
By AntheiaW

4K 269 55

In these times it's not that easy to find you're soulmate, what happens when Alpha Christian finds his... wha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 13 part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 24 Part 2
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 29 part 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 30 part 2
Chapter 30 part 3.
Chapter 30 part 4
Chapter 31
Chapter 31 part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 39 part 2
Chapter 40
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 48 part 2.
Chapter 49.
Bonus chapter.
Epilogue, Chapter 50.

Chapter 35

59 6 2
By AntheiaW

***Natasha's Pov...

*I'm in the nursery room putting Violet to sleep. But all of that went to hell when the door slammed, I turn and see Christian barge in on us, he was fuming. Violet  got uneasy and started to cry. I glare at him as I try to calm the baby. 

*He said that he's sorry and then he tells me to meet him in his office when I'm done here and he leaves after that, one of the maids came in when Christian went out of the room and she stayed here with me.

*After what felt like forever, Vi finally fell asleep. I left the maid in charge of checking on her, but if anything we have baby monitors almost everywhere in this house, just so we know when she wakes up or cry, even tho I spend most of the time playing with her and jr.. that's when I'm not at work.

*When I got to the office I get in without bothering to knock. Christian was still looking pretty pissed. But I am more mad than him right now.

-Natasha: What were you thinking when you got in there like that? You scared the baby. You know how difficult it was to put her to sleep after that. You need to be more careful with what you do, especially around the kids and the baby. Stop acting like an animal Christian, you need to learn to control your emotions.

-Christian: I'm sorry, I was angry, I still am actually.. but it have nothing to do with you. I wasn't thinking straight in that moment, I promise you that I didn't do it on purpose, and it won't happen again.

-Natasha: Now what? What is it this time? Who made you mad now?

*I say annoyed, and with a little bit of attitude.. Christian glares at me.

-Christian: Don't give me attitude right now, I need you to see something.

*He said upset as he pick something from his desk.

-Natasha: How can I not give you attitude? YOU ARE ALWAYS ANGRY ABOUT SOMETHING OR WITH SOMEONE, I'm tired of it.

-Christian: Calm down will you? I'm not mad at you. And you don't need to scream either. We can talk like normal people, look.. Just look at this.

*He said as he hand me a book, I look into it and read what he was showing me.

-Natasha: What about this?

*He rolls his eyes at me and say.

-Christian: Don't you see? This is a book about fairies, fairies like your "friend". This is why I'm angry.. because maybe she came here with the intention of stealing Vi or kill Jr.

The next time I see her, I won't hesitate or think about it, I will kill her. God knows if she hadn't done one of those things already.

*He said as he got all worked up. I look at him as if he grew another head. What the fuck is wrong with him? I know Zafre for a long time.

*I didn't know she was a fairy, true.. and neither did I know about all the other stuff, but I know she is a good person, she may have changed from the outside but in the inside she is still the sweet old woman I know. I don't know how to explain it, but I just know so. I feel it in my heart.

-Natasha: you're paranoid. She isn't like that. I know her for a long time, she may have changed her appearance but her heart and soul are still the same, she isn't that kind of person, she doesn't give me that vibe.

Believe me when I say this, when I feel something strange with certain people it's because my instincts are telling me that that person isn't good, and with her I have always felt love and goodness, I feel comfortable and save around her.

She is a good person.. or being, whatever it is that I should call you people. Just know that She's good.

-Christian: How would you know? You didn't even know that she was a fairy till recently.

-Natasha: I just know so, I feel it in my gut.

-Christian: That isn't enough for me. Tell me why do you trust her so much?

-Natasha: Christian I just can tell you that she isn't a pura Malum.

-Christian: A what?

*He said looking at me with confusion. I shake my head and I decide to tell him the whole truth about Zafre, after I told him everything that I know about her and what she told me herself, He stand there quiet while he look at the book.

*I of course excluded the part of the other reality she told me about.. where Christian is with Darla and such.

-Christian: So you're telling me that she can see the future?

