I Will Never Be Yours

By asminc007

1.8M 139K 31.6K

'Love has the power to tender the broken, but self love has the power to change' Sequel to 'It was Always you... More

Sneak Peek #1
Sneak peek #2
Character's Intro
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26a
Chapter 26b
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Character's Rant
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Engagement (Part 1)
Engagement (Part 2)
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Wedding (Part 1)
Wedding (Part 2)
Wedding (Part 3)
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Author's note
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122a
Chapter 122b
Chapter 122c

Chapter 112

14.9K 1K 408
By asminc007

3 years later...
California, USA...

The continuous ringing of the alarm, broke his beautiful dream and he groaned in frustration, he opens his eyes and moves his arms to the other side of the bed, to find it cold and empty as usual...

Even after 3 years, Aayan was not used to sleeping without Ananya on his side, although they shared bed only for a brief period, of their almost one year marriage, she became his habit, a habit he cannot get rid off...

He sighs and sits up on the bed and stretches his arms, he glanced at the watch it showed 7:30 AM, he still had time to get ready for office, so he leaned against the headboard, Amayraa must be back from school now, Aayan quickly picks up his phone and dials Ananya's number...

The call is answered after two attempts, which made him restless, but he sighs in relief seeing his princess's face...

'Hey Paa ! Good Morning...' Amayraa smiles at him, through the camera and he smiles back, she was his princess, growing beautiful day by day, just the big scar on the corner of her forehead can be seen, which reminded him and Ananya the horrific incident... he couldn't believe the little munchkin who used to called him Aaya and fought wih him for spongebob will be 6 in few months...

'How was school baby...?' He asks, wearing his specs

'It was good, we learned multiplication today...' she tells him and then yawns 'So boring... I am gonna skip maths, I am telling you...' she says and he chuckles

She is showing traits of being Ananya's daughter...

'You must be good in math, if you want to be an engineer....' Aayan says

'Too much pressure on a little kid, today's parents I tell you...' Amayraa whines dramatically and Aayan laughs

'I see your Maa is having a good influence on you... Where is she ?'

'Annie is in office, she'll be here in around 10 minutes, she said... you know what Paa, Vedika will stay with us for the rest of the weekend...' Amayraa says excitedly

'That's great ! Now you both will wreck the house together, Poor Ananya ! And don't call your mother, Annie Baby, how many times do I have to say... call her Maa...' Aayan says in a serious tone

'I know she is my mother, But she doesn't look like a 6 year old's mother, she looks too young, I don't feel like calling her Maa... and she doesn't mind me calling her annie either...!'

Aayan raise his brows 'She doesn't look like your Maa at the age of 29, but I look like your Paa...'

'Paa, you are old... How old are you ? 36 ?' She asks

'For your information, I am 32 years old... And don't call me a old man, if you want your computer...' he threatens and Amayraa rolls her eyes

'You'll give it to me anyway... but okay if you are going to act like a baby, I won't call you Old Man....' she says

She's becoming the junior version of Ananya... God, I was struggling with one, now you gave me two...

'Good Girl....' he sighs, but then she smirks

'I'll call you Grandpa...' he laughs and runs away giggling, keeping the tab on the table...

'What ! Amayraa... come back here....' he calls, but sees no one on the screen, just the view of his living room...

'Amayraa...?' He calls again, but she doesn't come back, someone picks up the tab and Aayan smiles at him

'Hey Dad...' Aayan smiles and Jai smiles at him

'Hey son, I see you woke up, Good morning...' Jai says settling on the chair and winces

'Does your back still hurt...?' Aayan asks

'Yeah... Ananya took me to the doctor yesterday, he says these are age related issues, I am telling you, Being in your 60s suck...' he whines and Aayan smiles

'Just take your medicines on time Dad, you'll be fine' he says

'Your wife has taken care of that, I just laze around in the house *Aayan chuckles at this* When are you coming back ?' Jai asks

'I don't know Dad, I don't think Ananya would like my visit...' he sighs

'Well the way you left, you deserve her anger... but you both cannot avoid each other lifelong you know, you both have a kid... she will not be 5 forever... It's high time you sort everything..' Jai says

