Sold as a bride to a vampire...

By freakynikki

131K 4.2K 381

Stormlyn is a teenage girl with the luxury life any teen would die to have, but her life changed after the be... More

Meeting the hot new guy
The Mall
The big bonanza
Strange Sunday
Manic Monday
You have to be kidding
History (part 1)
History (part 2)
Bitter sweet reality
Dinner for one?
Facing the world (part 1)
Drunken love talk
Unexpected events part 1
Unexpected events part 2
New beginnings..
The camping weekend (Part 1)
The camping weekend (Part 2)
The camping weekend (part 3)
The camping weekend (part 4)
The end of the camp
Facing the world again
Night of terrors
Nightmare on Elm Street
The pre engagement party shock
The engagement party part 1
The engagement party part 2
Input competition
In hospital
Unanswered questions
Traitor revealed
Another MF a/n
You're kidding, right?
Propoganda (continued)
So it begins..
Battle ready
Almost Lost

The hospital.. *dun dun dun*

2.4K 74 5
By freakynikki

PS: The hospital is on the side ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :D

Chapter 8

Suddenly I woke up to unfamiliar sounds.

Voices... I slowly open my eyes, to a scene that's unknown to me. I jumped up, forgetting I'm not at my own house, in my own room.

I quickly glance around and surely the memory returns of what happened. I breathe deeply and sit back down on the bed. I see a clock on a nearby nightstand. Its 7:38 a.m. I let out a sigh, strolling my fingers through my hair.

I hear footsteps shuffle around by the door, and I intently try to listen if I could hear anything.

"She's awake now." I hear a guy speak monotone.

Soon after those words were said, the door bust open, revealing an angry looking Lucas (I presume from the rules paper) and bored looking Kaidan.

I jumped off the bed with a small scream echoing in the room.

"Jesus christ! You wanna gimme a heart attack or something?!" I yell at them.

"Did he touch you?" Lucas asked a bit pissed off.

My eyes widen at them, with my mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.

"Answer me!" He screams a bit more aggressive now.

I moved a bit back, my eyes landing on a smirking Kaidan.

"I um, no why?" I finally voice the words.

"Do not lie to me Stormlyn." He says baring his fangs. Wow he must be angry...

"How would you know?" I ask the question to which I already know the answer.

"Your heart betrays you, love." The british accent flows through again.

I look at him confused. Kaidan starts to laugh at the situation.

"What he means is, that your heart rate picks up when you're nervous. When you lie, you get nervous. Simple as that." Kaidan said amused.

"Well... Um-" I try to think of something but got cut off by Lucas.

"If he ever touches you again, I will punish you severely." He states with a fire burning in those brown eyes.

"But he's a vampire!" I start to protest. Is he serious? How can I better a vampire?

"You humans are so pathetic." He scoffs at me and turns to Kaidan, giving him a death glare.

"What?" Kaidan asks him with a smirk.

"Don't ever touch her again." He said almost as a threat.

"Can't promise that.." He answers with a childish voice.

"Would you stop! I'm not some freakin possession! I will NEVER marry you!" I scream out in frustration at this dude. He stops dead in his tracks. Oh shit...

Kaidan is standing there like a dog that just got a bone. Lucas slowly turned back to me and gave me the evil eye. I gulped nervously quickly glancing around at where to go.

"Tell me girl, do you have any idea, ANY AT ALL, who you are talking to?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"Um why? Have you forgotten who you are?" I nervously asked him as I stare back at him. Really? I just have to pull some Stormlyn sarcasm...

Everything went dead silent for a split second, it was almost eerie, when Kaidan literally burst out laughing making me even more nervous.

"Hmm.. You've got spunk darling. Maybe it's because you're too naïve or you are just plain stupid." He says while a little grin appears on his handsome face, as if he knows something I don't.

Wait did I just think he's handsome? Oh no..

Lucas walked out of the room, calling Kaidan as he did so.

Suddenly Kaidan went silent, and stared at me for a few moments.

"What?" I snapped.

"Girl, I like you more everyday. No one ever talks to him like you did now." Kaidan stated with a smile creeping on his face.

