wanna see?" Ron asked Harry and he nodded. I also looked at Ron to see if he can do it.

As he was about to do it Hermione opened the booth door and looked around "Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one," she said and we shook our heads. Then she saw Ron with his wand out "Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see them," she said and Ron began "Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow. Turn this stupid fat rat yellow," he said and pointed the wand at Scabbers. All that happened was that the box that Scabbers was eating from flew away. "Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good, is it?" she said as Ron turned away from her getting angry at her comments. "Of course, I've only tried a few simple spellls but they've all worked for me," she said and came to sit beside me and pointed her wand at Harry "For example Oculus Repraro," she said and Harry's glasses were fixed. I haven't even noticed they were broken until now. 'It's a good thing you had Dobby erase her's and her parents' memories of you' Neva said and I mentally nodded.

"Holy cricket, you're Harry Potter! I'm Hermione Granger. And you guys are...?" she asked and Ron responded first "Ron Weasley," then she turned to me "Raina Malfoy. Peace of advice, stay clear of my twin brother, he doesn't like muggle-borns much," I said and she nodded. "Pleasure. You three better change into robes. I expect we'll be arriving soon," she said and walked to the door. Then she turned to Ron again "You have dirt on your nose, by the way. Did you know? Just there," she said and pointed to her nose. Ron rubbed it off. As he did that I conjured up a curtain to split u the booth so we could all change "Tell me when you guys are done," I said and they mumbled 'alright'. I changed quickly and waited for their 'Ok' "We're done, Raina," Ron said and I took away the curtain. Then we just waited for the train to get there. I put my earphones on and started listening to music as we waited.

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