Black Butler: Dangling From T...

By XxTrashyAlienScumxX

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(FanFic Rewritten) Ciel lost his parents in a fire, or so he thought...he was later kidnapped and tortured ti... More

~Memories Haunt The Peaceful Dreams~
~Deep In The Case~
~And They All Fall Down~
~Case Closed~
~Morning Sickness~
~Caught In A Web?~
~To The Trancy Manor~
~Oh, What A Tangle Web We Weave~
~The Spiders Masquerade~
~Instrumental Games~
~Dance of The Spider~
~Seeds Of Deception~
~There's a Spider In My Heart~
~Keep Your Friends Close, and Your Enemies Closer~
~The good, the Bad, the Dirty~
~Side Note~
~Laughing Day~
~The Spiders Invite To Dinner~
~A Game of Chess with the Black Widow~
~Another Case: Doctors Appointment~
~Another Case: Asthma Attack~
~Lady Trancy Is Finally Gone~
~Secrets, Switches, and Confusion~
~Goodnight, Boochan~
~Madams Visit~
~Their Game To Play, To Hear Her Plan~
~Another Mad Night~
~A Mad, Busy Day~
~Last Minute Clues~
~Trust Caught in a Sticky Web of Lies~
~Realizing The Truth~
~Switching Our Roles~
~Butterfly Trapped In The Web~
~Untangling From The Web, Of Lies and Pain~
~Hell Without You~
~Killing The Spiders Master~
~The End~
~The Playlist~

~No Rest For The Sinners~

326 4 0
By XxTrashyAlienScumxX

Sebastian followed his master back inside the home.  He locked the door and turned to see his master lost in thought, "Master, lunch is still on the table." Seb began to worry, master wasn't answering him.  "Are you having trouble breathing my lord?"

"No" he forced back his panic riding as his thought filled his mind beginning to fool him, he suddenly felt as if couldn't breathe but Sebastian checked him and he was fine but then why did he fell like he couldn't breathe?

"Master, why don't you rest at the study.  I shall bring some refreshments." Seb sounded worried a bit, his masters face was pale. 

Ciel enters into his studies annoyed and tired. He doesn't even remember the last time he ate, he's been through so much weirdness...its almost become a normal thing, an annoying normal thing. He sat in his big, comfortable, dark chair as he rested his arms on the black wooden chair arms, he leaned back and rested his head closing his eyes as he tried to relax. Breathed in carefully and out slowly.

Sebastian pushed the serving cart and knocked on the door. He sort of wished to have given the master more time to relax but noticing he hasn't eaten lately, he prepared a small brunch style meal.  The scent of the warm croissant reached Ciel's nose.  Sebastian heard his masters stomach rumble a bit.  He pushed the cart and presented his master with a good selection of edible warm food. 

"Master, there is also this. It looks like a formal invitation." He handed the letter on a silver platter.

Ciel opens his eyes annoyed and frowned at the envelope. He sat up straight in his chair, he cleared his throat and looked at the food "what is that?"

Sebastian smiled.  "I prepared a brunch style meal my lord.  A warm croissant sandwich stuffed with smoked ham and melted prolovon cheese. Followed by a warm broth soup of cured beef and roasted pine nuts.  As a sweet dessert, an egg custard gelatin. Served warm on a graham crushed base. And of course, your tea. My lord." Sebastian bowed as if just explained everything more delicious than normal.  Everything did smell intoxicating.  "Will I have to ready your formal attire sir?"

Ciel sighed and nodded. It seemed as if every time he tried to have a moment of silence something always ruined it, but seems as if their will never be time to rest or relax...he snickers at himself and shakes his head as he thought,

'no rest for the sinners~'

Sebastian handed him his food as he looked at the desert and frowned a little, "Sebastian...." he pushes it away "change this desert....I want Kisses and Cocoa Flummery..."

Sebastian grins at the request.  He tiled Ciel head towards him and gives him a quick kiss.  "There is one half of the request." He smirked as he took the dessert away.  "What sort of butler would I be if I didn't fulfill all my masters requests." He bowed as he left to make the new dessert for his young lord.