(Le readers, 'And get this story finished already... *glaring at author* We'll stop reading if you stretch it anymore, we are already tired of your superslow updates' ) *pouts*

'Dad it's complicated... I mean... She hates me, and why not ! I was so unfair to her after Priyanka Mom's death... She'll never forgive me...' he says, not looking at Jai

'But she is still married to you, isn't she...?' Jai raises his brow and Aayan nods

'Now for god's sake, stop being your selfish mother's coward son, and be my brave champ... come face your fears, accept your mistakes, and win her apology... I want to see you guys together before I die...' Jai scolds

'Don't say like that Dad...' Aayan sighs

'How long do you think I am going to live son ?' Jai raises his brows

'I need time to think, Dad...'

'I am not giving you anytime to think, Son... Your Brother Sameer is getting married in 3 weeks, and you will come here by tomorrow... Understand...?' Jai orders

'But Dad...' Aayan tries to argue

'That's an order Young Man... book your tickets right now !' Jai says sternly and Aayan nods

'Old Man....' Amayraa sings from behind, Aayan huffs at this and Jai stares him on the screen carefully

'She is right, you are getting old...' Jai laughs

'Dad ! You too !' Aayan whines, and then he hears Ananya's voice in the background

'Amayraa ! The couch is not for jumping...' she scolds and Aayan's heart skips a beat..

'And don't call your Grandpa Old Man, it's disrespectful...' she says and Jai chuckles

'She did not call me Old man, she's addressing that to her father...' Jai says and there was silence

'Say sorry to your Dad, Amayraa, this is not how you speak to him...' Ananya speaks after a while

'But you don't speak to him at all, you should say sorry too....' Amayraa whines, Aayan winced at this and Jai too looked tensed

Her teenage is going to be harder... Aayan thought

'Amayraa...' Ananya warns

'Sorry Paa...' Amayraa says, taking the tab from Jai

'It's Okay Baby...' Aayan smiles, Amayraa hands the tab back to Jai and runs away

'She's a notorious kid...' Jai laughs

'Yeah, she needs to be disciplined...' Aayan agrees

'Papa, please tell someone, that suggesting is easy, but actually dealing with the child is hard, I cannot discipline her Alone, he needs to get involved too...' He hears Ananya's taunts, who then takes the grocery bags into the kitchen, none of them looked at each other...

'See she doesn't want me there...' Aayan sighs

'How did you get into the IIT, I will never understand...' Jai rolls his eyes


'She hinted you to comeback, saying she cannot control Amayraa alone...' Jai says and Aayan's eyes widened

Yeah, she did that...

He looked at Jai... 'Now are you coming...?' He asks

'I really need some time to think Paa, Please, try to understand...' Aayan said

'Okay son...' Jai sighed 'But come soon okay...'

'Yeah Dad, Bye...' Aayan said and cut the call

I have to face her eventually, But how ?
I mean.. 3 years is a long time... God help me...

New Delhi, Thapar's residence..

Ved was sitting on the table, reading the newspaper, like his usual morning routine, Just then Arjun joined him on the table, followed by Sash and Adi...

'Good Morning Paa, Chachus...' he greets them

'Good morning son...' they greet back, and take their seats

'So how is Rudra and Saanjh's training going on...?' Sash asks Ved

'It's going great Chachu, I must say Saanjh has a good business aptitude, she learns very fast and gives excellent ideas for boosting sales, whereas Rudra is more interested in his colleagues than sales, I think he'll do good in HR, because he is good in identifying procrastinators than anyone else...' Ved informs

'Yeah, he being the biggest one...' Adi frowns

'Give him some time Adi, he'll figure out what to do...' Arjun says

Just then Deepika comes out carrying 2 year old Vedika in her arms, followed by the servants who served the breakfast..

Vedika grins at Arjun, and tries to jump from her mother's arms towards her grandpa, she was a younger Version of Ved, having Deepika's eyes and nose...

