Tough SL (A Minho Fanfict)

By DinkyPotato

547K 16.3K 18.1K

Reyna popped fresh out of the box with a knife, and a deep hatred for spiders. How was she supposed to know t... More

Send Her In
The Bonfire
The Love Hate Thing
Damnit Gally You're Blind (EDITED)
Minho to the Rescue! (EDITED)
The Struggles of the only Fanboy (Edited)
Time of the Month (Edited)
I Changed the Cover
Pray for Chuck (Edited)
Glader Games part 1/3 You and Me (Edited)
Glader Games part 2/3 (Edited)
No Games Today (Edited)
Fixing Minho
Minho you fail
Chuck's Stages of Fandom
Poor Gally
Woah... Jeff's a Badass
She's Here
Not an Illusion
Gally's Mission Impossible pt.1
Murphy's Crack
We're Fucked
If All Else Fails, SHUCK IT
Remember those Walls They Built? Well Dumbass they're tumbling Down!
Thanks For Reading!
Wedding of Reynho pt 1/2
Wedding of Reynho pt 2/2

Shuck Off Emotions

29.1K 854 1.6K
By DinkyPotato

~Third person POV

"In the Glade, oh in the deadly maze, a dreaming Reyna sleeps tonight..." Chuck sang from the branches.

Reyna was still on the tree trunk sleeping soundly.

"A-wing-ma-wep, A-wing-ma-wep, A-wing-ma-wep, A-wing-ma-wep,

"CHUCK, SHUT, UP!" Newt shouted from a distance.

"Well damn." Chuck huffed.

~Into Reyna's Dreamscape~

"Don't let them take me!" A little girl's voice rang. The blurry gray scene in front of me started to get clearer.

Okay... This is weird. I'm here, but that's me over there crying like a pathetic potato sack. I'm so confused. Maybe if I bang my head on the wall I'll wake up!

... Nah that's a really Gally move, it'll be smarter to just wait this out.

This is a dream right? If I think of popcorn will it appear?



Naked Minho.

Newt's really bomb Newtella butter... With bananas.


Damn now I have to watch this thing that gives me the heebejebees on an empty stomach.

I was being hauled away by people in rubber suits.

Ew my hair looked like a mess back then. All choppy with split ends... Oh wait, it's still a mess.

"You'll see each other soon." A creepy voice came out of nowhere.

"Are you my conscience?" I looked around the scene with wide eyes.



"WHAT'S 1+1?"




"I'm not talking to you anymore."


"The grievers bring all the boys to the glade, and they like damn one day you'll be dead, I'll catch you and snap your neck..." I randomly sang to my self.

The voice kept repeating it self while the scene played. I swear if I had my knife I would being using my spider ninja skills on this shit.

"NO! LET GO! SHE NEEDS ME." Memory me sobbed.

I sure do yell a lot.

"You'll see each other soon..."

"I'm not talking to you anymore conscience."

"HELP ME! MURPHY! REYNA! THOMAS! PLEASE..." The little girl wailed, but her loud cries for help became softer and softer as she was dragged deeper into the white corridor.

Who this?

I was screaming. Like a fucking banshee-rooster hybrid. My agonizing shrill got so loud I felt like my head was trembling.


My screaming and the lady's haunting voice kept replaying "You'll see each other soon." The dream started to fade, the bland white walls intensified, until all I could see was a blinding light.




"You'll see each other soon..." All the voices said at the same time.


My head was pounding with pain, like it was being hit on the ground over and over again.

Damn I thought I wasn't going to result to making a Gally move, but here I am banging my head... Losing brain cells.

"Soon..." The woman's voice echoed.

And everything went dead silent.

"Fuck you conscience."

-Creepy shit over-

My eyes were closed, but the morning light was penetrating my eyelids. I could feel my arms and legs pinned to the ground, my throat ached and felt dry, as if I was screaming all night... Which I think I was.

Or maybe a bug crawled in my mouth, after all I was sleeping outside.

EEEEE WHAT IF IT WAS A-no. The more I say it, the more likely it'll happen.

"WAKE UP!" Voices kept shouting. I popped my eyes open, bad idea. I went blind for a second, and then a bunch of faces staring down at me came into view. There's a Gally on my left arm, a Minho on my right. I look down, and find Chuck sitting on my left leg, while Jeff was holding my right.

I came here to have a good time, but I honestly feel so attacked right now.

"What the hell?... Can you guys get off?" I groaned.

My voice was kind of raspy. Gally let go of my arm, and looked me dead in the eye, his right eyebrow was raised, while his left eye squinted a little at my face.

Early in the morning, and I see his eyebrow game at its strongest. Not the first thing I wanted to see today.

"Alright, she's finally awake!" Gally announced. My limbs were freed, and Jeff helped me to my feet.

"Had a bad dream?" Newt asked.

"Uh... More like a memory... I don't want to talk about it." I shuddered at the mention of the horrific scene. All I would remember was the little girl's pleas for help as tears ran down her scared face, and my shrieking... And my bitchy conscience.