Ciel growls "I MEANT THE DESSERT YOU IDIOT!" Ciel blushed and pouted a bit.

"Of course. My lord." Sebastian bowed and left his master to enjoy his meal.  Sooner or later he is going to have to report what he found in the lab and the files he took regarding his family.  After the place and the office mysteriously burned after he took the files, there was nothing else left to taint the Phantomhive family name.

Ciel took a small bite from the food and opened the letter carefully as he read...

"Lord Phantomhive.  With this letter I hereby wish to invite you to my celebration dinner party.  We hope you can manage to join us for good company, great food and cheers.   The event will start with an outdoor surprise at 7:00.  The 5 main course dinner will be served at 9:00. Cocktails will be served between waiting. I look forward to meeting you there

   ~Madam Sutcliff.

The invitation was exceptional.  High class and Nobel.  And scent? He smelled the invitation. It seemed like a Nobel woman. A familiar scent.... . It looked and felt normal for once.  Sebastian came back with the dessert is master wanted. 

"Master. Your kisses and cocoa.  It seems that you request kisses often" he grins.

Ciel blushes once again and glares, "quiet Sebastian!" he picks up a kiss and eat it as he sipped on his tea.

Sebastian cleared the other plates. At least his appetite was still there.  He caught a scent of the invitation.  "Rosewood and red carnations... with lavender and.... lily.  A wonderful scent.  Is that a new scent your wearing sir? Its very pleasant." The scent from the letter must of gotten on him.

"Huh? is the scent that came with the invitation to tonights dinner party" he ate his sweets slowly enjoying the taste, made to perfection.

"Ah. Madam Sutcliff?" He glanced at the invitation.  "It is a high honor. It seems only high class noblemen and women are being invited.  The town all talk about it. Celebrating the new cargo shipping and deliveries to the Americas.  Are you planning to attend tonight my lord?  It said the madam is fond of exquisite tastes and fashion."

"I suppose" he plays with the desert on his plate a bit bored, he sighed and took another bite from the Cocoa Flummery, he finishes the bite and swallowed so he wouldn't speak rudely while eating..."it would be rude if I did not accept the invitation"

"I shall prepare your wardrobe. The usual my lord?" Sebastian knew his master wouldn't question him right now about what he found in the doctor labs.  He was certainly not bringing it up first.

Ciel noticed Sebastian  hiding something "speak dog....I can see you shivering like a chihuahua...what is it that your hiding"

" I only speak when your order it my lord.  What kind of butler would I if I didn't obey your orders." He grins as he reports.  " the doctor had files on all the Phantomhive's.  medication on your health while you were a child.  He purposely made your condition worse.  And.... Your father had signed the treatments." That had to be a lie.  His father allowed it? "i took all the files to go over.  My lord, I'm sorry to give you this news."

He stood up angrily and threw the rest of the cocoa cake into Sebastian's face, "THAT IS A LIE!....M-my father would have never done that! must have been a forge" he looks down upset and pushed away his tears as he move away from his desk and towards the door "stupid butler...." he left his studies and went to his room slamming the door and locking it.

"i  would never lie to you boochan" he whispered as the door was slammed.  He wiped the dessert off his face.  He left the manor to buy the master something new to wear to the dinner party.  Giving his master time alone to review the files he left in the room he locked himself in.

Ciel threw the papers to the ground they all scattered, he panted angry and upset, "no ...he wouldn't...but...why?"

Sebastian looked at his watch.  It was 5:00pm.  He needed to get the master ready.  He came back to the London manor and knocked on the door.  "Master, I have a bath ready.  You wouldn't want to be late...."he waited for his lord to unlock the door. It wouldn't take much to break it down. He respected the need to be alone.  He had the box of the new outfit he had selected and hoped that the master would enjoy it.

Ciel unlocked the door and opened it, hiding his red eyes looking down, he sniffles a bit... "Alright, let's get this over with.." he cleared his throat and went back to his cold, and normal side.