'Daaduuu....' she calls

'Come here my princess...' Arjun smiles and takes her from Deepika's arm

'She wasn't ready to have her breakfast papa, she wanted to eat with you and Sash chachu...' Deepika wipes her forehead, and Vedika grins at her mother

'Don't worry beta, we'll feed her....' Arjun pulls Vedika's cheeks, she grins at him and looks at Sash and starts jumping excitedly

'Come here baby...' Sash smiles and makes her sit on his lap

'The only kid in our house, who is not scared of Sash...' Adi comments and Ved chuckles

'I am not scary...' Sash rolls his eyes

'Oh yeah ? Let's ask the kids when they come...' Adi says

'How far did your new book reach...?' Arjun asks Ved

'It's stuck in middle Papa... I am waiting for something, in order to finish it...' Ved replies

'I loved your debut novel kid... I didn't know you were so talented...' Adi says and Arjun nods

'It's going to be a best seller, and I am not kidding about this...' Sash says

'Well finish it soon son, can't wait to read it...' Arjun smiles

'Yes Papa...' Ved smiles and looks at Deepika who smiled at him too

Yes, finally Ved gathered his courage to tell Arjun that he needed break from E market, so that he could concentrate on his writing and get his focus back, Deepika was pregnant with Vedika at that time, Arjun was incredibly supportive towards Ved, as he did not want to repeat his mistake of what he did with Vansh, so he joined E market back to take care of its affairs, while Ved concentrated on his writing...
After Vedika was born, Ved released his first book, which was his parents story and his own recreation in it... The book was loved by the people, he soon joined E market back and was more focused now than ever, currently Ved was working on the sequel, and simultaneously managing office efficiently... Arjun and Naina were really proud of him..

'I'll take Maa and Khushi's breakfast to their room... Khushi was not well last night and Maa was awake with her all the time, they need rest...' Deepika says keeping their breakfast in the tray

'Remind Naina to take her medicines beta...' Arjun says

'Yes Papa...' Deepika says and leaves the room with the breakfast, while the rest of them dig into theirs

'Call your idiot brother and tell him to be here soon, his wife's due date is approaching...' Adi says to Ved and he sighs

'I did, he said he is super busy with the editing as the release date of the film is approaching... but he'll try to be here, as early as he could...' Ved informs

'This boy, I guess he will never learn time management....' Arjun sighs

'Chill bro, our Vansh believes in spontaneous decisions and they are always right...' Adi says

'Yeah like his marriage...' Arjun says, with a hint of disappointment in his voice

'Let it go Bhai, it's been two years... He is happy, what else do we want...' Sash says, feeding Vedika her baby food

'Atleast he could've done it with all the rituals....' Arjun sighs

'He is Vansh Paa... What do you expect...' Ved chuckles

2 and a half years ago...

Vansh was back to Mumbai, after six months, with all those drama happening in his family, he was totally cut off from the work...

So after Aayan left for USA and Ananya got hold of herself, Vansh came back, he did not contact Khushi all this time, but since her phone was with him, he saw his pictures on her phone and was convinced that she liked him too...

But after he left her at Verona, without hearing her reply or saying anything to her, it was obvious that she will not talk to him ever... To be honest, Vansh was not interested in his love life anymore, he was mentally drained...

He meets the staff and goes inside his cabin, he couldn't find Khushi, he thought she'll come late or something, he calls his associate Karan to his cabin, where he was half lying on his chair, massaging his temples

'Good morning sir, Welcome back, What do I get for you ?' Karan asks

'Ask Khushi to come asap and tell me what did I miss out in last 6 months, while you get me the upcoming schedules...' Vansh says

Karan hesitates a bit... 'But sir, Khushi cannot come...'

Vansh looks up at him 'What do you mean ?' And Karan looks uncomfortable now

'What happened to her ? Why can't she come ?' He asks again

'Khushi resigned from the job last month, she's getting married tomorrow...' Vikrant answers on Karan's behalf, showing him the wedding card, and gestured Karan to go out...

Vansh was numb for a moment, That's it, she's gone ! Ofcourse she will move on, You left her no choice... he scolds himseld mentally and Vikrant understood what he was thinking...

'Now will you tell me what happened between you and her in Verona...?' He asks

'Does that matter anymore...? I missed my chance...' Vansh says, his voice a mere whisper,Vikrant did not say anything at this, but then put his hands on Vansh's shoulders..