"Can't imagine why... He's such a delight." I rolled my eyes as the sarcastic remark left my lips.

"See you later." Kaidan said before he left.

I sigh, as I wipe my face with my hand continuing on to my hair.

Dammit I need clothes and a phone.

Well fuck this shit I'm not a prisoner, so I left the room cautiously. I walked around until I spotted a land line phone. I quickly rushed to it as silent as possible, calling a cab. Luckily I have a few dollars on me and accounts at some boutiques.

I went outside and waited about 5 minutes for the cab until it arrived.

I quickly hopped in, giving directions to a nearby boutique. Soon after I was dropped off and paid the cab driver.

I walked into the boutique, grabbing some shirts, pants and shoes that falls within a reasonable range of my taste. Afterwards I quickly made my way to the under garments section, grabbing some underwear, bra's and socks. Lucky for me this boutique also have a select range of phones. I picked a touch screen smart phone and made my way to the counter. As I put everything down, I saw a hand reach out with a little black rectangular shape towards the lady behind the sales counter. I froze immediately.

I kept my gaze on the sales lady, and by the look on her face I could tell she was lovestruck.

My heart rate picked up. I started to breath uneasy and I felt super nervous. After a short pause, I heard the woman ask me something.

I shook my head and squinted my eyes.

"Miss?" I hear the woman's voice again.

"Huh?" I bubble unknowingly.

"Will that be all?" She asks as she refer to the stuff on the counter.

"Ye.. Yes.." I stutter like a zombie.

She swiped the card and gave it back to the hand that bestowed it to her. She packed everything neatly and handed it to me. I took it gracefully but got stopped by the same hand, grabbing me by the shoulder.

"Let me." His gentle voice almost demanded.

I handed it over and started walking again.

As I got outside, I saw that beautiful monster. I stopped dead in my tracks to admire it. I know its just a car... But it's just so damn incredibly hot.

Lucas walked past me and to the car. He put my bags away in the trunk, walking around to open the passenger door for me.

"Come on." He said while gesturing for me to get in. I sighed, slowly making my way to the car. I got in and waited patiently for us to go back to his house.

He got in, started the car and off we drove.

After a few minutes we were back at the familiar mansion that was his.

We were silent the whole way, and when we stopped I just got out and walked back into the house.

I found my way back to the room I was in, when I realized I forgot my bags. Shit man..

Just as I'm about to go back for it, Lucas came in with the shopping I did.

I stood there silently staring at him,waiting for him to make the first move.

"Where do you want it?" He asks trying to sound friendly. Note: trying. I take it he isn't normally a friendly character.

"Um.. Just throw it on the bed. Thank you." I answer softly.

He nodded and walked over the bed, put the stuff down, turned to walk out again.

I made my way to the clothes, grabbed the first best things I could get my hands on. A lace black shirt, a jean skirt and a matching pair of pink under garments. I walked over to the en suite bathroom and opened the door to reveal an exquisite bathroom. I glanced around, and decided on a nice hot shower. I open the hot water, and while waiting for it to get warm, I stripped off my clothes. I stepped in the shower adjusting the temperature. I relaxed under the hot water, letting all my stress drain along with the water.

I showered until the water ran cold. I got out and rinsed myself wrapping the towel around me.

I walked out into the room, with my clothes in my hands, when I almost died..

Lucas was sitting on the bed, looking down to the floor. His head snapped up when he heard me entering the room.

I just stood there, frozen, while he intently stares at me.

He's eyes slowly moved over my body, then back to my face. I could feel a blush creeping into my cheeks.

After a moment of awkward silence, I spoke up.

"Can I help you?" I asked with hand gestures.

"You said that when we met yesterday." He noted.

"And?" I say as I start to walk to the window.

"Did your parents tell you why you are going to marry me?" He questions.

"Yeah. For their own selfish benefit." I said angrily.

He just sat there in silence. Then he got up and just left without another word.

Strange man.. I thought to myself.

I made sure no further unwanted interruptions can be made, and got dressed. I sat down on the edge of the bed.

What to do...

I'm so bored already. I look at the time. 11 am.