Sebastian helped him into the bath and cleaned him up.  He lifted his leg to check on the sores on his thigh.  "Healing.  We could return back soon to the manor and away from the city." He washed hi gently, the news had upset his master.

He sighed and gripped the tub as he blushed lightly from the touch. He looked at the water as he watched Sebastian in the reflection of the water.

"Well then.  Lean forward master so I can wash your hair." He washed the hair, scrubbing him clean and pouring the water over him. Lathering it up again, he went on his strange ritual of giving him cat ears, molding them with the soapy hair.

Ciel shook his head, "stop.. " he blushed a bit.

Sebastian stopped and washed off the soap from his hair.  He always wondered what he would look like as a cat. He smiled and helped the master out of the tub.  " the event calls for fashionable attire. I hope you enjoy what I have selected for you my lord." He shows his master the outfit he had selected.

He snickers impressed and smiles, as he nod closing his eyes, "it's perfect"

Sebastian helped the master changed.  The dark red made his skin stand out.  The ruffles were black matched with feathers.  Everything fitted so well. Sebastian started to button up the shirt and combed his hair the way Ciel liked it and adjusted his top hat.  "Well my lord.  Shall we depart for the dinner?" He handed his master his walking stick.

The boy nodded and took his stick as he walked to the door with confidence and stood up tall. Although he may have seemed as if his mind was blank, he really couldn't stop thinking of why his father would do so to sign those papers.

Sebastian opened the door to the carriage and helped his master up.  He too climbed on board and the driver rode them to the Sutcliff estates.  There were many carriages there but what stood out where these electrical gas powered carriages.  Show off. They seemed to be the same color but the night sky made them look crimson.  "There is a large crowd outside.  Master, do you wish to mingle with your fellow countrymen?" He knew Ciel wasn't a social type. Everyone seemed to look down at him because of his age.

He looked away and sighed "no, I do not like to socialize"

"You have a name to keep and have respected...."the carriage stopped and Seb helped Ciel out of the carriage.  He was starting to regret ever coming now. So many people gathering outside the mansion.  Impressive.  But the guests were all looking his direction.  "Shall I introduce you my lord? If I do, it opens an invitation for socializing."

He sighs a bit annoyed and sighed, "alright then"

Sebastian cleared his throat and introduced his master to the crowd.  They all began to whisper.  They all seemed to acknowledge he was there but paid no attention to him.  "Not like I can talk business with a child.." one comment was whispered.  "His company isn't doing to well..I heard he sold it" another untruthful comment was heard.  "I wonder of his missing his parents" another comment was heard.  Ciel kept walking with the confidence and Seb walked with much confidence as well, right behind his master.  A lady dressed to the 9 smiled at him.  "Hello.  Are you going to watch the show alone?  May I accompany  you?  I didn't bring anyone with me..." she smiles at him.  It beats standing alone.  He wondered what show she was taking about.

He faked a respectful smile and nodded, "yes, of course...may I ask...what showing you are speaking of?" Ciel asked the woman politely as he walked with her.

"Well word has it that..." the woman jumped at the sound of explosions began around them. Rockets were shot into the night sky and the fireworks began.  Sebastian smiled at the light show in the sky.  The colors were rather beautiful.  Ciel had heard of the fireworks. Rather expensive and show off taste. The woman looked at Ciel and smiled.  "You don't like the show?" She asked seeing his distasteful look on his face.

Ciel clenched his teeth a bit and gripped the walking stick, the noise was rather bothering and annoying as if he hasn't heard explosions a lot already from his damn idiot chef and now this, he's been through so much noise and the feeling of the noise pouring made him feel as if he was being punched in the chest. He tried his best to be respectful and polite to not leave the lady next to him.

The crowd clapped at the final rounds of fireworks were released. The woman smiled t Ciel.  "Sometimes they don't know how to show off..." she smiled at Ciel and once the show was over she demanded everyone's attention.  "Good evening everyone. Thank you for coming!  I am madam Grell Sutcliff and I hope you all enjoyed my show. My escort, lord Phantomhive and I would like you to invite all you inside.  Shall we?" Wait, that's.... he did say he would stay with her and..... great!  She grabbed Ciels arm and walked into the mansion.