'Do you really think she was worth it...?' He asks

'Yes...' Vansh answers without even thinking twice

'Then you got to tell her...' Vikrant says

'How is it going to help anyway...? She's getting married to some Derek guy...! I didn't even know she was a catholic...' Vansh says pointing at the card

'Listen Bro, I am tired of seeing you sad and irritated alright, you are lonely, but you are so stubborn to accept that... if you think Khushi is worth it, then for once shun this I don't need anyone attitude and go tell her ! That girl liked you, it was you who walked away, without even saying anything... she deserves an answer bro ! Who cares she is marrying... you have to take that off your chest, and move on...' Vikrant scolds him

Vansh was unable to understand what was happening, he did not think that he will be so depressed learning about any of his exes getting married, and Khushi wasn't even his ex !

'For once Vansh, think about yourself and not your family, I know what happened to your sister was not fair ! But it's her life, her fate... she will deal with it and grow strong, you can be her support but cannot save her from the difficulties... Right now, just fight for what makes you happy...' Vikrant says and Vansh sighs

'She will not change her decision Bro, I am too late for this...'

'How can you say this without talking to her...' Vikrant raises his brows

'She's marrying someone else ! Isn't that obvious..' He exclaimed

'She is not married.... Yet....' Vikrant smirks

'You are suggesting me to kidnap her from her wedding...?'

'Not without her consent of course...' Vikrant shrugs his shoulders

'And what after that ? Elope with her...?' Vansh huffs

'Why not ? No one in Thapar family did that ! Do it, Make a history...' Vikrant smiles

'You are crazy...' Vansh gets up from his seat, and walks towards the window

He sees an old poster of the movie 3 idiots, where the actress in a bridal dress, is running with the actor... he closes his eyes and recalls all his moments with Khushi, how she helped him with his heartbreak, how incredibly supportive she was, how they enjoyed each others company, how he confessed to her, how happy she looked when she wanted to give him the answer and finally her tearful gaze when she saw him for the last time at the airport, he felt really guilty for that, and the fear of losing her was gripping inside him

I have to see her, before her wedding, I must apologize and tell her my feelings, after that whatever she decides, I will accept... he turns back to Vikrant

'Will you come with me ?' He asks and Vikrant smirks

'Of course...'

Next day...
Khushi was in the hotel room, dressed in a beautiful white wedding gown, her hair neatly tied to a bun, she wore diamond studs and a necklace with a diamond pendent, she looks at her reflection in the mirror and sighed...

'Stop sulking over that moron Khushi... it's your wedding day...' Her bestie Meenu says

'Meenu Please...' Khushi began

'Listen Khushi, Vansh Thapar doesn't deserve you, he didn't even care to contact you since last 6 months, Derek is a nice guy, your parents know him, they are trying to rekindle their relationship with you, they will not think ill for you...'

'They abandoned me !' Khushi exclaims

'They are trying to reconnect with you, apologise for their mistakes, and take you with them for over a year now Khushi...! It's high time you forgive them...' Meenu argues

'Never...' Khushi huffs

'Then why did you agree to marry Derek...?'

Khushi went silent at this... 'He... he is nice...' she stammers

'This translates into 'to get over Vansh Thapar'....' Meenu huffs and Khushi sighs

'You have to forget him, you will be married to someone else in few hours, get a hold of yourself...' Meenu says and leaves the room

'She is right you know...' A man's voice startles Khushi and she turns to look at Vansh who standing at the window, she gasps

'I am hallucinating...' Khushi mutters, and closes her eyes

'Can you open the window, I am kinda hanging here...' Vansh knocks the window from outside and Khushi opens her eyes to see him indeed standing there, holding the pipes

She quickly opens the window and helps him to get inside

'I am getting old for pipes...' Vansh mutters looking back and stretches his arms

'Sir what are you doing here...?' She asks

'Will you ever quit calling me sir...?' Vansh whines

'Uh.. I... what are... I mean...' she was scared and not getting what to say

'I had to see you, before you get married... I wanted to...' he says but then he stares at her