-Natasha: Well bits of it, and it's more like visions what she can see, there are different alternative, depending on what we do.. it goes changing.. that's how we met.

*He looks at me raising an eyebrow.

-Christian: What does she has to do with us meeting? I don't understand.

*It is now when I tell him about the other reality, about what would have happen if we didn't met. But we did meet and it was all because of her. He just stay quiet and look at me intently.

-Natasha: You know that she went to Enzo's pack too and did the same to their house as she did here. So stop being so paranoid about all of this. She only wants to help us, and to keep us safe too. She has always looked out for us, and she is still doing so.

-Christian: I don't believe any of that crap. She could have lie to you.

-Natasha: She didn't.

-Christian: How would you know? Listen I don't want us to fight over this and especially over her. Besides I already took some precautions, I've set man to look after jr and you, so you won't go anywhere alone.

Also.. as you know I had set more men at the borders of the pack and around the forest too, I did all of that because of what your fairy "friend" told us that was supposedly going to happen, but nothing happend did it?

But now I think it's stupid, because maybe she just came here to do something against us, maybe she did it and we didn't even know, there is a chance that she could have switch the baby for one of those things.

What I am trying to say is, is that I gave orders to stop everything, there will be no extra security at the borders, because there is no need for it anymore.

What I will do now for sure is a fire ritual with Vi to see if it's really her or not, because maybe she isn't Vi At all.. maybe she is one of those things that's in this book.

-Natasha: Are you out of your mind? Over my death body will you put the baby threw that. What kind of person are you? What kind of father are you? Oh my God, you really are an barbarian.

*I say outraged. He just glares at me.

-Christian: You have no saying in this, she is my daughter.. not yours.

*His expression was of madness at first but as soon as those words escaped his mouth he look at me with regret. I look at him with surprise and disappointment but I cuickly hide it and act like his words didn't hurt me, so I just applaud him.

-Natasha: Nice, took you long enough to say that. I knew it was coming. But you know what? I don't care if she is or isn't my daughter.. I said that you won't do such thing to her and you won't.

She can get hurt during that ritual. Even if she isn't my child I will protect her as if she were mine. She is an innocent baby that doesn't have the fault of anything.

-Christian: You think that I will put my own daughter into harms way? How little do you know me? I'm not a monster. I'm doing this for you and especially for her. Because I love her.

*He say serious.

Now tell me something, what if she isn't Vi? what if she is that thing and tries to hurt you? What if something happens and I'm not around to help you?

-Natasha: I'll take my chances. But I won't let you do anything to her.

-Christian: It makes me happy that you defend my daughter like that, but I won't take any chances. You aren't allowed to get near her again, at least not until we are sure that she is really Vi.

*I look at him in disbelief. Then I turn my gaze somewhere else.

-Natasha: You can't do that.

-Christian: I can and I will. It's either that or the fire ritual, and believe me.. the fire ritual won't hurt her much, it's not so bad as it sounds, besides.. she will heal and it will be as if nothing happend, it won't even be a big thing, we would just burn her finger a little bit and we will know if she is her or not.

*Because when those things get in contact with fire, they scream and let out a pearcing sound, nothing as like a normal baby would cry her longs out till she heals. Nothing bad will happen to her.

But if she isn't Vi, then that's another story. That would mean that that fairy took my daughter and if so I'll need to find her to get her back. Please try to understand me.

*I look at him with horror.

-Natasha: Oh in that case it's ok then.

Hell no. You won't. I'm telling you that Zafre is good and not what you think.

-Christian: Then do as you're told. You won't see her till we aren't sure if it's her or not. And that's final.

*I get closer to him and I slap him hard. He grabs my hands and look deep into my eyes.. he's mad alright, but I'm more mad.


Christian: I'm doing this to protect you, to protect our family.

-Natasha: Bite me.

*I said furious, I try to get out of his grip but I couldn't, instead he hold me tighter and his lips slowly gets closer to mine.

