The Girl Behind A Mask (Pitch...

By Angelic_Demon2

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Um... Please comment which you like best, thank you 1.) There is no love for one not able to return it... To... More

Tragic Back Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 16

298 16 0
By Angelic_Demon2

   Pitch's POV-

   I finally found her, in a strange part of the woods. I wish I would have found her faster though, a lot faster. I find her being held by the neck by some boy with black hair. I don't know what to do when she spots me, almost immediately. I'm frozen when her face changes from emotionless to worry when she she's me. The boy follows her eyes to where she's looking and when he finds me, his curious expression changes to a devious smirk. I have never seen him and that worries me even more. He looks back at Fiona and drops her, she falls to her knees. I want to run to her, make sure she's ok but the look she's giving the boy keeps me from doing so.

   "You're annoyingly different, hm? Hurting him, would that work?" He asks her, no doubt about it that he's smirking as he does. Her glare grows even more stern, angry, deathly. Work? What does he mean? He starts to turn away from her and then vanishes, Then he appears in front of me. I'm a little shocked, about to attack him but he looks back at Fiona as she stands and starts to run towards us, her expression is pure anger. Then I feel a hand around my neck and Fiona freezes, her eyes widen as worry and... Fear? Cover her face. The anger returns when his grip tightens on my neck and she's running again. I don't know why I ain't doing anything, I can't, I'm too shocked. She jumps and falls on the boy, making him let go of me and hit the ground with his back. I gasp for air, trying to make it silent. I look at Fiona, her hands are around his neck like she is about to kill him. "Until next time. Fiona." He says, his voice deep as he says her name and I'm surprised she doesn't shiver at it. Then he disappears. Fiona stands and stares at the snow where he was, her expression is serious and angry. I can't imagine what must be going through her head right now.

   Her eyes dart to me, beside her, looking at her worriedly. She studies me for a moment.

   "Are you ok?" She asks, her anger and stern expression melted into pure worry as she does.

   "Yeah." I say. She should be more worried about herself, she fell not me. He choked her longer than me... I open my mouth to ask her the same thing but she turns around, serious and angry again.

   "We should go to the north pole, we can talk to Manny and the other guardians there." She says, no emotion in her voice. She starts to walk but stops after the third step. I try to read her thoughts but she blocks me as she starts to walk again, crystals surrounding her. I quickly grab her wrist, unsure if I should grab her hand.

   We arrive at North's workshop, North is already there, like he knew we were coming.

   "Hello, Fiona and Pitch." He says, jolly as ever.

   "Hi. Um, you may want to call the others for this..." Fiona says, and North looks puzzled at first but sets the beacon for the other guardians.

   "May I ask why I just called for them?" North asks as Jack walks out of his room. Before Fiona can respond, everyone is there.

   "What did ya call us here for, mate?" Bunny asks just as Manny calls. Fiona was the first to notice, I caught her staring, unsure if she should say anything or not, when I noticed. Jack catches Fiona staring, too.

   "Hey, Manny's here guys." He says, grabing everyone's attention. We all walk circle the area he shines his light, waiting. A huge crystal rises and as the light shines through it, a figure forms, his figure.

   "Ah, who do you suppose this boy is?" North asks and Fiona stiffens, is she scared of him?

   "That's Kevin, Kevin Scarce." She says, her expression is stern, angry and her eyes hold pure hate. For a moment, I don't think I know her until she looks back at me. Her eyes change immediately to worry and concern, confusing me a little. 

   "How do you know that?" Jack asks her, he seems to get defensive or protective.

   "He attacked us." She answers, her fist clenched at her sides. I have never seen her like this.

   "He told you his name? That's unusual." North says as Jacks protective stance changes to worry and I know he wants to run up to her and check on her, he's smart not to.

   "He didn't exactly..." She says, slightly quieter. Everyone looks at her, confused except for me. The same thing happened to me, why should I be confused?