"Need me to do anything my lord?"

"You could be my escort too." Madam grinned at Sebastian.  Does everyone flirt with his butler?!

He blushed a bit jealous as he noticed the madam flirt with his butler, "Madam please, if I may have arm back your grip is tight" he glared a bit at Sebastian and frowned. As the madam let go of his arm, he composed himself as he let the madam walk along with his butler.

The refreshments were served in the hall which was massive. Whatever the business they were in, was a very good trade.  "I heard its something illegal.  Plotting against the queen." A man said, overhearing Ciel and worried a bit.  Maybe the dinner was going to be eventful after all.  Sebastian came back by Ciels side. Rubbing his arm a bit.  "The madam has a vice grip.  Is something the matter my lord? You look troubled."

Ciel stood closer, and spoke quietly only for them to hear, "there is something wrong here...I may have heard someone say there's something illegal in the trade.... plotting against the queen"

"Madam Sutcliff doesn't reveal much to the business she is in.  Maybe this was some sort of recruiting? A gathering of equal status to have others join him?" It was true. Only certain people were here. Rich and company owners... like himself Sebastain waits for his orders on what to do next.

Ciel spoke quietly, "Sebastian...I want you to dig more into this. Ask Madam Sutcliffe more about her business..."

"Interrogate the madam, master?" He teased.  He adjusted his tailcoat and smoothed out his vest.  "My lord, what will you be doing while I question the madam?"

"Just move on and worry about your task and I'll do mine." glares at Sebastian, blushing jealous.

Sebastian bows and goes towards the madam to ask her to take a walk.. madam was excited.  She placed her arm around him as they walked. 

Ciel huffed, why was he even feeling jealous?.  Sebastian will get to the bottom of this and...he heard someone on the piano.  A butler was playing a song that...the tune...

the same tune that seems to be haunting him.  The lullaby of his parents.

Ciel turned quickly as he looked at the butler playing the song he glared at him stepping back a bit and bumps into someone, he turns to apologize..."oh I'm so--" he was surprised when he saw who it was..."you!" he growled and glared.

"Ciel?! My darling nephew!" Madam Red smiled and went to hug him.  "Come... we have to talk!" She pulls him to the side.  Acting like nothing had happened.  She sits down at the couches in the hall.  "I'm sorry I haven't visited.  I've been extra busy and..."


"What? What on earth are you talking about?" Madam Red played it well.  The people were looking at them. "Just a tantrum.  Ciel honey, come outside before you embarrass yourself even more..." she leads Ciel outside.  Once outside she slaps him.  "How dare you yell at me!"

He growls at here, "DON'T TOUCH ME! I HAVE ALL THE DAMN RIGHT TO YELL AT YOU! YOU VEIL WOMAN, YOU LEFT ME THERE OUTSIDE OF THE BURNING MANOR!!!YOU LEFT ME THERE ALONE! I CANT STAND TO LOOK AT YOU!.....I hate you!" fist ball with anger, "you know didn't you?!" his eyes teared, "your fake smile WAS SO OBVIOUS!"

"i left you?! I saved you!  I went to save anyone else!  When I came back you were gone!  Don't you dare ...." She lifted her hand to slap Ciel again but stopped.  " if you just invited me to yell at me I wouldn't even of came..." He would never invite her!  What was she going on about...

"Invited you? When?"

Madam Red takes out her invitation and showed it to Ciel. it was signed with Ciels name but...It was Sebastian's writing?... and the seal was created with his gold ring.... what was going on?  He would never invite her! But... someone was playing these games with him?.  "That is your seal? That is your stationary. So what are you doing inviting me here if you were just going to embarrass me.... I.... I missed you."

He growled and snatches the invitation examining it again "no! NO!...." he growls and was ready to yell at her when he heard her say those three words so gently 'I missed you~'

He heard it in his head, he looked up at her, as he tried to keep his cold stare but spoke quietly, "what happened that night? Why didn't you wake me when I was in the carriage? Why did you just leave me lying there?!"