'You look beautiful Khushi...' he breathes, but Khushi whose heartbeats already skyrocketted seeing him, did not reply

'You should leave Vansh...' she turns away from him

'I will... but let me apologize first...' Vansh comes in front of her

'It doesn't matter now... I have moved on...' she lies

'It matters to me that you know the truth, I did not walk away because I had second thoughts about you... Believe me you are the only girl about whom I was so sure.. That she is the girl I want to be with for the rest of my life...' Vansh said looking into her eyes

'Then why did you leave...?' Khushi couldn't help but ask

'My family needed me... Annie lost her child, she and Aayan decided to separate... everything was a mess... my parents needed me... and I was rude to you I know, it's just I love my sister so much... if anything happens to her... I lose my calm... I was a mess too... you did not deserve to bear all that, you already suffered so much, so I couldn't... so I left...' Vansh sighs and Khushi sits on the chair...

'Is Ananya okay...?' Khushi asks

'She will be.... See I... I wanted to tell you that, I did not lie that day, I can never lie in front of god... I really like you... and I... I know I am really late...but I wanted to say... I did not decieve you... my feelings were genuine... I... I am sorry for everything... I wish you live happily with your that Deren Guy...' Vansh says, trying to control his tears

Khushi holds his arms 'I like you too Vansh... it's more than like... and don't worry I forgive you...' she smiles

'I wish I came here a bit early...' Vansh sighs and Khushi did not say anything at this

'Then why are you marrying him... if you like me...?' Vansh asks

'Because I know, you will not marry me...' Khushi says

'Of course I will... I don't believe in flings...*khushi raises her brows at this* Anymore....' Vansh finshed

'He is my parent's close friend's son...' Khushi says

'So you will let your parents decide your future...?' Vansh huffs

'No..! To Marry him was my decision, I wanted to get over...' she stopped in between

'Me ?' Vansh asks and Khushi nods

Both of them did not say anything for a while, when Vansh remembers Vikrants words, he thought for a while and looked at Khushi

'Do you really like me ?' He asks

'Yeah, but...' she began, but before she could finish, he pulled her closer and crashed his lips on her, Khushi was shocked, she tried to get out of his hold initially, but then gave in.. she kissed him back, while he wrapped his arms around her waist, their lips moved in sync, she grabs his hair and he groaned, they poured out all the love for each other in that smooch, completely forgetting that Khushi was about to get married in few hours... They left each other for air, both of them breathing heavily, their faces flushed and they stared into each others eyes

'Will you run away with me ?' He asks, caressing her face and Khushi looks at him shocked

'What are you saying...! I cannot..!' She exclaims

'Listen you like me, I like you, then why are you complicating stuff ? Will you be happy with him...?' He asks

'No.. but...'

'Then why are you entering into a loveless marriage..?'

'What about my parents...?' She asks

'Did they think, while abandoning you...? It's okay to act selfish once...' he encourages her

'But... will your parents accept us ?'

'I Don't know, but I am ready to risk everything, if I get you for life...' he says and pecks her lips again

Khushi was unable to believe that this was happening for real... yes she loved him, and would love to spend her life with him, no matter where he takes her...

'What are you thinking...?' He asked

'I am scared...' she says, which was true, she was scared to death

'I am scared too... but let's do this...' he said determined

'Are you sure...?' She asks

'For the first time in my life Khushi, I am definitely sure what I want to do...' he holds her hands

'What if you get bored and decide to leave me like your other girlfriends...'

'My Mother will kill me if I even think about divorce...' he chuckles

'You are planning to marry me..?' She gasps

'Of course, we will elope if you agree....' he says and Khushi was shocked

'Oh My God, I think I am gonna faint...' she holds him tightly

'No no... Khushi, don't faint here... let's get away from here... then faint all you want...' Vansh panics

Just then Meenu enters the room and gasps seeing Khushi in Vansh's arms

'What the hell...' she exclaims

'Meenamma... will you help us running away from here...?' Vansh asks

'What !' She almost shouts

'Please don't yell...' Vansh pleads and Khushi drinks water to calm herself down

'What are you doing here Vansh Thapar...?' Meenu asks

'I am here to take Khushi with me... We are eloping...' he grins and Meenu stares at them shocked

'Please Meenu...' Khushi pleads

Meenu looks at them and then sighs... 'I cannot arrange a vehicle this fast... Derek's family is already at the cathedral...'

