The Girl Behind A Mask (Pitch...

By Angelic_Demon2

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Um... Please comment which you like best, thank you 1.) There is no love for one not able to return it... To... More

Tragic Back Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 17

314 15 0
By Angelic_Demon2

   Fiona's POV-

   I'm skating on the lake from a few days ago, with Pitch. I'm smiling, really smiling, like last time. I only smile in front of him, when we're alone. I begin to skate towards him, his arms open for me. When I wrap my arms around his neck, he wraps his around my waist. We're... Hugging. I'm smiling into his chest, hiding my face, snuggling closer into him. He chuckles, not his normal chuckle though. I don't even think it's him chuckling. I step back, my arms barely around his neck now and I look up at him. Only, it's not him... It's Kevin. I feel my eyes furrow in anger and his smirk, his devious smirk grows as he lifts an eyebrow at me.

   "What? Don't like what you see?" He whispers, his lips now directly beside my ear. I don't shiver, my disgust for him only grows.

   "Not at all." I say and he chuckles as he leans back. He takes a step away from me.

   "Fiesty, just the way I like them." He says, and I'm now confused. "You do know why I'm here, don't you?" He asks, clearly enjoying my anger, confusion, curiosity and taunting me. "I want you, Fiona, my evil little princess." He whispers in my ear, making my eyes widen. Me? Why? I shove him away from me.

   "You're insane, I'll never-" I stop mid-sentence when he steps sideways, revealing a knocked out Pitch with a little blood coming from the side of his head. I gasp, scared, frightened for Pitch and worried out of my mind. How could he do this, Pitch didn't do anything! I feel the tear escape my left eye as I run to tackle Kevin but he vanishes and I fall to the snow covered ground. I quickly get up, on all fours and crawl to Pitch's side. I whipe the blood away before pulling him close to me, hugging him a little to tight. His head in on my shoulder and Kevin his fuming. I give him a death glare, warning him of the danger that will come if he dares to come near Pitch.

   "Get away from him." He says, stern and demaning with pure anger in his now deep, voice.

   "No." I say sternly. I am not leaving Pitch unguarded. But I have no choice, he grabs my wrist and pulls my up. Our faces are inches apart, chests touching and he has both of wrist in one hand each. My breaths are small as he breathes deep, making sure it hits me everytime he exhales. His breath is warm and smells of lemon or chocolate, no, both.  He slowly leans his head in. He's going to kiss me. I want to stop it but his grip on my wrists is too strong. His lips are a centimeter away-

   I jolt up, hitting Pitch's forhead with mine. Thank goodness, just a dream... Right? I hope so. I look up at Pitch, he's rubbing his head. I smile, half fake and half real. He looks back at me, smirking but it's a sweet smirk.

   "You ok?" He asks, worry in his eyes but he holds his smirk-ish smile. I nod, not wanting to explain that terrible nightmare. "Did you have a dream, or nightmare?" He asks me softly, trying not to be too loud I suppose.

   "I don't know." I answer honestly, looking at my hands. I feel nervous, I mean I just had a dream about hugging him... Sort of... Pitch looks at me, no judging going on behind his eyes. I swear, it's amazing how he doesn't judge me.

   "Ok." He says, giving me a sympathetic smile. I smile back, of course and stand up. I need to find Kevin, I'm setting some rules with him. "Where are you going?" Pitch asks me, worry swirling in his eyes even more.

   "To find Kevin, want to come with me?" I answer him honestly, knowing that lying won't help at all. I only ask him if he wants to come because I know it's my best chance at getting the chance to look for Kevin. Pitch doesn't seem happy as he stands up to be directly in front of me.

   "You aren't going near him." He says, his voice deep and controling. What's with guys being so protective, especially Pitch over me?

   "Yes, I am." I say, turning around right after I do. I start to walk away, I was going to run but I couldn't just yet. Pitch grabs my wrist and spins me around, pulling me into his chest, his arms and holding me tight. I stand still, fozen in shock. I am happy, beyound happy and I can't control the small smile that forms on my lips as I hide my face in his chest. I would love to stay like this, really. But I can't. I pull away when his arms relax, I have to talk to Kevin. I immediately start to teleport myself into the woods, where I met Kevin but just as the crystals surround me, Pitch grabs my wrist and is pulled along with me.