-Natasha: Not everything can be fixed with kisses and sex Christian. No matter how many times you kiss me, I will stay mad at you for your decision. Your daughter needs to feel and have a motherly love and I wanted to give her that.

Because after everything that had happend between me and her mother I don't hate her nor do I blame her. And above all of that, she is an innocent baby without a mother and she is my son's sister, I don't see why I can't give her the love she needs and deserve.

-Christian: I appreciate everything you do to help with Vi, I really do. But I won't change my mind.

*His expression gets soft.

-Christian: One more thing, since you are so filled with motherly love, and apparently it's a baby you want, we can make another one, know that I want to have more kids with you. I want minimum 6 more children with you. I want a big family.

-Natasha: You wish. I won't be giving you any more kids, I'm not even sure if I will give you another chance.

*I say pusshing him away from me. He looks at me mad at first but then his expression changes and he looks at me serious.

-Christian: You are not sure?.

*He smiles at me mockingly. I glare at him.

-Christian: So that means that there is still hope for us.

-Natasha: I didn't mean it that way, don't twist my words into what you wanna hear. You know that we can not happen.

*I say mad. He looks at me and I notice a hint of hurt in his eyes.

-Christian: I'm sorry I know you are mad at me right now, but I can't let you get near her at least not till we know if it's really her. If it isn't her, she will try to eat whoever is taking care of her and soon enough we will know. 

If nothing happens then I'll try to find another way to know if it's really her or not, But if I don't find anything else then I'll do the fire ritual.

*I look at him pissed, he just sighs.

-Christian: I'm sorry baby but I have to do this, I have to.

*He say that with sadness. I glare at him once more and say.

-Natasha: I'm not ok with this.

*He looks at me with regret and remorse, after I said that I left his office without saying another word. 


*We went out for dinner, with we I mean.. Me, Christian, Annette, Andrés, Melody, Derek, Nati, Enzo, Tina and pat.. Enzo's grandfather.. Mr Johnson, Andrés's parents and some maids stayed with all the kids plus the babies back at Enzo's pack.
Of course Christian made sure that only Andrés's parents were handling Vi, Christian didn't want me the kids or any human near her.

*Despite everything that was going on, we were having a good time, after eating we decided to go play some pool and bowling. But there was a catch, there's always a catch with these people, they wanted to play as couples. Obviously Christian and I are no couple, but I went along with it and played anyway. As soon as I got a chance I made myself clear to Christian, and I was very serious about it.

-Natasha: Don't you start thinking anything just because I'm playing willingly with you, it doesn't mean I'm agreeing that we are a couple.

*He looks at me as he raise an eyebrow and smiles. Curse you, you hot stuff. He looks so good right now, I just think about jumping his bones. I shake my head as I realise what I'm thinking about, snap out of it Natasha. Stand your ground.

-Christian: Don't worry, I wasn't. Don't get all worked up baby, Relax.

*He says that and then he winks at me, he turns around and direct himself towards Enzo. Damn he's fine, the bastard also have a great ass. I could just eat him up. I think as I bit my lower lip slightly.

*He turns his gaze to me, he notice me watching him over so he give me a little mischievous smile.. then he turns his attention to Enzo and kept talking to him. I need to stop drooling over him.


*As we were playing I noticed that there is a group of 6 girls sitting at a table that wasn't close to us, apparently one of them was getting married because she was showing the others a ring on her hand. But they sitting affar from us didn't prevent them to check the guys over, why do I say checking over, they were eating them up with their eyes. All of them except for the one with the girl. Oh how nice one girl for each man hear.

*You wanna know what they looked like? Like hungry hyenas about to attack their pray. Sluts, that's what they are. Well anyone who takes an interest to Christian is a slut for me.

*They talk and look at our dirrection several times, I kept looking at them. Then one of them stand up and head to our direction, and as she got closer to one of the guys, she pretended to trip over.. Andrés was the one closer to her so he catches her and help her over.. being the good person he is.