'My friend Vikrant is waiting behind the church...' Vansh informs

'Okay then....' Meena says and looks outside to check, if anyone was there....

Khushi and Vansh hold each others hands tightly, and Vansh kisses her again

'Eww... do this some other time... now follow me...' Meenu says and they sneak out of the room

3 Days later...
New Delhi, 6:00 p.m.

Vansh opens the gate of Thapar mansion and Khushi stares at him scared, she wore a baby pink salwar kurti, the mangalsutra tied around her neck and pinch of vermilion on her forehead, her hair was open, Vansh was dressed in navy blue shirt, paired with trousers...

He held her hands tightly, and took a deep breath, the watchmen smiled at them and picked the intercom to call inside when Vansh stopped them...

'Let's go... don't be scared...' he says to Khushi or to himself and she smiles at him..

They slowly walked towards the house, when Ved who was reading in the garden saw them, and Deepika who was serving him his tea saw them too..

'Hey Vansh...' Deepika calls and they look at their direction

'I like the girl with him, she is so pretty... Hai na Ved...?' She says to her husband, but then frowned seeing Ved's shocked expression

Vansh walked towards Ved, and Khushi followed him, whereas Ved got up, as they approached near to them, Deepika gasped too...

'Oh My God...' Deepika exclaims

'You didn't...' Ved said and Vansh nods in positive

'I had to...' Vansh replied

'Are you crazy...! You eloped ! Maa and Paa will be so pissed...' Ved exclaims and Khushi holds Vansh's arms again, scared

'Ved don't be so hard on him... look you are scaring the girl...' Deepika walks towards Khushi and keeps her hands on her shoulder

'Hi, I am Deepika... your sister in law...' Deepika smiles and Khushi smiles back

'Hi.. I am Khushi...' she replies and looks at her carefully, she indeed was Khushi..

'Vansh.. you could've told Maa and Paa about her, they were very supportive for me and Deepika, I don't know how will they react, when they see you already married... God ! Why are you so impulsive...' Ved massages his temples

'Had I not married her, her parents would've taken her away... I made her run from her own wedding and got married...' Vansh explains

'What !' Ved and Deepika say together...

'You eloped with the Bride at her own wedding ! Vansh... Paa will kill you...' Ved whines

'Bhaiyya it was my idea...' Khushi lies

'Don't try to save him Khushi, I know my brother, and no offense you are too timid to think something like that....' Ved says and Vansh chuckles

'Where did you guys get married ?' Ved asked

'At the temple... the registration had a waiting list for 15 days... we couldn't wait...' Vansh said

'This is so exciting...! Congratulations both of you...' Deepika says happily and hugs Khushi and Vansh

Ved sighed... 'Well what's done is done, I am happy that you married the right girl.... Congratulations...' he hugs Vansh and he sighs in relief

'Don't be scared Khushi, our mother in law is the sweetest, she will accept you readily...' Deepika assures Khushi, who smiles nervously

'Let's go inside...' Ved says and they walk inside

Arjun, Ananya and Sash - Adi were in the living room, watching television, Naina was in her study, while Riya and her children went to visit her mother, Viraj went to USA with his mom for few days, and Saanjh was in her room

'Paa, Vansh is here...' Ved inform and they look at their direction

'Why is he okay...?' Arjun turns off the television

'Yeah Paa, I am fine...' Vansh comes forward 'There is something I want to tell you guys...' He says nervously

'What is it Kid ?' Sash asks

He looks back and gestures Khushi to come forward, who nervously comes and smiles at them.. Ananya smiles at her and comes forward for a hug, but stops seeing her attire, Arjun gasps, and so did Adi and Sash...

'He didn't...' Adi says

'He did...' Ved nods

'Damn it !' Sash mutters and looks at his brother

Arjun looks at Vansh, who was staring at him in anticipation and calls his wife...
'NAINA...! NAINA...Come downstairs right now...' he calls, and Khushi, takes a step back, and tries to hide behind Vansh, who holds her arms too..