   Pitch's POV-

   I wake her up, she's squeezing the pillow really tight and her eyes are screwed shut. As soon as I wake her, she jolts up and our forheads collide. That kind of hurt, I rub it for a moment and she smiles at me. I'm not completely sure if her smile is real or fake but I smile back.

   "You ok?" I ask her, worried, very worried. I don't know why she was like that in her sleep, there was no sand over her so I'm not sure if she was dreaming, having a nightmare, or something else. She nods her head and some relief floods over me. "Did you have a dream or nightmare?" I ask her, I'm trying to be gentil, she just woke up. She looks at her hands.

   "I don't know." She says, hushed like as if she's scared to admit it. She seems nervous and my thoughts of her dream-ish-nightmare-ish thing are running wild. I want to know what it was but I don't want her to have to relive it, reimagine it.

   "Ok." I tell her, knowing she's being honest and not wanting to push her. Whrn she stands up, my worry grows. She's going somewhere and I fear it has something to do with her dream-ish-nightmare-ish thing. "Where are you going?" I ask her, hoping she tells me the truth so my worry can ease a little.

   "To find Kevin, want to come with me?" She says, or asks. This doesn't ease my worry at all, it fuels it, a lot. I tense, why does she want to find him? Was he in her dream-ish-nightmare-ish thing? I won't let her near him, ever. I won't loose her.

   "You aren't going near him." I tell her, more of demand her really. My voice is deep as I say it, controling. I don't want her to get hurt, I'm just protecting her.

   "Yes, I am." She says, her voice stern, emotionless and she turns and starts to walk away. I have to stop her. I grab her wrist and pull her back. I bring her close, really close and hug her. I hug her tight, not letting her go. I feel her hide her face in my chest and I loosen up, thinking that she might stay in  my arms. She doesn't, she pulls back and crystals immediately start surrounding her. I grab her wrist, I know I can't stop her but I'm at least coming with her, to protect her. 

   We're in that part of the woods again, the part that I found Fiona being choked by Kevin. That still angers  me but I hide it, knowing Fiona will ask questions.

   "Kevin!" Fiona yells, a little impatient and very angry. "I know you're out there." Fiona says, her voice normal but stern, emotionless. After she says that, he appears. He's smirking, as usual and my fists tighten at my sides. He better not pull any funny business.

   "Ah, Fiona, dear. Have you come for your kiss, my evil little princess?" He says, looking at me instead. Fiona's hands are now in tight fists at her sides but she glances back at me, saddness and worry in her eyes. She isn't, she wouldn't do that. My fists relax, I'm no longer angry. I'm sad, worried, I don't want her to leave me. She looks back to Kevin, anger back in her features.

   "You know darn well I would never kiss you." She says, the disgust in her voice is clear. Relief runs over me, through me. Now Kevin has anger in his features, his face is stern and angry. He quickly changes it as he walks towards Fiona. We both stiffen, I want to move in front of her but I know Fiona wouldn't like that at all. He's in front of her now, close, too close.

   "Oh really? You didn't pull away during my visit while you slept, remember?" He says, smirking deviously. He visited her, when she was asleep. Wait, he... Kissed her?

   "That was not a visit, you interupted a perfectly good dream. I tried to pull away but you wouldn't let me." Fiona says, her stare growing more deathly by the second.

   "Dream? You know, that would have never came if it wasn't for me." He says but he leans in and whispers something into her ear. Fiona's eyes widen and she looks back to me, what did he say? Fiona moves to stand directly in front of me, her stance is protective.

   "Don't you dare touch him." She says, stern but quiet. Kevin doesn't hesitate to move and stand in front of Fiona again. I should seriously knock Kevin out cold, kill him even but with Fiona in this stance... Why is she protecting me anyways?

   "Princess... I'll make you a deal." He says, smirking as he leans in, only centimeters from her face. I swear if he kisses her- "If you become my queen..." He stops and glances at me before leaning in, by her ear and I know he's whispering something. I hate not knowing what he's saying to her.