I decided to check out the house. I left the room and started to walk around. Every now and then I glanced into rooms to see what's inside them. Eventually I made my way to an intimate little library. I stepped inside and saw a nice lay down chair and decided I'm going to spend the day here. Away from my horrid reality.

I walked around amazed at all the books, some of which looks ancient.

I scrolled over them with my fingers, reading the names of them. Suddenly I stopped, my attention drawn to a black leather book. It has no title but it looks really old and tattered. Intriguing...

I grabbed it and flipped it open. My hand softly brushed over the paper and I began to read.

'April 04 1705'

The King is hosting a feast for the humans. He wishes for me to find a suitable bride, so he invited all the families of noteworthiness to attend. We shall see."

A diary? I wonder whose it is. And humans? Is the King that's mentioned a vampire? Or his son? Or maybe both? I continue my reading, paging further along.

'August 10 1877'

Father demanded that we plunder and pillage all the nearby human settlements. After what they did, he was outraged. He said that they needed to be taught a lesson. I beg to differ."

I wonder who his father was? And him... And most importantly, did the humans of that time know what they were?

My mind got all jumbled up with these questions. I mean, am I the only one who was in the dark or does the humans simply deny the truth that surrounds them?

I went to sit down on the couch and lifted my legs beneath me. I started to read the diary from the beginning, taking every bit of info and processing it. Hours went by and I was still glued to the diary, mesmerised by its contents.

I was concentrating so hard that I got startled when I heard someone clear their throat.

I quickly look up to the door, and saw Kaidan standing there staring at me very intently.

"What?" I asked slapping the diary close.

"Are you.. Coming?" He asked the words lingering a bit.

"Where?" I asked giving him a confused look.

"The hospital... Genius." He said sarcastically.

Oh smack my head I forgot about that!

"Oh! Well I clean forgot about it.." I said honestly.

"Well c'mon missy, its almost time to meet the peeps so get dressed." He huffed at me.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "And what's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I ask annoyed.

He smirks. "Well for starters you have no shoes on." I could hear the amusement in his voice.

"Oh well get me my combat boots and some socks thank you very much." I flash him a smile and batter my eyelashes so that he would get it for me. I'm too lazy okay haha.

He stares at me in disbelief. "Fine whatever.." He muttered and disappeared.

Wow I thought we would have to argue first.

In a flash he was back with his signature smirk planted on his face. I narrow my eyes at him.

"What did you do?" I ask suspicious of why he's smirking.

"Nothing... Nice undies.." He comments as he throws me my socks and boots.

"Pervert." Was all I said as I quickly put on the socks and boots.

I got up and walked towards where Kaidan was standing still smirking. I rolled my eyes as I brushed past him making our bodies touch.

"Sexy." He whispered and I just shake my head at him sighing.

We walked towards the front door when Kaidan stopped me.

"We have to be quiet. I don't think your husband to be will appreciate what we are about to do." He spoke softly.

Wow he did not just say that. I moved to open the door and walked out.

As we approached his car he stopped me.

"I'm serious Lyn. He will flip out if he catches us." He said with a little grin of mischief.

"Then why are you grinning?" I softly yell at him.

"My secret.." He said teasingly as he goes to open the car door for me.

I get in, ignoring his comment. He came around and got in. He started the engine and we took off to the abandoned hospital little way's out of town.

After a short but not short enough ride, we stopped at the hospital and I could see people standing around waiting.

"Wait, whose here?" I ask warily.

"Just a few friends. Now come on." He answers and get out of the car.

I slowly got out, approaching the babbling crowd and as I got closer the talking died out. Okay.. So now I'm nervous..

"Lyn?" I hear my name. It was Danny. Really Kaidan...

"Yup.." I said awkwardly glancing around.

"Great now that we are all here, everyone grab a flash light and make groups of no less than 2 people." I heard Kaidan's excited voice sing.

I quickly grabbed a flash light, testing it. As I'm doing so, someone grabbed me and I twirl my head to see Danny dragging me along.

Once we were inside he let go of me and I nearly lost my balance.

"Jesus Danny, what's wrong with you!" I shout as I flick my flashlight and look around.