"This night is not the proper time to talk.  My dear nephew." She pulled him into a hug and hugged him tight.  "Tonight we are guests and there are too many people that are listening in." She motions with her head, some were pretending not to listen into their conversation.  "Come. Let's enjoy this dinner gathering like the dinner parties we used to have with little Lizzy.  Remember your play time with her?"

Ciel looks down he doesn't want to speak of Lizzy, he tries changing the subject but couldn't find anything to speak off.

Ciel looks down he doesn't want to speak of Lizzy, he tries changing the subject but couldn't find anything to speak off.

"Sebastian adjusted his coat as he made his way to Ciel... he greeted the woman Ciel was speaking to and looked towards his young lord "master.  I have that information that you seek.."

"Very well..." Ciel looks back at Madame has he excused himself and walked with Sebastian outside to speak of this without people being nosey.

Sebastian was about to speak when the horns were blown. The announcement of dinner was called.  Great.  Now he has to wait and... madam Grell appear and ran towards Ciel.  "My, what a butler you have young lord. Come. Let's enjoy the dinner!" Grell pulls Ciel with him.  Sebastian follows but was stopped from entering. Only the invited was allowed to eat... he went about looking around the mansion.

Ciel blushed a bit jealous, "what exactly has my butler have done to make you say such kind words...?"

"Smooth talker he is. And very curious. Now Ciel, if you wanted to talk you didn't have to send that handsome butler after me.  Come, sit by my side." The tables were served as the gentleman started to talk about their own business. "Lord Phantomhive, your business figures aren't that high. Marks not met and its suffering in trade.  Any plans on hiring someone.. with expert knowledge about business deals?" A man name Mark Calbanero, a Spaniard trade, asked Ciel.

Ciel snickers a bit,  "but you are mistaken...those are all rumors. My business is going just fine..."

The Spaniard laughs.  "Lies. Such a child spreading lies. if you need to hire a better bookkeeper then do it now because your company is failing..." He challenged Ciels family name and honor.

"Oh really now?, and how about your business...brag to us all about it better than madam Sutcliffs?" Ciel raises a brow at the man.

"We are here because of her, she wouldn't want us to compare." The rumors were spreading. Others stated to talk between themselves about the Phantomhive business.  The Spaniard was trying to get Ciels investors.

"Why gentleman. These talks are for dessert time.  Let's enjoy our meals and enjoy our company expanding." Madam smiles as they started to eat some more.  "I would like a word if I may..." madam whispered to Ciel.  "Excuse me, I must freshen up, lord may you escort me to my room?" Madam extends her hand to Ciel.

Ciel stands up and puts his arm out as a gentlemen for her to put her arm around instead "madam" he smiles charming and respectful.

They both walk out and up to the room.  They walk into a study room and she asks Ciel to sit.  "I'm sorry I had to lie but I couldn't keep this a secret.  I believe we have a spy among us.  I received these about your business." Grell gives him spreadsheets on Ciels company.  These were meant only for him.  Someone was giving his private information.  "I believe if we stick together we can find this spy.  It has to be someone in the room.

Ciel stood up angrily, and glared a little at the madam, "why do you have these?"

"I bought them from your butler.  As I bought this..." madam shows him a bill of sale of his company!  50% now belonged to madam.  How did she.... why would Sebastian... madam red said Sebastian had invited her. And now Sebastian was selling his company?!

Ciel gripped the papers angrily, "THAT BASTARD!!!"

"So.. we are working together.  And I want access to everything.  Because there is something I know... that you don't know." She smiles.

He looks at her confused, "what?...what is it?!"

"Dessert is being served." She teases and walks pass him.  "You know what is also red?... fire.  Fire and red. Such a match isn't it?" She exits the room, leaving Ciel with notes of betrayal from Sebastian.

Ciel growls a bit, "that stupid jerk!...I do hope this isn't true Sebastian, or you will loose all the trust I have for you" he leaves the room angrily.

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