   Fiona's POV-

   "You know darn well I would never kiss you." I say, meaning it completely. I don't even try to hide the disgust in my voice. I am not his princess, never will be. And Kevin's expression is angered, he's in pure anger but he quickly recovers by hiding it with a small smirk. He walks towards me and I stiffen, ready for anything he throws at me. He gets close, very close.

   "Oh really? You didn't pull away during my visit while you slept, remember?" He says, with his signature smirk. Interfering my dream thing is not a visit. And he was holding me against my will, I couldn't get free of his grip.

   "That was not a visit, you interupted a perfectly good dream." I say, I am still unsure if that was a dream. "I tried to pull away but you wouldn't let me." I say, I should knock him out right now. No, I should strangle him, choke him just like he did to Pitch. I will never forgive him for that.

   "Dream? You know, that would have never came if it wasn't for me." He says. What? That... That was really him, not just a nightmare or dream or whatever. Wait, that explains how he knew about it. Does that mean... Did he really hurt Pitch? I swear-

   "Maybe if I killed your precious Pitch... Would you be mine then?" He whispers in my ear. My eyes widen and I look back at Pitch, relieved that he's still there and unharmed. I back away from Kevin and put myself directly in front of Pitch. My stance is defensive, protective.

   "Don't you dare touch him." I say quietly, sternly. Kevin follows me, steps in front of me once again.

   "Princess... I'll make you a deal." He says, smirking as he leans in, too close and I am forced to look into his bright blue eyes when I look up at him.  "If you become my queen... I won't hurt your precious Pitch." He whispers the last part in my ear.

   Kevin's POV-

   I hear Fiona yell my name as I'm walking through the forest. I smile to myself, I remember hugging her, almost kissing her but then that stupid Pitch woke her up. I seriously need to get rid of him. Then, I'm in Fiona's sight within seconds.

   "Ah, Fiona, dear. Have you come for your kiss, my evil little princess?" I ask her. Even if she isn't, I'm getting my kiss. And I know calling her my evil little princess is going to annoy her, that's exactly why I did it. Plus, she is mine.

   "You know darn well I would never kiss you." She says sternly and my blood boils. It hurt, only a little and I have a feeling she'd kiss Pitch. She's mine not his. I wlk towards her, hiding my anger with a smirk. She stiffens, why did she stiffen? Yeah, I'm close but she stiffened once I began walking to her.

   "Oh really? You didn't pull away during my visit while you slept, remember?" I ask her, and it's true. The only reason I didn't kiss her was because of Pitch, if he wouldn't have found her so fast then I would have gotten my kiss.

   "That was not a visit, you interupted a perfectly good dream." She says, good dream? It was only good when I was there. "I tried to pull away but you wouldn't let me, remember?" She says, I can tell she's getting sassy. I actually like it. And pull away? 'You came int my arms, you hugged me.' I want to say to her but I know I shouldn't. She'll say, or try to say that she thought it was Pitch. Then Pitch will ask questions, she'll be forced to answer, and then their together. I'll have no chance then.

   "Dream? You know, that would have never came if it wasn't for me." I tell her. It's true, I made that happen so I could talk to her without interruptions. Obviously it didn't work. I made her see Pitch first, then me. I got a hug out of it, didn't I? So it was worth being Pitch for a few seconds. As she thinks to herself, I lean in and whisper into her ear, drawing her from her thoughts. "Maybe if I killed your precious Pitch... Would you be mine then?" Her head moves a little, she's checking on Pitch. I should have killed him, I want to. He took her away from me. She pushes me away and moves, standing in front of Pitch like his protecter. I can already feel my blood heating up.

   "Don't you dare touch him." She says, stern and hushed. My blood is now boiling and as much as I want to yank her away, yell at her, I don't. If I do she'll know my weakness, she'll know just how serious I am about this, that I love her.

   "Princess..." I say, almost a whinning tone. "I'll make you a deal." I smirk as I lean in, very close. I could kiss her now if I wanted to risk losing her. I move, my lips almost touching her ear. "If you become my queen... I won't hurt your precious Pitch." I smirk, thinking of her being my queen. Thinking of gently biting her ear, making her blush. She blushes much more now, thanks to Pitch. I wish I could have been the reason for her new expressings of her emotions. Her breath catches but I know she's thinking. And I know, I'll be winning.

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