"Nothing.. I just wanted you with me." He simply answers.

"You could have asked you know." I say annoyed as I'm starting walk and check out the building.

"Yeah, but you would've denied me, I know." He bluntly states. Which is true probably.

I sigh, stepping around until I came to a door. I reach for it, turning the knob. But before I push it open a thought comes to mind: what if there is some freaky shit behind this door?.. I shiver at the thought but shook it off, gently pushing the door open.

It creaks, making chills run up my spine. I lift my flashlight so I could see inside and cautiously step inside. I look around to a lot of filing and papers scattered and some filing cabinets. This must've been some sort of archive or something.

I walk around and see some pictures in broken frames of nurses in them. As I stepped back I heard something crack under my boot and I lift my foot to see the broken glass of the frames on the floor. I side step the glass and go to the filing cabinet and try to open it. Nope aint happening...

I sigh, continuing on to the desk with papers on it. I pick some up and read over it.

Borrrrriiiiiinnnnngggggg. I threw it back down glancing around. I walked back to the door, I forgot about Danny. As I walked back to where Danny last was, I notice he was gone.

"Danny?" I call his name. Silence.

I walk a bit more into the hospital, calling again.

"Danny? You here?" Still nothing. I sigh. I continue to walk until I hear something.

I jump in suprise grabbing my chest as my heart bounces like a wild animal in a cage.

I slowly look around to see if there is anything unusual or moving. I'm not going to ask is someone there, I'm not THAT stupid. I've seen way too much horror films.

After I'm content that there is in fact nothing, I continue to walk. I'm getting nervous now, but this is actually quite thrilling. I decided to check out another room, and slowly walk towards a door. It is slightly ajar, so I cautiously kick it slowly with my foot, opening it. I shine my flashlight inside, seeing it looks like some kind of test lab. Lots of glass cupboards with test tubes and all sorts of colored liquids. Now this looks more interesting. I step inside walking over to a fridge. I open it, revealing old blood bags and other liquid bags. I pull my face in disgust and close it again.

I go to the cupboards and wipe the dust from them to see more clearly.

I open it, taking out one of the small tubes examining it closer.

Then I heard the door shut with a thump and I jump, making me drop the little vase I was holding.

My breathing picked up and I was feeling sick to my stomache. My heart was beating so loud I could feel it in my ears. I felt hot and cold at the same time. I closed my eyes trying to calm myself down, but I'm shaking uncontrollably.

Then I felt it. A hand on my shoulder. I screamed at the top of my lungs before long a hand covered my mouth. Oh my god I'm going to die in this creepy place!

"Shhhh its just me!" Kaidan yells at me so I could actually hear him.

"Wait, are you crying?" He asks concerned now, removing his hand from my mouth.

Instantly I yell at him. "You are a dick!" I push him and hit him, obviously it won't hurt him but still it makes me feel better.

"Woah I'm sorry Lyn." He starts to apologise.

"I'm leaving this stupid place. Fucking creeping me out anyway." I angrily spat as I went to go for the door. But Kaidan slipped infront of it so I couldn't open it.

"Why are you so jumpy and scared?" He asks me seriously.

"Nothing. Just how could you scare me like that! I hate you!" I hit him again. Stupid guy..

"I just closed the door... What's scary about that?" He asks me humor clear in his obnoxious voice.

"Were you following me the whole time?" I ask suspicious.

"Haha don't flatter yourself dollface. Danny came looking for you so I said I would help. And here I am." He grins smugly at me.

"Oh." Was all I could muster out. Freaky place..

"Maybe you heard some rats or something." He said chuckling.

"Maybe." I replied unsure.

I stepped back a little from Kaidan and the door, shining my flashlight around again.

Kaidan started moving towards me, but I just ignored him. I went over to some old test lab machinery and examined it attentively, trying to look interested in what I'm doing so Kaidan would leave me alone. No such luck for little ole me...

"Lyn.." He said reaching out and touching me. I move away from him.

"No Kaidan stop it." I say harshly at him.

"But you are too alluring... Especially dressed like that." He points at my body while whining.