Well that last part kind of makes sense, I expected it to be just like me.

"A memory? Hate to be tough, but you HAVE to tell us. It could mean something, we'll have a gathering after breakfast." Alby said in his low voice.

"Yeah, but take your time. Just come with us to get something to eat, and remember, you have to deal with a very hard task today." Newt smiled.

"What task?"

"Nursing baby bird over here, back to health." Newt patted Minho on the back. "He wasn't even supposed to get out of bed."

"Baby bird my ass. I'm fine now, I feel on top of the world!" Minho dramatically opened his arms up to the sky. Newt lightly punched his side, and Minho yelped in pain.

"Hm. Top of the world my ass." Newt chuckled. They kept bickering and choking each other until they were both on the ground bear hugging.

"Enough." Alby's cold voice cut through theirs. "Greenie, help me carry Minho to the table. Newt, go get food for all of us, the rest of you GO BACK TO WHATEVER YOU WERE DOING!" He commanded.

"Fine." Newt got off of Minho, and walked off. Alby, pulled him up. We carried "Baby bird" To the table in silence. Minho's arms weigh a ton...After a little bit of walking, we finally set him down.

"Hey greenie, sit next to me." He patted the spot next to him. I sat down, and played the memory over and over in my head.

"How's your side?"

"Fine, I guess. Newt might have made it worse by tackling me to the ground though."'He shrugged. I smiled, and poked his side. "Aye, not cool." He snapped.

"Just checkin to see if you were ticklish." I smirked.

Skip to the gathering!

I sat down on the creaky stool in the center, and waited for Alby. Meanwhile, the people who were already there, kept asking stuff like...

"Was I in your dream?"

And "You want me to stay with you tonight? *wink wink*" These reoccurring questions finally stopped when Newt and Alby burst through the door.

"Gathering is in order, now shut it!" Alby barked. The room fell silent.

"Okay. We are gathered here today, because Reyna the Greenie was given a memory from the creators. Go ahead." Newt gestured to me. He stood too the side while all eyes were on me... Ermmm....

"Alright. I saw Gally... And he was doing the dirty with a rock." I lied. "That's all."

*Everyone gasps*

"What? But-" Gally started.

"Yeah-Yeah." Newt cut in. "This meeting is done, just a nightmare..." He brushed it off like it was common to see Gally getting down and dirty with an un animated rock. Meh, maybe it was, what do I know? So I just hopped out of my chair,
and made my way to the exit.



"Alright then... Um... I got to get back to the clinic." Reyna rushed. She got up, gave me a quick wave, and speed walked to the homestead. Shuck. I suck at talking to girls, that was my 8th attempt today to make small talk with her. Hm, maybe I don't like that shank after all. I don't care what Chuck's check list says, there's a good chance it's all wrong.


"Hey guys, I need to tell you something. It's about the girl." I sat down at our usual table where Newt, Alby, Chuck, Winston, and I eat.

"Alright then, go ahead." Alby nodded.

"Okay, I don't like the greenie. She's messing me up inside... Somehow."

"What? Are you saying we should banish her? What the bloody hell is she even doing to you?" Newt chuckled.

"I don't know! She makes me feel like klunk inside, or something." I sighed.

"Feelings huh? Then you should talk to Chuck about this..." Alby nudged my shoulder. Chuck's head shot towards me like *snap!*. I grabbed his arm, and dragged him towards the mapping hut. It was vacant, so I shoved Chuck in, and shut the door.

"Can I trust you?" I kneeled down to Chuck's eye level.

"Go ahead Minho, I won't tell anyone about your feelings. Just truthfully answer the following questions." He smiled.

"Alright, let's just get this over with." I sighed.

"Okay 1. Does your face or ears feel warm when the girl is near?..." Chuck stroked his chin.


"Check!" He made and invisible check sign.

"Alright, 2. Do your insides, like your stomach or core, start feeling light when she touches you?"

"Erm... Yeah..." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Check!" He said again.

" Mhm. 3. Do you have dreams about the girl? Is she ever on your mind? At night? In the maze? In the morning? 24/7? Or-"


"Just answer it!"

"All of the above." I whispered.


"All of the above." I said a little bit louder.

"Minho, speak up."

"ALL of the above." I stated loud and clear. All of a sudden Chuck started squealing like the pigs Winston slaughters.

"Minho, be nice to her. Don't question me, you and I both know you like her a whittle bit." He made a small gap between his fingers. "Just be nice, and see where that takes you. That's all I can say." Chuck shook my hand. He turned away from me, and headed out the door.

"Pfft, he doesn't have a degree or anything... I DON'T-

"HEY MINHO, I ALMOST FORGOT," Chuck bursted back in. "That'll be thirteen dollars."

End of flashback

"I don't like the girl." I said to myself.

Chuck suddenly appeared by my side... With a ukulele.


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