Naina comes downstairs carrying a file in her hands and looks at Arjun, who had a blank face, Vansh's heart sank at this...

'What happened...?' She asks

'Look our son has a gift for us...' he points at Vansh, and she looks into their direction, she gasps looking at Khushi's attire...

'No...' Naina says shocked

'Yes...' Arjun said

'You married her...?' Naina asks and they nod

'But why... We liked her, we could've arranged a proper wedding for you guys... why did you guys elope ?' Naina asks

'Maa, we didn't have time... let me explain...' Vansh says and narrates them the whole story, they all listen to it with a serious expression on their faces

'I am sorry Maa - Paa... I know I should have told you, but I was blank, I did not know what to do... So I...' he says and no one replied, they just stared at them

Vansh and Khushi were getting anxious, not getting any replies from them, finally Ananya couldn't hold her laugh and started laughing, which was followed by Adi, and followed by rest others, whereas Naina and Arjun stared at them bewildered, so did Vansh and Khushi...

'I knew it...! I knew this guy is not going to marry conventionally...' Sash laughed

'Of course, he is Vansh afterall, he never does anything mainstream...' Adi laughs and Arjun - Naina smile at this...

'Finally we have some interesting story to tell to the future generation...' Ved laughed

'Welcome to the Family Khushi... please relax, you are already accepted here, they are just trying to scare you...' Ananya hugs her, and Khushi sighs

Arjun was happy to see his princess smile after so many months, also he couldn't believe his little boy grew up and is now a married man, he wiped his happy tears

'Maa - Paa ?' Vansh looks at them worried and Naina smiles

'Congratulations Baby, I cannot believe my child is married...' she hugs him and Vansh sighs in relief

'Congrats Kids...' Arjun smiles too, and Vansh hugs him tightly...

'Finally my boy grew up, do take care of her, or else you know what will I do...' Arjun says and Vansh smiles..

'Come, I'll do your Arti...' Naina says

And this is how Khushi made her grand entry in the Thapar family

Verma's house...
6:30 p.m.

Ved walks inside the house carrying Vedika in his arms and her bag to his right shoulder, Amayraa spots him and runs towards him

'Maamu...' Amayraa calls

'Careful with the stairs baby...' Ved says to Amayraa and puts Vedika down

'Diiiiii....' Vedika cheers

'Veduuuuu... I missed you so much...' Amayraa hugs her

'Vedu missy too...' Vedika grins

'Where is your mom Amy...?' Ved asks

'She is in her room... she scolded me today...' Amayraa pouts

'Why ?'

'I called Paa Old, that's why...' She replies and Ved chuckles

'Don't worry, she won't be angry with you for long... Now, you guys go to your room and Vedika don't trouble Amayraa Di much, okay...?' Ved said and Vedika nods

'Okay Paa...' she grins and goes with Amayraa to her room

Just then Ved's phone rings and he smiles seeing the caller

'You'll live 100 years, I was just thinking about you...' he smiled

'Ooo really, you think about me a lot I guess...' Aayan laughed

'Not as much as your wife..' Ved teases and Aayan sighs

'You know she hates me...' Aayan says, while Ved walks upstairs to see Ananya...

'No she doesn't....' Ved says, and he was right, when he peeked into her room, she stood in front of the big potrait, which had her and Aayan's wedding picture, her back was facing Ved

'Anyways the draft you sent me... the story is good... but the ending is weird, I mean why would they separate when everything was fine, it looks like you did it, just to justify the title...' Aayan says looking at the file on his table titled I will never be yours...

Ved smiles at this... 'Then come back and finish your story, so the ending could be modified...' he said and Aayan went silent

Ved clicked Ananya's picture and sent it to Aayan, he felt bad for Ananya, she indeed go through a lot after their marriage, it's time to make things right..

'Do you think your story deserves an ending like this...?' Ved asks

'No...' Aayan says staring at the picture..

'Then come back and change it...' Ved says and Aayan nods

'Yes I will...'

Finally you'll do something good Aayan...

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