I wave him off and start to walk again towards the door. But yet again he stops me.

"You're brother is going to kill you." I stated the obvious. He laughs at my silly answer.

"Oh but the forbidden fruit is the tastiest... Besides he doesn't even want you, he just wants to own you." He says huskily while smiling at me.

Okay now I'm scared. I sigh shaking my head.

"Just move boy." I tell him impatiently.

"Boy? You won't say that when I'm done with you." He mused happy with himself.

"It aint happening. Now move!" I shout in frustration now.

"Make me.." He dares me.

I go to push him but he grabs me shoving me against the door and I let out a 'oomf' sound.

"Get off you big oaf!" I protest while struggling.

"Just give in to me, Lucas will never know.." He whispers seductively making me weak to

the knees. God dammit what is it with me and hot guys!

I whimper beneath him and try to push him away again. He won't budge.

"Kaidan please move." I try to talk again.

"Nope.. I've got you all alone and deserted." He states while closing the space and breathing down my neck.

I froze instantly.

"So this was your plan all along?" I croak out.

"Perceptive... But you were only supose to come to our house on sunday." He trails off while speaking.

"So you wanted to use me to get to your brother! You asshole." I spat bitterly. Wow oh wow I should have seen that coming.

"Yes and no. Mostly no. I want you no buts about it." He continued.

"Get away from me!" I hiss angrily.

"Make me...." He says while leaning lower into my neck.

My heartrate picks up and I breathe heavily. I hate myself for having these raging hormones.

Suddenly I get goosebumps and a moan escapes from my mouth as I realize the sensation I'm feeling is his lips on my neck.

"No.." I whimper at the feeling.

I feel him smile and plant more kisses down my neck. Im starting to get a warm sensation between my legs when I realize I'm wanting another guy apart from Danny. I've only ever been with Danny, and the thought of another guy having this effect on me scared me. Especially Kaidan.

I feel his hands trail my body and stop him.

"Just this one time. Before my brother sinks his teeth into you." I hear Kaidans somewhat begging voice.

"Kaidan I'm not a slut." I start to complain.

He pushed against me, nibbling at my ear.

"Can I bite you?" He asks me out of nowhere.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"Please, it won't hurt I promise." He says with lust clear in his voice.

"I don't know.." I stutter out. A part of me wanted him to, but the other part wasn't sure.

But before anything else could be said, I felt something sharp enter my neck and I gasp at the pain. I try to push him but he held me in place and as he sucked I became tired, but it felt as if I was on a drug. A feeling unexplainable and unknown to me. I let out a soft moan, closing my eyes when I feel him removing his fangs from my neck.

I fell against him, feeling as if I'm high.

He helped me stand up straight and soon I regained my state of mind.

He moved about and pulled me to the table. He sat me on it, moving in between my legs.

I swallow nervously, I need to get away from here.

Suddenly he stops, turning his head slightly, an amused look on his face as he glance back at me.

"What?" I asked confused. Why is he looking so smug?

"Danny and the others are close by." He said moving away from me. A wave of relieve washed over me as I jumped off the table and headed for the door.

Kaidan quickly stopped me.

"You tasted... Amazing." He smiled softly opening the and stepping out. I followed him only to see Danny and the others stand there.

Danny glanced between us, and a look of hurt was visible on his face. My eyes widen at what he thinks and I just shook my head. I walked past them all making my out of this place.

I'm such a pathetic human being. I sigh as I approached Kaidan's car, waiting against it until Kaidan came. Which wasn't long.

He unlocked the car and I got in. I kept quiet and so did he. Surprisingly.

When we got to the mansion I got out and quickly made my way to the room I was familiar with. Once I was inside, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

I walked over to the bed, falling on it and sighing in content. Not even bothering taking off my shoes or anything I curled up cuddling with a pillow, soon falling asleep.


Hello guys! I don't know bout you but I enjoyed writing the hospital part! So freaky lol I would never in my right mind do shiz like that.. How bout you?

Thanks for supporting me please vote fan and comment I would love to hear some thoughts on the characters etc!

Love u guys <3

Freakynikki ^()^

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