*She pretend to be so thankful and she took the chance to stay there and keep talking to Andrés, how come that men never notice when a women is interested in them. Either he knew and played dumb, because he liked that she's flirting with him.. or he just really didn’t notice it.

*Annette was fuming, it wasn't her turn to throw the ball, but she took a ball anyway and she walk past by the girl and Andrés, and push her way between her and Andrés, the girl look at her at a strange way, while Andrés was just looking at what Annette was going to do. She position herself up and get in place to throw it.

*She throws the ball, she did.. but she threw it at the girl, she acted and pretend that it was an accident, but we knew better, me being her bff and my sister too know that she did it onpurposr. The girl duck the ball just in time and it fell a few cm next to her. All the friends of the girl runs to her side.

-Annette: I'm so sorry, I'm so clumsy sometimes. Are you OK darling?

*She said to the girl who was flirting with Andrés, she use the same words that the girl use with Andrés when she pretended to trip, the rest of us smile at this while we shake our heads.. Andrés was looking at Annette wide-eyed.

-Girl: I'm ok, but not thanks to you.

*She said with some attitude. Annette just raise an eyebrow at her.

-Annette: Listen honey, if you don't want these kind of "accidents" happening to you again, I suggest you to avoid flirting with men that are accompanied by their girlfriends, don't mess with another women men, you need to understand that he is taken.

*She said very serious at her. Andrés take a few steps back from the girl and look at Annette amused.

-Girl: You did it on purpose. You could have hurt me you hateful, hideous sl-

*The girl say as she gets closer to Annette stand her ground, but it wasn't necessary.. because Andrés get in the middle of the 2 of them and face the girl, then he say.

-Andrés: You better watch your mouth, I won't allow you to speak to my fiance like that. Don't make me forget that I'm a gentlemen and teach you some things, because it appears to me, that you need someone to teach you how to respect others and especially taken men. If it wasn't clear to you.. I'm not interested in you. And... if you touch a single hair on her head, I'll break your bones into peaces and tear you apart. Litterly.

*The girl look at Andrés with disgust and horror, she didnt say another word, she just turn around and leave, her friends leave right behind her, but not before they look at me and the girls up and down with disgust.

-Christian: You got a jealous and dangerous one my friend.

*Christian tells Andrés almost laughing while he pads on his back. Andrés look at Christian with a half-smile he mouth him a help me and Christian mouth him an you're on your own. Andrés goes ahead and gets near Annette and tries to give her a kiss. Annette told Andrés to not touch her as she walks away from him, he follows after her.

-Andres: Amor porfabor, sabes que sólo tengo ojos para ti. ( Love please, you know that I only have eyes for you. )

-Annette: Huy siii, como no. ( Yeah right. ) You only have eyes for me, sure. Do you think I'm stupid? I have eyes Andrés.. you liked it when that bitch flirted with you.

*They kept discussing about that till Andrés convinced her that she is the only women he loves and want. And it's true. He stood up for her.

*At least our night weren't ruined, after that we went to a bar where only wolves are allowed to go, but since we are mated to wolves we can go but accompanied by our mates.

*In this bar a few of the she wolves are looking at us with despise and hatred. I try to don't mind them as I try to have some fun with my friends.

*After a while, everyone was still dancing except for Christian and me. We are sitting here talking calmly about Vi when a girl come to our table. She looks young but she was wearing a lot of make up. It's obvious that she is looking for attention.

-Girl: Night.

*I look up at her and she gave me a fake smile. She asked me if I wanted something to drink and I told her no. Then she asked Christian, and Christian also said no.

-Girl: I'll be around if you need anything handsome.

*She looks at me smiling and then she winks at Christian, right before she left our table she puts a piece of paper in Christian's shirt dress pocket. After doing that she walks away swaying her hips. Whore. I think to myself as I glare at her, then I turn my head to look at Christian.

*Christian looks at me without saying a word, then he looks at the girls direction and then he looks at me again with a smug smile on his face.