   "What do mean? You just knew his name?" Tooth asks. Fiona awkwardly smiles, fake of course but makes it look real. Tooth's eyes slightly widen and so does everyone else's. But when the image in the crystal changes, everyone's eyes are now on it, wider than ever as it shows Fiona, dead...

   Fiona's POV-

   When I see the image in the crystal my body stiffens, becoming protective. North asks everyone, including himself, who we think it is.

   "Kevin, Kevin Scarce." I tell them, I meant to think it not say it.

   "How do you know that?" Jack asks me, he seems to stiffen as well.

   "He attacked us." I answer, making my blood boil even more at the memory of Kevin holding Pitch by his neck.

   "He told you his name? That's unusual." North says before Jack can speak but Jack's stiffness fades quick and he looks worried.

   "He didn't exactly..." I say, regretting it immediately when everyone, except Pitch, looks at me like I'm crazy.

   "What do mean? You just knew his name?" Tooth asks me. When I give an awkward, fake smile everyone's eyes slightly widen, except Pitch's. Luckily, the attention fades fast when a new image forms in the crystal. But when everyone sees what and who it is, everyone's eyes widen and are full of worry. It's me, on the ground, with Kevin hovering over my dead body. I relax, realizing that everyone else will survive, I hope. I look at everyone but Pitch's expression confuses me. He looks at me, confused, angry, worried, and as if I'm insane for relaxing. I give him a small smile, knowing I'm in for it when we leave.

   "Fiona isn't going near him." Pitch says, never taking his eyes from mine. I feel my blood boiling, no one says anything.

   "Excuse me?" I say, turning to face him completely. I can feel everyone's eyes on me but I focus on Pitch. Is he serious? I am not just going to let Kevin hurt Pitch, not again. I am not sitting out on this.

   "I agree with Pitch." Jack says, making my blood boil even more. I don't even say anything to them, knowing if I do that I'll regret it later, or at least feel bad for it. I turn around and run towards the window. When I jump, Pitch yells my name with pure worry in his voice but I don't stop. I am not sitting out on fitting him, he attacked Pitch, could have killed him. No way, not going to happen. They don't control me, especially not now.

   As I fly, I realize that I need to teleport somewhere. If I go to Pitch's... That's the last place they'd look, right? I teleport, letting the crystals surround me. When the crystals fade, I'm in my room at Pitch's. I could read, color, anything but I want a clear head. I want silence, darkness, nothingness. I want my thoughts gone, plua my eyes are seriously burning. I crawl into bed, slowly and when I pull two covers over my body my eyes close and I'm asleep in less than a minute.

   Pitch's POV-

   When Fiona's figure appears in that crystal her body relaxes. Why would she relax when seeing that? Is she insane? Oh, wait, she is.

   "Fiona isn't going near him." I say, I mean it. She isn't, she could die, probably will and I won't let that happen. She's staying in her room until he's gone, end of story. I won't let her die, ever.

   "Excuse me?" Fiona asks, clearly annoyed and frustrated. Why does she want to, I'm just trying to protect her.

   "I agree with Pitch." Jack says and for once, I'm glad he likes her. But Fiona turns around and runs. Once she jumps out the window, I finally yell her name. She doesn't stop, I know I made her upset but I don't understand how. I just don't want her to die.

   "We need to find her." I tell them meaning I need to but if they do, it's better than not finding her at all. They nod and I leave through the window, just like Fiona did. I know she probably teleported somewhere. She's smart to know that we would look around here first so she isn't here. The woods, maybe that's it. No, she would know that is my first choice. Where? She'd be in the last place I would look... My place? She wouldn't, would she?

   I teleport to my place, I end up in front of her door. It's closed, I didn't close it when I followed her this morning, least I don't think I did. I open the door, slowly so I don't make any noise. I see her, she's asleep in her bed. She hasn't been here that long, has she? She surprises me when she turns around, facing the wall and pulls a pillow between her arms. She's... Hugging a pillow. I smile, mentally laughing at her but it's adorable, so adorable. She never moves in her sleep though. Why is she hugging the pillow anyways? Her eyes tighten as do her arms around the pillow, something's not right...

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