*I got really mad and my jealousy was boiling inside of me. I was so close to exploding.. but I control myself because I don't want him thinking that I care. I'll try to act indifferent.

-Natasha: What? Enjoying yourself? Go after her, I can see that you want to.

*I say sarcastically while trying to hide my anger, but actually I was fuming, I was jealous.

-Christian: I don't want too, I'm right where I want to be. Next to the person that I want by my side. So there is no need for you to get jealous baby.

*He say as he grabs my face and smile at me. I clear my throat and try to calm myself. Curse you, you sexy, gorgeous God.

-Natasha: I'm not jealous, you are imagining things. Don't start with your shit or else I'll leave.

*I say standing up, he grabs me by my hand and made me sit again.

-Christian: Stay, you don't have to leave. I won't bother you with the matter anymore.. but at least admit that you are jealous. That girl flirted with me, true.. but I don't care, you know that, please stay here with me, you know that you want too.

*He said that as he take the piece of paper out of his pocket and tear it up in peaces without looking at the number on it. That made me smile a little bit. But this doesn't mean anything. I am still mad at him, I have to remember that.

-Natasha: I won't admit shit, because it isn't true. I could care less about what you do or with who you roll over in bed.

I only agreed to come out because the girls convinced me to, not because I wanted to be with you. Get that in your thick head once and for all. I don't want you, I don't think about you.

*He looks at me with hurt and you could see that he got sad. I hurt his feelings and I feel bad now.

-Christian: I know.

*He say looking down at the table, then he looks up at me again and now his sad expression was no more, it changed to a flirty one.

-Christian: But that doesn't mean that you aren't jealous right now. That means something.

*I roll my eyes at him and look away. I told him that if he doesn't change the subject I'll leave. So by this he change it.

*After an hour or so we all left to go back to Enzo's pack.
While we were there, we stay for a bit and chat.

Christian came to me and ask me If he could speak to me in private because he has an important matter to talk about that couldn't wait, I didn't see what was so important right this moment so I told him no, but he insisted and told me that it was something about Christian jr and Vi.

*So we got away from everyone, that way we could talk in private. We went to the kitchen and there he started talking again, but not about the kids.. but about what happend at the bar. Smug bastard, Liar.

-Christian: You were jealous of that girl, I know it. I could feel it, you could have almost see smoke coming out of you, but know this.. you doesn't have to be jealous of anyone.

*He say holding me close to him. Is it me or is it hot in here? This situation and conversation started to get heated.

-Natasha: I wasn't, so stop imagining things. And let me go.

*I say as I try to get away from him, but it was to no avail. He held me tight but not in a painfull way, we are dangerously close to each other.

-Christian: Stop fighting it, you know that you love it when I touch you. I know it.. I can feel it. Your body reacts to my every touch mami.

*He said getting closer to my face, he was about to kiss me and I was going to let him. I started to feel all sort of things. My body was shaking. I manage to turn my head to the side to prevent him from kissing me.

-Christian: You like it when I call you mami don't you?

*I take a deep shakingly breath. I look at him from the corner of my eye and I see him smile mischievously.

-Christian: You see, you need me as much as I need you. You want me just as much as I want you. You know it's true.

*He whispers in my ear.. then he start to kiss my neck slowly and gently, his body gets impossibly close to mine without leaving any space between us as he finish his sentence. I start to slowly take his shirt of.

*I could feel his hard member undulate against my body, he grabs my face to make me look at him. I look deep into his eyes, he bites his lips as they get closer to mine.. his lips were just a millimeter away from mine.

*Right then we heard bells sounding in the distance.
I know what that meant, it means that we are under attack, and not just any attack.

*I remember Christian telling me once that if the bells sound in any pack, that means that a big attack is happening, almost like a war, maybe this is it. This is what Zafre was warning us about.

*He runs out of the house but before that he told me to go to the room where the kids are and stay there with them, but I ran after him, I stopped as I got to the entrance, there I saw him and the others turning and running into the bloodshed that was happening outside.

4546 words.

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